STAFF NEWS & ANALYSIS Showing 2651 - of
Officials See Rise in Militia Groups Across U.S.
August 14, 2009
Is McEntire awaiting a spark? The size and aggressiveness of the US military-police-industrial complex is noteworthy. If ordinary citizens ever understood the length, breadth and depth of it, questions naturally would arise, such as - why does the US federal go ...
Krugman Says World Avoided Second Great Depression
August 13, 2009
Paul Krugman is a Nobel prize-winning economist, and his take on what's happened with the financial crisis is surely one to be reckoned with. It is the narrative that the mainstream news media will likely utilize over the coming weeks and months. We believe thi ...
Why Not Stop the Free Cash and Call the Bankers' Bluff?
August 12, 2009
The Daily Bell covers dominant social themes. And we have pointed out that these themes may have a kind of spiritual significance. While organized religion seems to have lapsed in the West in the 20th century, the monetary elite launches sociopolitical perspect ...
Raucous Town Hall Meeting Symptom of Larger Unraveling?
August 11, 2009
What's the real import? We think the monetary elite is fighting for its collective life. The Internet is gradually undermining each and every dominant social theme. Without the ability to promote its point of view seamlessly through the mainstream media, the mo ...
Investors – Good News on Unemployment?
August 10, 2009
We are not as excited about the unemployment figures as the American stock market was on Friday after the numbers were released. For one thing, unemployment figures track jobless benefits. Anyone who has lost a job and signs up for unemployment benefits becomes ...
An Unhealthy Health Plan
August 09, 2009
Until relatively recently, America had an economy, currency and health system that was the envy of the world. Today, the economy and currency look sick. There is an urgent need to curb entitlement spending and boost infrastructure spending to lift the economy a ...
Frank Holmes on Why Gold Is Poised to Go Higher and How He Will Help Get It There
August 09, 2009
The editors of The Daily Bell are pleased to present this exclusive interview conducted by Scott Smith with top investment pro Frank E. Holmes. Mr. Holmes is chief executive and chief investment officer at U.S. Global Investors, which specializes in natural res ...
Obama Announces Billions in Grants for Electric Cars
August 08, 2009
Venturing back to a region reeling in deep unemployment, President Barack Obama's latest mission in Indiana is to show that the costly stimulus plan he lobbied for is producing tangible help – $2.4 billion in taxpayer grants to create electric cars and tens o ...
Warning: Oil Supplies Are Running Out Fast
August 07, 2009
The monetary elite has every reason to develop and sustain the meme that oil is running out. The wealth to be garnered by controlling such a basic substance is phenomenal. The perception that such a substance is rare and getting rarer only adds to its value. Ye ...
Greenspan Gives 'Cash for Clunkers' a Thumbs-Up
August 06, 2009
This is what we're talkin' about! In order to stimulate the economy, central banks have given trillions to money center banks that are then supposed to lend out the money to businesses that will expand, thus providing additional jobs and salaries to workers who ...
What Became of Obama's Beer Summit?
August 05, 2009
Ordinarily we quote from mainstream articles to make a point about the lack of logic and internal consistency in what passes for the current conversation regarding Western freedoms. World Net Daily, primarily a well-traveled and conservative Internet site, is n ...
The Mid-Rank Civil Servant Who's Paid an Astonishing 350,000 pounds a Year
August 04, 2009
Actually, we are not surprised by this sort of public sector salary. The total in US dollars is probably somewhere around $700,000 (versus pounds), but any way that you slice it, this sort of money is big. Those in the public sector often speak of the difficult ...
Congressman Grayson Demands Fed Accountability
August 03, 2009
More than almost anyone else, recently, Alan Grayson has put Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke on the hot seat during Congressional hearings. And Grayson has grilled other Fed personnel as well, most notably Inspector General Elizabeth Coleman – a Youtube ...
Bob Chapman on Gold, Silver, a Bank Holiday and the Monetary Elite
August 02, 2009
The editors of The Daily Bell are pleased to present this exclusive interview conducted by Scott Smith with hard-money expert Bob Chapman. Bob has been writing and analyzing the precious metals field for decades. As one of the largest gold brokers of the 1970s, ...
Obama: Risky if Firms Think They Are Too Big to Fail
August 01, 2009
How about pro-bubble? President Barack Obama is obviously trying to sound responsible and business-like. He has been advised – presumably advised – that he needs to make a statement about being pro-business and also to warn businesspeople, especially in the ...
Richard Daughty on Central Banking Schemes, the Internet Effect, Silver, Gold and More
August 01, 2009
Richard Daughty, the Mogambo Metals and Money Guru, describes himself as "the angriest guy in economics." No doubt this is because a genuine belief in Austrian hard-money economics leads him to question the moves, rationale and even, sometimes, the sanity of th ...
Treasury Admits 'Intellectual Failure' Behind Credit Crisis
July 31, 2009
In our humble opinion, the British Treasury's definitive account of what went wrong with the economy in Britain (and the West ...
Durable Goods Orders Drop 2.5 Percent in June
July 30, 2009
Is a recovery on its way? We would argue that mal-investments have not been purged from the larger economy. We would argue that tens of trillions have been loaned out to major commercial banks, allowing stock markets to go back up and creating a patina of econo ...
Bernanke Defends Fed's Response to Financial Crisis
July 29, 2009
Bernanke can make all the appearances he wants. He can campaign to his heart's content but reality is bringing him and central banking to a different place. Ordinarily it is foolhardy to bet against a monetary elite with so much wealth and power. But this is on ...
Queen Elizabeth Told How Economists Missed Financial Crisis
July 28, 2009
So one of the most prestigious economic schools in the world, the London School of Economics, has provided a letter to the Queen of England explaining why none of the eminent economists at the school remotely anticipated the terrible financial crisis of the lat ...
100 Million Cheers for Ben Bernanke!
July 27, 2009
Let's be fair. We are not fans of Bernanke, but in fact, there is in fact no reason to blame just him. It is the system itself that is flawed. It is the system itself that must be reformed. Now you may be an investor who is heartened by the recent rise of the D ...
Peter Schiff Explains Why He Was Right and Why Art Laffer Was Wrong and Whether He Will Run for Senate
July 26, 2009
Introduction: Peter Schiff is one of the few non-biased investment advisors to have correctly called the current bear market before it began and to have positioned his clients accordingly. He has been quoted in many of the nation's leading newspapers, and appea ...
UK Economy Re-Enters Choppy Waters
July 25, 2009
The truth is fairly simple, in fact. We've been writing about it busily here at the Bell. It's all over the Internet if you care to look. The problem with the economy is over-printing of money by central banks causing a boom and then a bust. The bust this time ...
Dow 15,000, Here We Come: Stocks Going to New Highs, Say Wall Street Execs
July 24, 2009
The nice thing about free-market analysis is that it really tends to put what is happening to the larger economy in its proper perspective. Free-market analysis tells us that central banks have once again begun reinflating the financial bubble and that the gain ...
Robert A. Quartermain on Where Silver Is Headed and How Silver Standard Resources Intends to Benefit
July 23, 2009
Robert A. Quartermain, M.Sc., P.Geo. is President and Chief Executive Officer of Silver Standard Resources Inc. Mr. Quartermain has been the President and a director of Silver Standard since 1985. He graduated from the University of New Brunswick with a Bachelo ...
Recession Past Nadir
July 23, 2009
Let us remember that a recession is merely a depression that has not been fully realized. Thus, if it is said that the "recession" is running its course, this really means the economy has not been fully purged nor have the industrial distortions of the previous ...
Bernanke Dragged Into Stimulus Debate
July 22, 2009
Never has the American Federal Reserve been so challenged by Congress, or not for the past 50 years anyway, not since the Great Depression, actually. We've been following what we believe to be the unraveling of the Fed, and Bernanke's appearance on the Hill yes ...
And Next for Britain, the Semi-Slump
July 21, 2009
Here at the Daily Bell we have never much believed in green shoots and we can see from the above article that those who have been spotting them are retreating. But more than that, this article in Britain's Guardian blames the Bank of England for not doing enoug ...
Fiscal Ruin of the Western World Beckons
July 20, 2009
Gloom is not so much the issue, of course, as ruin – widespread and prolonged. We have long anticipated a crisis of modern day capitalism, especially since the latest financial difficulties began less than two years ago. In the interim, central banks have pou ...
Ted Butler on Market Manipulation, Where the Economy Is Headed and Why Silver Is a Screaming Buy
July 19, 2009
Ted Butler was the first research analyst to publicly recognize and write about the ramifications of precious metals lending and forward-sale fiasco His work preceded by years, any other such analysis. In addition, he has taken the high road in his analysis and ...
NASA Loses Original Tapes of First Moon Landing
July 18, 2009
NASA's admission that it has lost the original footage of men on the moon will not sit well, of course, with the conspiratorial crowd. But there are other issues involved, and they have to do with a flood of skepticism that seems to be overtaking the worldwide ...
Investors Say 'Tarnished' Fed Shouldn't Oversee Risk
July 16, 2009
The idea of those who manage central banking is that the globe can move to a more centralized but still controllable monetary system - via the IMF or regional currencies, etc. But the world is moving too fast to implement these solutions. It is probably just as ...
Business Week Sale May Fetch Only $1
July 15, 2009
This is a shock, even in an age of media deflation. Business Week was the bible of American big business, a weekly news magazine that told the definitive narrative of US success around the world. Fortune Magazine chronicled the success of America's business cap ...
Europe Digs Its Economic Grave While the ECB Answers to No One
July 14, 2009
It has been very enlightening to watch the economic crisis play out. One thing becomes immediately evident - the monetary elite takes care of its banking system and largest corporations first and foremost. This is done to "save the system" - but it becomes clea ...
Bernanke Under Fire as Lawmakers Call for Probe of Fed Role in BofA Merger
July 13, 2009
Is the era of central banking over? Nothing lasts forever. Central banks had a good run in the 20th century, but in the 21st century, their invulnerability and majesty has been compromised. The rationale is indefensible and the elitism is difficult to sustain i ...
Dr. Richard Ebeling Explains Free-Market Economics, Why to Bet Against the Dollar and Own Gold
July 12, 2009
Dr. Richard Ebeling is a senior fellow at the American Institute for Economic Research in Great Barrington, Massachusetts, and has been a visiting professor at Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut (2008-2009). He also served as the president of the Foundati ...
Russian President Dmitry Medvedev Unveils New World Currency
July 11, 2009
OK, who knows if this is a threat or the start of a real alternative currency. Somehow we can't quite fathom that gold would be produced as currency, especially given that China has been part of this movement for a new money and China owns a trillion or so US p ...
Chinese Bank Announces Bombshell
July 10, 2009
China is said to be turning inward now, as Western countries cannot afford to buy its products. But whether China will be able to maintain its growth by using its own huge population as a purchasing pool remains to be seen. What will certainly happen sooner or ...
Pope Calls for Global Governance
July 09, 2009
Where have we heard this before? Is it a coincidence that the encyclical has been released just as the G8 are meeting? In fact, the G8 and the G20 have already called for much that the Church itself calls for in this encyclical. It is as if the Church had decid ...
Obama Adviser Says U.S. Should Mull Second Stimulus
July 08, 2009
It is verging on irresponsible for such mainstream news sources as Bloomberg to continue to report on stimulus packages without explaining in some detail why they may not be working. Yes, stimulus packages simply do not work. They appear to work because large, ...
'Green Revolution' Could Create 400,000 Jobs, Claim UK Ministers
July 07, 2009
We do not question that governments can mandate a plan for a green revolution in power and create jobs doing so. We have seen this time and again. The Soviet Union made a great leap forward when it virtually industrialized in one generation. The Red Chinese dou ...
Biden: We 'Misread the Economy'
July 06, 2009
Does Vice President Biden really think that various billions for broadband, high-speed rail and a new electric grid are going to provide necessary jobs? Amtrak has been a miserable failure as government-supported transit, never once making a profit and under Pr ...
James Turk on How the Elites Always Destroy Paper Money and Why Gold Wins
July 05, 2009
James Turk has specialized in international banking, finance and investments since graduating in 1969 from George Washington University with a B.A. degree in International Economics. In 1980 he joined the private investment and trading company of a prominent pr ...
ECB's Trichet: Confidence Key to Recovery
July 04, 2009
It is hard to believe that the president of the European Central Bank has resorted to this sort of suggestion. This is right out of the playbook of socialist economist John Maynard Keynes. Keynes, who was a central banker before he was anything else, had a fair ...
Obama Calls Jobs Losses 'Sobering,' Urges Innovation
July 03, 2009
So more American jobs have been lost. And we have read elsewhere that mainstream economists are starting to fear a jobless recovery. Our readers are not surprised by either outcome. They are aware that in order for a recovery to take root that will include empl ...
Banking System Like South Sea Bubble, Says Senior Bank of England Official
July 02, 2009
Government and central banking leaders did not "salvage" or "save" the Western banking system from a meltdown. On the contrary, they perpetuated an endless bubble that will continually re-flate. Because of this, the events of the past two years are bound to re- ...
Hollywood Celebrity Attacks Federal Reserve
July 01, 2009
Chuck Norris may not seem as big a celebrity as some, but he is suddenly carving out a niche for himself that is unusual ... as a financially literate thespian. More than that, Norris is what would be considered these days a Conservative Republican, so his call ...
Central Banks Seek Rankings for Financial Products
July 01, 2009
Central banks now want to invent a methodology whereby every financial transaction of consequence is codified and regulated. We truly live in an age when anything is possible, so long as a government bureaucrat or banker can imagine it. For free-market entrepre ...
U.S. Climate Bill Would Create New Financial System; Winners and Losers Emerge
June 30, 2009
Thus it is with global warming. The "solution" to the problem of global warming (or climate change) advances relentlessly, even as the problem itself comes under continued attack. And the solution has all the hallmarks of an elite promotion. Solutions that set ...
Dollar Falls Most in Month as China Urges New Reserve Currency
June 29, 2009
The results of the current stimulation, the additional taxes to the American electorate via potential "universal" health care, green "cap-and-trade" programs and over-reaching financial and industrial regulation will be to depress economic vitality in the Unite ...
Showing 2651 - of – Newest on Top
