STAFF NEWS & ANALYSIS Showing 5101 - of
IMF Expands Lending Again Due to Phony Crisis
November 22, 2011
Again, the mission creep. It's no coincidence. The Anglosphere power elite regards every (self-created) disaster as an opportunity to extend its nascent world government. It's a kind of dominant social theme. The standing global economic armament has to ge ...
On the Super Committee
November 22, 2011
This week marks the deadline for the so-called congressional Super Committee to meet its goal of cutting a laughably small amount of federal spending over the next decade. In fact the Committee merely needs to cut about $120 billion annually from the federal bu ...
So Deep an Evil?
November 21, 2011
In our wanderings around the Blogosphere (and 'Net-iverse), it's become clearer and clearer to us that we live in a kind of matrix beyond our immediate control or perception. All we can do, like blind men, is continue to do our best to make out the shape of the ...
The European Union Uber Alles
November 21, 2011
(Translation: The EU Over All) "Consider that the entire Western world is outraged that the Greek prime minister announced that he is going to permit the Greek people to decide their own fate instead of having it decided for them by a handful of banksters, ...
Leon Louw on Sinking South Africa – and How Free-Market Thinking Can Help Recover Prosperity
November 20, 2011
The Daily Bell is pleased to present an exclusive interview with Leon Louw (left). Introduction: Leon Louw is an internationally recognized economic, political and environmental analyst known for his accurate forecasts. He has spoken in 30 countries and consult ...
Why Gold Sells Off and What Will Happen Next …
November 19, 2011
Reuters just published an interesting article that makes the following point: "As the Dow struggled over the past few weeks, gold has confounded market watchers by tracking equities, even as the European debt crisis escalated. U.S. December gold futures fell $3 ...
Economy Bounces Back?
November 18, 2011
We don't believe this. Do you? This is part of the larger directed history that we've been reporting, in our view. Suddenly the US numbers are showing an uptick. Really? Nope. It's just part of a larger narrative. The idea is apparently to re-elect Barack ...
Is the US Government Anti-Monopoly?
November 18, 2011
So you may have heard that the US Federal Government is opposed to monopolies and that is why the Department of Justice has its various rules against them. All those antitrust provisions are supposed to keep competition going and prevent any business from becom ...
Liberty and Willpower
November 18, 2011
"We're just showing the rich people that we can do what we want." – London rioter, in August This quote, and the people who acted it out – and who are acting it out presently in the "occupy" demonstrations right now in the US – show what liberty disc ...
Website Irony …
November 17, 2011
Hey, talk about irony. We'll get to that in one minute. We have to "set it up" first. Here we go ... Rense used to pick up some of our articles on occasion, but we figured that would stop once we started writing how people shouldn't refer to "Zionists" and ...
From Russia with Trepidations
November 17, 2011
The invitation was just too nice to turn down despite my increasing reluctance to do very long trips. (I did some such a while back, like twice to New Zealand and twice to Cape Town.) Back and knee troubles tend to impede such ventures these days. But my hosts ...
The Technocrat Meme Descends
November 16, 2011
The Guardian is schizophrenic on the issue of technocracy. They've run at least one article deriding the swelling technocratic priesthood and another one (see above excerpt) that supports it. To us, this talk of technocracy is an old, familiar dominant soc ...
What Is Naked Capitalism?
November 16, 2011
Naked Capitalism just picked up an article attacking DB as a "parody" of Austrian finance, so we thought we'd do a bit of research to find out why it posted the story. You can see our initial response here: Attorney Responds to the Daily Bell. The founder ...
Jobless Claims Down. Things Are Brighter?
November 15, 2011
This is a fairly obvious dominant social theme: President Barack Obama has the economy starting to hum just before election time. We would offer the perspective that this is yet more "directed history." The idea is to gradually build up the "successes" of the a ...
Hip Hop Comes To Pakistan
November 15, 2011
This is a dominant social theme we don't often mention (see above). It has to do with the attractiveness of US culture for young people around the world. This has been one of the power elite's most successful promotions. The TV programs and Hollywood movies mak ...
Attorney Responds To the Daily Bell
November 15, 2011
Mr. William Black has responded to an article of ours with one of his own, entitled "Best Satire of Faux Austrian Economics Ever." It touches on numerous dominant social themes of the power elite, which is what we regularly analyze. Overall Reaction: We we ...
Adbusters's Left-Wing Agenda – Exposed Again
November 15, 2011
Over at the Economic Policy Journal, we find an interesting article, "The Economists of 'Occupy Wall Street'," that shows us once again that the Occupy Wall Street movement has a specific left-wing agenda. It is actually part of a larger dominant social theme, ...
European Debt Crisis Threatens the Dollar
November 15, 2011
The global economic situation is becoming more dire every day. Approximately half of all US banks have significant exposure to the debt crisis in Europe. Much more dangerous for the US taxpayer is the dollar's status as reserve currency for the world, and the U ...
More From the Economist: Another Example of Elite EU Misdirection
November 14, 2011
This article from the Economist newspaper, one of the leading Anglosphere power elite mouthpieces, is not as it seems and in this article we shall show why. One of the dominant social themes of the elite is centralization, and this article endorses further EU c ...
Does Nazi Germany Dominate the EU?
November 14, 2011
The Anglosphere power elite is desperate to focus attention elsewhere than on its central-banking driven attempts to create world government. A big dominant theme that has emerged in the past two years is that Nazi Germans are driving the European Union. (See a ...
Mike Adams Recognizes the Internet Reformation, Too
November 14, 2011
Good-health warrior Mike Adams recently posted an article on how much people are learning about the societies they live in. (See excerpt above.) This story, unconsciously or not, reinforces a meme that DB has been presenting for nearly a decade now. What i ...
Broker Skips Real Truth of How He Lost His House
November 14, 2011
We are sorry that Mr. Carl Richards lost his house but we find his reasoning confusing. His lengthy analysis of how he ended up selling his house in Nevada and moving back to Utah does not contain a single word about central banking. This is a kind of domi ...
Government Power Undermines Empathy
November 14, 2011
The fundamental quality of human relationship is empathy. Empathy enables you to understand another person's situation, make sense of their behavior, and distance yourself from your own initial self-absorbed reaction to what other people do. It is a supreme exp ...
Mickey Huff on Project Censored, the Reality of World Government and the Masquerade of a 'Free Press'
November 13, 2011
The Daily Bell is pleased to present an exclusive interview with Mickey Huff (left). Introduction: Mickey Huff is Associate Professor of History at Diablo Valley College and a Director of Project Censored and the Media Freedom Foundation. He has been interviewe ...
A Realistic Economic Bill of Rights Is Not Possible
November 12, 2011
Is an economic bill of rights possible? Ellen Brown thinks so. And her newest article, "Now Is the Time for an Economic Bill of Rights," is the lead story of the new Occupy Wall Street news feed at As with everything written by Ms. Brown, it i ...
Supremo Suddenly Worried About US Totalitarianism!
November 11, 2011
You see? We've warned about this. They're all on crack and sometimes one or another of them lets go with a windy whistle of a statement that reveals how mindless they actually are. In this case, it's Justice Stephen Breyer opining that the US is in danger of se ...
Greece Forms a Kind of Communist Government?
November 11, 2011
Oh, wow, a Greek unity government. Unity. A less polite term would be "communism" in our view – for we and thee, not of course for the top Greek elites. Communism. Sure. Or close to it ... The state runs most of Greece now one way or another. And a politburo ...
Planning to Consolidate the EU
November 11, 2011
In another story in this issue, we point out that Greek chaos has led to further political consolidation and a "unity" government. That's generally the way the Anglosphere power elite likes things to work. Out of chaos, order. That goes for the EU itself. ...
Mercantilism and the Christmas Tree
November 11, 2011
What a relief. There won't be a Christmas tree tax after all. But this ABC News story (above) doesn't really get at the heart of the matter. And what's that? Well ... Christmas tree growers apparently – for one reason or another – had to approach the US fed ...
What about the Cain Fracas?
November 11, 2011
I am not a devoted supporter of Herman Cain although I do find him an appealing person, someone who seems to be a straight shooter when it comes to discussing the issues facing candidates these days. But I have not committed to him in part because there are ot ...
CNN Defends the Fed – Calls Ron Paul Economically Illiterate
November 10, 2011
So here comes CNN and Dr. Michael Salemi to defend central banking from Ron Paul. And where does his defense appear? On CNN, of course, the pre-eminent US media mouthpiece for the Anglosphere power elite. The more CNN sinks in the ratings, the more support ...
America's DARPA Wants to 'Protect' us From the Internet
November 10, 2011
We can see from the above excerpted article that the Darth Vader of US Intel/technology agencies is on the march again. DARPA – Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. Collectively, it will now sink its massive teeth into the issue of Internet security. ...
Bernanke Mulls Military Protection for Embattled Fed?
November 10, 2011
What the bloody heck is this? This is a new kind of subdominant theme! It's one that is seeking to conflate the Federal Reserve somehow with America's military might. In our humble view it's also a not-so-subtle threat. Mess with the Fed and America's military ...
Occupy Wall Street Could Promote 'Pennies to the Fed Campaign'
November 10, 2011
Here at DB, we would find it much easier to be cheerleaders for the Occupy Wall Street movement than not, even though we haven't been. We'd increase our (steadily building) readership and get pats on the back from unions and others in various "people's movement ...
Crocker's Book on the Wonders of the British Empire Is Not So Wonderful
November 09, 2011
David Limbaugh has posted a review of his friend Harry Crocker's latest book over at (see excerpt above); to us it includes a number of elite dominant social themes that make it newsworthy. We're trying to figure out who Harry Crocker is, but b ...
Occupy Wall Street to Protest Tax Cuts in March on Washington DC
November 09, 2011
It is not enough that the Occupy Wall Street movement has been a phony false flag operation from the very beginning. (We've written about this many times now and so have others.) It's not enough that the organizers, who evidently and obviously work for the powe ...
The Moral Virtue of Self-Interested Work
November 09, 2011
People are appreciated when they give to others through charity, volunteer work, or other acts of kindness, and rightly so. When you can help another person in some way that helps them with their troubles, it creates a spirit of goodwill, and it's good for your ...
Imperialism, Left and Right
November 09, 2011
No, I am not talking about foreign policy. My concern is with how both Left and Right seem to have their straightjackets into which they want everyone to be strapped, like it or not. It is disturbing in part because a high point of the American way of life has ...
Der Spiegel: 'Consensus Is Growing' for ECB and IMF Takeover of Euro-Crisis
November 08, 2011
It is all too predictable. We've been writing for months on the possibility that the entire EU crisis is a kind of contrived one and this article post at Der Spiegel Online does nothing to discourage this supposition. It's likely nothing more than a power ...
Occupy Wall Street's Prosecutor: Building a Bigger Regulatory State … Again
November 08, 2011
Attorney William Black, about whom we have written previously, is back with an article posted at, the new website for the Occupy Wall Street movement, which has not-so-mysteriously sprung up as a billboard for various OWS news and views (see above e ...
CNN: The Problem's Not a Quadrillion Dollars in Sour Derivatives … It's Italian Tax Evasion!
November 08, 2011
CNN is the Bill Clinton of liberal media; it continuously lies to every watcher it reaches, yet it continues onward without apparent difficulty, without even a brush with bankruptcy. Now CNN has decided one of the main reasons for the Euro-crisis is rampant tax ...
There Is no Keynes-Hayek Debate Happening Today, Only a Promotion
November 08, 2011
Whatever FA Hayek was or was not, he was a helluva lot better than John Maynard Keynes, a card-carrying monetary crack-dealer for the Anglosphere power elite. An econometric economist, Keynes was always willing to make a specious argument based on statistics an ...
Ms. Darkmoon and Real Zionist News on the Great Jewish Conspiracy
November 08, 2011
President George Bush's least favorite website,, (but one we're partial to) recently published two interesting, additional articles on what could be called the Jewish Question. We found them interesting because we've written a series of articles on th ...
Taking Executive Orders Too Far
November 08, 2011
These are frustrating times for the President. Having been swept into office with a seemingly strong mandate, he enjoyed a Congress controlled by members of his own party for the first two years of his term. However, midterm elections brought gridlock and a clo ...
Ruin is the Result of Regulatory Democracy
November 07, 2011
This is a good article from Economic Collapse and is getting a lot of play. We ordinarily don't comment on articles that are widely disseminated in the alternative 'Net press, and often we try to comment on articles that are in the mainstream, as our brief is t ...
EU's Unraveling Destroys the Meme of Democracy
November 07, 2011
Parliamentary democracy is farce. That is one of many benefits provided to us by the unraveling of the EU. The Greeks – most Greeks, anyway – seem to want to leave the EU. They don't want to be rescued. They want to be left alone. The elites who have c ...
Directed History Sets War Between Syria and Turkey
November 07, 2011
Now it is Syria's turn. History will record that an Arab Spring swept across the Middle East and Northern Africa and turned dictatorships into Islamic democratic republics. History will also show, we tend to believe, that the West has been challenged to re ...
Zionism as an Elite Promotion or Fashion Statement?
November 07, 2011
With anti-Semitism apparently rising in America, (see article above) the question needs to be asked: What groups and people are consciously or unconsciously contributing to the rise of Jewish prejudice in America? The answer is that certain elements of the ...
'Occupy' protests predictably misguided
November 07, 2011
Their anger is directed away from the unsustainable welfare state. Thousands of Greeks have been violently protesting that the freebies they had taken for granted may have to be reduced, even completely cut. Few of them seemed to have a clue about how one ...
Ingo Bischoff on Why Land Cannot Be Owned, Why the Federal Reserve Was Good Once and What Needs to Be Done to 'Take Back' America
November 06, 2011
The Daily Bell is pleased to present an exclusive interview with Ingo Bischoff (left). Introduction: Ingo Bischoff is the president of the San Francisco School of Economics, a California non-profit corporation. He did his undergraduate work in Physics, Chemistr ...
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