EDITORIAL Showing 3601 - of
Recovery for the 7 Percent
April 29, 2013
"From the end of the recession in 2009 through 2011 (the last year for which Census Bureau wealth data are available), the 8 million households in the U.S. with a net worth above $836,033 saw their aggregate wealth rise by an estimated $5.6 trillion, while the ...
Larry Parks: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Money Metals
April 28, 2013
The Daily Bell is pleased to present this exclusive interview with Dr. Lawrence Parks. Here's a snippet: Daily Bell: So what you seem to be saying, Larry, is that the Constitution has been usurped in order to facilitate what is clearly a fraud on the people wit ...
The Biggest Price-Fixing Scandal Ever – and the VESTS Solution
April 27, 2013
Uber financial investigative journalist Matt Taibbi has discovered what we too realized when we began to scrutinize the financial industry. In his latest article, he writes, "Everything Is Rigged: The Biggest Price-Fixing Scandal Ever." The article's cut line i ...
Changing the Conversation
April 27, 2013
Don Draper, Mad Men's master advertiser likes to say "when you don't like what they are saying, change the conversation." When it comes to the current economic weakness, which was confirmed again today by the release of lower than expected GDP data, Washington ...
$2 Trillion US Underground Economy Is the Free Market Striking Back?
April 26, 2013
The United States is usually portrayed as a place where – unlike corrupt countries like the former Soviet Union – laws are obeyed, taxes are paid and a grateful nation takes its lead from Congress, the White House and even the military-industrial complex. B ...
NAU Redux: US Military and Civil Officials Set to Police in Canada
April 26, 2013
Just the other day we wrote about ways that the plan to combine Canada, the US and Mexico into one super state was advancing. And now we read that US law enforcement agents are going to effectively be able to treat Canada as part of the US for enforcement purpo ...
Euro Debacle: Is a Big Dominant Social Theme in Trouble?
April 26, 2013
We continually calibrate the clash between globalist dominant social themes and what we call the Internet Reformation. Which side is winning? What does the outcome mean for investments and even for freedom itself? Global warming, the War on Terror, Peak Oil – ...
From German Recession to Euro Jeopardy
April 26, 2013
This is a funny article because it begins by addressing significant issues seriously (see above excerpt) and then abruptly veers off into an analysis of European stocks and then simply winds down without providing any answer to the provocative issues that have ...
How to Get the US Economy Going Again
April 26, 2013
I am reading a great deal of alarming information regarding impending economic collapse in the US. I feel sure that most of the predictions I read are based on facts, and ought to scare the living daylights out of all readers. What I fail to see is an explanati ...
Monopoly Central Banking Is Weaker Than You Think
April 25, 2013
Central banking is fundamental to the current crippled economic model of the West. It is a new model, always expanding, always changing. Basically, central bankers fix the value and volume of money, doing so in ways that distort the larger economy and cause fir ...
Did Krugman Win the Austerity Argument?
April 25, 2013
The argument that the head of Business Insider Henry Blodget is making is that cutting government benefits and pursuing monopoly privatization doesn't help economies grow. Only printing debt-based fiat money can do that, apparently. It is a ludicrous argument b ...
Confirmation of Our Austerity Analysis as the EU Stumbles
April 25, 2013
Ironically, at the same time that the influential website Business Insider is running an article by editor Henry Blodget (see other article, this issue) blasting austerity, it is also the recipient of a more acute analysis by Joe Weisenthal. Blodget argues that ...
Trusted Sources
April 25, 2013
This week's Solari Story from Catherine Austin Fitts is titled "Trusted Sources." Here's a bit of the transcript: "The first place you should go for good, trustworthy information is to yourself. What I find is most people have very good intuition if they will u ...
Again, Reuters Compares Central Bankers to Superheroes!
April 24, 2013
Another day, another editorial in Reuters about central banking superheroes. Are you convinced yet that this is a dominant social theme? And how exactly does this work? Is it coincidence? Do all the Reuters columnists sit down in a room together and decide that ...
Homeland Security Backs Immigration Bill – North American Union on the Way?
April 24, 2013
Thump, thump, thump. The North American Union is being born right under your eyes. The globalists running Washington, DC have clearly stated in many ways that Canada, Mexico and the United States are to form a more perfect union. There are plenty of strategies ...
Why Gold's Real Dilemma Is Not 'Reverting to the Mean'
April 24, 2013
This is an interesting argument from an intriguing mind. Bruce Bartlett, the author, once worked as a staffer for libertarian conservative Ron Paul, yet he is also known as a classical Keynesian from an economic standpoint. Bartlett doesn't seem to like gold ve ...
If You Are Wealthy, You Are Just Lucky
April 24, 2013
For as long as we've been analyzing elite dominant social themes we've been reading these sorts of articles and commenting on them. The thickest, most resonant of these sorts of misleading efforts appear in predictably in the most august mainstream publications ...
What Needs to Be Done
April 24, 2013
The previous article in today's issue, also from Bloomberg, explains to us that "luck" is what determines socioeconomic status and that because luck is inevitably unfair we need government to even things out. The idea that government is necessary to combat the ...
Public Choice Theory is Overlooked
April 24, 2013
Whenever public officials promise to manage affairs of state, I am baffled how they fail to pay heed to public choice theory. This is the idea for which the late, great James Buchanan, earned his Nobel Prize (an idea he developed with his friend and colleague G ...
Germany Out of the Euro or the Great Synthesis Has Begun?
April 23, 2013
We would like to be able to write otherwise, but we don't believe much that comes out of Western political systems these days. That's not to say every particular evolution is noxious. In the United States, the Tea Party has contributed to a change in the freedo ...
EU Backs Off Austerity
April 23, 2013
Like the leaders of Germany's pre-war National Socialist Party, the leaders of the European Union have maintained an implacable rigor when it comes to the restatement and continued application of their failing policies. The IMF-style austerity that they've have ...
What is Greece, and What Does It Pull?
April 23, 2013
This editorial is frustrating because it refuses to treat people as individuals but instead refers to them collectively as "Greece." We would submit when this sort of analysis is performed on a country or region it is inevitably incorrect. It must be because al ...
Is Obama Blowing a Bubble?
April 23, 2013
Here is yet one more example confusing regulation with monetary matters. People won't question the logic of these articles, but truly they are, well ... flawed. Consider: In a monopoly fiat environment, bubbles and blowups inevitably reoccur. Throughout the cen ...
The Recovery That Never Happened
April 23, 2013
Gold seemed to be stabilizing at the end of last week. Commodities remained weak. Steel has fallen 31% this year. Brent crude is off 17% since early February. And copper is down 15%. Copper is the metal you need to make almost anything – houses, cars, electro ...
Suddenly Carbon is a US$6 Trillion Bubble
April 22, 2013
Suddenly, the reality of carbon investing is sinking in. According to this Bloomberg article, "banks, funds and institutional investors are seeking clarity from government and central banks about how greenhouse- gas emissions may affect the value of their inves ...
Time Proclaims the Death of Carbon Marts: Enter Coercion
April 22, 2013
In our lead article, we discussed the way government regulation and market forces were being manipulated to pressure corporations to self-regulate when it came to potential carbon production and resources that would add to it. In this article from TIME, we can ...
The Real Problem With the US Economy Is Not Enough Workers and a Sluggish Internet
April 22, 2013
Okay. So now we know. The reason the US is in a Great Recession is because there are not enough people (see excerpt above). From our point of view, the failure of the US economy and European economies has to do with too many regulations, too many taxes and too ...
Jaw-Dropping African Promotion Continues
April 22, 2013
We've run a number of articles now explaining the African meme. Comes now The Economist (again) to reinforce our perception on this matter. Hopefully, dear reader, you see what we see by now. The globalists are at it again, setting up another continent-sized mi ...
Congress Exploits Our Fears to Take Our Liberty
April 22, 2013
This week, as Americans were horrified by the attacks in Boston, both houses of Congress considered legislation undermining our liberty in the name of "safety." Gun control continued to be the focus of the Senate, where an amendment expanding federal "backgroun ...
Japan Steps into the Void
April 22, 2013
In the years following the global financial crisis, economists and investors have gotten very comfortable with very high, and seemingly persistent, government debt. The nonchalance may be underpinned by the assumption that globally significant countries that ca ...
Rand Is the Man To Enhance the GOP Base
April 22, 2013
"Republicans believe every day is the Fourth of July, but the Democrats believe every day is April 15." – Ronald Reagan Romney lost the 2012 elections not only because he was a poor candidate choice for the GOP but more importantly because the Republican lead ...
Hugo Salinas Price on Gold and the Potential for '500 Years of Darkness'
April 21, 2013
The Daily Bell is pleased to present this exclusive interview with Hugo Salinas Price. Daily Bell: What changes do you see in the world today? Are they positive? Hugo Salinas Price: I think I see a growing consciousness that the world's monetary system is not w ...
US 'Decline' Ending or Just Beginning?
April 20, 2013
Global analyst Ian Bremmer has written a provocative new editorial posted at Reuters.com on "the end of the American Decline." We've commented on some of Bremmer's ideas before because he's a youthful "big thinker" who has received a lot of publicity for severa ...
US Failing Again: Never Ending Downturn
April 19, 2013
Keynesianism doesn't work. Printing oodles of debt money does not inflate the real economy but merely further distorts it. While the above excerpt was posted in February, things have not improved in the US since then. As NBC recently reported, "For the third ye ...
For Real? CNN Poll Finds All Is Well in US
April 19, 2013
We know it is okay because CNN has commissioned a poll of around 1,000 people in the US and many of these believe the US is "running well" according to Reuters, which profiled the poll. From our point of view, especially given the recent news about the underper ...
Inevitable Futility of Austerity? Britain Down for the Count?
April 19, 2013
We've been writing on this theme for a long time, and to see similar reporting being provided by the quasi-libertarian Business Insider is gratifying in a melancholy way. Austerity as it is being applied in Europe, Britain and America doesn't work. Oh, it sound ...
Gold's Black Market?
April 19, 2013
So here is the conundrum: There are reports from all around the world that it is difficult to buy physical gold and silver. Yet the price of gold has plunged by hundreds of dollars and now mining companies are getting ready to shut down. What's that all about? ...
Who Said the Hydra Would Take It Lying Down
April 19, 2013
... while its several heads were being chopped off one-by-one? I have never appealed to the so-called conspiracy theories in trying to explain the strange world of fluctuations in the price of monetary metals. But neither have I ever said that the fiat-money Hy ...
Central Bank Superheroes in the Gears of the Machine
April 18, 2013
Anyone who disputes our perspective regarding dominant social themes just has to look at articles like this on Reuters to find confirmation of promotional efforts. This dominant social theme is one of the biggest and most powerful. It has to do with the veracit ...
More Hints That Bernanke Is Leaving
April 18, 2013
The Fed may "stay put" but Ben Bernanke seems to be on his way out. We've written about this previously – as Bernanke himself has taken to saying that no one man is irreplaceable, least of all him. But this provides those who value the institution of central ...
An Infinite Contempt for Gold
April 18, 2013
In this issue we've already written one analysis of a central banking meme showing just how deliberate certain monetary promotions are. The globalists who run them and place them in the mainstream media are doing so with full knowledge of their falsity – and ...
Transparency Meme Reemerges at the SEC
April 18, 2013
This seems to be an issue for analyzing the emergence of long-time dominant social themes. We've already written about the godhead of the Federal Reserve, the deification of Ben Bernanke and the illusory value of gold. A subterranean battle is being waged betwe ...
April 18, 2013
On the website wikipedia.org, under PSYOPS, the abbreviation used for "Psychological Operations" in government circles, we find: "PSYOPS [....] Various techniques are used, by any set of groups, and aimed to influence a target audience's value systems, belief s ...
'No Doubt, Pensions Are Screwed'
April 17, 2013
Der Spiegel interviews Harvard economist Carmen Reinhart who has the novel idea that central banks are acting like the "adults" in the room by cleaning up after spendthrift governments. "Governments are incapable of reducing their debts and now central banks ar ...
Is Gold's Fair Value Really US$800 an Ounce?
April 17, 2013
Claude Erb and Campbell Harvey figured out the ratio between the price of gold and the stated price inflation from a historical perspective and determined gold was over-priced based on their numerical analysis. Mark Hulbert writes about this analysis and also t ...
As Gold Declines Will Stocks Fly?
April 17, 2013
We often write of directed history, the idea that powerful forces create conditions for the policies that they want to implement. When it comes to money metals, the idea would be to drive down metals prices while simultaneously affirming that these same metals ...
Does the US Need a Big New War?
April 17, 2013
We cannot figure out if this is satire or a cynical but blunt analysis of what is ailing the United States. Maybe it is a little of both. But in either case, we disagree with the logic of the argument, which is a variant of the broken-window fallacy. The idea i ...
The Corruption of Individual Rights
April 17, 2013
Whenever a good idea surfaces, there will surely be many who will try to hitch their wagon to it filled with corrupt versions that aim to serve numerous purposes having little to do with the original good idea. One example is the idea of individual natural huma ...
America's Ruling Troika
April 17, 2013
Who rules America today? Not the people; they have been vanquished. America is ruled today by a collectivist Troika – an Executive-Congressional Combine, Judicial Oligarchs, and a Corporatist Banking Cartel – who have as much concern for the resplendent pri ...
Soros: Gold a Safe Haven No Longer
April 16, 2013
For those of us who spend time documenting various globalist themes designed to convince us that global centralization is preferable to disparate power centers, George Soros is literally a "gift" that keeps on giving. In this one tiny article excerpted above we ...
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