STAFF NEWS & ANALYSIS Showing 1901 - of
Meme of the Mosque
August 26, 2010
From our humble point of view, the controversy surrounding the mosque near Ground Zero has already done the job it is supposed to do. Its main duty might be seen, from a promotional standpoint, as one of bringing American's attention back again to the realizati ...
Is It an Elite Depression?
August 25, 2010
In analyzing the memes of the Anglo-American power elite and its berserker attempts at creating global governance, we face the conundrum of whether what is going on is part of a larger plan or the crumbling of a plan. This is not just a question for the Daily B ...
Political Paralysis Spreads to Australia?
August 25, 2010
We have spent time in the past several years analyzing the ongoing unraveling of the power elite's "democracy" meme. This of course is a widespread perception now and in America has even caused a new political movement – the Tea Party movement. Many people in ...
Society's Rules Don't Create Wealth
August 25, 2010
In olden days people were forced to labor for the king and his minions in return for being allowed to live within the realm. This kind of extortion finally got tossed over and people's basic right to their lives became acknowledged - in the political philosophy ...
Falsity of Creative Destruction
August 24, 2010
This is a very interesting article that appears in Newsweek by James Manyika, Susan Lund and Byron Auguste. Manyika is a director of the global management and consulting firm McKinsey & Co, (Newsweek tells us), and of the McKinsey Global Institute, where Lund i ...
Muslim Bogeymen
August 24, 2010
Both in terms of feedback to the Daily Bell and in the larger Western (American) society, we see an uptick of Islamic demonization. From our point of view, as we have expressed many times, this demonization of the "other" is a kind of power-elite dominant socia ...
Let the Housing Market Normalize!
August 24, 2010
Recently there have been some encouraging signs that Congress is finally willing to admit what should have been evident two years ago. Even after a $150 billion bailout, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are still bankrupt and should be abolished. Indeed Rep. Barney F ...
Stoning & The Times
August 24, 2010
In this era when major political figures denounce ideological – by which they of course have in mind principled – thinking, why should one be consistent, show integrity? Those are not the virtues of sophisticates. Those are pedestrian ideals. As our preside ...
The Artificiality of Corporations
August 23, 2010
There is fairly clear evidence that the rise of tcorporation, a basically Anglo-American concept has run into rougher waters in this era of the Internet – as the Wall Street Journal points out. But the Journal for all its skepticism takes the rise of Western ...
Obama's Royal Retinue
August 23, 2010
It is not a novel observation, but it probably bears repeating. The vacations that President Obama takes are like some sort of royal procession. It wasn't so obvious under George Bush because he had his own "ranch" to go to. But like Bill Clinton, Obama is a wa ...
Principles vs. Pragmatism viz. the Mosque
August 23, 2010
If it is true that men and women in human communities ought not to intrude on their fellow citizens' liberties, then that idea would come in full strength just when it is most tempting to butt in. So, given how strongly millions of Americans feel that those pla ...
Nelson Hultberg on Libertarian-Conservatism and His New Conservative American Political Party
August 22, 2010
The Daily Bell is pleased to present an exclusive interview with Nelson Hultberg. Mr. Hultberg is a freelance writer in Dallas, Texas and the Executive Director of Americans for a Free Republic. His articles have appeared in such publications as The Dallas Morn ...
Maybe US Wants Iran to Have the Bomb?
August 21, 2010
All 1,000 of us gathered around the Bell conference table and there wasn't any room to breathe. So we scattered and a few of us decided to write this article. The rest went hiking. It is actually not our hypothesis but that of a very paranoid individual's. Call ...
10 Credible Conspiracy Theories?
August 20, 2010
While popular, left-wing website AlterNet cannot be considered mainstream media per se, this article partakes of the modern Western (mostly US) tradition of debunking suspicions that people may have about their government. It is especially a US dominant social ...
Rise of the Neo-Authoritarian Intelligentsia
August 20, 2010
We were startled to find this article appearing in the leftist because it deals evidently and obviously with the Daily Bell theme: that prominent writers can construct fear-based arguments that help support larger power-elite dominant social themes. I ...
Revisiting Natural Rights
August 20, 2010
In response to an essay in which I discuss the difference between Amartya Sen's and the late Peter Bauer's recommendation for how countries can achieve economic development, one in which I touch on the topic of natural rights, someone sent the magazine where my ...
The Genius of Murdoch
August 19, 2010
Rupert Murdoch is a full-on genius - as we have pointed out before. Having purchased the Wall Street Journal and implemented a pay wall, he now has to come up with compelling news and opinions to make the Journal worthwhile buying. We know he is succeeding beca ...
GM – A Sucker's Bet?
August 19, 2010
GM is going back into the markets. GM is a new and improved car company and is back on its feet again. Is there a further elaboration of a dominant social theme we could muster? Perhaps there is: "Government knows what it is doing and President Barack Obama sav ...
Revisiting Obama's Selective Pragmatism
August 19, 2010
Ironically, pragmatism, the quintessentially unprincipled philosophical movement, was born in America, the one country in human history and around the globe most explicitly tied to certain basic principles of community life – e.g., the existence of unalienabl ...
Dick Armey's Tea-Party Coup
August 18, 2010
A number of month ago, we wrote a good many articles about the Tea Party movement. Along with everyone else we were trying to figure out what it was about and why there seemed to be several different movements and no real way of determining who was in charge or ...
Is Obama Over?
August 18, 2010
It took Bill Clinton nearly eight years to kill the credibility of his presidency. It took George Bush about five years. It has taken Barack Obama about two. Anybody see a pattern? We do. The Internet itself, like a vast echo chamber, reminds people endlessly ( ...
Infanticide & Instincts
August 18, 2010
As life rolls on for me, with many pluses and some minuses along the way, an issue that keeps propping up in my more academic studies is whether people have instincts like non-human animals supposedly do. Or are we born with what some refer to as a blank slate, ...
Euro-Zone Erodes
August 17, 2010
The argument made in this article is that Europe's debt crisis is not at an end and will continue to get worse. The article is written by Matthew Lynn – a Bloomberg News columnist and author of "Bust," a forthcoming book on the Greek debt crisis. Is there a d ...
Abandon the Afghan Ship?
August 17, 2010
Here at the Bell we regard the Afghan war as the most important conflict since World War II. We do not believe the Afghan war is merely one of convenience designed to initiate a long war that will destabilize Asia and thus China and Russia. If the Anglo-America ...
Washington's Idea of Fiscal Restraint
August 17, 2010
The truth comes out eventually, however. Much like the recently discovered exemption from Freedom of Information Act requirements for the SEC that was slipped into the equally massive and "urgent" financial reform bill, we are finally seeing what other insidiou ...
The Mosque Fiasco
August 17, 2010
For once I agree with something that President Obama said, if I understood him right: Muslims do have the basic right, one that is legally protected in a free country, to build a mosque anywhere they choose if they own the land (or are leasing it with permissi ...
America the Fallible
August 16, 2010
Mortimer Zuckerman, who never apparently unearthed a mainstream meme he didn't appreciate, has written an article (excerpted above) in the Wall Street Journal proclaiming the "end of American optimism." Zuckerman is the extraordinarily successful Canadian-born ...
Men and Women Are the Same?
August 16, 2010
We have written previously about feminism, stating that it was a kind of elite dominant social theme to induce women to compensate for the loss of family income due to central banking. It was not going to be enough by the mid 20th century for women to work hard ...
Larry Pratt on the GOA, the Constitution and Gun Control
August 15, 2010
The Daily Bell is pleased to present an exclusive interview with Larry Pratt. Lawrence D. Pratt (born November 13, 1942) is the Executive Director of Gun Owners of America, a U.S.-based firearms lobbying group, and a former member of the Virginia House of Deleg ...
Krugman to the Fed: Do More!
August 14, 2010
Paul Krugman is upset. He wants the Federal Reserve to take a number of concrete actions to make the deleveraging of America go away. He doesn't call it deleveraging of course. He calls it deflation, which means the money supply is contracting. Of course he doe ...
Carbon Rises Anyway
August 14, 2010
We have stated numerous times that one way someone can tell whether or not a specific sociopolitical belief system is a power-elite dominant social theme is by whether it continues to lurch ahead even after its credibility has badly diminished. There is no bett ...
Time Figures Out Economics – Not!
August 13, 2010
We are relieved that Ms. Barbara Kiviat, who looks too young to be writing about economics for Time Magazine, has had her confusion lessened by Roger Backhouse in his new book. However, by giving voice to her puzzlement, Kiviat is enunciating a dominant social ...
The 'Former' Success of the NY Times
August 13, 2010
This caught our collective eye (it's one heckuva strange looking eye, sort of like an insect's with many facets) because it is so quintessentially a New York Times article. The New York Times has always specialized in "insider" big-town articles, which provide ...
US Unemployment Out of Control?
August 12, 2010
We've written about the difficulty of reigniting employment in the midst of a crack-up boom, and now even the New York Times is starting to come around to that point of view. For those conspiracy-minded folk that like to chant "out of chaos, order," we want to ...
The Case Against Libertarian Humanism
August 12, 2010
When we read about Matt Ridley and his latest book, The Rational Optimist, we were actually shocked! The level of sophistication that Ridley brings to the subject is far beyond what we traditionally read in the mainstream media – which is more likely to focus ...
UK Central Bank Loses Credibility
August 11, 2010
The power elite insists on its memes. Having put a dominant social theme into play, it continues to promote the theme no matter whether it is credible or not. This made sense in the 19th century when the elite controlled all the possible channels of communicati ...
US Prosperity Meme Comes Undone
August 11, 2010
We have commented on the eventual unraveling of the pact between the state and its public employees before. Now, apparently, it is starting to become a reality. For decades the West, both Europe and America, has maintained the fiction that government was a nurt ...
The Cycle of Violence in Afghanistan
August 11, 2010
Last week the National Bureau of Economic Research published a report on the effect of civilian casualties in Afghanistan and Iraq that confirmed what critics of our foreign policy have been saying for years: the killing of civilians, although unintentional, an ...
Mose, My Hero
August 11, 2010
My current reason for deciding to celebrate Mose is a bit odd. He is one of the oldest jazz musicians still making the circuit regularly, having just recently returned from recording live two CDs in London, just as a sample. He is in his early 80s and sings and ...
World Justice Meme Emerges
August 10, 2010
Like everybody else, we have been transfixed by the war-crimes tribunal that is weighing the fate of former Liberian strongman Charles Taylor. OK ... that was a nice opening line, but actually, we don't know anyone who is "transfixed," and few who are following ...
African Union Plans Spaceflight
August 10, 2010
We don't much like large governmental organization and we are not fans of the even larger organizations erected by, for lack of a better phrase, "regional" governments such as the European Union. This announcement by the African Union is a twofer in this regard ...
Does Radical Left Favor Radical Islam?
August 10, 2010
Recently I have been recalling when University of Michigan Professor of Law, Catherine McKinnon used to advocate censoring pornography because she believed it is an assault upon women. She lays out her case in her very prestigiously published slim and readable ...
Desperate to Get US Economy Moving
August 09, 2010
It is getting toward desperation time for the Obama Administration. While there is nothing much the public sector can ever do to "create" jobs or to make an economy more prosperous, the public sector in this day and age can surely make things worse. The dominan ...
Globalism Is for Adults?
August 09, 2010
We keep stumbling on these weird articles in the mainstream press, and from our perspective they're getting weirder all the time - the ones that seek to justify various power-elite memes such as globalization, global warming and financial regulation. But this a ...
Bill Bonner on Deleveraging, the Collapse of the Dollar and Rise of a 'Lost Decade'
August 08, 2010
The Daily Bell is pleased to present an exclusive interview with Bill Bonner. We caught up with Agora Financial's founder, Bill Bonner, at Agora's annual conference in Vancouver, BC. We have interviewed him previously. Since founding Agora Inc. in 1979, Bill Bo ...
Rich Run Scared?
August 07, 2010
We've watched this story unfold and are quite taken by its admirable qualities. There is something amazing about watching so many important people come together to give so much money to worthy causes. That this cavalcade of generosity would be led by such lumin ...
Where Did BPs Oil Spill Go?
August 07, 2010
The BP story just keeps on getting weirder. First it was the most monumental crisis in the history of environmental pollution, and now, if reports are accurate, it is nearly nothing at all. In the meantime, the Obama Administration has attempted to shut-down de ...
Change You Can Believe In
August 06, 2010
We have made this point before, but it is an important one, so we'll do so once again: The conversation about freedom in America is alive and well and becoming more important every day. This article in the Baltimore Sun - an editorial actually - provides eviden ...
Western Wars Are Preplanned?
August 06, 2010
Please don't write to us about VoltaireNet. We understand what it is and its controversial history. We are citing an article from it only because F. William Engdahl, whom we both admire and dislike (idea-wise, not personally) has written an extraordinary series ...
China – The Reality of the Bubble
August 05, 2010
There are no less than two eye-opening recent stories in Germany's mainstream Spiegel Online dealing with the Chinese real-estate bubble. You can see an excerpt of one above. The other is called "Chinese Fight Property Seizures by the State," and gives us a fai ...
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