STAFF NEWS & ANALYSIS Showing 4101 - of
Now Reuters Opinion-Maker Endorses National Socialist Economics
December 14, 2012
This excerpt from an opinion piece posted at Reuters entitled "Ethical economy: A tale of two half-centuries" was written by Edward Hades but it could have been written by any one of a number of people functioning within the power elite orbit. It is exactly wha ...
Shock: Onion Takes Aim at Official 9/11 Story
December 14, 2012
Holy Batman! The satirical Onion website has just posted an editorial entitled, "Ho, Ho, Ho! 9/11 Was An Inside Job!" We are very surprised to see this sort of article at the Onion, as we long ago gave up on this website as a site that was as predictable as it ...
Double Tap Drones: What Has Happened to the United States?
December 14, 2012
What we call the Internet Reformation can be seen clearly in reports like this. A young man uses 'Net technology to track every drone strike and makes a horrible discovery. A 'Net facility called Business Insider then blows up the story by publishing it around ...
On The Controlled Media Matrix and Collateral Damage
December 14, 2012
Although George Carlin's often-crude language can upset some, given his understanding of the world we live in, the "shock" value is necessary to get his point across, that a tiny elite intends to control and manage the world like a global plantation and we are ...
Now UN Wants to Control Tourist Behavior … For the 'Greater Good,' of Course
December 13, 2012
Did you know there was a UN World Tourism Organization? It may not seem like such a big deal but it shows us once more how ubiquitous world government is getting and how vast the resources are behind the United Nations. As with ALL UN agencies, apparently, a pr ...
A Dishonest Article about US Army Suicides
December 13, 2012
The reason this article is dishonest is because of what it leaves out. The authors, both retired army generals, suggest that a big help to officers when it comes to mental health is the ability to find out if soldiers have guns at home – and then to address t ...
Ethics and Gouging
December 13, 2012
During most emergencies there are those who could certainly use quite a bit of help and it is on such occasions that complaints about gouging surface most vociferously. The recent storms and hurricanes in the Northeast and elsewhere saw many people having to bo ...
Emerging Market Economies – A Structural Reduction of Portfolio Risk
December 13, 2012
Emerging market economies appear increasingly sound. This improvement, in part, can be attributed to commodity exports and wage advantages, which, in combination, have led to increased foreign currency reserves. Contrary to many of the 'developed economies,' em ...
Two-Track Corporate Justice Is Not the American Way
December 12, 2012
The bottom line here is that the crooks are NOT caught. Bear in mind as a libertarian paper, we don't buy into any of these pseudo crimes. Money laundering, drug buying, regulatory transgressions... none of these have anything to do with natural law. They are a ...
Satirist of Drones Arrested by NYPD
December 12, 2012
There are two problems with the arrest of Essam Attia. The first is that the police apparently went out of their way to arrest him. Thus the NYPD is applying the law unequally.The second problem is that what Attia is doing is satire and is thus a legally protec ...
More Too Much of a Good Thing
December 12, 2012
Parley-vous francais? You can learn that much French in about 5 minutes. If you knew no French before, this represents an infinite increase. In about 5 more minutes you can learn "Je m'appelle Todd," an increase of about 100% on what you knew before. Thereafter ...
Power Elite Bans Classic Books in US, Seeks Exclusive Narrative
December 11, 2012
Fahrenheit 451 and other books about censorship got it wrong. The powers-that-be don't want to ban books, they want to ban STORIES. This is the inescapable conclusion for those of us who believe in directed history. Over the past decade of covering the world fo ...
Another Meme Sours? EU Peace Prize Generates Continued Debate
December 11, 2012
When the winner of this year's Nobel Peace Prize was announced as the EU, the entire press corps (those in attendance) reportedly let out a united groan. This was certainly an unusual reaction for the top reporters of a bought-and-paid-for press. Coming after a ...
Vatican Calls for Global Genocide
December 11, 2012
According to Andrew Puhanic, contributor to the alternative media website the Activist Post, the Vatican (the Pope) has called for world government and a New World Order... He writes that the leader of the Catholic Church, Pope Benedict XVI, has recently made a ...
Kidnapped Doctor Rescue Was Probably Black Op After All
December 11, 2012
When we read about the good doctor's rescue, the thought flashed through our collective pointy heads that it was probably not exactly what it seemed to be. Well, now a fellow called "JP Sottile" has done a devastating analysis of what probably went on (see exce ...
Expanding Covert Warfare Makes Us Less Safe
December 11, 2012
Earlier this month we learned that the Obama Administration is significantly expanding the number of covert Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) agents overseas. From just a few hundred DIA agents overseas today, the administration intends to eventually deploy som ...
Budget Farce Suggests Term Limits Needed
December 11, 2012
Put simply, the fiscal cliff debate is an illustration of staggering political cowardice. Politicians of both parties are unwilling to ask voters to pay for all of the big government promises that they made on the campaign trail. They would rather risk the coun ...
Great Examiner Article on Copyright, Buried Lede on Staffer's Firing
December 10, 2012
The lede of this article is a bit buried, in our humble view. Here's the real news: "The staffer who wrote the memo [see above], an ambitious 24-year-old named Derek Khanna, was fired – even before the RSC had decided on other staffing changes for the upcomin ...
CIA Takes Over Pentagon
December 10, 2012
Here's a new dominant social theme. We're supposed to be comforted apparently that the Pentagon and CIA are merging, with the CIA coming out on top. Between the two groups, you've probably got nearly US$1 trillion being utilized for intel and military purposes ...
Is It Peak Water Yet? Another Phony Meme
December 10, 2012
As we can see from the above excerpt, another elite dominant social theme is making the rounds: Peak Water. We try to keep up with memes but we must confess we missed this one even though there are already 250,000 "Peak Water" cites on Google. We want to take t ...
Doha Didn't Do So Well But the Elites Will Surely Strike Again
December 10, 2012
The climate change meetings that took place recently at Doha proved difficult once again for the power elite – the one that wants to run the world and is using enforced scarcity to help it do so. But the very difficulty of negotiating climate change agreement ...
The Myth of Non-coercive Paternalism
December 10, 2012
The father-son team Robert and Edward Skidelsky – the former a recent biographer and avid champion of John Maynard Keynes, the latter a professor of philosophy – have written a book that joins the long list of anti-free market tirades available to us from w ...
More Phony Employment Numbers
December 10, 2012
Statistician John Williams ( calls the government's latest jobs and unemployment reports "nonsense numbers." There are a number of ongoing problems with the released numbers. For example, the concurrent-seasonal factor adjustments are unstable. ...
Stephen Leeb on Peak Oil, Resource Scarcity and the Dangers of a Resurgent China
December 09, 2012
The Daily Bell is pleased to present this exclusive interview with Dr. Stephen Leeb. Daily Bell: Give us some background on yourself. Where did you grow up? You went to university and gained many degrees. Tell us about them and why you got them. What did you do ...
FDR, Lincoln … and a Disturbing Supposition Regarding Barack Obama
December 08, 2012
Here's a new dominant social theme: US presidents are good and they ought to be in movies. Of course, it helps if you are a socialist leader and make maximum use of the awesome power of Leviathan. The two presidents currently being lionized – surprise, surpri ...
EU's Directed History Grinds On
December 07, 2012
As we and others have documented, EU officials decades ago anticipated an economic crisis that would yield a political union. That plan obviously remains unchanged. We can see from the above article excerpt that what was plotted long ago is blossoming today. Wh ...
What Orwell Didn't Know About Elitist 'Scum' Villages
December 07, 2012
We've written many articles about the advent of private cities – run by multinationals in league with local or national governments. But it never occurred to us that the elites organizing this particular form of infrastructure would provide us with the other ...
Der Spiegel Explains the Directed History of Middle East
December 07, 2012
It is amazing to watch what we call directed history at work. This Der Spiegel article perfectly encapsulates how the power elite first establishes and then inculcates its dominant social themes. In this case the dominant social theme, increasingly, is that a w ...
South Africa Vanishes With Its Gold?
December 06, 2012
We never believed that either Zimbabwe or South Africa would work out as countries with a shared black and white heritage. Our fears have already been borne out in Zimbabwe and soon, we fear, the same sort of destruction will be visited on South Africa. Within ...
Military Times Explains Why US Targets Afghan Children
December 06, 2012
War is a cruel and ugly business. The longer it continues, the worse it gets and the more apt atrocities are to become accepted and even justified. Now US Marines appear to be justifying the killing of "enemy" children. The frustration is palpable and one can, ...
Electronic Handcuffs: More Warnings From Law Enforcement …
December 06, 2012
PatentBolt covers "innovation" via patents, as we can see from the above write-up. The dominant social theme has to do with the efficiency of law enforcement in the US and the advances that are being made in prisoner treatment. But the reality, as we've pointed ...
I Told You So! Of Course Washington will Steal Your Retirement Benefits
December 06, 2012
Today the twin fake memes of a "Fiscal Cliff" and "Austerity" are combining to create a contrived excuse to tax and steal far more of your wealth and income, including your retirement benefits. The press is filled with articles and editorials like one recently ...
Defending Ideology
December 06, 2012
It is very common among intellectuals in our time to demean ideology. Thus if one supports, say, free trade with foreign firms, one is belittled for doing so on grounds of one's conviction that free trade is generally better than trade that is regimented by gov ...
Rising Taxes Part of Elite Global Strategy?
December 05, 2012
Taxes are going up around the world and it's time to offer the possibility that it is deliberate. Of course it is deliberate in terms of individual countries. Our point is that the tax increases are seemingly being orchestrated as part of a larger policy aimed ...
George W. Bush: 'Canada, Mexico and US Should Merge'
December 05, 2012
Okay, we made up the headline. George W. Bush has never publicly said that Canada, Mexico and the US should merge into one great big North American Union. But in our view, he might as well have said it. He spent a good bit of his second term sneaking around and ...
Al Qaeda Works for US in Syria?
December 05, 2012
We reported just yesterday on Anonymous's attack on Syria's Internet facilities. Soon we expect Julian Assange to organize a wider data dump of Syrian secret memos. Just kidding ... not. Actually it's already been done. Look at this, from Today, ...
Friendly Authoritarian Face: UN Posts New Water Website Online
December 05, 2012
We recommend everyone who is interested in such things go to the new UN World Water website to see how far the UN has come in terms of promoting a kind and friendly modern face. This is the "new UN" – cheery, concerned and personable. Its dizzying array of we ...
Central Banks Hedge Their Bets
December 05, 2012
Gold appears to be headed for an impressive price appreciation for the second half of 2012. Since the beginning of July, gold is up almost 10 over the same time frame. What is noteworthy here is that in recent months, fears of a worldwide recession have increas ...
Envy and the Fixed Trait Mindset
December 05, 2012
Envy is passive greed. It is also the result of a particular way of thinking of yourself. Greed, as the word is commonly used, refers to an "excessive or rapacious desire, especially for wealth or possessions." Of course, there can be a beneficial effect to a d ...
Yuan Reserve? We're not Betting on It
December 04, 2012
CNBC tells us that the Chinese yuan could soon overtake the dollar as the world's reserve currency. It's a common perception because China has expanded so rapidly over the past 40 years. China has truly experienced a great leap forward, though we're on record a ...
Again Anonymous Ends Up on the Side of the US Government
December 04, 2012
Syrian officials shut down much of the country's Internet and the hacking group Anonymous began shutting down the rest. According to RT, which reported on the story, "A tweet on Friday from the group read, 'Government of Syria cuts country's internet access – ...
Please Explain About the Petrified Wood
December 04, 2012
The voice of reason speaks. There are plenty of things wrong with NASA, which is a boondoggle of an agency any way you define it. Now NASA is speaking out on end-of-world prophecies. In fact, one could characterize NASA as a kind of elite meme all by itself. It ...
Headed Toward the 11th Hour Compromise
December 04, 2012
As the year draws to an end, America faces yet another congressionally-manufactured crisis which will likely end in yet another 11th hour compromise, resulting in more government growth touted as "saving" the economy. While cutting taxes is always a good idea, ...
Forbidden to Mention Foreign Currency in Ukraine Now
December 03, 2012
Ukraine is struggling with its economy and currency and, as we have seen with other countries, the solution is to pass laws that control money and prop it up. Spain and Mexico have passed laws restricting cash. There are various forms of control on many currenc ...
Contrived Chaos in Egypt as IMF Considers Withdrawal of US$5 Billion
December 03, 2012
From bad to worse in Egypt, but we can't say we're surprised. Can you? We've written that the West is engaged in a process of destabilizing the Middle East and replacing secular governments with Islamic ones controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood. See articles he ...
Kabul Bank Shows Us Afghan War is for Control Not Resources
December 03, 2012
The collapse of Kabul Bank can certainly be seen as a metaphor for the larger Afghan War. The idea was always to inflict Western style regulatory democracy on Afghanistan. This seems ever clearer in hindsight. You can see a previous article on the subject here: ...
Goldman Takes Over the World?
December 03, 2012
Free-Market Analysis: Here's another meme, in our view. It's one we've fought against for a long time. It is the idea that Wall Street and private enterprise generally are malicious and ought to be confronted by government and heroic politicians. That's the dom ...
What About Wealth Redistribution?
December 03, 2012
Ever since then candidate Obama's brief exchange with "Joe the Plumber" there has been plenty of mention of wealth redistribution in the major media. Then came the recovery of a 2001 interview in which the former Senator faulted the framers of the US Constituti ...
What's a Real Libertarian?
December 03, 2012
Here is the introduction to the new edition of For a New Liberty: The Libertarian Manifesto. There are many varieties of libertarianism alive in the world today, but Rothbardianism remains the center of its intellectual gravity, its primary muse and conscience, ...
Our Collapsing Economy and Currency
December 03, 2012
Is the "fiscal cliff" real or just another hoax? The answer is that the fiscal cliff is real, but it is a result, not a cause. The hoax is the way the fiscal cliff is being used. The fiscal cliff is the result of the inability to close the federal budget defici ...
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