STAFF NEWS & ANALYSIS Showing 4301 - of
IMF Solutions Reinforce Problems
October 09, 2012
The IMF is getting a good deal of play with a worried world forecast. The concern was stated in the IMF's "World Economic Report." Here's a quote: "A key issue is whether the global economy is just hitting another bout of turbulence in what was always expected ...
'Argo' – Another Iranian Fantasy?
October 09, 2012
A new movie has been launched called "Argo" that purports to tell the story of a CIA-inspired rescue of some Canadians in Iran right after the revolution. It is a true story but the larger context is questionable. The whole war on terror, as many in the alterna ...
Riding Into the Sunset or a Brick Wall?
October 09, 2012
A month ago, I presented the case for why Fed Chairman Bernanke would have strong motivation to launch another round of quantitative easing (QE) before the election. In short, it would save him his job. Now, I didn't predict with certainty that he would do so - ...
Government Dependency Will End in Chaos
October 09, 2012
The media insists on characterizing statements about dependency on government handouts as controversial but in truth such statements are absolutely correct. It's not that nearly half of Americans are dependent on government; it's actually more than half. If one ...
Green Shoots Withering?
October 08, 2012
The Atlantic in its 21st century incarnation is a more predictably elitist publication than ever. These days, like the New Yorker, its editors have expanded its brief to include articles on various economic and military-related issues. But we don't find much th ...
NATO Preps Civil War in Afghanistan
October 08, 2012
According to this UK Telegraph columnist, India, Iran and Russia should be approached about supporting Kabul in its attempts to maintain a centralized government in Afghanistan. This is nothing more than a recipe for a civil war, however, and is line with other ...
Atlas Shrugged (the movie) Part II
October 08, 2012
This could have been a movie review but I am not quite qualified to write one given that we are talking here about a craft, namely, movie making, with which I am not sufficiently familiar. What I am writing, instead, is a simple thank you note to the producer, ...
Alexander McCobin on Ron Paul, Objectivism and Co-founding Students For Liberty
October 07, 2012
The Daily Bell is pleased to present this exclusive interview with Alexander McCobin. Here's a brief snippet. Daily Bell: There is a new generation of students growing up in the US. Are they more pro-liberty? Alexander McCobin: Absolutely. I think we're seeing ...
Obama Spin Reveals Elite Roots
October 06, 2012
We track power elite dominant social themes large and small. As part of this effort, we've uncovered what we believe to be patterns of "directed history" leading toward ever-bigger government at both national and international levels. Elites love government bec ...
Upcoming Food Scarcity – Promotion or Reality?
October 05, 2012
The volatile global climate? It's enough to make someone believe in weather control via HAARP! That's how elite scarcity memes work, after all. Say the power elite wants to create a perception of energy scarcity ... We've written about this in the past. Liberta ...
'Another One Bites the Dust'
October 05, 2012
This is a sad article posted at the Huffington Post but we have given this article a foolish and insensitive title to show how easy it is to get inured to this kind of police brutality. There is no other description for it but "brutality." Over and over – al ...
Unlimited Democracy
October 05, 2012
The Magna Carta was an early attempt to rein in government, reduce the scope of monarchical rule. Constitutional monarchy was the result in many countries. When democracies replaced monarchies, the urgency to limit their scope of power waned even though there a ...
'Economies Are Not Watches and Money Flows Are Not Predictable'
October 04, 2012
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard is back with another try at organizing the world according to "monetarism." Long ago, we recall reading that this adept mainstream journo did NOT consider himself a monetarist, or Keynesian, or anything else mainstream but in this articl ...
Mitt Romney Wins Debate, But Not Larger Cultural War
October 04, 2012
We're trying not to become vested in these presidential debates emotionally or otherwise but it is easy to be intrigued because Obama has been such a terrible president. Watching Romney bounce up and down on top of Obama (figuratively, anyway) is like watching ...
Don't Cry For Us, Mitt Romney
October 04, 2012
Mitt Romney and the GOP establishment desperately need a few million votes in order to beat Obama in the 2012 General Election. The GOP could have had most of the Ron Paul voter support if Romney had named either Ron Paul or Rand Paul as his VP running mate. Ha ...
How Does FATCA Impact You?
October 04, 2012
"If you have ten thousand regulations you destroy all respect for the law." ~ Winston Churchill Until a few weeks ago, I was living under the assumption that by now everyone knew about the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) and had a broad understanding ...
Subprime Prosecutions Miss the Point
October 03, 2012
Dominant Social Theme: Finally, someone is bringing these big banks to justice. Free-Market Analysis: The accusations of criminality against Wall Street mount. Occupy Wall Street plans demos and in the UK, the LIBOR "scandal" proceeds with regular declarations ...
The Unsurprising Corruption of the VA
October 03, 2012
But it will! The US government is the largest or at least most powerful patronage machine in the world. And nothing happens in politics, generally, that does not benefit one or more people at the expense of others. People act out of self-interest. In the PRIVAT ...
The Fed Plays All Its Cards
October 03, 2012
There never really could be much doubt that the current experiment in competitive global currency debasement would end in anything less than a total war. There was always a chance that one or more of the principal players would snap out of it, change course and ...
Central Bank Narrative Grinds On via AP
October 02, 2012
We cover elite promotions that support expansive government, and no single such meme is more important than the necessity for central banking. It is central banking that evidently and obviously funds the push toward world government. The same never-mentioned el ...
Rulers Should Unite?
October 02, 2012
Another article on the death of democracy. We just mentioned this might be an emergent elite meme in a recent article entitled "Death of Democracy Propagated on Purpose?" The article we commented on then in the UK Telegraph was entitled, "Another chapter in the ...
Gold is Good Money
October 02, 2012
Last year the Chairman of the Federal Reserve told me that gold is not money, a position which central banks, governments, and mainstream economists have claimed is the consensus for decades. But lately there have been some high-profile defections from that con ...
How the Government's Lies Become Truth
October 02, 2012
In my last column, "A Culture of Delusion," I wrote that "Americans live in a matrix of lies. Lies dominate every policy discussion, every political decision." This column will use two top news stories, Iranian nukes and Julian Assange, to illustrate how lies b ...
Controlled Demolition of Europe Continues
October 01, 2012
It is really sad to watch what's going on in Europe. One can almost imagine reading the history books about this period and getting a completely different picture of what is going on than the reality that should be evident to anyone who has lived through this t ...
Vatican Restorations Scrub Nuance From Narrative
October 01, 2012
Why would the Vatican consciously ruin the paintings under its care? Our answer to this is a cynical one that has to do with the Vatican's apparent complicity in what is evidently and obviously a one-world government. Part of the Vatican power base is seemingly ...
'Asking' Versus Forcing Folks to Pay a Little More
October 01, 2012
President Obama raised the issue of why anyone would object to asking the very rich "to give some more." As he put the matter, "What is wrong with 'asking' those who make more to pay a little more?" As it has been pointed out by all too few people, of course, w ...
Remembering 100 Years of Conquered Rule
October 01, 2012
"A people should know when they are conquered." Maximus responds, "Would you, would I?" – From the movie, "Gladiator" One hundred years ago the American republic was overthrown and captured by financial elites and money power during the Taft and Wilson admini ...
G. Edward Griffin on Quick Fixes, the Looming Great War and Loss of Elite Moral Authority
September 30, 2012
The Daily Bell is pleased to present this exclusive interview with G. Edward Griffin. Here's a brief snippet: Daily Bell: What's going on in America? Homeland Security continues to expand. Where is this increased authoritarianism coming from? G. Edward Griffin: ...
Google Censorship: A Manufactured Affair?
September 29, 2012
In an article entitled, "How the Courts Are Curbing YouTube," the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation explains to us that judicial pressure is being applied to YouTube to continually expand self-censorship. YouTube is owned by huge search engine provider, Google. ...
Death of Democracy Propagated on Purpose
September 28, 2012
Another startling article in the UK Telegraph, this one from columnist Sue Cameron. There's no dominant social theme we can determine directly from this brutal assessment of regulatory democracy. Are the larger powers behind the British Empire contemplating a n ...
Dotcom May Reap Bitter Fruits From Being a Pioneer
September 28, 2012
Rather than being cowed by his arrest and imprisonment for supposedly encouraging illegal downloads of copyrighted material, Kim Dotcom is fighting back. Really, he doesn't have any choice. He has lost his company and most of his fortune. Additionally, the peop ...
Bankers Jumping on the Gold Bandwagon?
September 28, 2012
"Only buy something that you'd be perfectly happy to hold if the market shut down for 10 years." ~ Warren Buffett (taken from a list of "50 Warren Buffett Quotes to Inspire Your Investing," Michael Cramton of, March 15, 2011) Scott Schamb ...
A Culture of Delusion
September 28, 2012
A writer's greatest disappointments are readers who have knee-jerk responses. Not all readers, of course. Some readers are thoughtful and supportive. Others express thanks for opening their eyes. But the majority are happy when a writer tells them what they wan ...
Spain Falls to Pieces, as Predicted
September 27, 2012
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard reports on Spain and what he provides us with is a look at the underbelly of Spanish despair that you won't read about in other similar mainstream reporting. What Evans-Pritchard provides us with, in fact, is the bloody sociopathic grin ...
US Judiciary Leans Towards Disclosure Laws That Could Confiscate Electronic Assets
September 27, 2012
Here's something we don't ordinarily see in the mainstream press: thoughtful, even courageous, reporting. The author of this article, Jon Matonis, has pointed out that where cryptography has succeeded, authoritarianism must eventually follow. In fact, his point ...
Frankness About Wealth Redistribution
September 27, 2012
When taxation is part of government, wealth redistribution goes hand in hand with it. Taxation was what feudal systems used so as to pay rent to the monarchy. The monarch, after all, used to own the realm. All of it. So just as owners of apartment houses, monar ...
Familiarity and Renewal
September 27, 2012
When life is unusually stressful or when you've been through something that has taken a lot out of you – like surgery, a concussion or another trauma of some kind – it's important to understand that you don't necessarily bounce back right away. You need tim ...
Fed Nostrums: Bernanke and Money Printing Have Got to Go
September 26, 2012
Bloomberg recently launched two articles that show us just how pervasive the meme of central banking is and how hard it is to eradicate. We can see an excerpt of one above. This article provides us with the insight that it takes a great man to move the levers o ...
Real Reason Obama Is So Lucky?
September 26, 2012
The sobriquet "Happy Warrior" was actually applied by US President Franklin Delano Roosevelt to his friend and supporter, Al Smith, the influential and progressive governor of New York in the 1930s and 1940s. And while this article is about "luck," the photo ac ...
Operation Screw
September 26, 2012
With yesterday's Fed decision and press conference [Sept 13] , Chairman Ben Bernanke finally and decisively laid his cards on the table. And confirming what I have been saying for many years, all he was holding was more of the same snake oil and bluster. Going ...
Evolution of the IMF Is Directed History
September 25, 2012
We have pointed out in numerous articles that the authoritarian evolution of the EU seems planned. In the past, top EU officials made plain statements that various crises could precipitate a political union. These people are not stupid. They are living and brea ...
The Strange Case of Attack on US Mission in Libya Continues
September 25, 2012
The New York Times explains that the recent burning of the American embassy in Benghazi, Libya was a CIA disaster but how can this be when the West controls Libya via Qatar? One of the little-known facts about the Libyan invasion by the West (it was not an upri ...
Colombia: Opportunities Abound in This Unique Country
September 25, 2012
Amazing Foreign Investor Opportunities In Colombia Last week I had the opportunity to spend a few days in the booming South American nation of Colombia. This is my third visit to the province of Antioquia where the modern, vibrant city of Medellin is located, s ...
Interest Rates Are Prices
September 25, 2012
One of the most enduring myths in the United States is that this country has a free market, when in reality, the market is merely the structural shell of formerly free institutions. Government pulls the strings behind the scenes. No better illustration of this ...
Ben Bernanke's Fed Transparency … Transparent Ploy?
September 24, 2012
More Fed promotions; it never ceases, of course. Control money and you control society. And those "in charge" have a vested interest in ensuring the social solvency of the Fed. We were on record years ago with the idea that the Fed had lost its moral authority ...
Rest of World Begins to Catch Up to Daily Bell?
September 24, 2012
Is the world finally beginning to catch up to The Daily Bell? And who is Douglas Carswell, the author of this article? He has a book coming out entitled, The End of Politics and the Birth of iDemocracy, to be published October 1. A bit of research turns up the ...
Dworkin's Plain Statism
September 24, 2012
As is usually the case, The New York Review of Books gives ample room to some leftist jurists, like Professors David Cole or Ronald Dworkin, to provide the politically correct commentary on a major ruling by the US Supreme Court. And so unsurprisingly, Professo ...
Rick Rule on Gold, Silver and Why Junior Mining Stocks Have Languished
September 23, 2012
The Daily Bell is pleased to present this exclusive interview with Rick Rule. Daily Bell: You do some public speaking. What do you emphasize most in your talks these days? Rick Rule: Prudence. I believe that despite all the risks that are out there in the world ...
As Predicted, Third Way Surges to Fore in Middle East
September 22, 2012
Just yesterday, a staff report entitled, "Islam Yearns for a Third Way, US Intel Will Provide," predicted "a third way for Islam that will allow Western-style central banking and finance." Right on schedule, just as if scripted, Libya has erupted once again as ...
Mormons, Romney and the White Horse Prophecy
September 22, 2012
As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS), GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney could become the first Mormon president of the United States. Questions about how a candidate's religious faith may impact his presidency are always a t ...
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