New Zealand Prime Minister John Key has apologized to Kim Dotcom after a report from the Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security found that the government illegally monitored the Megaupload founder. The Government Communications Security Bureau (GCSB) carried out surveillance on Dotcom, but did not check out his residency status, instead relying on incorrect information supplied by the police. "Of course I apologize to Mr Dotcom, and I apologize to New Zealanders." These were the humbling words of New Zealand Prime Minister John Key today after a report from Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security Paul Neazor found that a NZ security service did indeed wrongfully spy on Kim Dotcom and associate Bram van der Kolk. – Torrent Freak
Dominant Social Theme: This fat guy's gotta go.
Free-Market Analysis: Rather than being cowed by his arrest and imprisonment for supposedly encouraging illegal downloads of copyrighted material, Kim Dotcom is fighting back.
Really, he doesn't have any choice. He has lost his company and most of his fortune. Additionally, the people behind Dotcom's persecution will likely do everything they can to make an example of him.
There is no documented evidence that scaring people by showing them what can happen to them if they do something "wrong" will have an effect. The entire penitentiary system is built on an unproven theoretical assumption. Doesn't matter, of course, not in this day and age.
In the case of Dotcom, there are other assumptions, too. One is that intellectual property belongs to people in perpetuity.
Well … if it does, let them enforce copyright with their own pocketbook. What an aggrieved Hollywood did was to send a posse of FBI agents halfway around the world to stage a raid that the New Zealand government now admits was part of a larger illegal surveillance underway.
Here's some more from the article excerpted above:
In a media conference following the release of the report, Key said that New Zealanders had a right to be protected by the law and that the government had "failed to provide that protection to them."
The findings of the report, commissioned by the Prime Minister on September 17, were released this morning and are a clear embarrassment to the government.
Neazor found that the Government Communications Security Bureau (GSCB), which by law can only conduct action against foreign targets, failed to check Dotcom's immigration status. If they had done so they would have discovered he hold's a permanent resident's visa. "The GCSB relied on information provided to it by the Organized and Financial Crime Agency. In my view, reliance on another party by GCSB is unacceptable," Key said.
"It is the GCSB's responsibility to act within the law, and it is hugely disappointing that in this case its actions fell outside the law. I am personally very disappointed that the agency failed to fully understand the workings of its own legislation."
… But whatever the case, according to a document published by ComputerWorld, police clearly knew of Dotcom's residency status when they compiled a planning document known as the "Blue Folder" in which help from the anti-terrorist Special Tactics Group was requested. Following Mr Key's apology today , Dotcom announced his acceptance via Twitter, but called for an investigation into the case against him.
"I accept your apology," Dotcom wrote. "Show your sincerity by supporting a full, transparent & independent inquiry into the entire Mega case."
Dotcom, despite his predisposition to play a kind of Falstaffian role, is a very intelligent person and an astute businessman. Here, he strikes just the right tone, accepting an apology while urging a fuller investigation.
This is part of an astonishing defense that Dotcom has mounted since being let out of jail. He has set up a website concerning the affair and has recorded several now-popular songs about his plight and his family. He sings on them – and not badly.
He is trying to spark a popular movement and the clumsy way in which the authorities handled his arrest has contributed to his cause.
Additionally, he has now started publicity for Megabox, a facility that will allow musicians to sell their work directly to a buying public without record companies, agents, etc. in the middle.
Actually, what Dotcom is doing is substituting himself for all the rest. Megabox and other companies like his would become the "middle men" under this plan – and what is to stop it from working?
This is probably the future of recording – and maybe of selling books and even movies, as well. A central facility that is devoted not just to providing purchasing options but also marketing ones.
It is a pity that Dotcom is being attacked by the full force of the US. Because he's an easy and outspoken target, he was selected.
But people – including Dotcom – make a mistake if they believe his prosecution was solely about copyright. It is a much larger battle being waged.
As we've pointed out often, the Internet itself has made a big difference in exposing a shadowy elite that is likely trying to build global government and relies on control of information to pursue its plans.
Copyright is one way the elites control "messaging" and prevent the spread of objectionable content. This is the reason that Dotcom is waging an uphill struggle.
It is not about the material that was placed on his site "illegally." It is not even about copyright. It is about showing the world that information can be controlled and transgressors can be punished.
As we have pointed out before, the powers-that-be are losing control thanks to the "Internet Reformation." As a result, they are seemingly turning increasingly to brutality and intimidation.
Ironically, Dotcom is on the right side of history when it comes to technology, copyright and numerous other issues. His vision and solutions will likely be implemented and even dominate the market. But he may not be around to see it.
Rather than being honored as a pioneer, he may be in jail or worse. Elites of all Ages can be vindictive as well as stubborn. This is often the fate of those who are ahead of their time.