STAFF NEWS & ANALYSIS Showing 1701 - of
Fed Up with Fed's Myths
November 16, 2010
Below we analyze an article (see excerpt above) that appeared in the Washington Post recently entitled "Five Myths About the Federal Reserve." Let us mention some good things, first. The article is well written, even elegant, and not over-complex. It is compose ...
Ireland and Greece Keep Decaying
November 16, 2010
For months we have read in the mainstream media that Ireland has pulled together as a country and culture and that the "austerity" it was undertaking was working. Ireland was held to be increasingly solvent and the people of Ireland (in mainstream articles) wer ...
Dollar Coming or Going?
November 15, 2010
It is common knowledge that the dollar is doomed and that the powers-that-be seem to be in a hurry to consign it to the grave apparently prepared for it. But this Financial Times article makes an argument that we have made in the past: It is not so easy to kill ...
Stargate of Yemen
November 15, 2010
There is a new sub-dominant theme making the rounds on the Internet among the more extreme 'Net web sites. We were alerted to it by a feedbacker and being professional meme watchers, we investigated. The meme has to do with the discovery of a hidden stargate of ...
Eric Garris on Anti-War Activism, Military Adventurism and the Future of Economic Liberty
November 14, 2010
The Daily Bell is pleased to present an exclusive interview with Eric Garris (left). Mr. Garris has been a political activist for over four decades. A former leftist, he discovered libertarianism during his involvement in the Vietnam antiwar movement. He manage ...
G20 Goes Wrong?
November 13, 2010
The G20 Summit has come and gone. Herman Van Rompuy may be satisfied with its outcome but the chances are that many involved in the Western power elite nexus will not be. There was evidently and obviously pressure put on China to cooperate more effectively with ...
World Chaos – Global Success Story?
November 12, 2010
The most important thing in the world from our out point of view as professional "meme watchers" is figuring out whether the current global chaotic economic situation is in some sense created or whether it has somehow spun out of control. Perhaps both at the sa ...
NATO Needs Afghanistan?
November 12, 2010
It is becoming clearer and clearer that one of the reasons that the West (and particularly the US) is in Afghanistan is as a kind of trial run for a larger NATO. The problem that NATO has had in the past is that it was originally constructed to shield Europe fr ...
Besmirch & Divert
November 12, 2010
Ever since President Obama took office, his proposed public policies have been defended doggedly by all those who favor an increasing large scope for the federal government. Health care/insurance is just one of these policies but, of course, his way of dealing ...
Nouriel Roubini vs. the Mises Institute?
November 11, 2010
This is an important article from our standpoint because Nouriel Roubini has always been positioned (or positioned himself) as a practical thinker and "hawk" when it comes to monetary policy. This means that unlike many other economists, Roubini is always criti ...
Britain Rises Up?
November 11, 2010
We were going to write about former President George Bush's new book but what is going on in Britain right now seems both important and timely. There are two developments to ponder on: Unrest has now begun in Britain over the faux-austerity that has been impose ...
Entitlement Foibles
November 11, 2010
Gloating as they are too often wont to do, modern welfare state liberals are eager to point out that when it comes to proposing cuts in government spending, many who advocate it will not be specific. Even more telling, the liberals hold, is the fact that few if ...
The Coming Gold Standard
November 10, 2010
We will try to address Edmund Conway's screed against gold as best we can. The prejudice it shows is startling and reveals once again that intelligence, in our view, is no substitute for wisdom. It is interesting to note that those who may come from privilege a ...
Is the Internet Anti-War?
November 10, 2010
Believing in the free-market, we are not enthusiastic fans of censorship. In fact, we believe that if parents are worried about a given influence in their lives or their children's lives, they should try to widen the range of exposure. A frame of reference is i ...
Chinese Panic as West Waits?
November 09, 2010
President Barack Obama defended the Federal Reserve's policy of printing dollars on Monday after China and Russia stepped up criticism ahead of this week's Group of 20 ... The G20 summit has been pitched as a chance for leaders of the countries that account for ...
Global Warming and the Undead
November 09, 2010
The world has certainly not recovered from the Dark Age of the 20th century when it seem every single facet of Western civilization was corrupted to serve the purposes of a Western global elite determined to implement global government. Economics, polity, educa ...
A Return to the Gold Standard?
November 09, 2010
Over the weekend of November 6-7, 2010, World Bank president, Robert Zoellick , proposed in a column written for the Financial Times that the global economy once more be linked to gold as an anchor to help maintain currency stability and reduce inflationary exp ...
Reject the Welfare/Warfare State
November 09, 2010
Last week's midterm elections have been characterized as a victory for grassroots Americans who are fed up with Washington and the political status quo. In particular, the elections are being touted as a clear indicator that voters demand reductions in federal ...
Tree Hugger Hypocrisy
November 09, 2010
I live in Silverado Canyon, about 7 miles east of Irvine Lake in Orange County, California, and it is a very pleasant place except for the fact that there is a small group of residents who want to dominate the place with their personal life style. They are bent ...
Currency Dreams of the Elite
November 08, 2010
We return to what is obviously a crux issue for what we call (with increasing irony) Western civilization. It could be seen as fairly simple. The Western power elite is perhaps reaching a turning point in world affairs. For at least a century in our humble view ...
Is Paul Dead?
November 08, 2010
It has occurred to us that in the 20th century, especially the later 20th century, that art and literature became subject to the promotional agenda of the Anglo-American power elite. This makes sense to us if one grants that the elite comprise an extraordinaril ...
Rick Rule on Scarce Commodities, the High Price of Gold and the Sale of Global Resources
November 07, 2010
The Daily Bell is pleased to present an exclusive interview with Rick Rule. Mr. Rule began his career in the securities business in 1974, and has been principally involved in natural resource security investments ever since. He is a leading investor specializin ...
Rise of India?
November 06, 2010
We must confess if there is one country that remains a mystery to us, it is India. India's former city-states may have hosted some of the world's most ancient advanced cultures and civilizations. But Indian pre-history and archeological evidence has received sh ...
Yes! PBS (and NPR) Ought to Go!
November 06, 2010
ctually, I don't care how Let wing any national medium happens to be, so long as I am not forced to pay even a penny for its upkeep. There are dozens of very prominent magazines with a Left wing editorial policy – The Nation, Progressive, Mother Jones, Utne R ...
Bernanke's Squeeze
November 05, 2010
We have noticed that power elite promotions continue to churn along, no matter what kind of evidence is produced to derail them. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke's odd editorial in the Post (excerpted above) is further evidence of this. He is not about to ...
Internal Contradictions at EU's Heart
November 05, 2010
The Telegraph's inimitable Ambrose Evans-Pritchard is at it again, pointing out inconvenient facts that the Eurocrats don't want noticed and most of the rest of the mainstream press will not report (until it's too late). In this case, he's pointing out that Iri ...
The Myth of the Modern Stock Market
November 04, 2010
The stock market is "up." The Dow is over 11,000. We wonder how much of this is accounted for by inflation. But even if it represents solid equity achievement, what is it telling us? We remember in the late 1990s reading a spate of articles explaining how brand ...
China: No Moon Landing Soon
November 04, 2010
We return to the moon landings because it is important to establish (in our view) whether the Anglo-American power elite faked the Apollo flights. Let us say at the outset what we have written before that there is no way currently of stating decisively that Ame ...
Two Cheers for the Gridlock
November 04, 2010
On one of those few occasions that I have managed to rub elbows with a hero of mine, I caught Milton Friedman on a TV program endorsing the gridlock in Washington during a recent administration – I believe it was President Bill Clinton's second term. One poin ...
How Western Powers May Have Blown It
November 03, 2010
We have been examining in these past few days, the future of money and have offered our clairvoyant feedbackers and larger audience a perspective that is not focused necessarily on an imminent US economic meltdown. That is not to say it won't happen, but we hav ...
Triumph of the Tea Party?
November 03, 2010
Given that American midterm elections have just taken place, we wanted to offer another article on politics – this time with two perspectives that oppose each other. Yesterday we pointed out that an analysis of US electoral perspectives focusing on the Americ ...
More Real Bill Fallacies
November 03, 2010
In the first article of my two-part series on the Real Bills Doctrine (RBD), in commenting on the Daily Bell's interview with Professor Lawrence H. White on October 10, 2010, I made the central point that the source of commercial credit is not saving but consum ...
The Golden Promotion?
November 02, 2010
Is the current doom and gloom regarding the dollar (versus gold and silver) a bit ... manufactured. We only point this out because as soon as the mainstream media starts banging the drums for a given point of view, we become a bit skeptical. To find an article ...
Libertarian Wave?
November 02, 2010
Most of the analysis about the American elections taking place has to do with "anger." The Democrats are said to be dejected over President Barack Obama's lack of progressiveness. He has not been radical enough or statist enough. Republicans are said to be upse ...
Saudi Arms Deal is About Iran
November 02, 2010
This month the US Administration notified Congress that it intends to complete one of the largest arms sales in US history to one of the most repressive regimes on earth. Saudi Arabia has been given the green light by the administration to spend $60 billion on ...
The Unbearable Lightness of Being Jon Stewart
November 01, 2010
The last time the realm was faced with this sort of challenge was during the Great Depression. Then World War I veterans marched on Washington DC demanding money they had been promised. The powers-that-be shuddered and feared general civil unrest - much as they ...
HSBC and J.P. Morgan Face Lawsuits for Precious Metals Manipulations
November 01, 2010
Hard-money writer David Bond has composed a short but cogent update (excerpted above) that spells out what could be going on with the gold and silver markets now and in the near future. It's his impression (and the impression of some Bell feedbackers, as we not ...
The Observers
November 01, 2010
Many contemporary intellectuals have a problem. They are theoretically committed to the idea that they can be no more than observers of human life and make no value judgments about it. This is because the philosophical basis for evaluating people, their conduct ...
David Morgan Explains Why Silver Is Catching Up, Why It's Broken Out and Where It Goes From Here
October 31, 2010
The Daily Bell is pleased to present an exclusive interview with David Morgan. Mr. Morgan is a widely recognized analyst in the precious metals industry and consults for hedge funds, high net worth investors, mining companies, depositories and bullion dealers. ...
Is Unrest the EU's New Normal?
October 30, 2010
In our extra-large conference room sit 1,000 elves in various stages of disarray with battered, colorful, conical hats, many of them refugees from the misery of St. Nick's disintegrating manufacturing processes. It is a "close" environment, to be sure but bette ...
Real Bills and Gold
October 30, 2010
The Daily Bell published an interview with Dr. Lawrence H. White, Professor of Economics, George Mason University, on October 24, 2010. One of the questions the interviewer asked was this: "Please comment on real bills and how they work." In his answer Professo ...
Equality Is Only a Cheap Dream
October 30, 2010
Two academic researchers, both of them psychologists, have recently rekindled all the fuss about inequality of income in the United States of America. Mostly this topic has been the province of political philosophers, economists and theorists, many of whom have ...
Debriefing a Sovereign Money Hater
October 29, 2010
We just had an argument with a furious friend of ours and since we are tired of being shouted at, we will now present the argument of our friend and the crux of his cranky argument. It is a little like lancing a boil, we suppose. Please bear in mind, by the way ...
Recycling Memes: The Biodiversity Promotion
October 29, 2010
Well, they are at it again. Usually we try very hard to produce articles that are not being currently reported on within the alternative 'Net media. In this case, we will have to settle for making a statement about an obvious new promotion that is currently bei ...
The US$200-Trillion Debt Which Cannot Be Named
October 28, 2010
For us, this shows as much as anything else how controlled the system really is. It's just a fiction and has little resemblance to reality. Institutions are said to flee to the "safe-haven" of the US dollar when they are nervous. But as Kotlikoff shows, the saf ...
Is the Internet an Ethically Corrosive Technology?
October 28, 2010
This is an interesting article. We have noted that the Rothschild family generally and Sir Evelyn Robert de Rothschild in particular seem to be taking a higher profile of late. We remember when he was interviewed about the financial crisis by the "money honey," ...
Is There Life After Sudden Death of the International Banking System?
October 28, 2010
The debate on the Real Bills Doctrine (RBD) within the sound money movement is important because the international banking system, financing world trade as well as domestic trade, is facing its greatest challenge in all history. Indeed, it may succumb to the su ...
Charity and Generosity That Aren't
October 28, 2010
In a recent stump speech urging people to keep Democrats in power, President Obama told his audience that America is a country based in large measure on the principle that "we are all our brothers' keepers." This is not true, but even if it were and even if tha ...
Is the Elite Destabilizing the World on Purpose?
October 27, 2010
This is a very long and learned article (excerpted above) from a forthcoming book by Andrew Gavin Marshall on Global Government, from Global Research Publishers, Montreal. It was just published online yesterday, interestingly enough on the same day we published ...
Afghanistan: An Even Longer War?
October 27, 2010
The idea that the West has attacked first Afghanistan and then Iraq for oil and commodities, especially, provides us with a kind of Marxist or Leftist perspective. This perspective has also created the Long War scenario in which the West and particularly the An ...
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