STAFF NEWS & ANALYSIS Showing 451 - of
Could Fauci Be Charged With Negligent Homicide For COVID Crimes?
March 09, 2023
March 9, 2023. All roads lead back to Fauci and a small band of co-conspirators. ...
Ugly People Likelier to Mask, Study Finds
March 06, 2023
March 6, 2023. COVID Propaganda Roundup: The latest updates on the “new normal” – chronicling the lies, distortions, and abuses by the ruling class. ...
Why Is Everyone So Messed Up? Carl Jung Explains Neurosis
March 01, 2023
March 1, 2023. What we have here is a toxic cocktail of negative social trends and influences. ...
The Social Engineers Make Everything Ugly on Purpose to Demoralize You
March 01, 2023
Survey the corporate media and you will notice that everything gets progressively (no pun intended) uglier with time. ...
Mercenary Wagner Group Designated ‘Transnational Criminal Organization,’ When Will US Government Make the List?
February 24, 2023
February 24, 2023. What are the criteria exactly to earn the label and who decides who gets it? ...
Louis CK on Riding the ‘Social Media Content Cycle’ and the Death of Creativity
February 21, 2023
February 21, 2023. There is no scenario in which art that is produced primarily for the sake of money or social status doesn't suck, which seems to be Louis' point in a nutshell. ...
Non-Voters: The Biggest, Most Ignored Demographic in Electoral Politics
February 21, 2023
A higher percentage of eligible voters regularly show up to the polls in Mexico, Brazil, and Slovakia than in the world's preeminent and oldest democracy. ...
Biden-Trump Poll Forecasts a Rematch No One Wants
February 17, 2023
February 17, 2023. Overwhelming majorities in each party, Democrat and Republican, would rather not see any more of their respective candidates, Biden or Trump. ...
#BodyPositivity Propaganda Roundup: ‘Muh White Supremacy’ Edition
February 15, 2023
February 15, 2023. As we've covered, fitness is "right-wing" now, according to woke dogma. Similarly, "fatphobia" is now the product of white racism. ...
Mind Control: WEF Technocrats Openly Plot to Observe and Track Human Thoughts With Implants
February 10, 2023
February 10, 2023. Mind control is the final frontier of the technocratic revolution. ...
‘Sciencism’ Is Religious Fundamentalism by Another Name
February 08, 2023
February 8, 2023. I've been reading "The Science Delusion" by Rupert Sheldrake, a timely treatise on fallible humans' hubris and its pitfalls for society. ...
Pfizer’s Business Model is Actual Fascism
February 03, 2023
February 3, 2023. Of course, the pharmaceutical industry is just one head of the private-public hydra. ...
What Is Anarcho-Tyranny and Are We Living in It?
February 02, 2023
February 2, 2023. A Kafkaesque world of arbitrary exercise of government power. ...
One Pharmaceutical That Might Actually Work
January 27, 2023
January 27, 2023. Tadalafil, popularly marketed as Cialis in the United States, it turns out, might not exclusively benefit aging men with erectile dysfunction. ...
How Woke Coke (and Others) Cash in on ‘Social Justice’
January 25, 2023
January 25, 2023. What do corporations gain from virtue-signaling their support for Social Justice™ pet projects? ...
LGBTQ+™ Neo-Colonialism: Your Taxes Fund Ecuador Drag Show, Transgenderism Confuses Africans
January 19, 2023
January 19, 2023. The current favorite pet social engineer project continues its neo-colonial march of conquest throughout the developing world. ...
‘War on Drugs’ Sadism: Dying Cancer Patient in Hospice Arrested For Cannabis Possession
January 18, 2023
January 18, 2023. Government agents got a tip that a Kansas man literally dying of terminal cancer was self-medicating with cannabis to ease his excruciating pain. ...
3 Breathing Practices to Thrive in the Modern Dystopia
January 13, 2023
January 13, 2023. Through the breath's conscious control, you have the power to create your own internal cocoon of bliss that no entity can ever touch. ...
Pharma Fail: Arthritis Drug Accelerates Arthritis, Alzheimer’s Drug Approved Via Fraud
January 12, 2023
January 12, 2023. Among the many lessons that we should have collectively learned as a society in the post-COVID era... ...
#BodyPositivity Propaganda Roundup: Fats vs. Airplanes
January 05, 2023
January 5, 2023. Documenting the meatiest, juiciest cuts of “fat acceptance” propaganda from corporate and social media. ...
How to Be Your Own Bank: Holding Actual Custody of Your Digital Assets
January 03, 2023
January 3, 2023. When the dollar inevitably collapses – which it certainly will, whether in a month or ten years – you'll be left with crypto and hard currency outside of the grasp of the central bankers' tentacles. ...
The Globalists’ Secret Tool to Undermine National Sovereignty: The Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS)
January 03, 2023
The latent multinational corporate state technocracy has gifted itself a secret tool, little discussed in electoral politics: the Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS). ...
Will California REALLY Send Blacks $223,200 Each in Slavery Reparations?
December 29, 2022
December 29, 2022. The moral hazard here is nearly incalculable. ...
One-Third of ‘Transgender’ Clinic’s Child Victims Were Autistic
December 28, 2022
December 28, 2022. Autistic psychological traits "correlate with suggestibility and compliance." ...
On the Death of God and the Current Mental Health Crisis
December 28, 2022
December 28, 2022. 19th century philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche peered into his impressive crystal ball to predict social and psychological chaos from the death of God – "God is dead" being an oft-misinterpreted pronouncement.  ...
War on Christmas Propaganda Roundup: The Transing of the Santa Claus
December 22, 2022
December 22, 2022. Why would Santa be off-limits? No holiday, nor its symbols, can remain unencumbered by the albatross of transgenderism hung around its neck, just to wring out any of the tradition. ...
COVID Propaganda Roundup: They Named the New Variant ‘Nightmare’
December 21, 2022
December 21, 2022. Since the earliest days of the pandemic, over-the-top, hysterical fearmongering has been an intricate component of Public Health. ...
#FatPride Propaganda Roundup: Men’s Sexual Disinterest in Land Whales Is Fatphobic
December 20, 2022
December 20, 2022. Professional victim Twitter fativists provide an endless source of entertainment at their own expense as they continue their Quixotic quest for #fatacceptance. ...
‘Disability Culture’ and the Allure of Victimhood
December 15, 2022
December 15, 2022. Their disabilities are all the activists have to cling to. Spiritual decay is the real disability. ...
More Mad Max-Style Images of Chinese COVID Hell Leak Through Great Firewall
December 13, 2022
December 13, 2022. COVID provided the perfect pretext to supercharge the dystopianism. Hence the CCP's brutal "Zero COVID" policy. ...
Borjomi vs. Atlanta: A Tale of Two Georgias
December 13, 2022
December 13, 2022. “The other Georgia,” I clarify. ...
Ghana to Buy Oil With Gold Instead of USD. Next for US Led Coup?
December 07, 2022
December 7, 2022. Black Lives Matter greatly to Democrats, except when they have natural resources and don't cooperate with the petrodollar program. ...
If Celebrating Celebrity COVID Vaxx Injuries Is Wrong, I Don’t Want to Be Right
November 30, 2022
November 30, 2022. Fully vaxxed author Julie Powell Tweeted that COVID kills the "right people", specifically, "anti-vaxxers/maskers." A year later, she died of cardiac arrest. Oops! ...
The Real Environmental Disaster: Toxic ‘Forever Chemicals’ Everywhere, Even Babies’ Umbilical Cords
November 28, 2022
November 28, 2022. Babies will get to enjoy those plastics for the duration of their lifetimes, from cradle to grave. ...
Flashback: Christopher Hitchens Destroys an Anti-Free Speech Islamist on National Television
November 28, 2022
November 28, 2022. Free speech was under assault long before the Social Justice™ mob emerged from the sewers of American liberal arts colleges. ...
Chinese Communist Party Literally Dubs Its Social Control Grid ‘Skynet’
November 28, 2022
November 28, 2022. Life imitates art. ...
NPR Releases Hardcore Abortion Porn Audio to Savor on Your Morning Commute
November 28, 2022
November 28, 2022. Abortion pornography in pop culture was once confined to the very specific musical sub-niche of horrorpunk, for the sole purpose of shock value. ...
Canadian Government Literally Proposes State Execution of Living Babies
November 22, 2022
November 22, 2022. The state will determine when death is the most humane outcome – a mercy killing. ...
Femininity as Performance Art: the Social Justice™ ‘Womanface’ Moral Dilemma
November 22, 2022
November 22, 2022. An apparently deeply psychologically unstable man named Dylan Mulvaney has gotten ultra-internet famous dressing up in “womanface” (performative womanhood) ...
‘Zero COVID’: The Cringest Fringe Sect of the Branch COVIDians
November 22, 2022
November 22, 2022. The Zero COVID left's ideological mission appears to be to fully invert reality. ...
Five COVID Investigations the GOP House Needs to Launch on Day One
November 18, 2022
November 18, 2022. The GOP promised COVID investigations. Now it's time to deliver. ...
The Red Wave Fizzled Because the GOP Sucks
November 16, 2022
November 16, 2022. I want the populist right to prevail because the Democrats are now nothing but puppets of the WEF-run multinational corporate state. ...
Poll: Liberal Women Experience Worst Mental Health of All Demographics
November 11, 2022
November 11, 2022. Least surprising poll results in human history. ...
LGBTQ+++© Fanatics Rewrite History, Trans Joan of Arc and Founding Fathers
November 10, 2022
November 10, 2022. The Social Justice© left will not relent until it's sacrificed every single sacred cow in Western civilization at the altar of Diversity©. ...
As Lies Exposed, Lockdown Left Pleads for ‘Pandemic Amnesty’
November 05, 2022
November 5, 2022. A Brown University professor has requested a curious accommodation for the governing class. ...
Oakland Police Want to Arm Robots With Shotguns
November 03, 2022
By increment, American citizens are subject to the same treatment as Iraqi civilians getting gunned down from helicopters in the War of Terror era. ...
LGBTQ+++© Police State: ‘Trans Buddies’ Now Assigned to Monitor Doctors For Transphobia
November 01, 2022
November 1, 2022. Big Non-Binary Brother is watching. ...
The Branch COVIDians’ Useless Masks Wrecked the Environment
November 01, 2022
November 1, 2022. Fauci’s masks leeching plastic into our water supply and then into our brains is what we do in a Democracy©. Those are our values©. ...
Handsy Uncle Joe Publicly Feels up ANOTHER Child: Anatomy of a Dementia-Riddled Predator
October 28, 2022
October 28, 2022. "No serious guys until you’re 30," Biden is seen telling an obviously underage girl during an October 14th campaign event in Irvine, Calif while administering a consent-free shoulder rub. ...
Propaganda Roundup: The War on Halloween
October 27, 2022
October 27, 2022. Aside from, perhaps, Christmas and Columbus Day, Social Justice© leftists love wrecking no holiday more than Halloween. ...
Showing 451 - of – Newest on Top
