STAFF NEWS & ANALYSIS Showing 951 - of
EU – Britain Wants Out?
September 19, 2011
The Telegraph, perhaps Britain's leading Euro-skeptic mainstream publication was brimming with reports critical of the staggering EU this weekend. Article after article slammed the EU or, even worse, brought warnings of political developments that might force P ...
Is It a New Enlightenment Yet?
September 19, 2011
Saman Mohammadi, the "truth excavator" has recently written an intriguing article, "The Rise of 9/11 Truth And The Second Western Enlightenment." We have commented on Mohammadi's courageous insights before and this is article is especially interesting to us bec ...
DB Briefs: China's Subprime Credit Crisis / Greeks Evade Taxes for a Reason / Obama Wants to Raise Taxes – Again
September 19, 2011
Staff Reports: China's Subprime Credit Crisis. Greeks Evade Taxes for a Reason. Obama Wants to Raise Taxes – Again ...
SS: Ponzi Scheme Isn't the Problem
September 19, 2011
Everyone by now knows what a Ponzi Scheme amounts to. We all became familiar with it when Bernie Madoff was caught using it to amass a fortune at the expense of clients who were unaware that his plan to put away money for them amounted to such a scheme. The iss ...
Nelson Hultberg on the Debut of SPOiLER, His New Political Party and How Ron Paul Could Win the Presidency
September 18, 2011
Exclusive Interview: The Daily Bell is pleased to present an exclusive interview with Nelson Hultberg. Hultberg is a freelance writer in Dallas, Texas and the Executive Director of Americans for a Free Republic. His articles have appeared in such publications a ...
Rogue Trading Is Not the Problem
September 17, 2011
UBS trader Kweku Adoboli supposedly lost £1.3bn and is now under arrest. People wonder how one individual can inflict such large losses on bank-run trading firms over and over again; the real question is why doesn't it happen more often? In this article, I wil ...
Welfare Statism and Compassion
September 17, 2011
There are many debates in political theory, most of them focused on what kind of legal system is just. It is an ancient topic, of course, and the various positions do not change all that much; they merely get slightly revised by their new generation of champion ...
Biggest Story in the World? … China Faces Hard Landing
September 16, 2011
Good on you, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard. There is really no other story that matters, is there? If China goes down, the economic system of the past 60 years may be finished. Collapsed. Kaput. That's because every other major economy in the world is troubled to a d ...
FDA to Ban Food Nutrients
September 16, 2011
The FDA has been much in the news recently for helping to prosecute Amish farmers who produce raw, unradiated milk. (Some have even gone to jail.) Dr. Mercola and others have made the point that while people die of cancer from smoking and liver disease from dri ...
DB Briefs: Central Banks Rescue the World / Green Jobs Are the Hope of the Future? / US Seeks Worldwide Justice / Libya Turns Islamic?
September 16, 2011
DB Briefs: Central Banks Rescue the World. Green Jobs Are the Hope of the Future? US Seeks Worldwide Justice. Libya Turns Islamic? ...
EU Banks Limiting Bullion Buying?
September 15, 2011
While we cannot vouch for this article by Mac Slavo at, if true, it certainly represents a ratcheting up of government resistance to the rising valuation of gold versus paper money. The fears of the free-market community, worldwide, that gold and s ...
Ron Paul Supports Global Psychopaths
September 15, 2011
This is one of the most astonishing and blatant hit pieces we've ever read in a major US publication. Written apparently by a columnist for the Daily News, it informs us quite bluntly that if the US abandons roughly 1,000 military and CIA/FBI spying bases aroun ...
DB Briefs: Only Eurocrats Can Save Us Now / Cut Government Except for Wars / Al-Qaeda Grows Like a Blob
September 15, 2011
DB Briefs: Only Eurocrats Can Save Us Now. Cut Government Except for Wars. Al-Qaeda Grows Like a Blob. ...
Deliberate Impoverishment of the Western World
September 14, 2011
We've spent considerable time in the past three years (the past decade, actually), analyzing how the powers-that-be have reorganized society, especially American society, in a way that relentlessly reduces prosperity. Figures released yesterday from the US Cens ...
New Libya Will Be Islamic
September 14, 2011
It was not a suggestion from what we can tell that received wide traction (even on the Internet) but we want to note that what has occurred in Libya seems to be right in line with our larger observation. Of course, more radical forms of Islam are now resurgent ...
DB Briefs: Stansberry Wants a Gold Standard / Co-Chair Calls for a 9/11 Do-Over / Change Ourselves to Change Gov?
September 14, 2011
DB Briefs: Porter Stansberry Wants a Gold Standard. Co-Chair Calls for a 9/11 Do-Over. Change Ourselves to Change Gov? ...
Ponzi-Like Social Security
September 13, 2011
The newspaper, which is likely an ornament of the Rothschild cabal, has defended free markets when it ... well, then there's ... and, of course ... OK, actually we can't think of anything much the Economist has gotten right (not for the past decade anyway). But ...
Military Industrial Complex on the Chopping Block?
September 13, 2011
The US military-industrial complex is supposedly due for major cutbacks, but the dominant social theme of mainstream media is that "care must be taken" to ensure America does not lose its military superiority. In this article, we'll examine Fortune magazine's a ...
DB Briefs: Once More, to China / The Lure of a Wealth Tax / Libyan Rebels in the Crosshairs
September 13, 2011
DB Briefs: Once More, to China. The Lure of a Wealth Tax. Libyan Rebels in the Crosshairs. ...
Foreign Occupation Leads to More Terror
September 13, 2011
Ten years ago shocking and horrific acts of terrorism were carried out on US soil, taking over 3,000 innocent American lives. Without a doubt, this action demanded retaliation and retribution. However, much has been done in the name of protecting the American p ...
Greek Downfall Would Be EU Setback
September 12, 2011
We wait nervously for the fate of Greece to be decided. The power elite that seeks to run the world has taken many setbacks in the past few years and the severance of Greece from the European Union would be the most devastating yet. We often make the argument t ...
The Disaster of Wind Farming
September 12, 2011
This blog-article by Christopher Booker brings up fundamental points about the dysfunction of wind power in Britain. But one could make the case that the same problems affect mainland Europe and the US as well. We try to track elite memes, and it seems to us th ...
DB Briefs: Don't Blame Bernanke / China Will Be OK and Prosperity Will Continue / Vick Is Repentant But Not Forgiven
September 12, 2011
Staff Briefs: Don't Blame Bernanke. China Will Be OK and Prosperity Will Continue. Michael Vick Is Repentant But Not Forgiven. ...
Who Builds Obstacles to Real Stimulus?
September 12, 2011
Where I work we have a retirement plan. It comes with the job, so once you gain your employment you are also part of the system. Turns out that the accounts set up can contain quite a lot of cash. However, even if one is over the age of 65, even 70, the plan do ...
A Moral Steam Engine
September 12, 2011
There are times in a life, or in a world, where a single idea, conceived, committed to, and followed through, can bring about the most breathtaking change. I want to recommend a very moving film, Amazing Grace. It is the story of how a small group of people bro ...
9/11, the Damage of the Aftermath and the Brightness Ahead
September 11, 2011
Many of today's articles in the mainstream press will focus on 9/11 and its aftermath in terms of a war on terror. But here at DB, we take it sorrowfully for granted that the 9/11 narrative is not accurate and that something else happened on that day that is no ...
Frank R. Suess on the Devaluation of the Swiss Franc, America's Expanding Currency Controls and the Future of the Euro
September 11, 2011
The editors of The Daily Bell are pleased to present an exclusive interview with Frank R. Suess. Frank Suess, CEO & Chairman, BFI Consulting, started his career as a management consultant with Andersen Consulting in 1989. Before taking the lead at BFI Consultin ...
The Failure of the Government Employment Meme
September 10, 2011
I've noticed that an old and misleading dominant social theme has taken center stage in America, lately. It's the idea that politicians and the political process itself can create jobs. Of course, government can't create jobs. Government can make things worse, ...
Liberty: Both Radical & Traditional
September 10, 2011
At times libertarian or classical liberal – or, in yet other words, pure laissez faire capitalist – ideas are dismissed as part of a misguided modernity that's lacking proper pedigree. But this is all wrong. Already back in circa 600 B.C.E. the Chinese sage ...
Fitch May Downgrade China and Japan: Worldwide Depression Draws Closer
September 09, 2011
It used to be easier to believe in ratings agencies but since the world's greatest companies almost went out of business in 2008 it is more difficult. Now Fitch is once again sounding the alarm on China and Japan but cynics might suggest it is too little too la ...
The Disease of Central Banking
September 09, 2011
What do modern economists suggest when the going gets tough? OECD chief economist Pier Carlo Padoan told the Associated Press that with the world facing another "recession," it was time loosen the central bank purse-strings. According to the article, he said th ...
Publishing Welcomes Another Digital Media Savior
September 09, 2011
For perhaps a decade, we've been pointing out that the Internet has disrupted the business-as-usual of the Anglosphere elites and considerably reduced the effect and efficacy of Money Power. We also predicted that the Internet would reduce the value of some 20t ...
DB Briefs: Is Solyndra the End of Obama? / The Sky Is Falling / Women Are Better
September 09, 2011
Staff Reports: Is Solyndra the End of Obama? The Sky Is Falling. Women Are Better. ...
Obama's Keynesian Superstition
September 09, 2011
President Obama gave a speech on Thursday afternoon announcing the American Job Creation Act. There were numerous points that were open to criticism but before dealing with a few, it is important to state what creates jobs: Jobs are created when people who have ...
German Court Makes EU Survival More Difficult
September 08, 2011
As expected, the German constitutional court ruled yesterday that Chancellor Angela Merkel's bailouts of Europe were constitutional but that a Parliamentary subcommittee needs to approve Merkel's moves in the future. The Treaty clearly states such bailouts are ...
Is the EU Nazi Inspired?
September 08, 2011
It is fashionable in certain places to blame what has happened to America and Europe on Germany and the Nazis, but we didn't expect to see this meme presented at the Alex Jones sites, Infowars, et al. Paul Joseph Watson, who has written many good and brave arti ...
DB Briefs: Phony Depression Brought by Elites / End of Free Speech as the West Knows It / FBI Anthrax Cover UP?
September 08, 2011
Staff Reports: Phony Depression Brought by Elites. End of Free Speech as the West Knows It. FBI Anthrax Cover UP? Mark Steyn Josef Ackermann Daniel Hannan Robert Mueller Amerithrax Task Force Timothy McVeigh Liberty Dollars Central Banks National Review ...
Helping People Versus Fixing People
September 08, 2011
People on the left talk incessantly about helping people, but it is not helping people that they are interested in; they are interested in fixing people. That profound difference defines the conflict between the visions of classical liberalism and progressive c ...
Swiss Government Ruins Franc
September 07, 2011
Switzerland is one of those rare European countries that are doing relatively well in a time of international economic crisis. But doing well is not something that can be tolerated in the "new" Europe. The Swiss have come under enormous pressure on a variety of ...
Europe, CNN Pressure US to Reveal Rendition Program
September 07, 2011
It is interesting that Europeans and US media as well are suddenly demanding a narrative of CIA renditions. At the very least, it gives the idea that these programs are finished, when in fact, they have expanded in scope until they take in much of the so-called ...
DB Briefs: Kotlikoff on NPR Hits US$211 TRILLION Debt / US Gov, Incensed by Wall Street Corruption, Attacks Wall Street / Iraq War – Declare Victory and Leave?
September 07, 2011
Staff Reports: Kotlikoff on NPR Hits US US$211 TRILLION Debt. US Government Incensed by Wall Street Corruption, Attacks Wall Street. Iraq War – Declare Victory and Leave? ...
Job Killer in Chief
September 07, 2011
Many on Wall Street were stunned by the big fat zero put up by the August jobs report, the worst showing in 11 months. The data convinced many previously optimistic economists that the United States will slip back into recession. I believe that we have been in ...
Moral Responsibility and the Poor
September 07, 2011
Two central dogmas of contemporary liberalism are that the rich are to be blamed for all our ills and that in the end all people are the same and no one is more or less worthy than anyone else. Blaming those who are not so well off as others is unjust because t ...
Schroeder Writhes as EU Waits for German Court to Decide Fate
September 06, 2011
Presumably Gerhard Schroeder couldn't stand it anymore. The corrupt and failing European Union, which has not delivered on a single promise made by its founders and enablers, is in serious trouble and Schroeder was ready to move ahead with a long-planned script ...
DB Briefs: Rick Perry Exposed as a Globalist / Chinese and US Officials Have Unusually Close Relationship / Cameron Wants Rendition Inquiry
September 06, 2011
Staff Reports: Rick Perry Exposed as a Globalist.Chinese and US Officials Have Unusually Close Relationship. Cameron Wants Rendition Inquiry. ...
We're From the Government. We're Here to Help.
September 06, 2011
In the wake of hurricane Irene, the Federal Emergency Management Agency is expected to come hat in hands asking for more money from Congress. Like the rest of the government, it is broke. It has been suggested that any additional funds allocated to FEMA should ...
140 Years of Silver Volatility
September 06, 2011
Gold at $1900 and silver at $45 gives you a gold/silver price ratio of 46. This suggests that, in spite of the fast appreciation of silver for the past year, it has to keep appreciating faster still in the future to meet the target ratio of 16 to 1. Let's accep ...
Corruption of India's Economic Miracle?
September 05, 2011
More and more is being written about the anti-Indian corruption movement, which is led in part by Anna Hazare (see above article excerpt). We've commented on this movement in the past, which is gathering momentum in India and may in fact partake of the austerit ...
DB Briefs: German Court Set to Trip Up EU? / China's Leaders Attempt to Gag Internet, but Problems are Fundamental/ Atlantic Questions Work Habits of US Leaders
September 05, 2011
Staff Reports: German Court Set to Trip Up EU? China's Leaders Attempt to Gag Internet, but Problems are Fundamental. Atlantic Questions Work Habits of US Leaders. ...
Doug Casey on the Continuance of the Greater Depression and the Brighter Prospects for Gold
September 04, 2011
The Daily Bell is pleased to present an exclusive interview with Doug Casey. Introduction: Doug Casey has appeared on hundreds of radio and TV shows, and has been the subject of articles in People, US, Time, Forbes, The Washington Post and numerous other public ...
Showing 951 - of – Newest on Top
