STAFF NEWS & ANALYSIS Showing 1151 - of
Quiver of Nonsense: Asia’s Globalist Transformation Using False Economic Justifications
August 03, 2016
Directed history is hangs over Japan like a dismal cloud. Whatever is wrong with Japan could be fixed by getting rid of its central bank and letting the Japanese people revert to the culture that worked well for thousands of years. Not a chance. ...
North Korea Has Missiles, but Does It Have Nuclear Weapons?
August 03, 2016
Most reporting of North Korea’s “nuclear program” seem to assume it has nuclear weapons and thus has joined the club of nations who can “destroy the world with the push of a button." But plenty of questions occur to us ... ...
Election Fraud Should Support Hillary’s Presidential Victory
August 02, 2016
Hillary’s upcoming victory, if it occurs, is part of a larger scenario of “directed history.” Elite dominant social themes are circulated to ensure that a given outcome is justifiable. In this case, the themes center around Hillary’s lack of trustwor ...
Vox Article: Silly Slow-Growth Speculation Avoids Central Bank Blame
August 02, 2016
The nation is over-regulated and over-licensed. And, yes, the US judicial system has created a legal environment that encourages the creation of big business. But how can you write an article about economic stagnation without mentioning the horrendous effe ...
Hillary May Act Like a Dictator if Elected, But That Is Not the Worst Problem
August 01, 2016
US rulership is basically a large club driven by suspicion, fear, evil-doing and self-interest. The Clintons are not alone in the way they conduct themselves. However, they are unique in their political partnership. Their success is a result of their joint a ...
Goldman Analysis Neglects World-Destroying Crash?
August 01, 2016
This Goldman report surely scratches only the surface of the real difficulties. The US, for instance, is some $200 trillion in debt when formal and informal promises are taken into account. The derivatives markets is apparently well over one thousand trillio ...
Financial Times Wrong About Experts, Populism and Internet Truth
July 31, 2016
Government programs, laws, economic and military projections based on predictions of human activity are all at least to some degree invalidated by the iron-clad reality of human action. You can’t really predict the future because people won’t always act ...
military helicopters
Questions About Vietnam Nukes After Evidence of Previous Fakery
July 31, 2016
Here is another question: Did the Air Force ever use its air-to-air nuclear missiles? What were they mean to do? The US has used a dizzying assortment of weapons during its bloody, serial warfare abroad. Why not nuclear weapons? ...
Hillary: ‘I’m Not Here to Take Away Your Guns’ – But She Will
July 29, 2016
During her acceptance speech, see above, Hillary said she wasn’t going to take away guns in the US, but this is untrue. She knows just how to do it. First of all, she will make guns more expensive with new back ground checks. Second, she will make guns man ...
Britain Takes Step Toward Private Justice With Online Court Suggestion
July 29, 2016
The idea that people can actually negotiate and resolve their own problems without less rather than more state interference is certainly a step forward. In fact, that is a step toward private justice – the idea of removing the official bureaucracy from res ...
Bill Clinton’s Fanciful Speech About Hillary Shows Shared Sociopathy
July 28, 2016
And that brings us back to our initial question about why Bill Clinton would provide a false presentation of his wife’s biography on the national stage. He doesn’t care either. ...
blurry state house
Thiel Wants to Return to Mid-20th Century Government Glory, But What If It Never Existed?
July 28, 2016
Thiel wants to return the US to its glory days of the mid 1950s. But what if those glory days are based on a false narrative? What if the US government was lying about its accomplishments? Is that possible? ...
North Korea Nuclear Tensions Said to Increase – But How Do We Know It’s True?
July 28, 2016
The Pentagon and other military facilities continue to shape the nuclear narrative today. Reporters get their information about nuclear news from military facilities. But who checks the military facilities to confirm the truth? ...
Criticism of Hillary’s Sociopathic Behavior Has Nothing to Do With Being Female
July 27, 2016
Over time and through November and the elections, we’ll be subject to many additional observations about how Hillary is being treated “differently” and subject to more scrutiny because she is a woman. But it is her character that is really at fault, a ...
All Wars Are Bankers’ Wars: Horrible to Watch How False French World War Begins
July 27, 2016
Even the alternative ‘Net media is not covering these events properly, blaming “Islam” for what is obviously a manipulated conflict. It has happened in the past century at least two times before and engulfed the world with madness and flames. If it ha ...
‘Hillary Hate Repetition’ Is New Way to Desensitize Public to Her Troublesome Tendencies
July 26, 2016
This Huffington Post has posted an article on a new dominant social theme we can call “Hillary Hate Repetition.” This propaganda seeks to defuse negatives feelings about Hillary by repeating accusations in so many ways and with so many variations that th ...
Verizon-Yahoo Deal Shows Once Again the Need to Remove Intellectual Property Rights
July 26, 2016
Today, in the technology arena, we are increasingly exposed to the maneuvering of giants like Verizon and Yahoo. These very large entities have accumulated the clout, funds and leverage to dominate a once-entrepreneurial industry. ...
French Should Expose Government Not Islam Over Neo-Gladio Provocations
July 25, 2016
In much of the post-war 20th century period, the CIA and other intel agencies prosecuted Operation Gladio, which manufactured terror incidents purportedly generated by leftwing forces. Has a neo-Operation Gladio been started? ...
Anthony Wile: Brexit Is Part of Internet Reformation Building Around the World
July 25, 2016
The tribes of Britain were the first to make the jump back into fuller nationhood. But there will be other countries trying as well. It's a great day for Britain and a good day for The Daily Bell that has had as one of its main missions analysis of the "Inte ...
More Nuke Questions: Lies About Trident, Hiroshima, Nagasaki and Now Bikini, Too  
July 25, 2016
There are many videos on Youtube portraying nuclear test fakery. We've been apparently lied to about vaccines, global warming and the efficacy of central banking. Is it not possible we've been lied to about elements of nuclear weapons info? ...
Golden Arrow Resources Takes Booth at the Natural Resources Symposium
July 25, 2016
Rick Rule, President & CEO of Sprott U.S. Holdings Inc. has put together the top-rated experts from mining companies, resource stocks and precious metals. He writes, “At the 2016 Natural Resource Symposium, you’ll hear information you won’t get anywher ...
Brian McEwen on the Chinchillas Opportunity Amidst the Rising Price of Silver
July 23, 2016
In just four years we have grown what was basically a grassroots exploration project to one of the largest new silver deposits with the potential to be a significant mine in the near-term. Since the day I came on board with Golden Arrow I have been of the op ...
Trump’s Truths Make Him Popular – Even on Hillary’s Responsibility for ISIS
July 22, 2016
PolitiFact, like many mainstream facilities, won't provide a broad-enough viewpoint. Trump in many ways is willing to. This is one reason why the "establishment" is having such a difficult time cooperating with him or covering his campaign. ...
Musk Hypes New Master Plan to Support Increasingly Ambitious Promises
July 22, 2016
Musk’s primary business method seems to be to find companies favored by the US federal government. He then buys the companies and approaches fedgov for money. As an entrepreneurial tactic, it’s reprehensible. As practical matter it seems to have worked ...
Lt. General Michael T. Flynn Calls Muslims ‘Peacemaking’ and Isolates ‘Radical Islamists’
July 22, 2016
The current economic depression in which the entire world is embroiled is not a coincidence. It is a result of purposeful central bank policies. You cannot consistently debase money and expect to create wealth. The second inevitable, element of the current p ...
Is CIA Secretly backing Erdogan to Marry Islam to Russia and Create a Wider War?
July 21, 2016
We see the emergent creation of “sides” of a new, wider war. On one side a marriage of Islam to Russia via a resurgent Ottoman empire. On the other side, the US, Britain and NATO. ...
Hillary Clinton Declared Guilty by GOP Convention, but Story Is Even Bigger Than That
July 20, 2016
In a normal society Bill and Hillary Clinton would not have been able to amass the power they have. They would have been long ago stripped of their credibility and exiled from positions of power – and maybe driven from the country. ...
As Predicted, Wise Globalism Trumps Populism but Doesn’t Explain the Chaos to Come
July 20, 2016
“Failure must not be accepted. Our civilization itself is at stake.” That’s a hefty statement of course, and the solutions provided by the article don’t in our view, go very far toward rescuing either globalism or civilization. ...
Hillary Says Trump Is Most Dangerous Presidential Candidate Ever – But She Is
July 19, 2016
Clinton, in an interview with CBS News' Charlie Rose, believes Donald Trump has "no self-discipline, no self-control, no sense of history, no understanding of the limits of the kind of power that any president should impose upon himself." All of this could b ...
Trump Is Said to Be Ignorant About National Security, but Maybe That’s Good
July 19, 2016
Political solutions never work as planned and marketplace environments inevitably produce better results. Those who work in government know this, of course. That is why they are constantly trying to manufacture domestic and international tensions and worse. ...
gold bar sitting on dollars
Golden Arrow Options Antofalla in Argentina’s Catamarca Province
July 18, 2016
Below, see news from our sponsor. If you have questions about Golden Arrow, you can reach representative Shawn Perger at 1-800-901-0058 or 778-686-0135. This article will be printed next week by Northern Miner. Golden Arrow Resources (TSXV: GRG; US-OTC: GA ...
If Trump Tries to Remove ISIS, Will He Be Removed?
July 18, 2016
When Russia began to bomb ISIS, its officials said that the Pentagon had been lying about its attacks on ISIS. Officials maintained that the US bombing was really aimed at Syrian infrastructure and thus at destroying the current regime rather than terrorist gro ...
Bloomberg Editorial in Support of Inflation Misses the Point
July 18, 2016
The article makes the point that it is the volatility itself that makes the difference. If inflation is at two percent or four percent, it really doesn’t matter so long as prices are not volatile. ...
Hillary Wants to Overturn Citizens United – Why Not Corporate Personhood?
July 17, 2016
Thomas Jefferson and other founders feared corporate personhood above almost all other sociopolitical manifestations. They had seen the horrible ruin caused by the British East India Tea Company. ...
Manipulative Idiocy of New Gingrich’s Attempt to Demonize Islam and Make War
July 16, 2016
Does Gingrich not understand that the City is ultimately behind Wahhabism? Does he not understand that Sunni Islam is fairly democratic, participative and peaceful? ...
Negative Mainstream Media Articles on Gold and Silver Don’t Tell the Truth
July 16, 2016
The mainstream media is a bankers' medium and bankers control economies via fiat money and central banking. This is inevitable and endless reason why gold and silver in particular get constant negative coverage. When fiat money is finally so debased it won't ...
French Attack: Media Focuses on Aftermath Instead of Asking Relevant Questions
July 15, 2016
There are people behind these attacks. And there are people in the West who created the groups now said to launch these terrible attacks. Additionally, there is plenty of conflicting evidence over who is developing and prosecuting these sorts of attacks, bot ...
A pawn toppling the King
Atlantic Article on Hollywood Misses Powerful Points About CIA Control
July 15, 2016
These superheroes fly high in the sky fighting “bad guys” and determining whether or not the world will be safe and function properly. The resemblance to the coming implementation of technocracy is undeniable. ...
No Liberal: Hillary Is Pro Multinational and Pro Military-Industrial Complex
July 14, 2016
When you examine Clinton’s policies closely, you will see they do not depart from Obama’s or even Bush’s. She intends to fully support the two pillars of elite American imperialism: Transnational corporations and the military-industrial complex. ...
Newsweek Is Back and More Liberal Than Ever
July 14, 2016
Both these articles are extraordinary for their pro-Hillary tilt, and would seem to leave Newsweek open to the same problems it faced before. Once 'Net reporting became available, readers ceased believing in its leftist perspectives. They felt they were be ...
The Trend Is Higher as Silver and Gold Move Up Once More
July 14, 2016
Central banking is built on currency debasement. And removing value – and thus prosperity – cannot logically create additional wealth. Accumulating gold and silver is an alternative to central bank madness and those who are doing so will be well-rewarded ...
Finally, China Pushes Too Hard and Rare-Earth Mining Begins Elsewhere
July 14, 2016
And this is just the point: Almost nothing is really “rare.” Not oil, not water, not even food. If the price is right, the supply will always be adjusted to fulfill the demand. It’s called “supply and demand” and it works. But in this modern era, ...
More Questions About Skewed Hillary Polls Based on ‘Younger’ Voters
July 13, 2016
Pro-Hillary Clinton polls don’t make sense. In fact, polling with such tiny samples doesn’t make sense anyway, but coming on the heels of other questionable polls favoring Hillary, this widely quoted ABC poll only seems to raise further questions. ...
Elon Musk and Tesla Are the Face of Bubbling Stock Market, but Maybe Not for Long
July 13, 2016
It’s one thing for government agencies to promote “clean” energy. Many are immediately suspicious. But Musk’s overriding talent is to make federal authoritarianism seem positively sexy. He is the rock star of alternative energy. ...
dominoes falling
UN Move Toward World Government With First-Ever Globally Televised Leadership Debate
July 12, 2016
The UN is moving faster now to become the empowered body of world government and this mimic of a democratic election is just one more piece of the puzzle. The Xinhua News Agency is the official press agency of the People's Republic of China, and we have no r ...
Now Media Celebrates Sanders’ Financial and Historical Illiteracy
July 12, 2016
The kind of socialism that Sanders offers is basically bankrupting Europe. Once you allow politicians to spend money countries doesn't have, the spending goes up – and never stops. When you give governments enormous monetary power, it will eventually be a ...
BoE Set to Save the Day, But the World’s Banking System Is Set to Fail
July 11, 2016
Dillian's article provides us with a good analysis, but neither article says what really ought to be said at this point: The system is not merely bad, it is probably purposefully so. After more than a century of furious central bank expansion, it is surely i ...
Election Narrative Solidifies: Trump is Racist and Media Demands Hillary Rebuild Nation’s Trust
July 11, 2016
Trump is a bigot, a racist and a buffoon. When the media does give him coverage, it will be mostly to reinforce those messages. Hillary is going to provide the drama. Will the nation fall in love with her again or will it continue to mistrust her. ...
Governments Are Authoritarian Monopolies That Cannot Encourage Social Creativity
July 11, 2016
Within this context, it is hard to imagine that government can do much to foster innovation. Almost everything government does, or wants to do, involves setting up additional controls to insulate the leaders from those they lead. ...
Golden Arrow’s Strategy in a Re-Emerging Mining Market
July 11, 2016
The Company wishes to announce that it has entered into an option agreement to acquire a 100% interest in the Antofalla project, a silver and base metals project located in Catamarca Province, Argentina. Antofalla hosts similar styles of geology and mineral ...
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