STAFF NEWS & ANALYSIS Showing 1101 - of
NASA Ends Era That Never Was?
July 22, 2011
The US mainstream media is in full cry over the end of the space shuttle program. This article in US Today is a good example of it, tugging on the heart strings to remind readers of the glory that once was. But we continually remind ourselves that when one look ...
You're Not Rich Because You're a Loser
July 21, 2011
The economic crisis that started in 2008 has not subsided in our view. The dollar reserve system essentially ended and nothing has yet been put in its place. This may be by design as the elites have signaled clearly their intention to move toward global governa ...
Reality of US Policing
July 21, 2011
The New York Times recently reported on the case of Bruce E. Ivins, who committed suicide after being pursued by the Federal Bureau of Investigations over sending anthrax-laced letters to members of Congress and others. According to the filing, which was requir ...
Public Works on Steroids
July 21, 2011
What the Obama administration and its cheerleaders call "the stimulus" is by all sensible accounts the macroeconomic version of steroids. And you can get quite addicted to these – just as some athletes can to their versions. Now there are lots of things wrong ...
IMF: EU Crisis Is a Global Disaster
July 20, 2011
We can see in this article (excerpted above) the naked obviousness of a power elite dominant social theme. The crisis the EU faces is now said to be an international emergency and thus must be solved to protect the world. Greece's default is now somehow a globa ...
Germany Has Its Own Tea Party!
July 20, 2011
The Germans have their own Tea Party movement. We didn't know this until a feedbacker mentioned it recently. But we looked it up; it's true. The entire country is convulsed; it's bigger than what's happening in the US. You've read about it, haven't you? ... Hav ...
America's Fiscal Folly and Squandering of the Reserve Fund
July 20, 2011
The economic crisis through which the United States and much of the rest of the world are now passing is not another supposed instance of the "failure" of unrestrained capitalism. It is the failure of the government's own policies. In other words, it is a crisi ...
You Can't Eat Gold. But Can You Eat Real Bills?
July 20, 2011
I have received the following letter from a reader. Professor: I have been reading your essays on real bills for several years with great interest. If there were any contemporary examples of such credit in circulation, it would be easier to understand how real ...
Not Business-As-Usual for an Angry Electorate
July 19, 2011
This is a perfect Newsweek article by new editor Tina Brown – pitch perfect. The trouble is that the pitch is from decade ago. The sociopolitial and economic conversation has moved on, but it seems Tina Brown and Newsweek are stuck in the 1990s. The writer of ...
Keynes Cocktail Is No Joke
July 19, 2011
This really isn't funny to us. We've kinda lost our sense of humor, at least about John Maynard, Keynes, Keynesianism, The Fabian Society, the Bloomsbury group ... and all the rest. We're seeing the results of Keynesianism all around us and it isn't pretty. A f ...
Debt Ceiling Drama
July 19, 2011
The debt ceiling debate is providing plenty of opportunity for political theater in Washington. Proponents of raising the debt ceiling are throwing around the usual scare tactics and misinformation in order to intimidate opponents into accepting more debt and t ...
Anti-Semitism, Douglas Reed and Zion
July 18, 2011
Douglas Reed's long suppressed book, the Controversy of Zion, now online and available for download, is receiving more and more exposure. In this article, we will summarize the book – which has only reinforced our belief that the Internet alternative media do ...
A Sarcastic EU Proposal
July 18, 2011
Evans-Pritchard believes that Europe ought to be split into TWO currency zones – a Germanic one and a French one. He also believes the European Central Bank is trying to do too much and that it ought to switch from inflation fighting to job-targeting. The ide ...
Ignorance Amidst Erudition
July 18, 2011
Stanley Kauffmann is the film reviewer of The New Republic and his work in this area is worth the time it takes to read it, at least for me. He is what I would consider an erudite film critic, drawing on a vast familiarity with the history of cinema. Indeed, wh ...
Banker X on Gold, Real Estate and Residency Diversification in Troubled Times
July 17, 2011
The Daily Bell is pleased to present this exclusive interview with Swiss-based Banker, who provides us with this interview anonymously so that he can speak frankly about the inner workings of the Swiss financial system. As someone who has held high posts in bot ...
The Morality of Gold
July 16, 2011
We think that what the elites want to set up is a currency basket that includes gold and that will be utilized worldwide, a global currency in other words. This global currency will accompany what the Anglosphere powers-that-be are building in terms of a global ...
Bernanke Plots Further Stimulus
July 15, 2011
Ben Bernanke stumbles from one public relations disaster to another. Fresh off his ludicrous statement to Congressman Ron Paul (left) that gold is not money, he has indicated that he's ready to buy more of America's junk bonds using currency printed from nothin ...
The Gutenberg Parenthesis … Fashionable Nonsense?
July 15, 2011
What we may have here is another dominant social theme – a promotion that seeks to trivialize what is most powerful about the Internet. That is, its ability to broadcast voices that would as yet be unheard and provide a platform for likeminded individuals who ...
Conspiracy's Longer Timeline
July 14, 2011
This is an interesting article, once again, by the Excavator, a university student who runs a blog devoted to exposing the new world order. He has apparently discovered a book written by William Ralph Inge, a professor of divinity at Cambridge and Dean of St Pa ...
ECB: Shut Down Private Sector Watchdogs
July 14, 2011
The totalitarian mindset – always lurking at the dark heart of the European Union – has revealed itself publicly once again. A top central banker has stated in an open forum (see excerpt above) that the world's most important financial rating agencies perfo ...
What's With Social Security?
July 14, 2011
When shortly after I arrived on these shores I got my first job as an usher in a cinema in Philadelphia, back in the fall of 1956, I asked about the deduction from my paycheck that went to social security. I had no agenda, just curiosity. My employer said those ...
Great Depression Comes Knocking
July 13, 2011
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold; the best all lack conviction and the rest, from our point view, rely on the false strategy of numerical consolation. Increasingly, the West's mutual fund managers, researchers and analysts retreat to well-appointed inn ...
As the Light Flickers
July 13, 2011
The lightbulb law is only a tiny matter, but sometimes such issues take on a kind of transcendental importance. The reversal of this law would be one positive example of the impact of the Internet Reformation, albeit a tiny one, that people may be starting to r ...
Tea Party Confusion
July 13, 2011
The idea that politicians should sign a pledge to promote personal morality is contrary to the avowed Tea Party commitment to small government. If you want the government to have a restricted scope, you should stick to the US Declaration as your guide: Governme ...
Why US Conservatives Won't Shut Down Real Tea Party Conversation
July 12, 2011
Joe Scarborough recently posted an interesting article at Politico focusing on a kind of sub-dominant social theme in the mainstream American media regarding the debt ceiling that Congress is trying to raise. At the end of the article (see above excerpt), he sh ...
Murdoch Feels the Heat as UK Scandal Heats Up
July 12, 2011
There is good evidence as well that the problems have been repeatedly damped down. British Prime Minister Tony Blair supposedly had a hand in repressing them during his term in office. The British police themselves have sat on the charges as the police are said ...
Competing Currencies – a Defense Against Profligate Government Spending
July 12, 2011
The end of June marked what is hopefully the end of the Federal Reserve's policy of quantitative easing. For months the Fed has purchased hundreds of billions of dollars of Treasury debt, enabling the government to fund its profligate deficit spending, push the ...
EU Shadow Play: Crisis Seeks Global Solution
July 11, 2011
The newspapers are in full cry today. Top Eurocrats are meeting secretly to discuss the sovereign debt crisis, which has now spread to Italy. Appropriate actions will need to be taken. At this critical juncture we find a curious editorial presented by the Teleg ...
Prosecute Fraud to Right the System
July 11, 2011
From our point of view what causes the terrible boom and bust cycle of Western economies is central banking, the ability to print money-from-nothing. Curiously, Washington does not mention central banking at all and we are not sure why. Without central banking, ...
Live and Let Live: Not in Silverado
July 11, 2011
In our era, at least in the West, it is under the guise of caring for the environment that many eagerly violate individual private property rights. In Silverado, a canyon community in Orange County, California, the Tree Huggers carry on this crusade to plan the ...
Ron Holland on the Inevitability of Societal Chaos, How the Elites Will Try to Maintain Control – And How You Can Protect Your Wealth From Confiscation
July 10, 2011
The Daily Bell is pleased to present an exclusive interview with Ron Holland. Ron is the author of three books, numerous special reports and hundreds of articles on investment and political topics, many of which focus on the interplay between politics and the i ...
Don’t Be Fooled by Political Posturing
July 09, 2011
As attention focuses intently on the negotiations to raise the debt ceiling, House Republicans have made a great show of drawing a line in the fiscal sand. They claim that they will not vote for any deal that includes tax increases to narrow the budget deficit. ...
Wishful Thinking: Why The Economist Wants Social Media to Replace Blogs
July 09, 2011
The Economist Magazine is out with an article entitled "The end of mass media: Coming full circle." It actually provides us with a kind of sub-dominant social theme – that "social media" take us back to the pamphleteering days of Samuel Johnson, Ben Franklin, ...
The Rape of Austerity
July 08, 2011
We have often suggested that the 20th century was a kind of Dreamtime when Anglosphere elite control was at its highest point and people accepted most of the power elite's dominant social themes. But in the 21st century many of these memes have begun to unravel ...
Stubborn Gaddafi Is Setback to Western Neocolonialism
July 08, 2011
The rebel forces sprang out of nowhere as part of the "Arab Spring" and apparently had the support of the West. But the past months have shown that the situation "on the ground" is more complicated than Anglo-American elites likely ever imagined. What has emerg ...
Real Danger to EU Lies With German Judges
July 07, 2011
The Telegraph's Ambrose Evans-Pritchard has returned to the fold after a long absence to remind us that the real action regarding a united Europe lies not in Brussels but in Germany. In an article entitled "Germany's judges hold the euro's fate in their hands" ...
Hey Teachers … Leave Them Kids Alone!
July 07, 2011
Today's testing cannot "gild the lily." There is none. The only hope of solving the education problem in the US is to allow educational facilities to compete – to privatize the educational establishment from top-to-bottom and let the Invisible Hand do its wor ...
Kutcher's Misguided War on Child Prostitution
July 06, 2011
Apparently there is another internationalist push on, this time having to do with a child protection "Convention." Thus, the Kutcher prostitution-promotion satisfies several memes at once. It reinforces certain male stereotypes and contrasts them favorably with ...
Moody's Report Blasts China Solvency
July 06, 2011
How did we know Chinese numbers were junk even before the latest startling revelations? Because China is currently the world's biggest "planned" economy and government numbers ALWAYS lie. China's Western public perception is built on the lie that its communist ...
TSA Abuses and Failures
July 06, 2011
The press reports are horrifying: 95 year-old women humiliated; children molested; disabled people abused; men and women subjected to unwarranted groping and touching of their most private areas; involuntary radiation exposure. If the perpetrators were a gang o ...
You Have Never Ever Seen an Elephant Fly
July 06, 2011
I would like to engage Dr. Joseph Salerno in a friendly debate on this maxim. In his interview with the Daily Bell published July 3, 2011, he sees nothing wrong with people drawing bills of exchange, or accepting them in payment, as these instruments are comple ...
Extortion, Private and Public: The Case of Chiquita Banana
July 06, 2011
Lefties have protested against Chiquita Banana for so long that most activists probably forget why they are supposed to hate the company. The company does have a spotty history, especially when it was United Fruit. For decades after the turn of the 20th century ...
Am I a Corporate Shill?
July 06, 2011
It has always been my view that corporations are groups of people united for various purposes, often to benefit from a business venture guided by competent management. Initially I worried little about the legal details, nor even about the legal history. A bunch ...
So Many Lost Decades – Why?
July 05, 2011
Now UK columnists such as Jeremy Warner are worried about a British "lost decade." This is to follow on the heels of a Japanese lost decade. Of course, exactly which decade the Japanese have lost is debatable. From what we read in the mainstream media, Japan ha ...
NATO on the Ground in Somalia?
July 05, 2011
Are America's wars expanding? NATO's wars are really America's wars, so that in a sense wherever NATO goes America follows. NATO is an engagement force of the Anglosphere. We would argue (as we have before) that as the size and intensity of these wars increase, ...
Happy July Fourth?
July 04, 2011
In this article, we've tried to lay out our differences with Professor Mead. He sees a Shining Light on a Hill. We see in America a society almost totally traduced by Londondinium. He sees national interest; we see countries irradiated and sickened by depleted ...
EU Yard Sale: Location Greece – Everything Goes!
July 04, 2011
We can see from the above article excerpt in Reuters that the Eurocrats are wasting no time in stating what they intend to do to Greece. Jean-Claude Juncker, Prime Minister of Luxembourg and President of the Eurogroup, has gone out of his way to make an extraor ...
The Pleasures of Humiliation?
July 04, 2011
Call me old fashioned, and in some matters I proudly am, but for me entertainment needs to contain a solid dose of enjoyment. So when I select my movies or TV fare, I usually check whether I will be enjoying what I am about to encounter. Of course, sometimes I ...
Dr. Joseph Salerno Explains Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Money (But Were Afraid to Ask)
July 03, 2011
The Daily Bell is pleased to present an exclusive interview with Dr. Joseph Salerno. Dr. Salerno is a well-known American Austrian School economist and an active scholar and author in the areas of monetary theory, comparative economics, the history of economic ...
Rupert Murdoch's Failing Attempts to Control the Internet Reformation
July 02, 2011
Rupert Murdoch lost nearly his entire investment in MySpace the other day when he sold the failing social network to musician and actor Justin Timberlake and an ad agency he backs for some US$30 million, which was a good deal less than the US$500 million he pai ...
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