STAFF NEWS & ANALYSIS Showing 1501 - of
Forced Globalization of Trading Marts: Consolidation for Disaster
February 10, 2011
The article excerpt above sounds as if it could have been written anywhere in the West, but its focus is the Nigerian securities industry. The replication of the US model is startling. The regulatory body is called the SEC and the issues being discussed have to ...
Frauds of WikiLeaks?
February 10, 2011
WikiLeaks in our estimation becomes an evermore-obvious charade, and Julian Assange its conductor. We've been writing about it for months now, and each new leak raises our suspicions. None of the leaks with the exception of the first – a damning video of Amer ...
$20-Trillion War Costs Bankrupting US
February 09, 2011
Paul Farrell, a columnist for MarketWatch (see above), reports what has been presented here as well: Perhaps 50 percent or more of America's annual, governmental spending is war-and intel-related. Add up related veterans' benefits, foreign and domestic bases, c ...
CIA Launches PR Push
February 09, 2011
Another yelp of discomfort from America's massive intel community. The 21st century has not been especially supportive when it comes to Washington's 16 separate spy agencies and the decade-old Homeland Security behemoth that now squats malevolently in the middl ...
Besmirching Libertarianism
February 09, 2011
Now that libertarianism has gotten some publicity in mainstream forums, those who are convinced of its merit have much work to do. This is because of the well publicized distortions of the position in prominent forums, especially by well credentialed academics ...
US Unemployment Approaches Reality?
February 08, 2011
We are glad that the terrible unemployment that America is facing has subsided. This is what happens when the vital energies of the most innovative country in the world are challenged: American citizens respond magnificently. The country's largest, dynamic corp ...
Happy Birthday Ronald Reagan
February 08, 2011
Anyone who lived through the 1980s Reagan era in America probably remembers the "aw shucks" charm of the great man as he smiled his way through absolutely unequal presidential debates with a humble grace. The palpable sense of despair that gripped the US back t ...
Our 30 Year Mistake
February 08, 2011
The events in Egypt of late have captured the attention of the world, as many thousands of Egyptians take to the streets both in opposition to and in favor of the current regime. We watch from a distance hoping that events do not spiral further into violence, w ...
Knowing Versus Imposing What's Ethical
February 08, 2011
Among those who champion human liberty – the sovereignty of every adult when it comes to managing one's own life – some hold that if one could know what good conduct amounts to, one would be authorized to impose it on others. Among those who thought this wa ...
West Builds Islam to Create a New War?
February 07, 2011
The US military industrial complex is in trouble and needs enemies. China likely won't do as necessary commercial relations with the West militate against its perception as a world-class enemy. Also China is Westernizing in a way that radical Islam will not. Of ...
Homeopathy Attacked by Big Pharma Supporters
February 07, 2011
Big Pharma has apparently found another target: homeopathy. After relentlessly destroying Britain's Dr. Andrew Wakefield for his temerity to suggest that there might be a link between vaccines and autism or other childhood injuries, homeopathy has now come unde ...
Forcing Us To Do What We Choose Not To Do
February 07, 2011
Over the last couple of years many conservatives have argued against President Obama's health care program on the grounds that it unconstitutionally forces citizens to purchase something they may not want. Imposing this kind of force conduct, they have argued, ...
Richard Maybury on the Collapse of the Anglo-American Empire and What It Means for You
February 06, 2011
The Daily Bell is pleased to present another exclusive interview with Richard Maybury. The former Global Affairs editor of MONEYWORLD, Richard Maybury is one of the most respected business and economics analysts in America. His articles have appeared in major p ...
Central Banks Now Creating Hyperinflation?
February 04, 2011
The decision of Jean-Claude Trichet to ignore rising commodity prices by keeping interest rates low in the Eurozone, may mark the final decisive failure in the latest disastrous central banking cycle. If money velocity continues to rise, one might fairly accuse ...
History Is Being Produced, Not Made
February 04, 2011
The analysis of Haaretz Daily (see excerpt above) is the standard one in today's Western media. Various large societal and economic forces are colliding in the Middle East and elsewhere and thus history is "being made." Here at the Daily Bell, we have expressed ...
Economic Dreamtime Unravels
February 03, 2011
"Double-dip!" was the cry from some observers, "Don't panic!" the call from other quarters, including, to no one's surprise, the Government. The question is, does the GDP figure merely show that the coldest December in 100 years took a deep, but temporary toll, ...
New Revelations Show WikiLeaks Psyops
February 03, 2011
Months ago, long before others began arguing the case, the Daily Bell made the groundbreaking argument that WikiLeaks and Julian Assange in particular were a kind of psyops. Recent revelaitons have only help confirm our view - and others have come around to it ...
The Simple Truth About Gold Leverage Programs
February 03, 2011
A lot of people ride motorcycles, but there's a reason most don't try to be Evel Knievel. Sure, there's a big reward if you can land a jump over 14 school buses – but what if you don't? A new craze among our competitors is to push gold buyers into "leveraged ...
IMF Is Solution to Global Crises – Strauss-Kahn
February 02, 2011
It is fascinating to watch world events unfold through the prism of the Internet. In this AFP article (excerpted above), we can see clearly how Dominique Strauss-Kahn, one of the more brutal and obvious functionaries of the power elite, intends to capitalize on ...
Middle East Dreamtime
February 02, 2011
We want to make it very clear that in this article we are not making light of the many sacrifices the courageous people of the Middle East for freedom. Now that Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak has indicated he will not again run for office, the protests have g ...
Democracy Wont Help Egypt
February 02, 2011
Even without being a Egyptologist I can say with reasonable certainty that it will not help to solve Egypt's problems to make it into an unlimited democracy. What we are likely to get is Lebanon with the heavy hand of Hamas in charge there. In Egypt it looks li ...
Goldman Sachs Whistles Past EU Graveyard?
February 01, 2011
Jim O'Neill is the chairman of Goldman Sachs Asset Management and he believes the Eurozone is healthy enough (see article excerpt above) to carry on. For us, this may constitute a dominant social theme of sorts. The Anglo-American elite, which helped create the ...
Is Middle East Freedom the Bush Legacy?
February 01, 2011
Here at the Bell, we analyze the dominant social themes of the elite; Elliot Abrams who wrote the article excerpted above provides us with an excellent example of the use of what we refer to as the Hegelian dialectic. Who is Elliott Abrams? Among other things, ...
Bring Back, Bring Back, Oh Bring Back My Gold Bond To Me
February 01, 2011
"The mountains went into labor and gave birth - to a mouse! This ancient quotation could be cited to characterize the publication of the long-awaited Financial Crisis Inquiry Report on Thursday, January 27, commissioned by an earlier Congress. Another character ...
The Fed and Job Creation
February 01, 2011
Unemployment continues to plague our economy. In spite of constant claims that we have just turned the corner into recovery, the jobs reports remain grim with no real signs of improvement. While Keynesian economists and big government apologists scratch their h ...
'Buy the Dow' While the US Wilts?
January 31, 2011
Is it really time to put more money into the stock market – especially blue-chip stocks? Sure the multi-nationals are doing a bit better, but despite all the talk of a global world, the dirty secret of America's dominance remains the dollar reserve system. In ...
Specter of Islam Spreads
January 31, 2011
In our view, these governments would tend toward a stronger Islam over time. In part, the West attempts this sort regime change to further create the illusion of resurgent Islam in order to buttress its own war on terror. The war on terror is a ruse that allows ...
Richard Daughty on the Fiscal and Monetary Insanity of the Whole Freakin' World
January 30, 2011
The editors of The Daily Bell are pleased to present another exclusive interview with Gorilla Investor Richard Daughty, the "Great Mogambo Metals and Money Guru." Richard Daughty, the Mogambo Metals and Money Guru, describes himself as "the angriest guy in econ ...
Obama is a Socialist – A Crazy Thought?
January 29, 2011
Right after President Obama's state of the union address several Republicans, mainly of the Tea Party faction stated that he is a socialist. This isn't the first time the claim has been made. Indeed, based on his early schooling the idea that he may well be one ...
Fall of Saudi Arabia to End Dollar Reserve System?
January 28, 2011
We don't believe any of this. What if all of this turmoil is in a sense being controlled or guided by Western intelligence? What if the ultimate goal is the destruction of Saudi Arabia and the dollar reserve system? Yes, what if the idea is to break the linkage ...
President Obama, American Citizen
January 28, 2011
One of the most persistent controversies in the US has to do with whether President Barack Obama was born in the United States. Those who maintain he is not have come to be known by the derisive term "birthers" and their argument is that if Obama was not born i ...
Davos: Leaders Float 'New Reality' Meme – Will It Work?
January 27, 2011
So the sentiment at Davos is mixed. The world converging on Davos is "weary" but warily optimistic (see article excerpt above). The "new reality" catchphrase is intended to emphasize the emergence of the BRIC countries (maybe with the exception of Russia) as ec ...
Too Tough to Cut?
January 27, 2011
The arguments are finally joined, and we shall see if American democracy is actually able to effectuate anything other than more spending and higher indebtedness. The arguments go farther than the debt ceiling of course and include military spending as well. US ...
US Panel Blames Banks for '08 Meltdown, but not Central Banks
January 26, 2011
The draft report says "dramatic failures of corporate governance and risk management at many systemically important financial institutions were a key cause of this crisis." It also points to "stunning instances of governance breakdowns and irresponsibility," in ...
Tunisia Promotion Now Failing?
January 26, 2011
A feedbacker was kind enough to send us a link to an absolutely extraordinary article by Thierry Meyssan, founder of the Voltaire Network. Astonishingly, the article solidifies most of our suspicions regarding Tunisia's crazy Jasmine revolution. ...
Government Regulations: Demeaning and Costly
January 26, 2011
Every time I am dealing with an organizations like the omnipresent TIAA-CREF - which seems to have a monopoly on handling retirements at colleges and universities across the country - I am put through a labyrinth of bureaucratic procedures. With each turn, of c ...
China's Empty Cities Are Result of UN Agenda 21?
January 25, 2011
We've covered the insanity of Chinese economic growth in numerous articles stretching back nearly two years now, but this latest news is the most startling yet. If the Telegraph is to believed (we have no reason not to), the Chinese have now dropped any pretens ...
As Predicted, Tunisian Islamists Emerge
January 25, 2011
In a recent article (Western Elites Secretly Still Building Islam) we speculated that the Anglo-America power elite was supporting Islam because the West's growing authoritarianism needed an outside enemy to ensure its global expansion. We received some skeptic ...
On Real Respect for the Constitution
January 25, 2011
I am pleased that the Constitution has received a lot of attention in recent weeks, thanks to the tea party movement. The 112th Congress kicked off with a reading of the Constitution on the floor of the House. It goes without saying that Members of Congress sho ...
'Super Stagflation' End Game?
January 24, 2011
Another facile media explanation. (See excerpt above.) The Telegraph gets it half right. Stagflation is not caused by "higher oil prices" but by monetary policy. The West is about to embark on an episode of what we wil call - for lack of a better term - "Super ...
US Levels, Rebuilds Afghan Village
January 24, 2011
It has hit the Internet hard – harder than almost any other news from Afghanistan in a long time: the news that the US military had dropped 25 tons of bombs on a small Afghan village and reduced it to glazed mud. Pictures of the village, Tarok Kolache, and it ...
The Insanity Defense Debate
January 24, 2011
The New York Times blog featured a debate recently, in the wake of the Tuscon massacre, among several people on the insanity defense. One of the debaters, Kent Scheidegger, wrote a comment that included a point that's often proposed but that needs some amendmen ...
Dana Rohrabacher on Free Markets, Saving the World and Surfing's Satisfactions
January 23, 2011
The Daily Bell is pleased to present an exclusive interview with Dana Rohrabacher. Currently serving his 12th term in Congress, Dana Rohrabacher represents California's 46th District, including Orange County and Los Angeles. Congressman Rohrabacher serves as Ch ...
Civil Discourse Revisited
January 22, 2011
We were having lunch and the topic of how to frame a friendly, productive holiday conversation about politics and such came up. I had been thinking about what role a host might play in upholding standards of civility and what one can do if things get a bit ugly ...
US Press Misfires Over China Disaster
January 21, 2011
The Washington Post was proud of the US press corps yesterday. Having the opportunity to ask Hu four questions, two reporters chose to ask tough (but thoughtful) ones about human rights violations in China. (See article excerpted above.) In this article, we'll ...
Republicans to Cut Everything but Military
January 21, 2011
House Republicans have issued a list of cuts to be made to federal spending. We quote from the article excerpted above: The proposals "would reduce current spending for non-defense, non-homeland security and non-veterans programs to 2008 levels." Homeland Secur ...
Private Alternatives to Modern Banking
January 20, 2011
There must be a need for banks and bankers. We're not surprised. We are on record as stating that one of the power elite's most critical dominant social themes is the necessity for the banking industry, including most importantly central banking. Thus it is, in ...
Internet Creates One World Order?
January 20, 2011
We have begun to notice this emergent sub dominant social theme: The Internet will bring the world together. On the surface is sounds naïve, but the academics are starting in on it, and that means an explosion of windy speculation about how the Internet will ...
State Secession or Washington Debt Depression
January 20, 2011
Everyone with any intelligence in the US and around the world knows that there is no way for Washington to manage the tens of trillions in debt and unfunded liabilities short of ultimate repudiation or hyperinflation. Thanks to Wall Street bankers and the Anglo ...
China's Inflation Problem Looms Large
January 20, 2011
The global economy has become so unbalanced that even government ministers who would normally have trouble explaining supply or demand clearly recognize that something has to give. To a very large extent the distortions are caused by China's long-standing polic ...
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