STAFF NEWS & ANALYSIS Showing 801 - of
Will the Government Ruin Self-Driving Cars?
July 03, 2017
To the public’s knowledge no criminal entity has yet determined how to remotely hack into a car on the market, but due to the lawless actions taken by entities within the federal government, that could soon change. ...
Gestapo is Back: German Homes Raided Over Facebook Posts
July 01, 2017
Already Germany has pretty strict laws against citizens using Nazi symbols and denying that the Holocaust happened. Apparently, lawmakers miss the irony of going full Gestapo on citizens for free speech, as offensive as it may be. But they are not stopping t ...
The Danger of Obedience: Fake Police Crime Spree
June 30, 2017
The only reason criminals have such success with this tactic is the population's blind unquestioning obedience to police, beat into them over the course of years by bullies in blue who ignore the law to assert their will. It's not the uniform, it is that we can ...
FBI Investigations Have Become Like Tabloid Stories
June 29, 2017
Despite all the investigations, nothing really comes of it. So is the FBI really just the newest tabloid, the National Enquirer for politics, quietly dropping any initially well-publicized story that either turned out to be false or an inconvenient truth? ...
Why Congress Should Not Ban Cat and Dog Meat
June 27, 2017
Bills like this are indicative of a larger political problem; no one is addressing real issues. The politicians introduce bills that make people emotional but don't really matter significantly. The USA could collapse from the debt of almost $20 trillion, but le ...
Why “Hate Speech” is Protected Free Speech
June 26, 2017
The left has always been particularly good at changing the meaning of words over time, a prime example being the word liberal which should mean freedom but now means everything I don't like should be banned. ...
How New Hampshire is Fighting for Independence
June 24, 2017
New Hampshire is in an abusive relationship, according to Carla Gericke, the President of Foundation for New Hampshire Independence. The Uncle Sam won't let New Hampshire leave; he arrests the citizens for victimless crimes, he overrides the legislature for pol ...
How the Government Conditions Citizens to Obey
June 23, 2017
The government has basically turned society into a pinball machine which bounces citizens from here to there, taking away control of their destiny. And then, they use their own coercion as an example of why we need more coercion: because people cannot control t ...
wall street bull
The Chinese Middle Class Is Booming… And This Industry Is Set to Profit
June 22, 2017
n 1950, the United States was on the cusp of a boom that would produce the largest middle class in history. It was also the beginning of a surge in the U.S. economy that would make it one of the richest countries ever. ...
Who Cares About the “Wealth Gap” if Everyone is Richer?
June 20, 2017
The classic example which always comes to mind for me is of President Calvin Coolidge who lived in the White House fewer than 100 years ago. One of the most powerful people on Earth watched helplessly as his son died of an infected blister from playing tennis. ...
Why the Government Fails at Welfare
June 19, 2017
When looking to alleviate the suffering of their fellow citizens, Americans need only look inwards. American citizens are already the most charitable citizenry in the world, and keep giving more money every year. Moreover, private charity organizations, by and ...
Why Bankruptcy is Not a Magic Wand for Illinois
June 18, 2017
What if everyone declared bankruptcy, would that solve all financial woes? Or rather, would it be the ultimate debt bubble burst? ...
A pawn toppling the King
Invest in the Highest Value Asset: Personal Skills
June 16, 2017
Tangible assets are a needed hedge when it seems everything--the stock market, real estate, bonds--are overvalued or in a bubble. A good useful skill is as tangible an asset as they get. And unlike resources, a skill cannot so easily be taken from you. ...
Help Wanted: Desperate Police Departments Ditch Standards
June 14, 2017
We don't need more warm bodies on the streets starting conflicts, we need more detectives actually solving the large percentage of real crimes which go by the wayside in favor of making minor drug arrests. ...
Warning: EPA Fighting to Keep Water Fluoridated
June 13, 2017
A lawsuit has been filed against the EPA by various watchdog organizations dedicated to removing fluoride from public drinking supplies. They want to force the EPA to ban the intentional addition of fluoride into drinking water supplies. ...
Death Sentence for Facebook Post: America Funding Human Rights Violations
June 12, 2017
Ideally, America would stop giving out all foreign aid, but a good place to start would be nixing aid to countries with horrible human rights records. ...
Wrong Way! Why Would Puerto Rico Want to Become a State?
June 10, 2017
At a time when territories are rightfully asserting their independence from larger imperialist governments in order to have more control over the local issues which affect them, voting for statehood is a step backward for Puerto Rico. ...
Facebook Spies on You to Manipulate Your Emotions
June 09, 2017
They have submitted a patent to spy on users through their phones' camera in order to analyze their facial emotions in real time. ...
7 Years of Work on Food Forest Destroyed Over Permit
June 07, 2017
And here is a perfect example of the insanity of government at every level. Here are people coming up with real solutions and productive community activities. But all the city council can do is gripe about permits and liability insurance. ...
Why The Money in Your Bank Account is Not As Safe as You May Think
June 06, 2017
Luckily, there is an easy solution. Turns out there are overseas banks which are much more secure than U.S. and European banks. ...
Slavery is Freedom: Submit to the State and be Free from Terrorism
June 05, 2017
Theresa May is now calling for stricter regulations regarding the internet, in the wake of the most recent terrorist attack. She wants to force internet providers and websites to remove any loosely defined "extremist" or "radicalizing" content, and she wants to ...
Brave Police Save Town From Man Selling Veggies
June 04, 2017
Licensing is when the government takes a right from you, and sells it back. This California man failed to purchase his rights back from the state. ...
Would You Quit Your Job to Build a School in Nepal?
June 02, 2017
After a nerve-racking, jam-packed five-hour bus ride on a careening mountain road in the Nepalese countryside, I was seriously doubting my life choices. ...
Warning: Startup Societies are Disrupting Government
June 01, 2017
It is time to use entrepreneurship to create better governance. By creating a “startup society”, (an experimental government in a small geographic area) governance has the ability to experiment when traditional government cannot. ...
How Facebook is Helping China Become a Dystopian Nightmare
May 30, 2017
Oops, Facebook says, it was totally just a little mistake that they supported a murderous government over activists wishing to draw attention to horrible human rights abuses. ...
Spain is Holding Catalonia Hostage
May 28, 2017
Spain however, doesn't even want the people of Catalonia to talk about or think about secession. The former President of Catalonia defied the Spanish government when he held a referendum to form a new country of Catalonia. 35% of eligible voters turned out in t ...
The Real Reason Zuckerberg Supports A Universal Basic Income
May 26, 2017
Why is the world's 6th richest man lecturing the public on the wealth gap, and floating ideas like the government spreading OUR wealth around while hoarding his own? ...
Joe Jarvis mountains
How My Personal Life Influences My Attitude That The Future is Bright
May 24, 2017
So why do I have such a positive view of the power of individuals to shape their lives to be as free and independent as they like? Because at a pretty young age I am well on my way to doing that. ...
Gold pile
Don’t End the Fed, Ignore the Fed: How to Distance Yourself From a Collapse
May 24, 2017
These are all examples of communities experimenting with governance that will provide options for those of us who seek economic freedom, and freedom from centralized banks, and the oppression that comes with them. ...
30 Pillars of “How To Win Friends and Influence People”
May 23, 2017
Turns out, actually being a genuinely good person is the easiest way to have influence over others, and get them to like you--weird, I know. ...
Busted: ISIS Really a Guerrilla Marketing Company
May 22, 2017
ISIS wants to poison our water supply, but the joke's on them! The U.S. government already beat them to the punch. ...
Why Private Prison Stocks Soared When Trump Got Elected
May 21, 2017
Why did "private" prison stocks soar the day after Trump got elected? It is almost like people in the industry knew something that the public didn't. The former Attorney General Yates said that private prisons would be phased out. So before any cabinet membe ...
truth defintiion
The Real Conspiracy: Conspiring to Cast Everything as a Conspiracy Theory
May 20, 2017
Everything is a conspiracy, the elite globalists control us all, they will win, and resistance is futile. Well, in that case, what's the point of even fighting it? In fact, if all is so hopeless, why even bother pointing out how hopeless it is? ...
James Jaeger: New Documentary “Mainstream” on The Globalist Agenda in Movies
May 19, 2017
Now governed by just 6 huge conglomerates, Hollywood movies and the New York-based media have become involved with hundreds of predatory, unethical and often times illegal business practices that result in discrimination against talents, crews, executives and w ...
10 Reasons Why the Future Will be Amazing
May 18, 2017
Technology is allowing anyone to be economically independent, and its rapid growth is paving the way for unprecedented access to freedom and wealth. Democratizing technology means the masses now have access to what only the rich and powerful once controlled. ...
Of Course Businesses Should Be Able To Discriminate
May 16, 2017
Just reverse the situation and anyone can see that the right to discriminate is necessary. What if the Westboro Baptist Church went into a gay t-shirt maker's business and demanded 100 shirts that say "God hates fags." Should they be forced to comply, or are th ...
Guilty by Investigation: Sentenced to Scrutiny
May 14, 2017
Innocent until proven guilty may be a thing of the past if an investigation itself is punishment. ...
Why the FBI Has Always Been a Political Tool of Suppression
May 13, 2017
If a political organization requires the right person in power in order to not be corrupt, then it is a bad organization. It is dangerous, and should not exist because it is impossible to find angels to put into those positions of power. ...
Trump is “An Infuriating but Fascinating” Distraction
May 11, 2017
For this reason the President is always a controversial choice, always an infuriating but fascinating character. His job is not to wield power but to draw attention away from it. ...
Panic! Like It’s 1837
May 10, 2017
180 years ago today, everyone panicked. On May 10, 1837, New York banks finally realized that the easy money they were lending was unsustainable, and demanded payment in "specie," or hard money like gold and silver coin. They had previously been accepting paper ...
The Alternative Currency of a 19th Century Abolitionist
May 09, 2017
Governments have failed in their expressed purpose, so why bother preserving that failure? After all, people will voluntarily come together when they need mutual assistance, which is supposedly the entire point of government anyway. ...
How ISIS Helps U.S. Achieve Domestic Policy Goals
May 05, 2017
Whether directly or indirectly, the CIA and U.S. government were certainly involved in creating ISIS. So when something pops up from the media saying what ISIS is doing, what they are really saying is what the highest levels of U.S. intelligence want you to ...
It’s Not Free Speech if You Don’t Have a License
May 03, 2017
An Oregon man is suing Portland for violating his freedom of speech after he was fined $500 for calculating how long yellow lights stay yellow. ...
Outside the United States is Terrifying! (According to the Government)
May 02, 2017
If you stay inside the United States you will remain free, safe, and prosperous. If you even so much as step foot outside of the United States, you will probably be murdered, if not taken. At least that is what the State Department would have you believe. ...
Ben and Jerry’s Scoops Out Half Baked News
May 01, 2017
Did you know that in addition to ice cream, Ben and Jerry's serves up delicious propaganda? Nom, Nom, Nom. Mmmm. I feel informed. ...
How Bitcoin, The Internet, and The Startup Societies Foundation Got One Man Out of Venezuela
April 30, 2017
Say what you will about Bitcoin--whether it is a real currency, a government conspiracy, or a Ponzi scheme--but for one Venezuelan it was a very real ticket out of a crumbling socialist country. ...
Female Circumcision is Not the Only Genital Mutilation That Needs to be Stopped
April 28, 2017
If the need to stop the practice of female genital mutilation seems so obvious to you, why shouldn't young boys be afforded the same protection? ...
The Fed is Not Political, And I Have a Bridge To Sell You
April 25, 2017
There is an old saying that one should never talk about politics or religion. I think that is just a way to make sure people don't talk about anything productive or eye opening. And I think it is basically the same attitude that makes the New York Times tell ...
How Sane Cannabis Policy is Blocked by the Machine
April 24, 2017
The federal ban on cannabis is one of those policies which make living in Americ feel like the dark ages. It wastes tax dollars with enforcement, and it tramples states' rights to make their own laws. Worst of all though, it threatens legal businesses in sta ...
5 Ways “One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest” is an Anti-Government Metaphor
April 21, 2017
Can you imagine being stuck in an insane asylum, when you aren't really crazy? That is sometimes what society feels like, living life in this government controlled nut house. ...
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