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Marin Katusa: Startling Rise of 'The Colder War'
November 02, 2014
First off, to be successful in resource speculation, you need to see everything through the eyes of a contrarian: Yes, junior resource stocks are out of flavor... so they're very cheap. It's not easy to buy low and sell high, but we are currently in a period wh ...
Global Dialogue on Drugs Changing Rapidly
November 01, 2014
Two more recent news articles reemphasize how the drug dialogue is changing – and, yes, we've been "on top if it" from the very beginning. In fact, we focused on worldwide drug legalization in a series of groundbreaking articles. You can see one here: World L ...
China's Bigness Has Little to Do With Growth – Or Its Demise
October 31, 2014
Mainstream economists have finally discovered what we here at The Daily Bell have been predicting for about four years anyway, that Chinese growth is surely unsustainable. Now our favorite new mainstream media columnist, Bloomberg's Noah Smith, has written an a ...
Ephemeral Explanations Drive Gold's Reality
October 31, 2014
We cover gold closely week to week and are ever more astonished at mainstream media reasons given for the travel of the dollar against gold. For one thing, gold is priced in dollars and while it may seem to be the most natural thing in the world to write "the p ...
Can Commerce Inspire?
October 31, 2014
Commerce and Its Dubious Reputation: Given its reputation in many of the popular renditions of world religions and philosophies, commerce wouldn't be expected to inspire. Most of those who comment on such matters do not consider engaging in commerce to contain ...
QE: The Fed Acts Decisively … Or Not
October 30, 2014
The Federal Reserve, as expected, is distancing itself from the program known as "quantitative easing." This program involved purchasing various US securities with freshly printed money, presumably to add liquidity and confidence to the market. The program last ...
Mexican Implosion Does Not Surprise Us
October 30, 2014
We have a provocative question regarding Mexico: Is there a larger sociopolitical plan to destabilize this great country? We've suggested this before, but the footsteps seem louder now. Perhaps the stage is being set for a collapse into chaos. And what will be ...
The Free Market Kicks It Some Ebola Ass
October 30, 2014
The Ebola hysteria raises questions about how a free society would handle contagious diseases. Critics of freedom argue: libertarian principles, like the right against involuntary confinement, means that half the people on the planet could literally die from a ...
Facebook's Long, Strange Trip …
October 29, 2014
We've been waiting for the Facebook implosion ever since the company went public. We were not alone in reporting on the disaster-in-the-making that was the overpriced IPO, but we were certainly correct. Our skepticism regarding the Facebook IPO was generated by ...
The NRA Versus Asset Protection
October 29, 2014
This article in Mother Jones shows us how even organizations that might be expected to protect civil rights in the US are co-opted by the trend toward police militarization. The NRA has long stood as a bulwark against US fedgov overreach when it comes to firear ...
Foreign Affairs: Looking Offshore This Week
October 29, 2014
These changes in latitudes, changes in attitudes, Nothing remains quite the same. Through all of the islands and all of the highlands, If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane. ~ Jimmy Buffett (1977) There have been a lot of articles in the press over the la ...
Technocracy: One More Elite Hustle
October 28, 2014
Call technocracy, the idea of a select group of private individuals running public affairs privately, the meme that will never die. Now again, almost randomly, comes a call for action. This one is uttered by someone called Clive Crook who has attended all the r ...
Feds Move to Make 'Climate Change' Solutions Part of Organic Food Production
October 28, 2014
We've been following the "organic promotion" meme and this article from the New York Times posted at the end of September further buttresses the transition of natural food from a private initiative to a public one. We haven't labeled this the "organic meme" bec ...
Austrian Economist Who Should Have Received Nobel Prize
October 28, 2014
On October 13th, the 2014 Nobel Prize in Economics was announced in Stockholm, Sweden, with French economist, Jean Tirole, the recipient for his work on developing models to better assist governments in regulating private enterprise. A couple of weeks earlier, ...
Beware: EU Solutions Are Sometimes Problematic
October 27, 2014
So it is Monday and some results are in, as the article excerpted above explains. While the Ukraine parliamentary election results will be announced on October 20th from what we can tell, stress test results have turned out as expected with 25 banks out of 130 ...
Cannabis Investing: When Interests Converge
October 27, 2014
Long ago we analyzed the cannabis trend as one that was going to create vibrant ventures that, taken together, would generate a business no less powerful than that of the alcohol/beverage industry. And even with the inevitable setbacks, this projection holds, i ...
Once-Peaceful Canada Turns Militaristic; Blowback Follows
October 27, 2014
In 1968 the government of Canada decided to openly admit Americans seeking to avoid being drafted into the US war on Vietnam. Before, would-be immigrants were technically required to prove that they had been discharged from US military service. This move made i ...
Tibor Machan: No 'Continued Militarism' in the West
October 26, 2014
As someone who grew up under a communist regime, with no free press, no public debate of foreign affairs, with schools that were indoctrination camps and a nearly tyrannical bunch of rulers who seemed to believe that their destiny was to guide the workers of th ...
Why the Tragic Ottawa Shooting Is a Potential Boon to the Canadian Cannabis Industry
October 25, 2014
The movement to legalize cannabis is in place. It will continue. And it leads to some interesting conclusions. One can argue, for instance, that the tragic shooting in Canada's capital city earlier this week may ultimately benefit cannabis decriminalization eff ...
The Bitcoin Experiment Continues … Gold and Silver Persist
October 24, 2014
We´ve always been a little skeptical of bitcoin and have received plenty of slings and arrows for our apparently non-libertarian stance when it comes to this private, electronic technology. But we remain interested and this Bloomberg article caught our eye. Th ...
The Hunt for Beneficial Bugs – A Growing Meme?
October 24, 2014
We've been writing a series of analyses of natural and organic farming and food; the above article in the Wall Street Journal fits right into this evolving meme. Corporations like McDonald´s are adopting "organic" as a kind of brand these days. But "organic" h ...
Bad Actors, Dangerous Products and Working to Build the Right Solution
October 24, 2014
Last week a lengthy report on an apparently fraudulent and dangerous medical cannabis-related product was brought to my attention. It is not a pleasure to read – always the case when we come across bad news but this news is particularly distasteful, as it com ...
Are We Ready for the Fall of Baghdad?
October 24, 2014
I recently was in Vietnam and spent some time in prosperous, capitalist Saigon, now called Ho Chi Minh City, and toured the American War Museum. I believe there are a number of parallels between the Vietnam and Iraq War and that history could repeat itself now ...
Gold and Silver, an Antidote for the Internet of Money?
October 23, 2014
It seems these days that every time we identify a new meme, we see a "fast-track" evolution. The "Internet of Money" is no exception. We wrote about the Internet of Money on October 20, and now in this article in The Local, we see an apparent furtherance of thi ...
'Organic' at McDonald's: When Is a Meme not a Meme?
October 23, 2014
To call "organic food" a meme is questionable. From our point of view, the word "organic" by itself does not yet constitute a promotion. However, there is a debate taking place in the feedback section of The Daily Bell and it revolves around what actually const ...
Figuring Out Life and Friendship
October 23, 2014
I know the secret of life. You get up each morning and put both feet on the floor. You stand up and walk through the day in as straight a line as possible. Work diligently. Treat everyone with the civility they deserve. Treat those for whom you care with patien ...
Organic vs. Green – A Growing Meme
October 22, 2014
Actually, as this book shows, it is green farming that is not sustainable. In pursuit of our organic meme, we've been investigating the growth of organic farming, and came upon this just-published book that encapsulates the VESTS model. (Unfamiliar with VESTS? ...
More Revelations of Market Manipulation
October 22, 2014
Veteran financial reporter John Crudele has blown up the myth of the market-driven stock exchange with this astonishing article in the New York Post. We were attracted to it not only because it tells the truth, in our view, but because we have been making the s ...
Strange Value of Gold in a World That Demands It
October 22, 2014
A recent CNBC article tells us that "gold is sending wacky signals." ... Why? Because of a strange, emergent "correlation" that gold is now exhibiting with the recently rising dollar and bonds. The article quotes trader George Gero of RBC as saying: "It started ...
The American Dream Is Still Possible, Just Not in the US
October 22, 2014
More Americans are living outside the United States. Although there are no firm statistics, the US State Department estimates that somewhere between 3 and 6 million Americans now live offshore and I think this is a low estimate. Although I now live in Canada, I ...
A Bit of Nietzsche Will Help
October 22, 2014
A distinguishing feature of Nietzsche's thought was that he believed humankind needed to overturn the old, mostly theological ethics and transform values to something new. He didn't say what that would have to be but since he identified Christian ethics with ra ...
Zombie Ideas or Elite Memes? … Just Follow the Money
October 21, 2014
Bloomberg editorialists seem to make a habit of assuming certain elite memes are accurate and beyond reproach. Maybe they have to sign a document or something. Probably not ... but sometimes it seems like it. This editorial is a case in point. It is actually a ...
Uruguay Fumbles Cannabis Rollout … But Does It Matter?
October 21, 2014
Imagine how difficult it is to allow people to set fire to an herb and inhale it. Not very. Yet according to Reuters, this is a nearly impossible task. We have no doubt that cannabis decriminalization and legalization is sweeping the West and indeed the world. ...
Ludwig von Mises and the Austrian Theory of Inflations and Recessions
October 21, 2014
Eighty years ago, in the autumn of 1934, there appeared in English one of the most important books on money and inflation penned in the twentieth century, The Theory of Money and Credit by the Austrian economist, Ludwig von Mises. Even eight decades later, it s ...
Internet of Money Provides More Reasons to Consider Strategic Asset Protection
October 20, 2014
We've noticed a new meme creeping into economic reports: The Internet of Money. This phrase sounds mysterious and forward looking; in fact, it describes the process of money migrating to non-bank platforms. The big drama inherent in the Internet of Money is its ...
Pro-Cannabis Texas Lobby Pressures Legislation
October 20, 2014
We can see from this recent report that cannabis decriminalization is being actively pursued in one of the largest and most conservative states in the US – Texas. The article explains that because Texas voters "do not have the right to change the law via ball ...
National Service is Anti-Liberty and Un-American
October 20, 2014
Former Clinton Administration Labor Secretary Robert Reich recently called on the government to force young people to spend two years either "serving" in the military or performing some other type of government-directed "community service." Neoconservative Sena ...
Dr. Raphael Mechoulam: The Promise of Cannabis
October 19, 2014
Mostly this research is being conducted with animals – very little on humans. There are very few clinical trials. It is promising in neuropathic pain, inflammations, anxiety, schizophrenia (with CBD) and many others (see Pacher and Kunos, above). When CBD bec ...
Fury Over Food: Advantage to the Small-Farm, 'Natural' Foods Models?
October 18, 2014
October 16th was "World Food Day." Perhaps you missed it, but certainly for those directly involved, it's a contentious holiday – with two well funded farming models facing off with each other. In this article I want to show how a "third way" is one that may ...
Shock: Anti-Regulatory Meme Emerges in the Mainstream Media?
October 17, 2014
Remarkably, we continue to see articles about regulatory capture. The latest one is here, appearing in The Daily Beast. It would seem that the departure of uber-editor Tina Brown has provided The Daily Beast with the opportunity to expand its coverage. The idea ...
Crash & Clash: Sustainable Farming vs. Big Ag
October 17, 2014
Africa is in the grip of a meme. We've called it "Africa Rising" before, and we've written numerous articles about it. We've compared Africa's progress to that of China and Japan – and showed that there seems to be a pattern between these three nations and th ...
Impact of FATCA – and the Case for Physical and Regional Diversification
October 16, 2014
This article is a strongly worded warning about negative ramifications regarding FATCA. As such, it's a bracing affirmation of the kind of sensible reporting that circulates on the Internet beyond the filters of mainstream media. It also provides us with yet mo ...
Organic Trend Grows Despite Political Correctness
October 16, 2014
Are Whole Foods's actions regarding organic produce a sign that organic farming is being taken seriously at the corporate level? Well ... yes and no. Obviously, Whole Foods has made a serious commitment to "organic," but it is manipulating the sector as well. I ...
U.S. Government Guilty of Creating Heroin Addicts
October 16, 2014
[Note: this article proceeds from two assumptions. First, drugs can be abused but the abuse could not possibly be more destructive than the War on Drugs has been. Second, drug use is in no way the same as drug addiction.] "The American narcotics problem is an a ...
Putin Speaks: Hope that Washington Hears
October 16, 2014
In an interview today with Politika, a Serbian newspaper, Russia's president, Vladimir Putin, said that it is futile and dangerous for the US and its European puppets to blackmail Russia and that the Exceptional Nation and its vassals should consider the risks ...
Soros and Grillo Crash the Euro?
October 15, 2014
And so, the UK Telegraph tells us, it begins ... the dizzy unraveling of the euro. But not so fast. We've written about Beppe Grillo before. He's a very successful comic and politician, someone who is influential both culturally and politically. But he also sha ...
Organic Farming Under Attack by Collectivizers
October 15, 2014
Collective farming – under the watchful eye of government – has been responsible for mass starvation wherever it's been tried, certainly in the 20th century. Mao's Great Leap forward, which starved some 50 million, Russia's Kulak consolidation that cost mil ...
Pols May Reverse 'Innocent Until Proven Guilty'
October 15, 2014
Good news on the asset forfeiture front: "Asset confiscations fall to six-year low," according to The Age (Victoria). That would seem to be good news, right? But, no ... not in this day and age. We're constantly assaulted by legislative initiatives we could nev ...
Liberty versus Morality: The Free Society’s Troublesome Solution
October 15, 2014
"[M]an acts from judgment, because by his apprehensive power he judges that something should be avoided or sought. But because this judgment, in the case of some particular act, is not from a natural instinct, but from some act of comparison in the reason, ther ...
Economist Wins 'Nobel' for Tinkering at the Edges?
October 14, 2014
Actually, as the article excerpted above points out – and as it has been pointed out to us numerous times – the Nobel Prize in Economics is actually the "Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel." The prize was obviously establ ...
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