EDITORIAL Showing 1001 - of
Corporations, Mining Stocks and Speculation
September 03, 2011
Congressman Ron Paul (R-Tex) has had a good deal to say recently about corporations and corporatism. He detailed his views most recently on an Alex Jones radio program and the points he made, especially about the lack of corporate accountability, are important ...
US Investors – Seeking Alternatives – Shoot Themselves in the Foot
September 02, 2011
This would be funny if it weren't so sad. The economic crisis of the past few years has shaken the confidence of middle-class American investors, weaned on dysfunctional investment magazines and TV tout shops; but the result seems to be a clamor for different s ...
DB Briefs: Great Men Run the World, Especially Politicians and Bankers / Greece Is OK Now and Recovering From Its Problems/ FEMA Federal Family
September 02, 2011
Staff Reports: Great Men Run the World, Especially Politicians and Bankers. Greece Is OK Now and Recovering From Its Problems. FEMA Federal Family. ...
The Last Haven Standing
September 02, 2011
The markets are going through another sell-off phase, yet the traditional notions of a 'safe haven' are changing. No longer is the US dollar the default shelter; instead, gold, the Swiss franc and the Japanese yen are the preferred assets. All three of these ha ...
Telegraph Discovers Cancerous Debt Levels
September 01, 2011
Reporter Ambrose Evans-Pritchard has discovered a white paper (see excerpt above) from the Bank for International Settlements that argues debt levels are too high – apparently both privately and publicly. Evans-Pritchard believes easy interest rates are behin ...
DB Briefs: September Looks to Be a Terrible Market Month/ Solar Power to Go the Way of the Dodo?/ Is the Federal Reserve Political?
September 01, 2011
Staff Reports: September Looks to Be a Terrible Market Month. Solar Power to Go the Way of the Dodo? Is the Federal Reserve Political? ...
In Defense of the Right to Assisted Suicide
September 01, 2011
Should aiding suicide be illegal? That is the question which faces legislators who are being urged to repeal statutes which state, basically, "Every person who deliberately aids, or advises, or encourages another to commit suicide is guilty of a felony." I will ...
What Recovery? Undemocratic and Corrupt, the EU Faces Dis-Union
August 31, 2011
This article in the UK Telegraph takes a dim view of the "recovery" that the West is supposed to be enjoying. In fact, it cites a good deal of evidence to show the West's economic situation is about to get even worse. In doing so, it all but predicts the EU it ...
DB Briefs: Undermining Bitcoin and the American Justice System / Desperate Bankers Damp Lending in China / Does a Clean Environment Preempt a Healthy Economy?
August 31, 2011
Staff Reports: Undermining Bitcoin and the American Justice System. Desperate Bankers Damp Lending in China. Does a Clean Environment Preempt a Healthy Economy? ...
Two Simple Secrets to a Great Relationship
August 31, 2011
There are two related things that you can do to make your relationships – not just your marriage, but all of your relationships – happier, stronger and more fun. These are very easy things to do - if you set your mind to it. I always recommend doing all the ...
9/11 and the Banality of Its Evil Narrative
August 30, 2011
Written as is this LA Times article, such articles shall adopt a tone of oracular omnipotence. They shall assume that the directed history of the recent past represents an actual reality when it does no such thing. They shall treat 9/11 as a crux event, turning ...
DB Briefs: Danger of a Deteriorating Social Mood / China's Shifting Economic Sands / Is Bank Recapitalization the Answer?
August 30, 2011
Staff Reports: The Deflationary Hurricane Of Deteriorating Social Mood. China's Shifting Economic Sands. Is Bank Recapitalization the Answer? ...
Mission Accomplished in Libya?
August 30, 2011
Even as a major hurricane hit America's eastern seaboard, the administration is determined to expand the war in Libya while threatening the regime in Syria. Is there any limit to government's appetite to create more problems for our nation and economy? American ...
Intolerable Nudging
August 30, 2011
Champions of government intervention in our lives make every effort, especially in a country with a tradition of libertarian political rhetoric, to disguise that they are embarking upon tyranny. Yes, much of it may be of the petty kind, such as thousands of gov ...
Stop! Put Down the Gold and Walk Away
August 29, 2011
So US-based Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) has decided to warn investors about gold and mining stocks. It had to happen. The powers-that-be don't like gold and silver at all. This is a well-established fact and a fundamental dominant social the ...
DB Briefs: EU Hits a German Wall / USA – Food Stamps for All … For Now / Hurricane Irene's Fear-Based Politics Surge to the Fore
August 29, 2011
Staff Reports: EU Hits a German Wall. USA – Food Stamps for All ... For Now. Hurricane Irene's Fear-Based Politics Surge to the Fore. ...
Another Criticism of Animal Rights
August 29, 2011
Though this is a topic that I have visited on several occasions, having recently become an avid fan of the Discovery Channel's series on life in the deep oceans and other seas, I am motivated to observe just how absurd the notion of animal rights really is. Her ...
Bernanke, a Wise Man, Creates Order Out of Chaos…
August 27, 2011
The meme of his ineffable wisdom is established yet again. What the free markets have undone, government can ravel. This is the value of Ben Bernanke, a shill for Money Power. He is trotted out like the proverbial potted plant to make the right statist noises, ...
The Many Collapses of Keynesianism
August 27, 2011
It should be obvious to everyone but the most dedicated adherent of Keynesianism that the stimulus did not accomplish its end. The combination of outright spending by Congress, the desperate schemes to reflate the housing market, the attempt to transfuse bleedi ...
Media Blackout: US in Yet Another Illegal War … in Yemen
August 26, 2011
How many wars are too many? Unnoticed in the press of larger events and obviously downplayed by the controlled Western media, the US and its allies are pursuing yet ANOTHER aggressive, illegal war – this one in Yemen. How aggressive is it? It is a full-on con ...
DB Briefs: Buffett's Love Affair with Banks? / Greek Fire Sale / China's Central Planning Miracle?
August 26, 2011
Staff Reports: Warren Buffett Invests $5bn in Bank of America. Bailout for Greece Falters Over Demand for Collateral. China's Biggest Banks Post Record First-Half Profits as BofA, RBS Stumble. ...
From Machan's Archives: The Deficit and the Tragedy of the Commons
August 26, 2011
Not unless the treasury stops allowing private projects to be funded from its coffers, confining itself to the support of bona fide public projects – the courts, the military, and police – will there be an end that avoids the perhaps greatest tragedy of the ...
Machine Intelligence – Will AI Become Autonomous?
August 26, 2011
Will AI (Artificial Intelligence) or SAI (Strong AI, a.k.a. Superintelligent AI) someday become autonomous (have free will), and if so how will this affect the Human race? Those interested in sci-fi have already asked themselves these questions a million times ...
DB Briefs: World's Richest Man Buys More NY Times / Secret NYPD CIA Operations Publicized / Europe Secures Libya Oil / Time to Sell Your Gold?
August 25, 2011
Staff Report: Slim Increases His Stake in NY Times. NYPD CIA Anti-Terror Operations Conducted In Secret For Years. France and Partners Prepare New Libya U.N. Resolution. Fools Gold: Some Gold Bulls Say Now's Time to Cash In. ...
There They Go Again
August 25, 2011
Picking up where they left off in 2008, the media is in the midst of a campaign to ignore and undermine the presidential candidacy of Ron Paul (they gave me even rougher treatment during my 2010 Senate run). Political pundits just do not know what to do with a ...
DB Briefs: The Depression Continues / Retribution For S&P Downgrade / Worst Home Sales In 50 Years / The Ron Paul News Blackout Continues
August 24, 2011
Staff Reports: 'Very Muted Growth' Coming for Next 10 Years: Faber. New Home Sales Fall, 2011 Could Be the Worst Year Yet. Head of S&P Rating Agency Steps Down. Obama in Close Race Against Romney, Perry, Bachmann, Paul. ...
Forty Years After the Gold Standard, Investors are Desperately Looking for Safe Havens
August 24, 2011
The US, as was to be expected, raised their debt ceiling once again. It was done without meaningful cuts in spending or tax increases. Subsequently, Standard & Poor's downgraded America's credit rating. The double dip recession in America is now official, with ...
There Is No Virtue in the Selflessness of the Left
August 24, 2011
This quote establishes the fundamental premise upon which all leftist revolutions and totalitarian regimes have rested their moral authority. That principle is the virtue of selflessness. Now, in everyday use the term "selfless" refers to an act of supreme kind ...
DB Briefs: Banking Elites Stole $1.2 Trillion Thanks to the FED / Is Ben Bernanke Insane? / Biden Tells China You Are Safe
August 23, 2011
Staff Reports: Wall Street Aristocracy Got $1.2 Trillion from the FED. Bernanke May Have to Go for 'Shock and Awe'. Biden: China's U.S. Assets Are Safe Despite Downgrade. ...
The Illusion of Safety
August 23, 2011
Recent incidents of violence in Norway and London have made us understandably uncomfortable here at home, as many fear that a worsening economy will lead to violence and unrest in American cities. This is why Congress must view the economy as its first priority ...
Paper Currencies Finally Redeemed for Gold
August 23, 2011
The basic unwillingness of politicians to face economic and financial realities has caused the United States and European Union to face currency collapse. The politicians are content literally to paper over the problem with massive amounts of newly printed curr ...
DB Briefs: Iran & Saudi Helped al-Qaeda / Gaddifi Is Finished / New Israel & Egypt Crisis / Swiss Franc Too Strong
August 22, 2011
9/11: al-Qaeda Didn't Act Alone. Zero Hour For Gaddafi. Nations Race to Defuse Crisis Between Egypt and Israel. Trouble in Paradise – Strength of Swiss Franc Roils Saint-Tropez and Other Cities Across Europe. ...
Political Hyperbole!
August 22, 2011
I am baffled by how critics of some Tea Party stars engage in rank hypocrisy. For example, they – such as many commentators on CNN-TV – have been claiming to be utterly shocked with former Texas Governor Perry's polemical answers to interviewers. He said, a ...
Juan Williams on Mainstream Media Bias, the Entitlement Culture and American Foreign Policy
August 21, 2011
Exclusive Interview: Daily Bell: Do you think that the US debt is unsustainable and that entitlement spending needs to be slashed? Juan Williams: It needs to be cut. I don't know about slashed, but it needs to be done in a compassionate and sensible way. The qu ...
Stop Clinging to False Hope and Face Reality
August 20, 2011
All week long we have been witnessing a breakdown in global markets, or perhaps better stated – general public confidence. Gee, why would that be, we wonder? Why is it that the general public is not so easily convinced that all will be okay? Where is the usua ...
DB Briefs: US Threatens Syrian Leader / The EU Needs More Centralization? / Gold's Irrational Rise?
August 19, 2011
Staff Reports: U.S. and Allies Say Syria Leader Must Step Down. A Shaken Europe Looks for Bolder Fixes. Gold Jumps to Record in Longest Rally Since 2007. ...
When Soviet Power Crumbled: The Failed Hard-Line Coup Attempt of August 1991
August 19, 2011
Twenty years ago, on August 22, 1991, I stood amid a vast cheering crowd of tens of thousands of people outside the Russian parliament building in Moscow, the capital of the Soviet Union. They were celebrating the failure by diehard Soviet leaders to undertake ...
Chavez Launches War Against US Dollar
August 18, 2011
Whoa! Hold the US dollar horses, folks... the global reserve currency game just got a whole lot more interesting. There is, in our humble opinion, a whole lot more to this story than just the repatriation of gold being held at foreign central and commercial ban ...
DB Briefs: Global Warming Meme Continues / Obama's Vacation Plans / Drugs & Price Controls
August 18, 2011
Staff Reports: Perry Says He Doesn't Believe in Global Warming. Obama's Dilemma: Should He Take a Vacation Now? Price-Gougers Hike Costs of Vital Drugs During Shortage. ...
Egoism & Benevolence
August 18, 2011
Individualism and self-esteem predispose one to benevolence. Why? Benevolence raises one's spirits. Benevolence promotes more harmonious relations. It helps create a superior, more life-serving social environment. Would you rather live in a society whose member ...
DB Briefs: Government Knows Best / Thai Rice Causes Inflation? / The Federal Reserve Is Necessary?
August 17, 2011
Staff Reports: AT&T Purchase of T-Mobile May Spur Regulation. In Rick Perry's World Without a Fed, He Can Barter for U.S. Votes. Asia Inflation May Rise With Thai Rice Price. ...
Gold and the New Awakening of Colombia
August 16, 2011
Today the sovereign debt and dollar crisis, plus rising energy and gold prices, are combining with Colombia's growing reputation for tourism, real estate investing and retirement to create an investment potential long delayed by past decades of civil unrest. Ma ...
DB Briefs: Ignore Bachmann's Success / Iowa Straw Poll Damaging? / Just Blame It on Addiction
August 16, 2011
Staff Reports: Despite Bachmann's Success, the Real GOP Race Is Now Perry vs. Romney. Iowa Straw Poll Damages Republican Prospects: Margaret Carlson. Addiction Now Defined As Brain Disorder, Not Behavior Issue. ...
S&P States the Obvious
August 16, 2011
Politicians did not get much time to pat themselves on the back for supposedly rescuing the economy with the debt limit deal last week. The ink was barely dry when Standard & Poor's downgraded the US debt ratings anyway, roiling world financial markets. Anyone ...
The Keynesian Non-Answer
August 16, 2011
The New Republic editorialized recently about the current economic mess and it is worth quoting because the central passage is largely non-hyperbolic, non-polemical: "The classic response to [our current economic] situation, put forth by John Maynard Keynes in ...
The Fix Is In
August 16, 2011
This week's wild actions on Wall Street should serve as a stark reminder that few investors have any clue as to what is really going on beneath the surface of America's troubled economy. But this week did bring startling clarity on at least one front. In its Au ...
Cynicism Versus Happiness
August 16, 2011
The other day, my wife and I were having lunch, and an acquaintance from our kid's school came by. The first words out of her mouth were: "How unusual, a husband and wife actually sitting together and talking with each other." The next day, talking with some pa ...
DB Briefs: SEC Goes After S&P / World Bank to the Rescue? / Death & Democracy in the Middle East / States to Embrace Online Gambling
August 15, 2011
Staff Reports: SEC Investigating S&P's Downgrade of U.S. Debt. Robert Zoellick: Global Markets Face a New 'Danger Zone'. Syria Unrest: 'Deadly Military Attack' on Latakia Port. Starved State Budgets Inspire New Look at Web Gambling. ...
The Big Corporations Excuse
August 15, 2011
Anytime I mention to someone from the Left that I consider the scope of government way beyond justice and prudence, I am likely to be told that it is big corporations that make this necessary.And, furthermore, they contend, I couldn't really favor liberty for a ...
Fables of the Fourteenth Amendment
August 15, 2011
The more I peruse the current public discourse about the application of the Fourteenth Amendment to the present quandary of public debt that confronts this country, the more I am convinced of the wisdom of the observation of the ancients that "Against human stu ...
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