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Halting Gold Delivery, Clearing the Path for Rash Action?
March 26, 2013
Above and also at ZeroHedge it's been reported that Amro Bank is not delivering gold to customers but retaining it on clients' behalf. This disturbing news comes after reports that German demands for gold from the Federal Reserve and France will take years to f ...
Yes, Cyprus Was Aimed at Sinking Tax Havens
March 26, 2013
We've written numerous articles on Cyprus now explaining that its takedown was a deliberate if misguided attempt to further consolidate EU power. Emerging information regarding an intent to crush Russian money power makes a lot of sense. The Guardian's analysis ...
Blame Germany for the European Mess?
March 26, 2013
Blame the Germans! Money Power ever uses the Germans as a whipping boy in the modern era and we can see that Der Spiegel cooperates in this excerpt above. In fact, the entire European Union and the euro experiment is increasingly blamed on the Germans. The idea ...
Mexico Rises … Immigration Debate Subsides?
March 26, 2013
So Mexico is coming up in the world. Meanwhile, the US is headed in the other direction. This article makes the point that this trend is going to erase the argument over immigration now taking place in the US. Is it really feasible that Mexico is going to overt ...
Africa Emerges Alongside New China Meme
March 26, 2013
We promised viewers to keep them informed about the emergence of Africa as a dominant social theme and this article (excerpted above) is one more piece of evidence that we are on the right track. The rationale for the African meme has to do with the construct c ...
The Stimulus Trap
March 26, 2013
For years we have been warned by Keynesian economists to fear the so-called "liquidity trap," an economic cul-de-sac that can suck down an economy like a tar pit swallowing a mastodon. They argue that economies grow because banks lend and consumers spend. But a ...
New Commission or Dead Fed?
March 25, 2013
Nope ... we truly believe that the world's monetary infrastructure is going to be subject to wrenching change over the next few years. Central banks have printed and lent trillions to countries, including Western countries, that cannot pay the interest on these ...
Rare Earth Is Not so Rare … Redux
March 25, 2013
Gee, rare earth metals have been found in the sea. This is really a breakthrough, according to the UK Telegraph (above). We're supposed to be shocked by this occurrence. Or perhaps we are supposed to rejoice. Who knows? Well ... actually, we did predict this ki ...
Unwise Deepening of an Unnecessary Crisis
March 25, 2013
Cyprus seems to us to join a number of other recent events as a miscalculation of the elites running the EU and even the Western World. This article in the UK Telegraph makes the same kind of point, though its analysis is restricted to Cyprus. The idea is that ...
And It's Not Over Yet
March 25, 2013
Things are looking much better now, aren't they? A deal has been struck and Cyprus will stick with the euro, pay its creditors and Russian mobsters that have parked money in Cyprus will be discomfited. Oil and natural gas that has been found in the waters of Cy ...
Financial Education – First of All
March 25, 2013
So the brokerage industry is reaping what is has sown. But really, the brokerage industry, in the US especially, is made up of individuals young and old who are just trying to make a living and are subject to vast and powerful forces beyond their control. It is ...
Neo-Con War Addiction Threatens Our Future
March 25, 2013
William Kristol knows what is wrong with the United States. As he wrote recently in the flagship magazine of the neo-conservatives, the Weekly Standard, the problem with the US is that we seem to have lost our appetite for war. According to Kristol, the trouble ...
Welfare Rights are Wrong
March 25, 2013
Ever since John Locke developed the theory of natural individual human rights, there has been an ongoing attempt to change his idea to something very different. For Locke the natural rights all human beings have are basically prohibitions. They forbid people fr ...
Daniel Mitchell on Taxation, Its Expansion and the Possibilities for Reform
March 24, 2013
The Daily Bell is pleased to present this exclusive interview with Daniel Mitchell. Here's a brief snippet. Daily Bell: Now you deal with the flat tax and international tax competition. Give us a sense of your thinking on these issues. Dan Mitchell: The simples ...
I'm Keeping the Lights on for Earth Hour
March 23, 2013
US News tells us that libertarians want to "keep the lights on" for the current Earth Hour. Earth Hour is a worldwide event organized by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), "encouraging households and businesses to turn off their non-essential lights from 8:30 p.m. ...
Corporate's Turn: As Yields Drop, Investors Plunge Down the Rabbit Hole of Systemic Risk
March 22, 2013
Actually, it is going to end very badly. The Federal Reserve is the most powerful bank in the world and it has proven it once again by powering up the financial markets to all time highs. As this article points out, stocks are for show and bonds are for dough â ...
Ben Bernanke Has Had Enough
March 22, 2013
Ben Bernanke is making the noises of escape. As we pointed out in another article in this issue, stock and bond markets are up tremendously as a result of central banking stimulation, not just in the US but around the world. But in the US performance is remarka ...
Perhaps We Are All Cyprus Now
March 22, 2013
This article makes the point that while the breast-beating continues over the Cyprus "haircut," the reality is that investors are getting fleeced throughout the world and especially in the United States. We return once more in this issue to the reality of what ...
US Infrastructure's Disastrous Solution
March 22, 2013
It is a US scandal that the country's infrastructure is not just degrading but seriously degraded. While this is not a regular topic for mainstream reporting, every now and then it rises to the surface. Of course the real issue is seldom dealt with, which is ho ...
Is Qatar Going to Bail Out Britain?
March 22, 2013
Is Qatar really going to bail out Britain? Is the West really setting? Are the West's values now prevailing around the world even as its prosperity diminishes? These are the issues that this Japan Times article grapples with. Some of these topics are original w ...
Cyprus Lifts the Curtain
March 22, 2013
This week financial analysts, economists, politicians, and bank depositors from around the world were outraged that European leaders, more specifically the Germans, currently calling many of the shots in Brussels and Frankfurt, could be so politically reckless, ...
Stratfor Promotes EU Fascism Meme?
March 21, 2013
We generally distrust Stratfor analyses because over the years it's become fairly obvious that they have an agenda beyond their stated goal – or so we have decided, anyway. But this particular publicly available analysis is a pretty good one ... though with a ...
Globalization: Random or Directed?
March 21, 2013
This article in The Atlantic explains that globalism is an irreversible process because of a certain kind of entropy. The kind of entropy in question is called "information entropy." The Atlantic article explains that it is "an abstract measure of diffusion. It ...
Was the Cyprus Crisis a Mistake?
March 21, 2013
Did the Eurocrats miscalculate? This is the message now being sent by a number of respectable mainstream columnists as well as alternative journos. There is perhaps some truth to it. Ambrose Evans-Pritchard – who wrote the above excerpted article – points o ...
How to Be Smarter Than Your Mutual Fund Manager
March 21, 2013
Earlier this month, the Financial Post published an article entitled, "Five Things You Should Know Before Buying a Mutual Fund." The article made some good points about mutual funds and how their performance is based, quite naturally, on what is good for the fu ...
A Précis on Libertarianism and Capitalism
March 21, 2013
Libertarianism is the political system wherein the highest political good is the protection of the individual citizen's right to life, liberty and property. Capitalism is the economic system of libertarianism since in libertarian societies the institution of th ...
What is Transparency?
March 21, 2013
This week's Solari Story from Catherine Austin Fitts is titled "What is Transparency?" Here's a bit of the transcript: "To me, transparent is when I can understand it so to me, a transparent financial system is one where I can relate what is happening – I hav ...
Central Banking Fail: The Message Sent May Not Be the One Received
March 20, 2013
Here is an article that focuses on the reality of central banking power. As we have often pointed out, central banks and those who run them – and it is apparently only a handful who DO run them – have strenuously positioned Money Power as a technocratic fac ...
Real Reason for the Cyprus Debacle?
March 20, 2013
This article, an opinion piece, actually, deals with the question of why the European Union and its central bank did what it did regarding Cyprus. It doesn't really come up with an answer, though, in fact, in various analyses we've tried to provide the only log ...
An Evil Story?
March 20, 2013
Is this an ... "evil" story? First, let us describe it. The article focuses on food stamps and people's struggles to survive using government aid. It's well written and sympathetic to the poor people (poor in many ways) who use food stamps and don't find them s ...
Next Weeks May Confirm Our Suspicions About Grillo and Italy's Manipulation
March 20, 2013
Let us see if Italy can form a government or if Beppe Grillo's stubbornness will scupper any such arrangement. If we are correct in our analysis about Grillo, he is actually a kind of political saboteur that has been put in place by powerful Eurocrats to create ...
We Were Right About UK Phone Hacking Scandal After All
March 20, 2013
Not so long ago we wrote that certain big scandals were being manufactured to provide a justification for further regulation. And we were right. Now comes a "crackdown" – out of nowhere – on not just UK mainstream publications but the real target, which is ...
Weeklies Bite the Dust
March 20, 2013
We are not sorry that alternative media (mostly from the US) is withering away. Alternative media in the US was partly an invention of the countercultural movement of the 1960s in the US and abroad and as such the media was innately leftist. People purchased le ...
Spending Patterns Paint Half Truth
March 20, 2013
On March 13th, the Commerce Department announced a 1.1 percent increase in food and services retail sales, doubling a prior Dow Jones survey of economists that forecast an increase of just 0.6 percent. This new data has led to a fresh wave of enthusiastic comme ...
Was the EU Right About Cyprus?
March 19, 2013
Here's a novel approach to the Cyprus situation courtesy of those contrarian thinkers at Reuters. This editorialist's work has appeared regularly at The Wall Street Journal and Time magazine, and he has decided that the European Union was right about demanding ...
Now New Zealand Plans Cyprus-Style Bank Confiscations
March 19, 2013
First Cyprus and now New Zealand. Is it coincidence or something more? Globalists that are trying to create an international monetary solution often implement programs in various countries at once. The question arises as to whether Money Power itself – the ba ...
Euro Leaders … Be Careful What You Wish For
March 19, 2013
Free-Market Analysis: An article of ours – "Do EU Wonks Really Have Endless Time to Get It Right?" – ran yesterday when, unknown to us, this article (excerpted above) posted as well. It makes the same point, generally, that we were making, and though we are ...
The Complexity of Billionaires
March 19, 2013
This weekend I read Forbes' new special edition on billionaires. In his introduction, "They succeed by meeting your needs," Steve Forbes writes: "The overwhelming majority of these people have moved ahead through meeting the needs and wants of other people, not ...
Iraq After Ten Years
March 19, 2013
March 19, 2013. Ten years ago today the Bush regime invaded Iraq. It is known that the justification for the invasion was a packet of lies orchestrated by the neoconservative Bush regime in order to deceive the United Nations and the American people. The US Sec ...
The Debt Crisis Is a Dollar Reserve Crisis
March 18, 2013
the US in terms of what has been promised is closer to US$200 trillion than US$16 trillion. We've written about that here: The US$200 Trillion Debt Which Cannot Be Named. This was not our perspective but that of a mainstream economics professor who wrote an art ...
The Rise and Fall of Military Keynesianism
March 18, 2013
This is, in our opinion, a much better article than the Salon article we commented on above. It is a "big picture" article that takes into account the reality of trends that are affecting the US economy. The article is a "good read" as well because unlike almos ...
The Retirement Crisis That Must Not Be Mentioned
March 18, 2013
A theme that is little explored in the Western mainstream press is that retirement has all but collapsed for many in the middle classes. We have in the past called this condition "dreamtime" – for it was built on central banking initiatives and fostered by ce ...
Do EU Wonks Really Have Endless Time to Get It Right?
March 18, 2013
The idea behind this wire article is that while Europe is suffering, it will "bounce back." Unfortunately, it is more complicated than that and it starts with this word "Europe." There is no Europe – or not as a physical entity. There are regions on a map and ...
Shock: Globalist Plan for IMF Failing in US Congress?
March 18, 2013
Mike Callaghan – Director of the Lowy Institute's G20 Studies Centre – provides us with insight into a big congressional battle going on over the International Monetary Fund. Like most really important struggles, this one is being under-reported, really not ...
The Congressional Budget Debate Is Just A Sideshow
March 18, 2013
Federal spending once again dominated the debate in Washington last week, as House Republicans and Senate Democrats began work on their ten-year budget plans. Contrary to claims, neither party's budget reduces spending. While the Republican plan increases spend ...
The Soviet Goal in the Cold War
March 18, 2013
For a very long time after I left communist Hungary I have been witnessing how numerous Western "Sovietologists" have been trying to clear the USSR of any responsibility for imperialism and, thus, the Cold War. In the April 2013 issue of Harper's magazine one J ...
Wendy McElroy on the Right to Pornography and The Art of Being Free
March 17, 2013
The Daily Bell is pleased to present this exclusive interview with Wendy McElroy. Here's a brief snippet. Daily Bell: Where do you stand on issues such as gay marriage? Is it important for the state to sanction marriage? Wendy McElroy: The first thing to note a ...
Greenspan Discusses the End of the Fed … What Comes Next?
March 16, 2013
An interesting article in Forbes entitled "If Alan Greenspan Wants To 'End The Fed', Times Must Be Changing," informs us that the predictions we made long ago about the Federal Reserve are coming true. The author of the article is Nathan Lewis, an economist, fo ...
Bombshell Confirmation the Paper Money Hoax Is Real
March 15, 2013
Free-Market Analysis: This little article is about one of the biggest conspiracies of the modern age: the fiat-money hoax. Over the past year or so the powers-that-be have apparently launched fervid campaign to discredit free-market thinking and central banking ...
Shock: Chinese Leaders Contemplating Harsh Austerity Measures?
March 15, 2013
Is harsh austerity in China's future? Like Greece and Spain (and eventually the US), will China be subject to an austerity binge? Caixin is a flagship Chinese media group and thus its pronouncements are of interest. It is likely representing the views of Chines ...
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