STAFF NEWS & ANALYSIS Showing 1301 - of
WikiLeaks Nuclear Bomb Story Preceded Osama Death
May 03, 2011
What are the odds that WikiLeaks would release an Osama bin Laden nuclear bomb story only a week before his putative death at the hands of American Navy Seals? We have long pointed out that WikiLeaks is probably some sort of Anglo-American intel operation and t ...
On Constitutional Concerns
May 03, 2011
Last week the media focused on President Obama's basic eligibility to be president while ignoring the unconstitutional manner in which he governs. For example, his recent use of a signing statement to affect a line-item veto on a bill he signed into law as pres ...
Osama bin Laden Is Dead Again?
May 02, 2011
America's number one enemy is dead. "I can report to the American people and to the world that the United States has conducted an operation that killed Osama bin Laden, the leader of al-Qaeda and a terrorist who is responsible for the murder of thousands of inn ...
UN Strong-Arming Little Sri Lanka Is World's Biggest Untold Story?
May 02, 2011
The United Nations is increasingly being used by the Anglo-American axis in the Great Game of world domination and if one understands the strategic reality it is truly a disgusting scenario. The UN is increasingly functioning as a kind of beard for Western mili ...
Spain, Struggling With Weak Economy, Raises Taxes, Attacks Business
May 02, 2011
We can see how the socialist government of Spain continues the fine recovery of that once great country. Greece's socialist government is using satellite technology to count untaxed swimming pools. The socialist government of Spain intends to place the large th ...
Shawn Perger on Money Mafia Manipulations, the Rise of Silver and His Exciting New Venture
May 01, 2011
The Daily Bell is pleased to present an exclusive interview with Shawn Perger. Shawn is an author, speaker at investment conferences, and an entrepreneur who has more than 20 years experience working within Vancouver, Canada's vibrant venture capital marts - ar ...
Does the Internet Have a Dark Side?
April 30, 2011
It is difficult to say with any certainty what knowledge is being disseminated now that will result in tomorrow's destabilization or even how far that destabilization will go. We have argued in the past that such changes do not overthrow the power elite, merely ...
More Foibles of Unlimited Democracy
April 30, 2011
It is certainly no secret that while democracy has certain merits as a method for reaching political decisions, it is liable to be abused without those limits. American democracy was always feared, even by the framers, and unless it is restrained by a good, jus ...
Fed Press Conferences Will Fail to Ease Reformers' Frustration
April 29, 2011
What we see, based on these new Fed "press conferences" is that the Anglosphere power elite still does not have any idea about how to counteract the disaffection people have with the current system and to stem the tide of the 'Net Reformation. This does not bod ...
Obama Appoints Petraeus CIA Director – Triumph of Style Over Substance
April 29, 2011
The promotion of General David Petraeus to head the CIA seems to us something of a triumph of style over substance. The Afghanistan war, so far as we can tell, is not going exceptionally well and Iraq, as we reported recently, is liable to lapse back into viole ...
Europe Faces Double Dip?
April 28, 2011
This informative little article in the Telegraph gives us a glimpse into the market itself as regards the three PIGS that are in the worst trouble. "The yield on two-year Greek debt passed 25pc for the first time, while yields on 10-year debt climbed further ov ...
Ivory Coast Failing Coup Marks End of Colonialism?
April 28, 2011
The mainstream media brought the Ivory Coast story to a successful finish after the "strong man" Gbagbo was "dragged" out of his "bunker" (basement) by French troops who handed him over to Ouattara 's forces and then pretended they had nothing to do with his ca ...
A Most Costly Fallacy!
April 28, 2011
No need to keep readers in suspense - the fallacy is to aim for certainty beyond the shadow of doubt! It is very costly because by holding on to the belief that if one lacks such certainty, it's OK to believe this or that and to do this or that, one is wasting ...
Double Dip Done on Purpose?
April 27, 2011
The world did not simply arrive at this place by accident. The central banking economies of the West – themselves deliberately put into place – caused the great economic meltdown of 2008, with which the world still struggles. But additional policies having ...
EU Rigor Tested As French Turn Against Immigration
April 27, 2011
So the French political leaders are finally reacting to the discontent of the larger French electorate with various EU programs. As a publication tracking the dominant social themes of the elites and their successes and failures, we find this an extraordinary t ...
Ayn Rand & Libertarians Grossly Misunderstood
April 27, 2011
In my local paper a letter writer, apparently eager to besmirch Ayn Rand - which many have tried in vain - had this to say: "Rand's libertarianism has an underlying philosophy that says that if you are not particularly smart, ambitious, disciplined or wealthy, ...
Ivory Coast Revolution Runs Into Civil War Realities?
April 26, 2011
Michel Rocard, former Prime Minister of France and a former leader of the Socialist Party has penned an article (excerpt above), in which he has expressed relief that since the French "did their job well" civil war in the Ivory Coast has been averted. Below we ...
IMF Taps China as #1 Power, Roubini Disagrees
April 26, 2011
We're not sure the IMF believes its own projections. We surely don't believe that China can spend its way to wealth either, no matter what Roubini suggests. Central banking and fiat money has created a mess not just in the West but around the world, and the Chi ...
Late to The Party … Once Again
April 26, 2011
The only thing more ridiculous than S&P's too little too late semi-downgrade of U.S. sovereign debt was the market's severe reaction to the announcement. Has S really added anything to the debate that wasn't already widely known? In any event, S&P's statement a ...
Eurocrats' Immovable Rigor Over Debt Restructuring
April 25, 2011
It would be funny if it weren't actually happening. Senior officials, reports the Telegraph, from both the IMF and the European Central Bank plan a two-day "lightning visit" to Greece in early May. The purpose of the visit is to ensure that Greece will further ...
Book Fraud Happens to PC Publishers
April 25, 2011
We long ago concluded that there was something funny going on in the book industry. How else to explain the millions lavished on Bill and Hillary Clinton for their big books (heavy anyway) that we have NEVER SEEN IN A SINGLE PLACE outside of perhaps a library a ...
Craig Huey on Running for Office as a Libertarian Republican and Salvaging the American Dream
April 24, 2011
The editors of The Daily Bell are pleased to present an exclusive interview with entrepreneur and free-market thinker Craig Huey. Mr. Huey is a successful small business owner not a career politician. A nationally recognized political commentator and marketing ...
IMF Austerity Is Headed to America – Watch Out!
April 23, 2011
IMF provisions featuring privatization, tax hikes and public sector "austerity" are designed in my view to provoke the very public anger that Western elites are counting on to fuel a conversation about yet MORE centralization and MORE governmental control – o ...
You Know He's Desperate Now
April 23, 2011
Why are these folks not getting it? I suppose the answer to this is manifold but one source is the late Mancur Olson's theory that not until the bottom falls out will people and their lobbyists and politicians stop engaging in what economists call rent-seeking, ...
Council on Foreign Relations: 'Free-Markets Need Our Help'
April 22, 2011
It is always amazing to see how this priority infects almost every aspect of the Western dialogue as conducted by its intelligentsia and has turned mainstream western media into a gigantic echo chamber that repeats the same conclusions over and over again in cl ...
US Military Theatre Expands Again
April 22, 2011
Large political structures that are built without the buy-ins of their populations tend to be fairly fragile entities with short lifespans. Western elites were doing much better in the 20th century than the 21st in terms of this buy-in. More and more, the escal ...
21st Century Investing NOT Business As Usual
April 21, 2011
There are great challenges ahead. Investors who understand how to navigate them - and who also understand the potential price action of gold and silver - may do very well over the next five to ten years. The markets themselves in the narrowest sense of the word ...
West Takes Over East
April 21, 2011
Initially it took a kind of sleuthing to figure out what was going on as regards Middle Eastern and African turmoil. Rising food prices were part of it. But just as significantly, Western powers-that-be had decided on a wholesale military takeover of the Middle ...
Dollar Replacement Beat Goes On … and On
April 20, 2011
This article from CNN comments on an editorial that just appeared in the Financial Times, which like the Economist magazine, tends to enunciate the positions of the Anglo-American power elite. It confirms our suspicions once again that Western elites have in mi ...
Idea of Turning Africa Into China Unraveling
April 20, 2011
The 21st century is not the 20th. It is far more difficult for Western powers-that-be to surreptitiously promote power politics in Africa and elsewhere. Even the policy of "lifting up" states such as Japan and China and industrializing them is beginning to foun ...
Political Pygmies and Mad Hatters
April 20, 2011
The debate in Washington over this year's budget that threatened another (ho hum) government shutdown is a sterling example of how modern day pundits and politicians have shrunk their vision of political affairs down to the momentary, the picayune, the superfic ...
Pitfalls of Shared Responsibility
April 20, 2011
President Barrack Obama asserted in a recent speech dealing with the country's enormous debt that what the country needs is to live by an ancient principle, namely, "the principle of shared responsibility." He invoked this in his defense of his championing of t ...
The BRICS Take Over
April 19, 2011
Ultimately perhaps the BRICS will build the New World Order that the Anglosphere seeks. But once it is fully constructed, it will become clear who runs it. And it won't be the BRICS. One might surely believe in Madsen's perspective but we would argue that it do ...
Western Wars Are for Oil?
April 19, 2011
The dominant social theme that Anglo-American wars are primarily aimed at exploiting raw materials is being trotted out again. While Britain has been engaged in an extensive post-mortem of the Iraqi war called the Chilcot Inquiry, these secret documents were no ...
Budget Cuts Are Meaningless Without Fed Transparency
April 19, 2011
Congress focused on issues surrounding government spending this week as talk of deficits, the national debt, and the debt limit saturated the airwaves. This is a positive development. In years past, there was very little concern over how much was spent here in ...
The EU Crack-Up
April 19, 2011
Political upheaval has hit Finland, and it's merely a foreshadowing of bigger changes ahead. The core issue is whether Finland ought to be paying for bailouts for other EU states. In reaction to establishment support for the bailout, voters ousted the pro-bailo ...
More Nails in EU Coffin?
April 18, 2011
There is yet a hammering sound surrounding the EU. Some say it comes from those who are busy building a box in which to contain the region's endless sovereign debt crisis. Others might be persuaded the box is the EU's coffin. The distinction is important not on ...
New Elite Approach In Ivory Coast – the Clenched Fist
April 18, 2011
Not long ago, the former president of the Ivory Coast, Laurent Gbagbo was forced out of the presidential residence at gunpoint. The new president, Alassane Ouattara is going to take up residence after repairs. That's about all that's clear right now. Most every ...
James Jaeger on SPOiLER – His Documentary Based on Nelson Hultberg's New Freedom-Oriented Political Party
April 17, 2011
The editors of The Daily Bell are pleased to present an exclusive interview with free-market film producer James Jaeger. Mr. Jaeger is a Telly Award-winning filmmaker (FIAT EMPIRE) with over 25 years experience writing, directing and editing feature motion pict ...
Barack Obama's Internet Kill Switch
April 16, 2011
What are the chances of a US Internet Kill Switch? Could it happen? Is it practical? The Foundation for the Advancement of Free-Market Thinking (FAFMT) and The Daily Bell are pleased to bring you a short video presentation titled, Internet Kill Switch. The vide ...
US Is Broke, Failing, But Show Goes On
April 15, 2011
In his recent speech, US President Barack Obama pledged to pare the projected deficit by $4 trillion in the next 12 years, and to raise taxes on America's wealthiest Americans. His presentation was reported seriously and gravely by the mainstream media that mus ...
France Expects to Wipe Out Oldest Profession
April 15, 2011
In a libertarian society, many of the current wars (such as the war on drugs) would be seen as unnecessary. People could do as they pleased so long as they did not hurt others. But despite the literally millions pages of documentary evidence that shows laws tha ...
On Demeaning A Straw Men
April 15, 2011
A. C. Grayling, an normally sensible English academic – just check out his book, Liberty in the Age of Terror (Bloomsbury, 2009) – wrote recently in The New York Review of Books: "Of course, people who hold extreme political positions are not troubled by su ...
John Boehner, A Wide-Eyed Radical … Not!
April 14, 2011
John Boehner may believe he can temporize now but there is a price. Tomorrow the very fabric of the nation may come under threat. This is what Boehner should really be worrying about instead of the impact of government shutdowns and the ramifications of debt-ce ...
Silent Coup: UN Takes Over Africa?
April 14, 2011
In the modern age, with the power elite pressing hard for world government, it is sometimes difficult to note turning points, but the more we see of the tiny Ivory Coast affair the more we tend to believe this is another watershed moment. It is truly a big deal ...
Atomization & Commodification in Capitalism
April 14, 2011
That free market capitalism, if it existed, would atomize and commodify people is a charge that's been around quite a while. It pops up for sure whenever someone means to disparage the free market economy. Atomization is the idea that people, like the early con ...
Shrinking Greatness of Congressional Budget Cuts
April 13, 2011
The Wall Street Journal and other mainstream US financial publications are in full cry about the greatness of the recent historical Congressional budget deal that supposedly reverses decades of spending. It's a kind of dominant social theme in fact: Big Governm ...
Do Iraqis Know Something the Pentagon Doesn't?
April 13, 2011
Either the US gets out of Iraq or Iraq goes up in flames. That seems to be the message in this article. What is the larger import? The grim US military-industrial complex meme that the war in Iraq was worthwhile because of the tyrant it toppled may be toppling ...
EU Heart Attacked by Mainstream Press!
April 12, 2011
The elite is now in a place where ANY setback is considerable and illustrates to the millions who are awakened that its grip is slipping. Because the secrecy is gone, all the elite has left is an aura of desperately cultivated invincibility. This is the final w ...
Ivory Coast Resolution Turns Into Neo-Colonialism
April 12, 2011
Now that former president Laurent Gbagbo has been captured by his rival Alassane Ouattara, the mainstream media is predicting a return to normalcy for the Ivory Coast. It is no doubt hoped by many in the West that Hillary Clinton's specific warning shall encour ...
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