STAFF NEWS & ANALYSIS Showing 2501 - of
Greece Defies European Union?
December 14, 2009
When one goes back to the root of it, one finds perfectly predictable reporting that puts the genesis at the feet of the American political establishment after World War II and also British royalty which had a yen to spread Belgium's dysfunctional French and Fl ...
Associated Press Ignores Climategate Source Code
December 14, 2009
This article really is a hoot. After reading ALL the Climategate emails, the AP has widely disseminated a story (it's really all over the 'Net) revealing that global warming is taking place even though some of the major scientists analyzing data proving global ...
Nathaniel Branden on Ayn Rand, Her Philosophy and the Psychology of Self-Esteem
December 13, 2009
The editors of The Daily Bell are pleased to present an exclusive interview with legendary colleague of Ayn Rand - Nathaniel Branden, PhD, who has "pioneered the psychology of self-esteem." Dr. Branden is a practicing psychotherapist in Los Angeles and also doe ...
Martin Feldstein: Recovery Is Grossly Exaggerated
December 12, 2009
From our point of view, economists like Dr. Martin Feldstein serve a purpose, but it's not one of honest dialogue. We'll present Feldstein's bio to you in a moment, but the point we're trying to make is that without types like Feldstein mainstream economics has ...
Fed Salaries Explode During Recession
December 12, 2009
This article points out what is just part of a larger issue that both America and Europe have to face. In previous times, the ruling elite was fairly small in number, though highly monied – and fairly self-evident through revelations of royalty, etc. Now the ...
Who Wants War?
December 11, 2009
We now find ourselves in another foreign policy quagmire with little hope of victory, and not even a definition of victory. Eisenhower said that only an alert and informed electorate could keep these war racketeering pressures at bay. He was right, and the key ...
Analysis of Obama's Nobel Speech – an Unsuccessful Promotion?
December 11, 2009
We've commented on Obama's speech because we were amazed (once again) by the thinness of the rhetoric that is at the heart of ...
Rise of the Fed Bashers
December 11, 2009
One of our Feedbacker emailed us and brought this article to our attention and we're glad he did. George Will asks in this article why libertarian Congressman Ron Paul (R-Tex) is trying to audit the Fed when it's doing a pretty darn good job. We ask in turn if ...
Volcker Sees No Value in Derivatives
December 10, 2009
Paul Volcker, George Soros and others are picking up the pace. These people, in our humble opinion, are stitched right into the fabric of the power elite, and the elite appears to be a tad frustrated. The whole idea of "not wasting a crisis' - in this case a fi ...
James Grant Says Go With Gold
December 10, 2009
So James Grant, ever casting his eyes backward in a witty way, wants to return to a gold standard. This would certainly be an improvement over what we have now, which is really nothing. But even a gold standard is not really the best idea. The best idea would b ...
Only 26% of Americans Think Obama Deserves Nobel
December 09, 2009
We want to return to our theme of yesterday that the power elite is trying to do too much at once. We offered up our own favorite analysis that it was the Internet, and the puncturing of one promotion after another, from peak oil, to global warming, to the war ...
Murdoch on Journalism and Freedom
December 09, 2009
We are inspired by Rupert Murdoch's words! We too think the future of journalism is promising and we don't want the "heavy hand" of government to over-regulate or subsidize us either. Rupert stands for all us! He is speaking out for the little scribe in the bas ...
Recession for a Whopping 20 Years
December 08, 2009
We remember when we were doing Internet research for a book that we came across a quote from the elitist Fabian Society. We can't find the quote, but we remember it had do with how the West and its citizens were going to see a remarkable acceleration of "change ...
Shortage of Gold – U.S. Mint Suspends Some Gold Coin Sales
December 08, 2009
The fiction that gold and silver are barbaric metals (Keynes) has once again crumbled into dust. It was most recently a power elite promotion designed to buttress central banking and milk the fiat-money cycle of the 80s and 90s and early 2000s for as long as po ...
Nouriel Roubini: U.S. Has Two Economies
December 07, 2009
The Daily Bell tries to speak to the issue of central banking as much as possible because even after studying the darn strategy individually for two decades or more (and collectively for about a century) we are still regularly shocked at how overwhelmingly powe ...
No More Minarets in Switzerland
December 07, 2009
In a national initiative that was voted on last Sunday, Swiss voting citizens banned any new minarets from being built in Switzerland. The international media´s outcry has been prompt and loud. And, a lot of Muslims in Switzerland and abroad are upset. They ...
Jim Rogers: Time to Dump the Flawed Dollar
December 07, 2009
Our favorite Harley-riding, free-market-oriented billionaire, Jim Rogers, is at it again. He just loves to talk about money metals as if they were just another commodity. Above, he's back to comparing gold to oil. This comparison does not, in our opinion, take ...
James Jaeger on Hollywood's Leveling Agenda, His Own Blackballing and How to Survive as a Libertarian Rebel in an Unfree Industry
December 06, 2009
The editors of The Daily Bell are pleased to present an exclusive interview with free-market film producer James Jaeger. James Jaeger is a Telly Award-winning filmmaker (FIAT EMPIRE) with over 25 years experience writing, directing and editing feature motion pi ...
Brownians Defend Position, Lively Debate Ensues
December 05, 2009
Ed Griffin was the first to coin the expression, "The federal reserve is no more federal than federal express," I believe. He of all people should know better. The FED as he has very well documented and informed millions, is the "reactor core" of the Establishm ...
Big 3 TV Ignores Climategate
December 05, 2009
Wow, we didn't realize this was the case. We don't watch that much TV, especially American television, because we just can't stand it anymore. But sometimes you miss things, and this was one of them. We didn't realize that there hadn't been any formal reports o ...
Dubai Debacle Offers Power Elite Window?
December 04, 2009
We've been reporting on a potential commercial real-estate unwinding for some time now, but quite predictably, the Dubai mess is not being covered as part of that larger story. Or not until Marc Faber puts it in perspective for us. Dubai has been covered, predi ...
China Wary of Gold 'Bubble'
December 04, 2009
So the Chinese think that gold is in a bubble, eh? Those Chinese are always sensitive to the slightest hint of a bubble it seems. Of course that didn't prevent them from amassing a portion of their some US$1 trillion in dollar reserves at the height of the West ...
America's Return to a Road to Serfdom?
December 03, 2009
We are dangerously returning to "the road to serfdom" that free market, Austrian economist and Nobel Laureate, Friedrich A. Hayek, warned about in a book with that title that was originally published in 1944. A spider's web of regulations, controls, and command ...
Fed: From Blowing Bubbles to Popping Them?
December 03, 2009
This is exactly the reason we think that Rupert Murdoch, who owns the Wall Street Journal and many other mainstream media providers has his work cut out for him. The thesis of this article is that the Federal Reserve is concerned about bubbles. But the Federal ...
Climategate: It's All Unravelling Now?
December 03, 2009
Yes, we think the UK Telegraph has got it right. Global warming, once one of the power elite's most successful promotions, is on the way out. It has lost credibility with the average joe, and when a promotion fails at that significant level it is fairly kaput. ...
Germany's Merkel Alarmed, Worsens Crisis?
December 02, 2009
Merkel to the rescue? Germany under Merkel has proven a bit more resistant to endless bailouts than, say, America or Britain. We don't know if Merkel will end up with another bailout, but we do know her reluctance is admirable (as admirable as a politician can ...
New MS Procedure May Cure Disease in Days?
December 02, 2009
How is this possible? Another nutcase? There are plenty of cures out there for cancer – though whether any of them work is yet a debatable point. This is not because they are hoaxes, only because their inventors have, perhaps, been denied a proper forum for o ...
Healthcare Freedom or Healthcare Bureaucracy?
December 01, 2009
The U.S. Preventive Task Force caused quite a stir recently when they revised their recommendations on the frequency and age for women to get mammograms. Many have speculated on the timing for this government-funded report, with the Senate vote on health care l ...
Murdoch: This Is an L-Shaped Recovery
December 01, 2009
Murdoch addresses the economy with refreshing candor. Well, you can count on ole Rupert (when he isn't too busy slagging Google) to give us the real goods. Here a major business leader – an international star, really – who comes out and tells us what few ar ...
Big Bang Collider to Discover Universe Origins – Not!
December 01, 2009
Thank goodness for modern science. We promised some perceptive Bell feedbackers a while back that we would write a story about "big science" and now seems as good a time as any since there is "news" about a "big bang" experiment at CERN. The news, this article ...
Banking on Those Very Few Nuggets of Certainty
November 30, 2009
Uncertainty, to some degree, always has been and always will be a constant in the realm of wealth management. However, as we proceed further along this path of ‘Easy Money´ and the growing power of central government that, per default, goes with it, we ...
Dubai's Threat to Western Banks
November 30, 2009
We've been following the Dubai mess because we have written about Dubai numerous times from a promotional standpoint. It occurred to us fairly long ago, having made several trips to Dubai, that the weirdness associated with Dubai could not just be coincidence. ...
Climategate – Worst Scientific Scandal Ever?
November 30, 2009
What a surprise! Like any other ambitious (though modest) publication, the Daily Bell is engaged in a struggle for "share of mind." While the Bell is doing very well in its quest, we believe that scandals such as Climategate prove the ultimate veracity of the B ...
Ed Griffin on the Economic Crisis, the Monetary Elite and the Future of the Internet
November 29, 2009
The editors of the Daily Bell are pleased to publish an exclusive follow-up interview with legendary hard-money historian G. Edward Griffin who has much to say about the economic crisis, the mood of the monetary elite and the effect of the Internet on freedom. ...
UK Treasury Reveals Huge Secret Loans to Biggest Banks
November 28, 2009
Naughty, naughty. One of the nice things about understanding free-market financial history is that it gives you an opportunity to step back and see things as they really are. And what the Western world has done in the 20th century especially is institutionalize ...
Aliens Already Exist on Earth?
November 28, 2009
Compatriots of ours, who share our fascination with the dominant social themes of the elite, have noticed a trend of late, but they are reluctant to make too much of it because in the normal scheme of things they would be candidates for institutionalization. Si ...
High Gold Prices: It's the Oil, Stupid
November 27, 2009
This is an interesting article in Seeking Alpha, which is itself a very interesting site on finance and economics so far as we are concerned. Also, as readers may note, Seeking Alpha is not exactly a mainstream news site, however the argument being made in the ...
Obama: Renew Patriot Surveillances
November 27, 2009
This seems to be our non-mainstream press day. Yes, we try to comment on the mainstream press, but in this case there really has not been a whole lot in the mainstream press about this subject, as covered above by the leftist AlterNet. So how do you cover a vac ...
The Gathering Geithner Storm
November 26, 2009
We're not so upset about the criticism of Timonthy Geithner as Thomas Cooley is in this recent Forbes article. Cooley is the Paganelli-Bull professor of economics and Richard R. West dean of the NYU Stern School of Business, and he writes a weekly column for Fo ...
Obama to Attend Copenhagen Climate Talks
November 26, 2009
Steps necessary to address global concerns. Around the world there are convulsions having to do with global warming. It is as if a snoozing animal is suddenly waking up, its fur rippling with a chilly, but steady wind blowing in from the North – where truth l ...
The True Meaning of Thanksgiving: The Birth of Private Enterprise in America
November 25, 2009
This time of the year, whether in good economic times or bad, is when Americans gather with their families and friends and enjoy a Thanksgiving meal together. It marks a remembrance of those early Pilgrim Fathers who crossed the uncharted ocean from Europe to m ...
Hiding Evidence of Global Cooling
November 25, 2009
We admit once upon a time we used to read the Washington Times with a bit more enthusiasm. But the Times endlessly militant approach to the war on terror and its general Bush boosting during the previous administration became a bit much. However, in all fairnes ...
America's Broken Politics
November 24, 2009
Granted this is the leftist Guardian, so commenting on such an analysis from a free-market point of view is a bit like shooting fish in a barrel. But the article also provides us with a dominant social theme of sorts – that America will do better when the fed ...
Congress Grows Fed Up Despite Central Bank's Push
November 23, 2009
Is the criticism of the Fed getting out of control? Well, no. But since our modest paper is devoted on a regular basis to examining the promotions of the monetary elite and its relationship to free-markets, let us take a moment to analyze more precisely what a ...
Gary Taubes on Cold Fusion, Good Nutrition and What Makes Bad and Good Science
November 22, 2009
The editors of The Daily Bell are pleased to present an exclusive interview with leading science writer Gary Taubes. Mr. Taubes is the author of a number of well-received books including Good Calories, Bad Calories: Challenging the Conventional Wisdom on Diet, ...
Fed Makes Monitoring Bank Capital Foremost Concern
November 21, 2009
Well, here is an interesting conundrum. The wise men at the Federal Reserve, having thrown trillions into the larger marketplace, now worry that banks won't have the wherewithal, capital-wise, to withstand another asset-bubble blow up. The Fed's top brains are ...
Fed Faces Loss of Liberty
November 20, 2009
In the Fall of last year, Congress was persuaded' as a matter of urgency to vote $700,000,000,000 for the Troubled Asset Recovery Program, or TARP. It was the largest money vote in history. Now, Congress is concerned that TARP money has been misspent and that t ...
Is $6,300 Fair Value for Gold?
November 20, 2009
Of the mainstream press, only Ambrose Evans-Pritchard would likely have the gumption to write an article like this in our opinion (at this stage of the market, anyway), though we don't know if he made the headline up or not. And it's not that bad an article in ...
The Inescapable Law of Equilibrium
November 19, 2009
In nature just as in our personal lives, the principle of equilibrium is paramount. It permeates pretty much everything we know and do. All matters are drawn to equilibrium: the farther things move away from the state of equilibrium, the greater the forces are ...
The Bank of England Seems … Well, Confused
November 19, 2009
We've pointed out on numerous occasions that putting elderly (white) men (mostly) in a room with a time limit and letting them decide the quantity and price of money is a bad idea. In fact, if we proposed it that bluntly most people would reject it out of hand. ...
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