STAFF NEWS & ANALYSIS Showing 4051 - of
Jettison the Constitution?
January 03, 2013
Our trends for 2013 featured the advance of German-style National Socialism in the US, and this probably qualifies along those lines. The Times article unapologetically makes the argument for doing away with the US Constitution but what is to be substituted and ...
Vision of a Mutant Future
January 03, 2013
We stand in awe of yet another dominant social theme, which has to do with the inevitability of human engineering and eventual merger with machines. But please! ... This cannot be done by just anyone. People generally are not clamoring to be turned into quasi-r ...
A Note on Socialism as Elitism
January 03, 2013
Since ancient times some people have considered the market place an unruly forum in which to determine whose work and what commodities are worth how much. With Marxism this view acquired a pseudo-scientific status. The complaint that when free individuals and g ...
Rothbard and Money
January 03, 2013
The scholarly contributions of Murray N. Rothbard span numerous disciplines, and may be found in dozens of books and thousands of articles. But even if we confine ourselves to the topic of money, the subject of this volume, we still find his contributions copio ...
Pimco's El-Erian: Divided US Government No Longer Good for Economy
January 02, 2013
Presumably, this is an emergent dominant social theme that Mohamed El-Erian is giving voice to. Perhaps it is a subdominant social theme, as well. The dominant social theme is, of course, that government is good and among humankind's most necessary inventions. ...
Driving Under Attack: The 20mph Revolution
January 02, 2013
The Luddites are at it again. Claiming that lower speeds create fewer fatalities, the UK Independent reports that officials are plotting lower speed limits throughout Wales and England. "Twenty is plenty," is the new mantra, though where this campaign has emerg ...
What We Can Expect: Ten Top Elite Memes for 2013
January 01, 2013
What a year it's been, marked mainly by increasing worldwide chaos, senseless wars and economic upheaval, all leading inevitably to increased "chaos" out of which shiny, new global government can be born – along with new, more global currencies. The top elite ...
Fiscal Cliff … Whatta Meme!
December 31, 2012
We have noticed that one way to establish the primacy of government is to create endless crises and then let the mainstream media go to work. Every day there will be new articles, new reports, new deliberations. People read the newspapers every day and begin to ...
Is Occupy Dead?
December 31, 2012
Naomi Wolf has written a much-commented-on article in the leftist UK Guardian explaining how the Occupy movement was controlled and decimated in 2012. There had been big plans to expand the Occupy movement in numerous ways but as we can see from the article exc ...
How To Restore the West
December 31, 2012
By any political, cultural or economic measure the nations of the West are in total decline. The historic virtues of hard work, free-market thinking and a common cultural integrity as well as religious and historical principles are gone. They have been subverte ...
New Year's Resolutions for Congress
December 31, 2012
As I prepare to retire from Congress, I'd like to suggest a few New Year's resolutions for my colleagues to consider. For the sake of liberty, peace and prosperity I certainly hope more members of Congress consider the strict libertarian constitutional approach ...
Obama and Ayn Rand
December 31, 2012
In a November 8, 2012 interview in Rolling Stone magazine President Obama was asked about what he thinks of Republican VP Candidate Paul Ryan's (admittedly limited) respect for Russian-American novelist-philosopher Ayn Rand. (It is limited because when Mr. Ryan ...
Godfrey Bloom on Feminism, Globalism and the Coming Collapse of the European Union
December 30, 2012
The Daily Bell is pleased to present this exclusive interview with Godfrey Bloom. Here's a snippet: Daily Bell: You believe the EU to be more and more like Nazi Germany? Godfrey Bloom: It is an interesting question. I believe it to be economically fascist and ...
The Invisible Hand Strikes Back
December 29, 2012
Bloomberg has posted an article entitled "Americans Miss $200 Billion [by] Abandoning Stocks" that is presumably supposed to illustrate the folly of avoiding equities but in my view merely illustrates the difficulty of sustaining this meme. And make no mistake, ...
NGOs Plot Wave of Criminal Referrals to Legitimize International Criminal Court
December 28, 2012
We don't usually pursue sourced stories because we analyze memes. But regular readers are well aware that a dominant social theme is not merely a hypothetical elite suggestion. Such themes can generate their own reality via something we call directed history. W ...
Tesla Motors … Another Elite Theme in Collapse?
December 28, 2012
John Shinal is back with a second article blasting Tesla, an advanced technology (green) auto company that makes both electric cars and power train components. Tesla trades on the Nasdaq under TSLA. As both a public company and a leading electric car manufactur ...
New Meme? Corporate and Banking Elite Have the Most to Lose from NWO
December 27, 2012
For us, as elite meme trackers, articles such as the one excerpted above are interesting to identify and analyze. You can almost see the proverbial wheels spinning as Tavistock pounds out one dominant social theme after another, hoping to confuse what the Inter ...
Washington Revs Up the Neo-Pecora Block?
December 27, 2012
Few write with more sincerity or skill in the alternative media than those who produce Washington's Blog, whoever they are. But we have some questions about this article, no matter its eloquence. The argument it advances seems to support what we call the Neo-Pe ...
The Erosion of Our Freedom
December 27, 2012
Often when I argue that governments must not violate our rights – they are supposed to be unalienable, after all – statists have a ready retort: Government is already violating them, good and hard, all over the place. Recently I pointed out that imposing fi ...
Something Wicked Comes This Way
December 26, 2012
Fascism – the idea that certain people in power should organize society's manifestations for everyone else – is what modernity calls a "trending topic." Here, in an article posted at Forbes, we are impressed once again with people's dogged certainties. Doct ...
Tebow … Cultural Barometer
December 26, 2012
We've written several articles on US quarterback Tim Tebow and now World Net Daily has, too. The WND article is written by former pastor Drew Zahn who is editor of seven books and is a regular columnist for WND. You can see some of our articles here: The Psycho ...
Republican Sellout Invites Stagflation
December 26, 2012
While it may not be a surprise that the Republicans are preparing to yield on their vow to oppose tax hikes, it should raise investor concerns the world over that an upcoming budget agreement will likely involve a Congressional surrender of its authority to set ...
Pastor Matthew Barnett on Christmas: The Little Known Secret to Creating a Free Society
December 25, 2012
The Daily Bell is pleased to present this exclusive interview with Pastor Matthew Barnett of The Dream Center. Introduction: A society of free people can voluntarily provide for the poor, the addicted, those with a huge need. Over the ages, the Christian church ...
Newsweek Print Edition Folds
December 24, 2012
We end this year on a note of good news. Newsweek is no more ... at least as a print publication. Far more of a leveling device than TIME magazine, Newsweek was a secondary news channel for US Intel, from what we can tell. In fact, one could argue that Newsweek ...
Government Security is Just Another Kind of Violence
December 24, 2012
The senseless and horrific killings last week in Newtown, Connecticut reminded us that a determined individual or group of individuals can cause great harm no matter what laws are in place. Connecticut already has restrictive gun laws relative to other states, ...
Gun Control Obscenities
December 24, 2012
When the massacre occurred in Connecticut, there was no call for commentary, certainly not from me who lives thousands of miles from where it occurred and knew none of the victims, the culprit or their families. Silence was probably the right reaction, and some ...
George Gilder on His New Book, the Superiority of Ludwig Von Mises and the Necessity for a Regulatory Jubilee
December 23, 2012
The Daily Bell is pleased to present this exclusive interview with George Gilder. Here's a brief snippet: Daily Bell: Remind our readers about your great book, Wealth and Poverty. It was pro-Austrian even without the making a direct point about the Austrian. Ge ...
Now Paul Craig Roberts Wonders About RT
December 22, 2012
We carry columns by Paul Craig Roberts – former Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury – and one published this past week entitled "Agenda Driven News" dealt with a topic we'd just discussed here at The Daily Bell. I'd written that the big Russian news chan ...
Is Putin Freedom's Champion or Foil for the West?
December 21, 2012
There is a perception among a certain part of the alternative media that Russia under Vladimir Putin is a great protector of human rights and civic individualism. This perception goes hand-in-hand with certain ideas about money – namely that the state should ...
UN Takes on Al Qaeda in Mali
December 21, 2012
The UN is being drawn into war. This "deployment of troops" in Africa will take place in Mali (see excerpt above) but probably expand, as the actual theatre occupies much of upper Africa, a region about the size of the lower United States. War and more war. The ...
Depleted Uranium Receives More Attention
December 21, 2012
The WHO (see above) is finally getting around to seeing if depleted uranium weapons used by NATO and the US are responsible for the many birth defects in Iraq. From what we can tell, the outcome will be a preordained "no." US officials, military or otherwise, h ...
The Astonishing Ron Paul
December 21, 2012
As 2012 draws to a close, it's hard not to be reminded that 2013 will begin with Ron Paul retired from Congress. For all those years he was a fearless truth-teller, who exposed and denounced the horrors, domestic or foreign, of the regime. His farewell address ...
When Money Power Rules Business
December 20, 2012
Richard Reed is CEO of Innocent Drinks, a UK smoothie chain, and obviously he knows what he is talking about when it comes to businesses. Today Innocent Drinks has sales in excess of £100 million, 250 employees and offices across Europe. The three founders of ...
Massive Psy-op? Obama Can Ban Guns By Himself – And He Will
December 20, 2012
We would be all for gun control except for two things: It doesn't work and it seems to be part of what we call directed history. The goal is to reduce the ability of individuals to fight back against world government. There is almost no doubt more "controls" ar ...
Brits Rename Piece of Antarctica 'Queen Elizabeth Land'
December 20, 2012
Here's one that slipped under the radar of most of the alternative 'Net media. Part of Antarctica was just named for Queen Elizabeth (see above). The subdominant social theme here, as enunciated by the BBC and other outlets, could be that this is simply a furth ...
Outlook for 2013: More 'Easy Money'
December 20, 2012
"The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money." ~ Alexis de Tocqueville We are quickly approaching the end of the year and a time during which, in the world of investing, a frenzy of for ...
Does Berlusconi Matter to the EU?
December 19, 2012
We were told months ago that Silvio Berlusconi was going back into politics. He's easily the most important politico in Italy, so we weren't surprised. His presence has only become more important when measured against that of the technocrat, Mario Monti. And Mo ...
Why the Chinese Demand US Gun Control
December 19, 2012
The Chinese have weighed in ... Breitbart is reporting that the Chinese government is concerned about US gun violence (see above excerpt). This is notable because it tends to support certain dominant social themes we have noted before. We do believe that the Ch ...
Big Pharma: When Will Critical Mass Be Reached?
December 19, 2012
We keep covering the unraveling of the pharmaceutical industry because this is where what we call the Internet Reformation has been increasingly effective. Even ten years ago, the Western model of healthcare was regnant but now it is reeling. And the Internet i ...
Internalized Oppression
December 19, 2012
Over the summer, my family and I went for a walk in the nearby woods. There is a shallow creek winding its way through a beautiful redwood forest and we thought it would be fun to take our Malamute puppy, who loves the water, for a slosh up the creek. There we ...
Promises Will Be Broken
December 19, 2012
When wealth was easy to identify and easy to control - that is, when it was mostly land - a few insiders could do a fairly good job of keeping it for themselves. The feudal hierarchy gave everybody a place in the system, with the insiders at the top of the heap ...
The Madness of Afghanistan
December 18, 2012
Con Coughlin is one of the most persistent and consistent of Afghan war reporters. In fact, a UK Telegraph feedbacker noted recently: I admire your consistent position on all matters war, Mr Coughlin. There hasn't been one single war (or the threat of it, such ...
No More Questions to Ask About Sandy Hook Shooting?
December 18, 2012
There are questions to ask, just as there were at Columbine where hundreds of witnesses saw more than two young shooters and tried, to no avail, to testify about what they witnessed. The Columbine investigation was closed without addressing this point and many ...
Right to Work is Part of Economic Liberty
December 18, 2012
Many observers were surprised when Michigan, historically a stronghold of union power, became the nation's 24th "Right to Work" state. The backlash from November's unsuccessful attempt to pass a referendum forbidding the state from adopting a right to work law ...
The Fiscal Cliff Is A Diversion: The Derivatives Tsunami and the Dollar Bubble
December 18, 2012
The "fiscal cliff" is another hoax designed to shift the attention of policymakers, the media, and the attentive public, if any, from huge problems to small ones. The fiscal cliff is automatic spending cuts and tax increases in order to reduce the deficit by an ...
The Bank For International Settlements: Beware a Crash
December 17, 2012
Here's another example of how elite dominant social themes work. Often, these fear-based promotions are reinforced by reality. In other words, if you want to explain to people that food-scarcity demands United Nations involvement in food production, you first a ...
The Horror of the Connecticut Shooting and the Tragedy of Unresolved Massacres
December 17, 2012
It is almost impossible to write about the horrible shooting in Sandy Hook because of the age of the little ones who were shot. One wants to weep looking at so many innocent faces of now-dead children. But what if the narrative is a false one? What if there is ...
Doubting One's Mind
December 17, 2012
A central topic of philosophy throughout the ages has been whether human beings can trust their minds, including their sensory awareness and thinking. Skepticism about this has been a major challenge and many from Socrates to such recent and current thinkers as ...
Charles Payne on Post-Election Politics, Stock Picking and the Future of Investing
December 16, 2012
The Daily Bell is pleased to present this exclusive interview with Charles Payne. Here's a brief snippet. Daily Bell: What do you expect over the next few years? What can people do to protect themselves? Charles Payne: I don't want people to panic. In February ...
'World War Z' Seems to Be a Good Example of Elite Dominant Social Themes
December 15, 2012
Recently, I wrote about elite dominant social themes and economics but for a change of pace we'll take a look at a blockbuster movie set for release next summer ... "World War Z," starring the major movie star, Brad Pitt. Over at Infowars, Alex Jones has recent ...
Showing 4051 - of – Newest on Top
