EDITORIAL Showing 1151 - of
Revisiting Selfishness – Again
July 02, 2011
Why do so many who speak up about how we ought to act make a special effort to denigrate self-interested conduct? The main reason is that there is serious problem about what most people understand by "self" or "ego." Two versions need to be considered. The se ...
Western Media Continues to Be Addicted to Keynes
July 01, 2011
This is classical Keynesian analysis to us and it is representative of the way that financial journalists on both sides of the "pond" treat the current, unrolling economic disaster. Western financial journos in aggregate still don't seem to understand the gravi ...
Comets Support Evidence of the Electrical Universe
July 01, 2011
This article excerpted above, "Electric Comet: The Elephant in NASA's Living Room?" by Michael Goodspeed of Thunderbolts.inc, provides us with a seemingly excellent example of a concise argument for an electrical universe. The article appears to be the most rec ...
Greece: Frazzled Eurocrats Play for Time
June 30, 2011
It wasn't supposed to be like this. The Bloomberg article excerpted above, recites the appropriate dominant social theme as regards the European Union, but the tone is likely a good deal more doleful than Eurocrats may have expected when planning the EU's great ...
The Length of a Meme
June 30, 2011
This post (excerpted above) at The Excavator was also picked up by the Infowars media group. The Excavator is the project of someone called Saman Mohammad, a "Truth Excavator" and the blog contains a number of lengthy articles exposing power elite manipulations ...
Morality, the Professions and Politicians
June 30, 2011
While I see strong merits to an ultraminimal government idea, whereby the state has no other function than to protect the rights of the citizens from criminals and foreign aggressors, I do not share the view that politicians are necessarily corrupt. Sure, a wel ...
Where Will You Go When the Sovereign Debt Volcano Blows?
June 30, 2011
Although you may have some time, nothing else has to happen before a big collapse could take place, even within days. Consequently, after 30 years of watching, writing and creating protective retirement planning and financial strategies, today I'm finally going ...
The Coming Chinese Depression
June 29, 2011
Yesterday, we discussed a speech by Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao. It was a very inoffensive speech, presented with mild words, until you deconstructed it and saw that at its core, it was a fundamentally fascist approach to human interaction. In this article, we w ...
How Real Freedom Works Part II
June 29, 2011
NAP and morality are obviously necessary when envisioning a freer society. But the HOW of living is important too. Today we understand more about the building blocks of freedom (or we should, anyway), about private justice, self-sufficiency and avoiding falling ...
The Times' Kudos to European Petty Tyrants
June 29, 2011
In The New York Times of Monday, June 27th, an editorial heaps compliments upon the bureaucrats of many European cities who have imposed innumerable obstacles to their fellow citizens who want to use the automobile for transportation. This piece of cheer-leadin ...
China and the West: One and the Same?
June 28, 2011
Wen Jiabao came to Britain and Europe and he has been making news with his comments and actions. Chinese procurers purchased 600 Saab autos and allowed that company to make its payroll. He announced that China's government bankers would continue to buy the bond ...
How Real Freedom Works
June 28, 2011
The Economist is a miserable, elitist newspaper; its standards continue to decline. Read the first sentence, above (excerpted). The professor "asks how capitalist America really is." What does that mean? How America really IS? The colloquialism is so inexact th ...
How Should Government Treat Energy Producers?
June 28, 2011
As the economy continues in its downward spiral and talks in Congress about reducing spending have only amounted to political theater, the subject of how the tax code treats energy has become a topic of controversy. Specifically, should we subsidize, enforce ma ...
WSJ – International Banking Is in Crisis
June 27, 2011
Until the Anglosphere power elites are forced to step back and acknowledge the fundamental systemic structures they have created are unsustainable, as the Internet Reformation continues to grow and expose the rot and fraud in fiat-money central banking itself, ...
Greatest Criminals Ever Seen?
June 27, 2011
In apparently sponsoring and supporting the Soviet Union, Hitler's Germany, Chinese Communism, two World Wars and the Cold War, these globalist interests were responsible – if we agree with the seeming truth-telling of the Internet – collectively, for the m ...
Bad Vs. Good Pitch to Voters
June 27, 2011
Do voters actually believe it when candidates promise them health, happiness, vacations, clean air and all those other goodies while also demanding that they stop being selfish, stop joining special interest groups and dedicate themselves only to the public goo ...
Marc Faber on 21st Century Investing, Why It's Too Late for the Dollar and Why Emerging Markets Look Good
June 26, 2011
The Daily Bell is pleased to present an exclusive interview with Dr. Marc Faber. Dr. Faber was born in Zurich, Switzerland. He went to school in Geneva and Zurich and finished high school with the Matura. He studied Economics at the University of Zurich and, at ...
Mainstream Media Agrees on Empire's End?
June 25, 2011
Peter Oborne, the Daily Telegraph's chief political commentator, has written an article entitled, "In fleeing Afghanistan, the West relinquishes its grip on the world." What is striking, to me anyway, is how closely it parallels analyses we've provided in the r ...
Ben Bernanke's Pathetic Failing Fed Promotion
June 24, 2011
More than two years ago, we pointed out that the Federal Reserve was potentially finished as a credible entity. This is different than saying the Fed was finished as an EFFECTIVE entity. The Fed has accomplished much of what the power elite intended for it to d ...
The Real Reason the USSR Fell
June 24, 2011
This article entitled, Everything You Think You Know About the Collapse of the Soviet Union Is Wrong (And why it matters today in a new age of revolution) is interesting simply for the sheer scope of its ambition. The author Leon Aron, is director of Russian st ...
Greece – Salvation by Politicians
June 23, 2011
What do the Greeks themselves want? Obviously they don't want top-down austerity measures. Nor do they even want IMF aid apparently. They do want "justice" but we would humbly point out that the justice in question should inevitably rise up even beyond Greece i ...
Afghan War Down, Freedom Up?
June 23, 2011
How do dominant social themes collapse? In this case, when an irresistible force meets an immovable object. The memes of the elite are endlessly inventive and insistent, but the Afghan war has not allowed the fruition of the meme that "the West is Good, the Pas ...
Federal Reserve 'Embeds' Employees in Banks
June 22, 2011
Is there any justification for this? The dominant social theme "embedded" in the above article is clear: More efficient regulatory endeavors will reduce the kind of financial crises that have been prevalent throughout the history of modern capitalism. Only more ...
Pippa Middleton Is a Superhero
June 22, 2011
We were surprised to see that the sister of Kate Middleton (who is married to the future King of England and is now Duchess of Cambridge) is getting her own royal treatment. Pippa Middleton, who attracted a great deal of attention at the recent Royal Wedding fo ...
The Hubris of George Soros
June 22, 2011
Quite a few well known rich people aren't satisfied with being rich and being able to do all the things they believe are important. They want to advertise this and to take up the role of teachers to the rest of us. The Hungarian born billionaire financier Georg ...
A Planned Depression?
June 21, 2011
When analyzing what is going on the world, it is always necessary to keep in mind that the global economy is a PLANNED one. Because Lady Gaga is of infinitely more importance than central banking, people tend to forget that the Bank for International Settlement ...
False Flag Hackers Team Up?
June 21, 2011
We don't want to be too cynical here, but the amount of false flags operated by US Intel has picked up lately in our opinion. There is no end to the audacity. The most telling moment for us recently was the supposed death of Osama bin Laden. We are supposed to ...
Strange Definitions of War and Peace
June 21, 2011
Last week I joined six Republican and three Democrat colleagues to file a lawsuit against the Obama administration over its illegal war against Libya. Now that more than 90 days have passed since the president began bombing Libya, no one can seriously claim tha ...
Self-Defense vs. Isolation
June 21, 2011
Where the idea comes from is not really relevant – it could be neo-conservatism, imperialism, compassion, whatnot. But it is right that it should be debated, especially by Republicans who aren't beholden to the legacy of Woodrow Wilson in matter of foreign re ...
How to Take a Bone From a Dog
June 21, 2011
Most people, provided they have a minimum of experience, know that taking a bone from a dog is a risky proposition. In terms of political power, few dogs are bigger than the American voting public. Taking away, or even threatening to take away, the major entitl ...
Afghan Desperation of IMF Elites
June 20, 2011
This article in the British neo-con Spectator magazine caught our eye because it made the case that the IMF could do the job that a million-man Western army had not been able to do – "civilize" the Afghan Pashtuns by building up a Western-style state around t ...
Time Magazine Attacks Ron Paul Conservatives
June 20, 2011
This article, written by CNN correspondent and CFR member Fareed Zakaria provides us with a good idea of the arguments that the Anglosphere elites are trying to use against the growing Internet Reformation. This sociopolitical and economic movement is one that ...
G. Edward Griffin on Inflation, Politics and the Power Elite
June 19, 2011
The Daily Bell is pleased to publish an exclusive interview with G. Edward Griffin. Ed is a film producer, author and political lecturer. He is the founder of Freedom Force International, a libertarian-oriented activist network focused on advancing individual f ...
How the Internet Makes False Flags More Difficult
June 18, 2011
The "Internet Reformation" (as we call it) is a natural outgrowth of our perception that the 'Net itself is a kind of modern-day Gutenberg press. It's a concept we've been writing about for nearly a decade. Initially, it seemed like an interesting theory, but e ...
Stock Market Tapped Out?
June 17, 2011
The Pandora IPO came out higher than expected and then went up on the open until it was US$10 more than the initial US$16 offering. The excitement was tremendous. Bloomberg TV literally covered the price action of Pandora every 15 minutes or so for the entire d ...
Ann Coulter Bashes Libertarians
June 17, 2011
Famous US conservative writer Ann Coulter has joined the fight against libertarianism with her recent column, Get Rid of Government - But First Make Me President! The proximate cause of the column was the Republican presidently debate that just took place and " ...
Ways to Invest as Faith in Fiat Money Withers
June 16, 2011
This is a good article from Marketwatch's Matthew Lynn in the sense that it gives you something besides gloom about the euro and EU. Matthew Lynn suggests there will be numerous investment opportunities if the euro crumbles because of the Greek (and PIGS) budge ...
US Gov Geeks Build Technology for Freedom
June 16, 2011
What on earth is Ms. Hillary Clinton doing? The CIA and state-department initiated AYM youth rebellions have already achieved success in such countries as Egypt and Tunisia. Libya and Syria are on their way. But this is not enough for the US State department. ( ...
Hail Sandel!
June 16, 2011
Thomas Friedman, prominent New York Times columnist, recently penned a kudos to Harvard University professor of government Michael J. Sandel because Sandel received some fine notices recently in China Newsweek (not part of the American publication). Friedman co ...
Gay Ops of American Intel?
June 15, 2011
A strange thing happened the other day. The blogosphere was swept by the confession of one Tom MacMasters that he was behind a well-known blog supposedly written by a lesbian and called Gay Girl in Damascus. It was convincing for the most part, and he even stol ...
Sino-Forest Is Leading Indicator of China Disaster?
June 15, 2011
We've been waiting for something like this (see above). Critics are starting to engage with China in earnest and this is just one more sign of it. The Chinese stock market itself is an opaque mess and there is no reason to believe that Chinese "private" compani ...
The Marginal Utility of Silver
June 15, 2011
The writing is on the wall: Mene tekel upharsin - the dollar has been put on the scale and found wanting. The Chinese will open their Mint to silver in their own good time. It is their destiny. If they don't talk about it, that's because they want to give a cha ...
Free Coinage Of Gold & Silver – Then And Now
June 15, 2011
Some people think that one of the fundamental institutions of the 19th century should be restored; we single out Great Britain as the great leader embracing this institution. This institution was the free minting of gold practiced by Great Britain in its heyday ...
Should Public Banks Print Money Without Holding Reserves?
June 14, 2011
Just yesterday we presented an article from Washington's Blog on US false-flag manipulations of the public. It was a bold summary of a dominant social theme that provided additional support for reports that have long appeared here. But we are somewhat disappoin ...
Afghanistan: Let the Finger-Pointing Begin
June 14, 2011
This is an interesting article appearing in the KabulPress (see excerpt above). KabulPress is a prominent Afghan website; while the motives of the author (a regular columnist apparently) may be controversial, we believe the article may represent a trend – a d ...
The Keys to Economic Growth
June 14, 2011
Recent economic data show that U.S. job growth in May was negligible, while the official unemployment figure - at least the figure the Labor Department admits to - rose to 9.1%. The real unemployment figure, however, as compiled by economist John Williams, may ...
End Game
June 14, 2011
Economic data over the past weeks, punctuated by last week's dismal employment reports, confirm the diminishing impact of the stimulus efforts orchestrated by the Obama Administration and the Federal Reserve. In what must be a huge disappointment to Keynesian e ...
Next False Flag to Be Cyber?
June 13, 2011
CIA Director Leon Panetta said in a recent hearing that the US may soon face a cyber-attack that would be the equivalent of Pearl Harbor. (See excerpt above.) Pearl Harbor was a huge (possibly false flag) event that convulsed the US and provided a pretext for t ...
The End of Social Security and Medicare – or Just Dreamtime
June 13, 2011
The idea that government is good and wants to look out for YOU is a main staple of Western regulatory democracies, and increasingly democracies being imposed around the world. It is certainly a major dominant social theme of the power elite that rules the West ...
Mark Skousen on the Failing Dollar, the Growth of Liberty and the Success of FreedomFest
June 12, 2011
The Daily Bell is pleased to publish an exclusive interview with Mark Skousen (left). Dr. Skousen has had a diverse career. He has taught at Columbia Business School, served as president of the Foundation of Economic Education (FEE), the first free-market think ...
Showing 1151 - of – Newest on Top
