Gold & Silver Showing 3651 - of
Gold: Enter the Conspiracies …
April 16, 2013
Market sentiment can shift, even in a day, and perhaps it was merely market sentiment that has been driving the price of gold and silver and has resulted in recent crashes. But those who buy and hold gold in sizeable quantities often do so because their faith i ...
Does Summers Suffer From 'A Lack of Vision' – or the US?
April 16, 2013
Lawrence H. Summers, former US Treasury Secretary and current Reuters blogger, believes the United States demos is not broken but that the US suffers from a lack of vision. This is one of those articles that – like many of the articles of George Soros – use ...
Is China Turning Into a Service Economy?
April 16, 2013
We've run articles fairly regularly on China and the problems of running a full-bore industrial economy in a world of falling demand. We've tried to cover a variety of issues regarding the challenges that one of the world's largest economies faces but it never ...
Complexity of the Modern Algae-Powered Building
April 16, 2013
It is getting more difficult to live, isn't it? We only need to look at this example in Hamburg, Germany to understand that living in a modern home is an undertaking of a "village" not an individual. Once upon a time, especially in the frontiers of the US, hous ...
Gold in the Crosshairs
April 16, 2013
In the opening years of the last decade, most mainstream investors sat on the sidelines while "tin hat" goldbugs rode the bull market from below $300 to just over $1,000 per ounce. But following the 2008 financial crisis, when gold held up better than stocks du ...
Stock Markets Up, Gold Down – Is Something Wrong With This Picture?
April 15, 2013
The mainstream media is filled with reports of stock markets moving up and precious metals moving down. One would think the bad times were over and the good times had begun again. But what if it is all a kind of chimera based on a lack of understanding about pr ...
Gold, Why So Volatile?
April 15, 2013
It is a big conundrum for those holding gold and silver. Buy more, hold what you have or sell now ... We know that Europe has not recovered, that the US recovery is a technical one that doesn't include increased employment (see lead article, this issue) and the ...
China's New Economic Efforts in a Long March?
April 15, 2013
Everyone knows that China is going to take over the world but ìs such an event going to be the result of a "long march" or a short one? The current numbers on the economy show us once again that it is not easy to build a world-class economy year-in and year-ou ...
Will EU Wipe Out the Value of Big Euro Notes? A Case Is Being Built …
April 15, 2013
Here's an innovative idea ... let's print a lot of money and then declare it worthless. This seems like a Western trend these days. At least the "worthless" part. Turns out that certain Cyprus bank accounts were worthless, or at least not worth as much as the o ...
Is Cobalt-60 Another Wild 'Net Rumor?
April 15, 2013
We have wondered recently why the US has not acted more forcefully as regards North Korea's various "provocations." One theory being floated by certain more "far out" aspects of the alternative media is that North Korea has placed cobalt in its underground bunk ...
Why Can't We All Travel To Cuba?
April 15, 2013
Earlier this month, entertainers Jay-Z and Beyoncé were given a license by the US government to travel to Cuba. Because it is not otherwise legal for Americans to travel to Cuba, this trip was only permitted as a "cultural exchange" by the US Treasury Departme ...
John Browne Explains the Great Game
April 14, 2013
The Daily Bell is pleased to present this exclusive interview with John Browne. Here's a snippet: Daily Bell: Would you say there is a freedom movement beginning in the UK or are people still confused about what's going on? John Browne: I think people are confu ...
Introducing the Updated 4th Edition of the Book That Helped to Change the Internet
April 13, 2013
The latest edition of High Alert is available and you ought to read it. Over six years ago now, we introduced the book that has helped change the Internet. Ron Paul has said about High Alert, "High Alert should be read by everyone who wishes to educate themselv ...
No Difference in Ideology and Values
April 13, 2013
When you consider what is the difference between the ideology of North Korea and that of the U.S.A., it is difficult to say. In practical terms, of course, the U.S.A. is still largely individualistic but our leaders, especially President Obama, embraces a rheto ...
Why Obscure Freedom's Fundamental Facts?
April 12, 2013
It is Austrian economics that underlies much of what passes for the mainstream economic conversation. Austrian free-market economics was always the underlying target of the financial press, even before free-market economics went mainstream following the advent ...
Austerity Comes to America
April 12, 2013
People don't seem to realize that a Greek-style austerity is being imposed on the US. It is actually an International Monetary Fund oriented solution. Taxes and regulations increase and public benefits go down. The only part not being applied currently is a mas ...
The China Syndrome and the African Gambit
April 12, 2013
We are not surprised that China imported more than it exported in March. The idea that has gained in currency in China is that since the West can no longer be an engine of consumerism, China will have to turn its own citizens into consumers. We were always doub ...
Was Cyprus Attack Also an Attack on Gold?
April 12, 2013
Globalists hate gold. Those who want to expand internationalism find it much more convenient to do so via fiat money than in any other way. Central bank fiat-money expansions drive internationalism in much the same way as global trade agreements. These are the ...
Thatcher's Big Mistake
April 12, 2013
The Guardian is probably correct in its analysis that Margaret Thatcher's free-market policies made Britain a less fair and socially equitable place to live. But that is only because Thatcher's policies neglected to reform the most heinous part of Britain's eco ...
EU Mess, Libertarian Foretelling …
April 11, 2013
Is it really getting better? And how long can top EU officials keep warning people about Eurozone instability? Now it appears that France is being drawn into the mess that is the European currency crisis. This has all been predicted, by the way, just not by Eur ...
New Book on EU Corruption Gets Author Investigated
April 11, 2013
Ashley Mote is a convicted felon, but also a prolific freedom-author, and he seems to have written an interesting book. The book is based on his experiences from 2004 to 2009 as an independent member of the European Parliament. Once in Brussels, Ashley Mote des ...
Opportunity Begins With Freedom, Not a 'Living Wage'
April 11, 2013
This Reuters editorial brings up two points and provides us with two separate conclusions. Theoretically, we are much averse to the argument that government needs to provide minimum wages. But practically speaking, if government is going to provide money to imp ...
Shock: Bloomberg Admits Models Don't Work – Economics, Government Turned Upside Down?
April 11, 2013
What the hell is happening at Bloomberg? How did an article like THIS ever get published by that august purveyor of statism, rational planning and "experts"? Actually, we do know why. Authors in the modeling camp only write articles like this very rarely – wh ...
Of Bubbles and Bitcoins
April 11, 2013
The newest invention in monetary affairs are the so-called Bitcoins. Their creators and promoters explain them as follows: 'Bitcoins are digital money. They are transferred person to person through Internet without going a bank or a clearinghouse, so they are i ...
A State of Amusement
April 11, 2013
This week's Solari Story from Catherine Austin Fitts is titled "A State of Amusement." Here's a bit of the transcript: We're in a situation where we've been operating for 500 years in a financial model. I call it the Central Banking Warfare model. So imagine if ...
Dictators Always Miscalculate
April 10, 2013
The Kohl administration actually donated funds to French politicians to influence French domestic opinion. And now it turns out that Kohl himself confesses he "acted like a dictator" to ensure that Germany adopted the euro. Kohl explains that he acted like a di ...
Is Japan's Devaluation an Attack on China?
April 10, 2013
In an article yesterday we suggested that the reason Japan was embarking on a massive attempt at Keynesian-style stimulation was to promote the efficacy of Keynesian economic "cures." But there is another possibility as well. Perhaps the idea is to start a curr ...
Stuck in the 20th Century
April 10, 2013
This Economist article actually maintains that the Federal Reserve is doing a better job of making a US recovery happen than the ECB. Economist writers and editors ought to visit the United States to see how the recovery is actually going. Many parts of the Uni ...
Big Banks, Baby!
April 10, 2013
Are we really supposed to believe that only large statist institutions can provide economic stability? That's what this article argues, anyway. It is curious that it appears at a time when the US government is trying to dismantle its biggest banks, with legisla ...
Tax Havens – Surely a Meme
April 10, 2013
Free-Market Analysis: We think we can recognize a dominant social theme when we see one. This sudden emphasis on eradicating tax havens is just such a theme. It is a manufactured media firestorm, intended to go on and on until there are few places to hide money ...
Public Museums and Censorship
April 10, 2013
Is there a difference between censorship and selectivity? In a private gallery or museum the owners or curators must always be selective. There isn't infinite, unlimited room available to place all the art that might be exhibited. Good judgment is part of the j ...
Why Money Printing Makes You Poorer
April 10, 2013
We can barely catch our breath. We can't stop laughing. Last week, Japan announced that it would undertake a bold and radical experiment. After 23 years of on-again, off-again deflation, the new government decided it had had enough of things getting cheaper. Th ...
Margaret Thatcher, Enlarger of WHAT Freedom … Have You Looked at England Lately?
April 09, 2013
Sir Harold Evans is married to Tina Brown, one of our bête noirs ... a fabulously talented writer who long ago turned into a gunslinger for British imperial interests and globalism generally. Brown, editor these days of the Daily Beast and the just-folded prin ...
The Fiction That is Kenya
April 09, 2013
The Economist magazine's reporting is often fantastical. It treats countries as if they were people and politicians as if they were important. This "analysis" of Kenya's elections is a good example. There is no reason for Kenya to exist. It is a conglomeration ...
Apparatchiks or Journalists?
April 09, 2013
Free-Market Analysis: On the heels of the Cyprus offshore banking bustup comes this vast "investigation" of offshore individuals and corporations. It surely constitutes a questionable episode in Western reporting in the 21st century. The classical purpose of We ...
Building a Pre-Ordained Monetary Success in Japan?
April 09, 2013
We wrote about this recently but wanted to return to the topic because it is turning into some sort of litmus test for Keynesianism itself. Keynesianism (really neo-Keynesianism) thankfully is on the proverbial ropes these days, having shown nowhere in the civi ...
Cypriot Chaos Assists EU Centralization
April 09, 2013
Remarks by members of the European Union's elite suggesting that banking deposit seizures may become standard practice appear to have heightened the risk of a European bank run and perhaps even a catastrophic collapse of the euro. Any threat to the euro is a th ...
Real Evil: Attributing the Creation of Money to the State
April 08, 2013
This is the fundamental fault line between freedom and statism and one reason we've spent so much time writing about it and have been subject to so many attacks. The meme – and we early recognized it as such – that money is a state-sponsored occurrence can ...
Time Magazine Asks If the Global Economy is Falling Apart
April 08, 2013
Time magazine asks whether globalism is falling apart but the article is really just another excuse to rebut Stockman's book. We've already covered the controversy over David Stockman's new book that provides what is basically an Austrian analysis of today's sp ...
The Destruction of Offshore Banking Tolls for Thee
April 08, 2013
We wrote about this Saturday in an editorial but want to return to this topic today – and this Washington Post article gives us the opportunity to do so. Our contention is that what is seemingly a coordinated attack on the offshore industry is no coincidence. ...
What the Eurozone Needs Is More Centralization
April 08, 2013
Vox posted this long and scholarly article that calls for more EU centralization. You would think since the current level of centralization has worked so badly that its proponents would be searching for other answers. Not a chance. As we have pointed out numero ...
Occupy Wall Street: There Will Be Blood
April 08, 2013
This rebuttal to DeGraw's book is not entirely timely, as the book in question was actually posted and printed (we assume) quite a while ago. We didn't properly double-check the date and thought it to be new (an odd assumption since we previously responded in m ...
Emulate Ron Paul
April 08, 2013
This talk was delivered to the Alabama state convention of Young Americans for Liberty in Auburn, Alabama, on April 6, 2013. I've had the privilege of knowing Ron Paul for 37 years. I worked as his chief of staff during his early years in Congress, and he playe ...
Homeschooling: The Future of Liberty
April 08, 2013
A common feature of authoritarian regimes is the criminalization of alternatives to government-controlled education. Dictators recognize the danger that free thought poses to their rule, and few things promote the thinking of "unapproved" thoughts like an educa ...
From Grammar School to Battlefield with Richard Maybury
April 07, 2013
The Daily Bell is pleased to present another exclusive interivew with Richard Maybury. Here's a brief snippet: Daily Bell: So you are saying this vast collection of crooks and tyrants in the Mideast and elsewhere became the US Empire. Richard Maybury: Yes. And ...
Offshore Banking and the Shadow of the Gallows …
April 06, 2013
Is it over? This is an issue I want to address today because it has not been adequately reported by the mainstream media. Listen closely and you will hear shrieks of silent, psychic pain emanating from luxurious apartments and boardrooms around the world. The w ...
Fed Targeted for Centennial Commission: Another 'Nail in the Coffin'?
April 05, 2013
Steven Horwitz, once interviewed by the Daily Bell, has written an article in US News (see above) on ending the Federal Reserve. Horwitz is a Mercatus Center Affiliated Senior Scholar and the Charles A. Dana Professor of Economics and department chair at St. La ...
Greenbacker Proposals in Vogue: Build Bridges and Print, Print, Print
April 05, 2013
Here's a modest proposal: Let's wipe out the national debt. Much of the West's national debt is owed to various central banks. Columbia Professor Michael Woodford, called "the world's most closely followed monetary theorist," in this article says it ought to be ...
Was the Economic Crisis Triggered by a Lack of Justice?
April 05, 2013
This is a fun article/interview to analyze because unlike Greenbackerism it doesn't aspire to any kind of faux-sophistication about finance or maliciously distort the truth to mislead people. It studiously avoids reality, but that's not quite the same thing ... ...
So Long, University Days of Wine and Roses
April 05, 2013
But a degree is NOT ... not anymore. With Western economies in collapse, it is probably wiser to gain a trade than a degree. People who realize this are sensible and tending to their futures in a manageable way. Formal education at its higher levels is lifted f ...
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