EDITORIAL Showing 1201 - of
China Tries to Start a War?
June 11, 2011
When economic times sour, elites turn to war, or at least start to escalate military tensions. Europe and America are involved in at least four wars now, and unfortunately the West's escalating military involvement probably won't stop there. The West, in fact, ...
Deciphering Paul Krugman
June 11, 2011
It is hardly ever explicit in Paul Krugman's columns except that he has made it clear that he is a pragmatist and finds all ideologues off base. But what is an ideologue to Krugman? Someone who invokes principles as he or she thinks and copes with the real wor ...
Three Macro Trends You Need to Watch
June 10, 2011
Business Insider's Jack H. Barnes, a former trader and hedge fund manager, has written an article entitled "3 Cross Currents in the Global Macro World." We thought we ought to examine it because we've mentioned these "cross currents" ourselves within the contex ...
Does the Elite Need a False Flag?
June 10, 2011
Americans are war-weary but Leon Panetta (left) sees reasons to fight on. Al-Qaeda is still active and as long as al-Qaeda exists (see above article excerpt) America needs to fight. The struggle is taking place "Over There," so Americans do not have to fight al ...
China Demands American Austerity
June 09, 2011
We tend to go back and forth regarding the world's larger financial fix. We have arrived at the idea, eventually that the Anglo-American power elite responsible for the mess wants to push Western citizens as far as possible without setting up full-scale revolut ...
Pervez Musharraf, Irreplaceable Man of Pakistan?
June 09, 2011
The Anglo-American elite in our view is increasingly desperate over Afghanistan. It is losing the war against the stiff-necked Taliban for the second or third time in the past 100 years and along with the loss, so far as we can tell, go plans, hopes and dreams ...
Rise of the Neo-Keynesians?
June 08, 2011
Our elves are simpler than this (perhaps because of their pointy heads). When there is too much of something (currency included) its value tends to lessen in our view. Because of the business cycle, the value of a specific currency may actually seem to rise at ...
Regional War or World War?
June 08, 2011
We are of two minds about this article. It is very well done and represents a substantial strand of thought that we share; what we do not share, however, are its conclusions. The idea – and we have written about this before – is that the Anglo-American powe ...
The Weiner Paradox
June 08, 2011
What is most puzzling about the scandal with Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-New York) isn't how stupid the man has been and apparently manged to be to the last moment before he came clean (enough). What is really puzzling is why in the face of repeated scandals and cor ...
The New, Opinionated Newscaster
June 07, 2011
This is a classic mainstream "meme," a purposeful celebration of European centralization from the CNBC Europe Reporter Silvia Wadhwa. But from our point of view, it's actually a bit strange that Ms. Wadhwa is allowed such unfettered access to speak her mind, gi ...
Ron Paul Could Win It All?
June 07, 2011
In any event, we believe she gets much of it wrong. From what we can tell, libertarian Congressman Ron Paul of Texas may be the man to beat. And he may well be Barack Obama if he gets that far. The electorate is far more in tune with his criticisms of his count ...
Interdependence Vs. Independence – Apologists of the Liberal World Order Forget Their Science
June 07, 2011
One of the most interesting aspects of the physical universe is its ability to "scale." Scale simply means that, as one looks more deeply at an object, its internal structure resembles its external structure; close up shots look similar to wider shots, the micr ...
Holding the President Accountable on Libya
June 07, 2011
Last week, more than 70 days after President Obama sent our military to attack Libya without a congressional declaration of war, the House of Representatives finally voted on two resolutions attempting to rein in the president. This debate was long overdue, as ...
Government Anti-Corruption Meme
June 06, 2011
Government corruption offers people the opportunity to avoid the worst excesses of regulatory overkill and excessive taxation. The idea of a large, transparent, efficient WORLD government would combine all the worst features of current national and regional sys ...
Arab Awakening Pretext for Wider War?
June 06, 2011
We have speculated that these color revolutions, started apparently with Western support, may spin out of control and damage Western allies and even affect Saudi-Arabia support for the US dollar-reserve currency. But maybe Western, Anglo-American power elites a ...
Elements of Discrimination
June 06, 2011
Most folks now consider discriminating against people because of their race, color, culture, age, sex etc. wrongful, unjust or unethical. At one time, though, being discriminate was deemed a good thing but that was when the idea was used to mean something like ...
Jacob Hornberger on Libertarian Law, Religion and the Growing US Police State
June 05, 2011
The Daily Bell is pleased to publish an exclusive interview with Jacob G. Hornberger. Hornberger is founder and president of The Future of Freedom Foundation. He was born and raised in Laredo, Texas, and received his B.A. in economics from Virginia Military Ins ...
If Yemen Falls, so Does the Dollar Reserve?
June 04, 2011
How is it that the world's fortunes hang on the life or death of a murderous thug that the US has been supporting for 30 years? And why, in fact, if Yemen's President Ali Abdullah Saleh is so important, isn't it common knowledge? Saleh was wounded yesterday whe ...
What Would Samuel Johnson Think of Today's Western Education?
June 03, 2011
Is the West's faux-civil society beginning to collapse, at least partially because of what we call the Internet Reformation? If so, much may change over the next years, including the idea of what constitutes a career – and even what constitutes modern civiliz ...
Killer Cukes, Wait Just a Minute!
June 03, 2011
Everybody is panicking again. Remember Mad Cow disease? Foot-and-Mouth Disease? Now it's the Attack of the Killer Cukes! I don't know what the result of all this will be from a medical standpoint, but I am sure those who want and promote world government will b ...
Students and Their Education
June 03, 2011
Columnist David Brooks of The New York Times, now sadly a reliable lapdog of conservative statism, has come out, in his May 31, 2011 column "It's Not About You," against college and university students regarding their education as a means for advancing themselv ...
Robert Reich & the Debt Ceiling: The Softer Side of Radicalism
June 02, 2011
Robert Reich (left) has written a splendid article called "The battle for the soul of the GOP" (see article excerpt above). He writes that the battle is between the GOP old guard and Tea Party types. Guess which side the diminutive socialist/left wing powerhous ...
US Must Join International Criminal Court!
June 02, 2011
We've written about Ratko Mladic and the International Criminal Court (ICC) before but this article (excerpt above) is a dead-on power meme when it comes to what is known, laughingly as "international justice." We couldn't pass it up. We want to state up front ...
After the Dollar: What Comes Next?
June 02, 2011
My readers are familiar with my forecast that the US dollar is in terminal decline. America is tragically bankrupt, unable to pay its lenders without printing the dollars to do so, and enmeshed in an economic depression. The clock is ticking until the dollar fa ...
Why Europe Doesn't Have Leaders
June 01, 2011
In building regulatory democracies, what Money Power has done in fact is drain authenticity from the West. If one wants to be a teacher, one must usually work in public schools with all the corruption and chaos that government brings to the process. If one want ...
Yemen the Key to Middle East Uprisings?
June 01, 2011
Yemen's destabilization, as we wrote previously, can lead to problems with shipping of oil through the narrow reaches of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden and thus much higher prices. It could also lead to the destabilization of Saudi Arabia (as it sits directly bel ...
The Tragedy of Immigration Enforcement
June 01, 2011
Here's the problem. If you give government a job to do, even one that seems justified in the abstract, it will use its power to make a terrible mess in practice. This is true in a host of areas from welfare to warfare, but it is even true in the complicated are ...
A Brief On Time
June 01, 2011
I consider much of common sense to be correct about the world, not always muddled or, let alone, wrong. This is a position associated with the Scottish philosopher Thomas Reed and, also, with Aristotle. So I wish to briefly defend the view that time is real. B ...
Enabling a Future American Dictator
June 01, 2011
These are truly troubling days for liberty in the United States. Last week the 60 day deadline for the president to gain congressional approval for our military engagement in Libya under the War Powers Resolution came and went. The media scarcely noticed. The b ...
Giving the EU the Boot
May 31, 2011
Roger Bootle, managing director of Capital Economics and economic adviser to Deloitte, is out with another article critical of the EU and the euro. The article itself is not part of a mainstream dominant social theme. In fact, it is important for the elite to k ...
Upcoming US Nuclear Event?
May 31, 2011
Here at DB, we don't know what happened on the morning of 9/11. We don't know if rogue elements of the US government (or MI6 or Mossad, or all of them) are planning a false flag nuclear event at the behest of an Anglo-American elite that is increasingly despera ...
My Fathers' Day Reflections
May 31, 2011
On my drive to work the other day I was listening to the local all news radio station and suddenly I am hearing President Obama chiming in with one of those "public service" messages on how fathers should comport themselves toward their children. Maybe this wa ...
IMF Memes Roll On
May 30, 2011
Times are changing substantially, as are the attitudes of developing countries. The control that Western elites expected to exercise over these institutions is coming increasingly into question. Ironically, if the West does give up control and allow these insti ...
Queen Worried About Empire's Meltdown
May 30, 2011
Hey, are we right on schedule? Even Queen Elizabeth is worried. Say, about time! It's only taken 2,000 years if we are correct in our reading of history - as the British empire is at least a remnant of the Roman Empire (later the "Holy Roman Empire"), though so ...
The Aden Sisters on Money Metals, Where the Market Is Headed and Why Gold Is Going Up
May 29, 2011
The Daily Bell is pleased to publish an exclusive interview with Mary Anne and Pamela Aden. The Aden Sisters are the co-editors and publishers of The Aden Forecast, an investment newsletter now in its 30th year. Their analysis, which is used by individual and ...
Turning Points of Empire's End?
May 28, 2011
It was all over the news yesterday that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff had paid an unannounced visit to top Pakistani leaders. As The Daily Bell reported in an editor's note, Clinton made a fa ...
G8 Clarifies Response to Phony Arab Spring
May 27, 2011
As usual with power elite memes, time makes meanings clearer. We have speculated that the CIA-sponsored youth movements in such places as Tunisia and Egypt were precursors of Islamic governments, and that Anglo-American power elite actually sought such governme ...
Crimes Against Humanity – Another Phony Meme
May 27, 2011
We cannot help but recall the brave, self-flagellating Robert E. Lee. As punishment for his role as the South's leading General, the North built a graveyard on his estate and called it Arlington. Today, Lee would stand in the dock of the ICC to listen to a list ...
The Political Doctrine of Statism
May 27, 2011
The Patriot Act that was rammed through after the September 2001 attacks was one of the more egregious blows against liberty in our lifetimes. It shredded core rights and liberties that had been taken for granted for centuries. Liberties are never lost all at o ...
Why Aren't EU Protests Aimed at Central Banks?
May 26, 2011
We can see from the above article excerpt that it is the ECB mainly that is behind the European Union's "immoveable rigor" when it comes to enforcing austerity measures on Greece, and other EU PIGS as well. It is always this way with central banks. Their member ...
Yemen Crisis to Block World's Oil?
May 26, 2011
Anglo-American delays are leading to a crisis in Yemen. Jaw-jaw is rapidly giving way, internally to war-war. Meanwhile, the Anglo-American axis, with soft words and softer deeds has refused to bring the situation to a head. It is as if they wish to provoke the ...
Protesting Austerity Measures
May 26, 2011
Throughout Europe it is now routine - but it is not unfamiliar by now in the US either - for people to march and otherwise protest (sometimes with out and out reckless violence) austerity measures the government officials have decided to deploy so as to cope wi ...
Spanish EU Protests Spread to France?
May 25, 2011
The Tunisian and Egyptian "color revolutions" were evidently supported by Western intelligence agencies that provided funding and training over at least a 2-3 period to hand-picked youth leaders. What is not clear is to what extent the CIA and others intended t ...
Iran's Press TV Comes Under Attack in Britain
May 25, 2011
The suspicion is that Ofcom is getting ready not just to fine Press TV but also to make a case that Press TV ought to be banned from Britain. Likely, this will be the beginning of an effort to ban Press TV in America and Europe-proper as well. It won't do to ha ...
Death Spiral of EU Crisis?
May 24, 2011
Frank Furedi of the alternative web newspaper Spiked has written an insightful article on the breakdown of confidence among the EU's chattering classes. He has the idea that Eurocrats are so out of touch with average Europeans that they have run out of ideas of ...
US & UK: Next Phase of World Domination?
May 24, 2011
The British-American relationship is deepening again, or so it is reported. According to the Herald (see above) President Obama and British Prime Minister David Cameron will formally present to the press and public a new Service Personnel Joint Task Force when ...
Stop Raising the Debt Ceiling
May 24, 2011
The federal government once again has reached the limit of its legal ability to borrow money, meaning it cannot issue new Treasury debt without action by Congress to increase the debt ceiling limit. As of this month, our "official" national debt- which doesn't ...
Perfecting the IMF
May 23, 2011
In fact, an effective IMF is just about the last thing the world needs. Someone should hand Stiglitz a copy of Human Action by Ludwig von Mises. (On the other hand, he might melt into a puddle.) The reality is that INDIVIDUALS cause change within their own envi ...
Expanding World War III
May 23, 2011
Is a super-regional war, a kind of World War III, something the elites are currently working to induce? It would change everything. We recall after World War II that the Anglosphere elites were able to create a new economic system featuring a reserve dollar and ...
Israel & Obama: What's Up With That?
May 23, 2011
Once again I hasten to point out that this isn't something I know very much about, especially if to understand it one has to be informed about the entire history of the conflict between Israel and Palestine. Still, as my mother used to say in the last years of ...
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