STAFF NEWS & ANALYSIS Showing 501 - of
Why you’re likely exposed to one of the dumbest investments in history
May 26, 2018
Your life insurance company. Your pension fund. Your bank. The fixed-income mutual fund where you invested your retirement savings. ...
Why an Illegal Phone Search Got This Man Kicked Out of the USA
May 25, 2018
May 25, 2018. A warning to travelers: even a random picture of marijuana could lead to a revoked visa at customs. ...
When Things Fall Apart: A Graduation Message for a Dark Age
May 24, 2018
Wake up, stand up, and make your activism count for something more than politics. ...
Update: Police and Surveillance State Rebuked by Courts
May 23, 2018
Immigration and terrorism are used as an excuse to violate your rights. ...
HUGE opportunity in Puerto Rico… and the developed country whose looming debt crisis is far worse
May 22, 2018
And if you’re domiciled on the island, dividends that you pay to yourself are tax free… which means your effective tax rate on corporate and dividend income altogether is just 4%. ...
The Government is Literally Murdering Kittens
May 20, 2018
"Congressman Mike Bishop of Michigan announced on Tuesday that he sent a letter to Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue expressing concerns about the USDA lab in Beltsville." ...
Global Elitists Are Not Human
May 19, 2018
It is my belief that globalist hierarchies actually seek out people with narcissistic and sociopathic personalities; that they do this deliberately when they wish to expand their ranks. These seem to be the only aspects that they all have in common. ...
Top Five Reasons To Vote With Your Feet
May 18, 2018
People routinely “vote with their feet,” meaning that they choose to relocate to a better environment when the opportunity arises. ...
4 Common Capitalism Myths Debunked
May 17, 2018
Unlike socialism, which attempts to impose rules and institutions regardless of their conformity to human nature or desires, markets arise out of our human qualities. ...
It gets worse: Tesla now has to compete with $50,000 electric BMWs going for $54/month
May 16, 2018
As if things weren’t bad enough for beleaguered Tesla… ...
The Age of Petty Tyrannies
May 16, 2018
It’s the endless, petty tyrannies inflicted on an overtaxed, overregulated, and underrepresented populace that occasionally nudge a weary public out of their numb indifference and into a state of outrage. ...
Study: Climate Change Activists are Hypocrites
May 15, 2018
Turns out, you're more likely to be environmentally friendly if you are skeptical of climate change. ...
Individualism is a Product, But It Has Never Truly Been Available… Until Now
May 14, 2018
Individualism doesn't mean rejecting all groups and partnerships. It means being free to choose who you associate with. ...
Stagflationary Crisis: Understanding The Cause Of America’s Ongoing Collapse
May 13, 2018
These financial crises are not hard to predict... unless you're a successful mainstream economist. ...
Trump Accidentally Described U.S. Foreign Policy While Trying to Slam Iran
May 12, 2018
The U.S. has engaged in everything they cited as reasons for sanctioning Iran. ...
Meet America’s next pension casualty: the inventor of chocolate sprinkles
May 11, 2018
The unions are driving their own pensions into the ground; and the government has ZERO bandwidth to bail anyone out, least of all itself. ...
Are You a Satisfied “Customer” of the Federal Government?
May 10, 2018
Calling citizens customers is like calling slaves employees. "Customer" implies that you could take your business elsewhere. ...
You Can Accomplish More Than You Think In Two Years. Here’s How, Step by Step
May 09, 2018
This is about building a life by your own design, and refusing to accept the limitations and obligations foisted on you by governments, corporations, and mainstream society. ...
Why Big Banks LOVE Paying Fines to the U.S. Government
May 08, 2018
The government is essentially charging a fee to look the other way, and allow banks to continue screwing their customers. ...
“Bitcoin will go to $40,000 this year. . .”
May 07, 2018
Specific to Bitcoin, for example, a truly honest assessment of the core software may lead to the conclusion that it’s technologically inferior to newer tokens and coins. ...
Leaks, Fake News, and Hidden Agendas
May 06, 2018
“Let’s make the story all about WHO we claim stole the emails, rather than WHAT THE EMAILS CONTAINED.” ...
Capitalism has new rules. And they’re seriously messed up.
May 04, 2018
Tesla is just one of a multitude of high-flying, hot-shot companies whose entire business models are based on burning through cash, managed by executives who don’t care. ...
Deep Fakes Versus Deep State: What to Do When You Can’t Tell What’s Real
May 03, 2018
The arms race has started: deep fakes versus tech that exposes them. The only problem is that the technology that will supposedly tell us what is real and what is not... was created by DARPA. ...
5 Stories You Missed While The Media Was Obsessing Over Michelle Wolf’s Speech
May 02, 2018
Some things are more important than a comedian's set. ...
Dial T for Tyranny: While America Feuds, the Police State Shifts Into High Gear
May 01, 2018
It’s the oldest con game in the books, the magician’s sleight of hand that keeps you focused on the shell game in front of you while your wallet is being picked clean by ruffians in your midst. ...
ISIS or U.S. Government. What’s the Difference?
April 30, 2018
Hang on a second... ISIS only taxes their citizens at 10%?! ...
Serial Killer, Molesting Kids, Selling Drugs: 10 Things That Cops Got Caught Doing This Month
April 29, 2018
As it turns out, cops are putting communities at risks all by themselves. Here are ten instances just from the last few weeks that show cops are earning their bad reputations: ...
Are Social Justice Warriors Snowflakes? Or Just Cold…
April 28, 2018
In other words, this is predatory behavior... It is greed and power lust that makes people predisposed to feeling offended. ...
Your 5 Step Checklist to Staying Productive
April 27, 2018
If you understand yourself--your habits, needs, emotions, triggers, and strengths--you can better control your outcomes. ...
Why a Bar Can Boot Trump Supporters, But a Bakery Cannot Deny Gay Customers
April 26, 2018
At one point or another, we will all want the right to say, "No thanks, I don't want to serve you, I don't want to patronize you, I don't want to talk to you, have sex with you, or pay for your housing." ...
Should Online Gambling be Legalized in the US?
April 25, 2018
The underground gambling industry is worth $196 billion a year, dwarfing the legal $41 billion industry. ...
Is The U.S. Government Evil? You Tell Me
April 25, 2018
The government has a well-documented track record of treating citizens like laboratory rats and guinea pigs in their sinister experiments. ...
This is Why You Can’t Trust “Experts” and Lab Results at Trial
April 24, 2018
A Massachusetts lab technician, Sonja Farak, came to work high every day for 8 years. Well technically, sometimes she arrived sober but was soon high as a kite. ...
If You Limit ANY Free Speech, This is What You Get
April 23, 2018
Police in riot masks arrested protesters for wearing masks. ...
Pink Floyd Frontman Leaks Email Exposing How White Helmets Recruit Celebs With Saudi Money
April 21, 2018
The group has received at least $55 million from the UK government and an additional $23 million from the U.S. government, both of whom have regime change interests in the region. ...
Government is Replacing Religion, According to Researchers
April 20, 2018
They think they have proven that if you have a government you don't need religion. ...
Social Media Now Being Used By Police And Intelligence Agencies To Collect Biometrics
April 19, 2018
This new technique is being rolled out and law enforcement is calling it “groundbreaking,” as it can pull information from even partial photos ...
How the poster boy for bad financial management lost shareholders $25 billion
April 19, 2018
An analysis by investment firm Artemis Capital Management, in fact, argues that more than 40% of corporate earnings growth between 2009 and 2017 is due to share buybacks… not actual profit. ...
There is no ‘patriotic duty’ to pay more tax
April 18, 2018
It’s a very simple calculus: when your government goes into debt, YOU are the collateral. ...
Crimes of a Monster: Your Tax Dollars at Work
April 18, 2018
If the government can just take from you what they want, when they want, and then use it however they want, you can’t claim to be anything more than a serf in a land they think of as theirs. This was the case in the colonial era, and it’s the case once agai ...
4 Ways to get a Second Passport and Foreign Citizenship in 23 Countries
April 17, 2018
Second passports and foreign citizenship opens doors around the world and provides a solid emergency insurance. ...
The Myth Of Mental Illness: The Case Of Asperger’s Syndrome
April 16, 2018
A different brain doesn't necessarily mean an ill brain. At what point does breaking social norms become a disease? ...
April 14, 2018
Anyone else getting deja vu? Can we stop history from repeating itself yet again? ...
6 Ways to Regain the Financial Margin We All Need
April 13, 2018
Financial freedom means you are in control. This is how to cut the stress, and take unexpected expenses in stride. ...
World War III: The False Narrative that Fuels Conflict in Syria and Beyond
April 12, 2018
At a time when the war is almost won for Assad, he decided to re-ignite international calls for his ouster by senselessly murdering about the same number of civilians the Las Vegas Shooter killed. Seems logical, right? ...
How Bad is Venezuela? Interview with Family Fleeing Socialism
April 11, 2018
The uncertainty of daily life in Venezuela has made fleeing the best option. Guillermo should be enjoying retirement, instead, he is starting over. ...
Is Science Offensive? The Blurry Line Between Transgender Athlete and Cheating.
April 10, 2018
To have an intellectually honest discussion about transgender issues, transgender advocates need to recognize the difference between the terms gender and sex. They should stop using these terms selectively whenever it suits their argument. ...
The Slippery Slope to a Constitution-Free America
April 10, 2018
"All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in every country." ...
The world’s most powerful banker sees chance of “market panic”
April 09, 2018
"...the Fed will have to raise rates faster and/ or sell more securities, which certainly could lead to more uncertainty and market volatility. Whether this would lead to a recession or not, we don’t know." ...
One Day Before Retirement, Nest Egg Smashed by Mayor’s Executive Order
April 08, 2018
"My parents have lost their long-nurtured nest egg to the whim of a young authoritarian politico... this may entirely change how they live out the rest of their lives." ...
Showing 501 - of – Newest on Top
