STAFF NEWS & ANALYSIS Showing 2151 - of
UK Surveillance State Deflates?
May 19, 2010
The idea that the British Queen herself – with a putative worth in the trillions – will apparently make such statements as these only adds to the strength of what we would have to believe is a considerable rhetorical reversal. Given the endless attempts of ...
More Trading Curbs for NYSE
May 19, 2010
We wonder that anyone can report these issues with a straight face anymore. Well, obviously Reuters can. But at what point do observers finally say "enough" when it comes to regulatory democracy and its ever-evolving attempts to "fix" elements of industry that ...
Charles Krauthammer's Fallacy
May 19, 2010
In a recent discussion about the war on drugs Charles Krauthammer, the most avidly conservative columnist in the nation's capital (and who writes for The Washington Post), defended the war by comparing the abuses associated with it – such as police raids on h ...
Greek Banking Crack-Up Exposed
May 18, 2010
Above and beyond the contradiction between its strategies and goals, the elite is struggling with two other factors in Europe. First, the downturn is far worse than expected and is causing considerable tension between elite players themselves (Sarkozy, Merkel, ...
Afghan Poppy Farmers Attacked by NATO?
May 18, 2010
If indeed Western intelligence agencies are responsible for the sudden Afghan poppy plague, let us be clear: It will go down in the annals of counter-intelligence as one of the stupidest blunders ever made by the West's blinkered spooks. It would be a classic c ...
The Government as Identity Thieves
May 18, 2010
The spotlight remains on the Greek sovereign debt crisis as the riots continue. The terms of the Greek bailout from the IMF and Eurozone countries remain contentious with citizens on all sides. Europeans hate having their governments throw public money away as ...
Just Goldman?
May 17, 2010
There is (just so we don't leave anyone in suspense) an Anglo-American elite with European roots, an intermingling of royal and industrial families and Venetian bankers probably tracing their antecedents back to Rome and beyond, perhaps even apocryphally to Bab ...
Military Madness Without End
May 17, 2010
The mess in Afghanistan has even Saudi Arabia concerned. In our humble opinion Afghanistan has been tortured enough after some 30 years of intermittent, cyclical war. And we wonder why the leaders of the Anglo-American axis continue to believe the blood-lettin ...
Thomas James DiLorenzo on Abraham Lincoln, U.S. Authoritarianism and Manipulated History
May 16, 2010
The Daily Bell is pleased to present an exclusive interview with Thomas DiLorenzo. DiLorenzo is an American economics professor at Loyola University Maryland. He is also a senior faculty member of the Ludwig von Mises Institute and an affiliated scholar of the ...
Wheels Falling Off Euro?
May 15, 2010
What a day Friday was! The Daily Bell began its coverage of both the falling euro (and the failing EU) by pointing out that (as predicted), the power elite and the EU political elite, particularly, were using the EU "crisis" as a way to call for increased centr ...
The New Austrian School of Economics
May 15, 2010
The Austrian School of Economics dates its beginnings back to the publication in 1871 of a slender volume: The Principles of Economics(Grundsätze der Volkwirtschaftslehre) by Carl Menger. The adjective "Austrian" was meant to be derogatory, introduced by eco ...
IMF Plotting Gold-Backed SDRs?
May 14, 2010
International currencies are much in the news these days (see other article, this issue) and in this article we will contemplate two rhetorical goalposts that the power elite could use to move the world further on down the field toward a single Western internat ...
As Predicted, EU Leaders Seek 'US of Europe'
May 14, 2010
So maybe the power elite doesn't have in mind raping and looting Europe and leaving after all, as some in the alternative press have recently been reporting. (Yes, they'll rape and loot, but they'll likely stick around just as we've been suggesting this past we ...
Hyperinflation or Hyperdeflation
May 14, 2010
James Turk's article Hyperinflation Looms dated April 20, 2010, is based on Quantity Theory of Money (QTM). It draws an analogy between Weimar Germany of 1923 and the United States of 2010. Both precepts are invalid. As far as the QTM is concerned, it suffices ...
Europe's (and our coming) Tragedy of the Commons
May 14, 2010
The gist of the tragedy is that commonly held (important) resources will be depleted and will not be replenished. And this doesn't apply only to how the wilds are being ruined by being held in common but also to national treasuries which everyone in a country b ...
Fiat Central Banks Down for the Count?
May 13, 2010
Because the Bell is perhaps the only publication singularly dedicated to reporting on the power elite's dominant social themes and how they are promoted and faring, our coverage often veers off from both the mainstream media's AND that of the alternative press. ...
Conservative Sham in Britain?
May 13, 2010
We will take a back seat to no one when it comes to relief that the horrible modern era of Labour governance is over for Britain. We are happy that we will not have to read about the sociopathic ramblings of Gordon Brown anymore, or watch as he and/or his minis ...
German Backlash Strikes EU?
May 12, 2010
We do not know how this epic struggle will be resolved. But we do know that the EU's recent actions in supporting its Southern flank may now have jeopardized its Northern one as well. Perhaps all will be well, but we've never been especially bullish on this fla ...
Biggest Scientific Boondoggle Yet
May 12, 2010
We are always shocked by NASA's profligacy and the way it goes about spending billions. It's not far behind the Pentagon in that regard. And we guess the European Space Agency shares similar characteristics. We suppose that this announcement is a way for NASA t ...
The Charlie Brown Syndrome
May 12, 2010
America is no stranger to the ditches along with the fools who persist in driving us there; and the world of politics is an excellent arena to demonstrate this fact. For over four decades now from 1968 to 2010, the Republican Party hierarchy has been playing th ...
EU Tumbles Toward Failure?
May 11, 2010
Eurozone leaders are ready to defend the euro with the equivalent of US$1trillion if necessary. The American Fed and other central banks stand ready to help too apparently. There are several conclusions to be reached from this – and the mainstream and alterna ...
Greek Unrest May Spread
May 11, 2010
We can't help but be a little pleased when the mainstream media occasionally validates our point of view (truly cheap thrills), and in this case, the BBC has posted a report that aligns well with something we wrote in late April. Our intrepid feedbackers provid ...
Fed Audit Under Fire
May 11, 2010
It doesn't come as too much of a surprise that the measure to audit the Federal Reserve is coming under continuous fire from the central bank and its cronies. For the first time since the Federal Reserve was created nearly a century ago, they have hired an actu ...
EU Consolidation Is Key to Halting Crisis
May 10, 2010
We have been predicting along with others in the alternative media that the drumbeat for further consolidation (of the political kind) within the EU would rise steadily as this latest financial crisis unfolded. We have seen signs of it, though few full-blown ar ...
NYSE Plunge From Market Fragmentation?
May 10, 2010
Again, the hypnotic clarion call for more centralization is launched. Being as sensitive to these sorts of promotions as a certain kind of princess is to a pea under a stack of mattresses, we notice when rhetoric resembling a promotion is floated. We were start ...
The Fatal Allure of Pragmatism
May 10, 2010
For the country, then, to have developed the pragmatic approach to law and public policy is a tragic contradiction. All of the fundamental ideals and principles that America is known for is rejected by pragmatism and pragmatists. They take them to be myths or, ...
Mark Thornton on Lincoln's Folly, the Civil War and the Impact of the Business Cycle
May 09, 2010
The Daily Bell is pleased to present an exclusive interview with Mark Thornton. Thornton is Senior Fellow at the Ludwig von Mises Institute. He serves as the Book Review Editor of the Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics and as a member of the Editorial Boar ...
Has the Power Elite Over-Reached?
May 08, 2010
Greece has gone off the rails, and there are lots of post-mortems being written - especially in the mainstream press - about what went wrong and what could go right. The idea, just as we expected, seems to be that the EU will use this crisis as way of implement ...
Goldman Sachs the Anti-Christ?
May 08, 2010
We always have to start these articles off with the requisite nod to the fierce Gods of Ancient (and Modern) Days. So let's get it out of the way. Here goes ... Goldman is a horrible, smug, abusive institution with obvious ties to the power elite. It may indeed ...
My Pitch for Some Solid Selfishness
May 08, 2010
Hardly anyone will dispute that most folks who chime in about ethics consider selfishness wrong. There have been exceptions in history and some of the most prominent ethical philosophers, such as Socrates and Aristotle, can even be said to have been ethical ego ...
EU Elite Continues to Stagger
May 07, 2010
We think the power elite is struggling. We write about this regularly. The Internet has proved a terrible challenge. And partially as a result, the elite's faux-monetary system is compromised; its promotions, generally, are weakening; and people around the worl ...
Merkel Reveals True Socialist Stripes
May 07, 2010
Yesterday, as a kind of aside, we described Merkel as a socialist, and we got some pushback on the topic. We know it's hard to conceive of Merkel as a socialist because the mainstream Anglo-American media describes her as a "conservative." But like all those ru ...
Internet Erodes Faith in Western Economies
May 06, 2010
Ripples of information and anger spread. Blogs rant about fundamental economic building blocks (see above) and contrarian news aggregators provide information to millions. We wrote an article some time ago that said the incredible bailouts that took place in fr ...
Merkel Gains Greece but Loses Germany?
May 06, 2010
Recently we commented on an insightful article in the UK Telegraph that pointed out that Germany was now most obviously the cynosure of the EU, and that the financial crisis had made that clear. But while acknowledging this was true, we wondered if being the ce ...
EU Creates Money Out of Thin Air to Float Greece
May 05, 2010
It is often a bit hard to figure out what is going on in the domain of high finance because the reporting is nearly impermeable. But if people understood clearly, they would probably be enraged. This article from Bloomberg is a case in point. What it really is ...
NATO Generals' Medal Madness?
May 05, 2010
We have our doubts. It is indisputably true that a lot of Afghan civilians are being killed by NATO troops and American Marines. And what is also true is that every time an Afghan civilian is killed (even by the Taliban), Americans in particular are blamed – ...
Congress Freezes Its Own Pay
May 05, 2010
Last week Congress did something fiscally responsible. It's not very often I can say that. Granted, it was small in the grand scheme of things, but I was glad to be an original cosponsor, along with Congressman Harry Mitchell of Arizona, of a bill to block the ...
The Folly of Fairness
May 05, 2010
So Bill Gates sold me some software when he was still in that business. He was then immensely rich, certainly compared to me. I was not compared to him. How unfair, you say? But Bill took his gains from this trade and used it to feed starving African children, ...
Mainstream Media Critical of the Fed?
May 04, 2010
Over the weekend, we analyzed a Washington Post article describing the economic crisis in simple but powerful terms. The article maintained that the problem was caused by risky lending and the solution was regulation to impel "banks" to reduce practices that co ...
Polish Plane Crash Stirs Internet
May 04, 2010
This is a powerful video. Is it a hoax? If it is proves to be true - and not fake or mistranslated - it will go down in the annals of history (unless it goes down the memory hole) as one of the most significant and memorable video documentaries ever created. Ye ...
The EU Has Faltered Over Greece
May 03, 2010
The Bell suggests that investors focus on the most fundamental issue of the 21st century when trying to analyze what's going on in the world from an opportunity standpoint. From our point of view this fundamental issue is the collision between the Internet and ...
Fixing the Dollar Machine
May 03, 2010
This Washington Post story is a great example of how the mainstream media goes about supporting a power elite dominant social theme. In this case the fear-based promotion is that there will be another financial meltdown if "reform" isn't enacted. And to put the ...
Egalitarian Straitjackets
May 03, 2010
In numerous areas of human life treating people in nearly exactly the same way may make sense. Thus, for example, when you go to your dentist, you are probably implored to floss – and so is everyone else who visits dentists. Other doctors, too, will prescribe ...
Robert Higgs on the Independent Institute, Free-Market Thinking and the Impact of the Internet
May 02, 2010
The Daily Bell is pleased to present an exclusive interview with Robert Higgs. Higgs is Senior Fellow in Political Economy for The Independent Institute and Editor of the Institute's quarterly journal The Independent Review. He received his Ph.D. in economics f ...
Is Fed Independence Good?
May 01, 2010
This article appearing recently at the Huffington Post by James Bacchus, a "former member of Congress," is noteworthy because it musters all the arguments against a Federal Reserve audit and, generally, Fed transparency. While Ron Paul (R-Tex) and others have b ...
Real Story of Offshore Drilling
May 01, 2010
We blame American oil companies for this most recent oil spill, but not for the predictable reasons. American oil companies, in our opinion, have helped set up a situation where there is a substantial amount of oil production offshore, even though there doesn't ...
Corporate Socialism
May 01, 2010
The idea that making a profit is somehow ignoble has ancient roots. Partly it stems from the utterly fallacious notion that when someone wins, someone else must lose. So if you go to the mall and purchase a sweater you really like, you must rip off the store wh ...
Potpourri of Volcanic Ash, Goldman Concerns, Chinese Currency Manipulation and More…
May 01, 2010
We truly live in a convoluted and strangely chaotic world. This last week alone has been a mix of all kinds of 'Updates' -worthy matters to discuss, one interlinked with the other. Where should I start??? Goldman Sachs? Eyjafjallajokull (the ominous volcano in ...
Greek Elites Whack Greeks Over Crisis
April 30, 2010
We promised ourselves not to write about the Greek/Euro crisis again for a couple of days, but we can't help but return to it when we see articles like the one excerpted above. In our view, the Greek crisis seems designed to provide real-life examples of what w ...
Mayor Bloomberg Blasts Arizonians Over Immigration
April 30, 2010
We've been reading the reactions to the Arizona anti-immigrant bill, and we've seen how the bill is being utilized to ignite a seeming groundswell of support for upcoming immigration legislation planned by the administration. Arizona's new law makes it easier t ...
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