STAFF NEWS & ANALYSIS Showing 4451 - of
Strange Bedfellows: More Authoritarian Linkages to Paper Money …
August 14, 2012
Since we started looking, we keep coming up with linkages between those who espouse Greenbackerism, fiat credit systems, Georgism, etc. and various sorts of green eco-facilities and the United Nations in particular. You can see some of our articles here: "Paper ...
Legalize Competing Currencies
August 14, 2012
I recently held a hearing in my congressional subcommittee on the subject of competing currencies. This is an issue of enormous importance but unfortunately few Americans understand how the Federal Reserve and Treasury Department impose a strict monopoly on mon ...
Kim Dotcom Resists, Pussy Riot Protests and the Insane Clown Posse Sues … Internet Reformation Rolls
August 13, 2012
As the power elite that wants to run the world continues to race against time more and more brutally, what we call the Internet Reformation becomes ever more visible. It is becoming more visible because as the elites shove the world toward global governance, pe ...
Paper Money and the UN Perfect Together? More Currency and Credit Exchanges Supported by the UN
August 13, 2012
Why is there so much cooperation between what we call "paper money promoters," green movements and the UN? Last week we reported on this curious relationship, and since we were curious to see how much of a trend there was, we spent a little more time looking in ...
Currency and Credit Schemes Blow Up … and Go Green
August 13, 2012
The Australian recently reviewed a play (see above excerpt) focusing on the life and times of Australian Prime Minister John Curtin's early career. While Curtin is not of special interest to us, Major C.H. Douglas certainly is, as is the statement implying "how ...
The Olympics and Politics
August 13, 2012
Strictly speaking, sports and politics should be separate, just as should be religion and politics. Of course, folks with strong religious convictions will often be guided by these convictions as they make political choices. So people who hold to the pro-life o ...
Jeffrey Tucker on Laissez Faire Books, Intellectual Property Rights and 'Beautiful Anarchy'
August 12, 2012
The Daily Bell is pleased to present this exclusive interview with Jeffrey Tucker. Introduction: Jeffrey Tucker is executive editor of Laissez Faire Books and a widely published author, most recently of A Beautiful Anarchy, and speaker. You can contact him at t ...
Parting Company With Nigel Farage and Suggesting a New Role
August 11, 2012
"Only the living can kill the dead." – Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter Nigel Farage has provided us with an eye-opening interview over at Eric King's "King News." He makes some blunt statements, even for him. In this article, I'll take the opportunity first t ...
For Fraser Nelson, the Glass is Half Full, but Not for His Feedbackers
August 10, 2012
The Telegraph rarely disappoints, even when it seems to be trying to. In this case the culprit is Fraser Nelson, author of one of the more surprising articles we've read recently. Sorry, Mr. Nelson, but it really is over the top. More on that in a minute. Who i ...
Are 'Green' Reciprocal Exchange and Credit Systems Part of a Larger Elite Promotion?
August 10, 2012
In late July, SustainableCities reposted an article (excerpted above) about "sustainability" and how a progressive Bronx school educator was teaching young people to achieve it in their own communities. OK! Step back ... In our humble opinion, this has all the ...
The Dispossessed Majority
August 10, 2012
The bumper sticker on the beat-up pickup truck read: "Friends don't let friends vote Democrat." The driver was obviously not affluent. Yet, despite all the news about mega-trillion dollar bankster bailouts, mega-million dollar bonuses for financial crooks, and ...
Mastering Emotions
August 10, 2012
Sometimes what you feel is what makes life worth living: love, joy, ecstasy, delight, curiosity... Your emotions bring you these experiences and fill you with the meaning and motivation that bring that experience to life. Sometimes what you feel can throw you i ...
Cracking of the Euro-Elite … The Triumph of Hope?
August 09, 2012
Are the Eurocrats finally starting to crack? Otmar Issing, a notable pro-EU figure, has just released a book that promotes the possibility of a euro bust-up. This is a remarkable turn of events, in our view. It signals we may be correct about what we call the I ...
Modern Madness: Saudi Arabia Building Women-Only Cities
August 09, 2012
We read this article with growing disbelief. What kind of sick society builds separate CITIES for women? Well ... the Saudis do. But really, it ISN'T the Saudis. It's another group entirely. But first, more on this insane development. The article explains – i ...
Elementary, Dear Obama
August 09, 2012
Ok, so none of us creates or produces anything ex nihilo. What if anything follows from this? Our teeth weren't made by us, nor our hair or nose or eyes. Yet we often benefit because of these. Our beautiful eyes may impress someone and may even land us a movie ...
Is There a Recovery Underway … Or is that a Hammer You're Holding?
August 08, 2012
Having sung the praises of Ambrose Evans-Pritchard for so long, we now seem destined to plumb aspects of his economic analysis that we find questionable. Or so we've been doing lately. Evans-Pritchard's best moments, in our view, came post-2008, when he came in ...
Sending a Message? Megaupload's Kim Dotcom Was Beaten Up When Arrested
August 08, 2012
The more we hear about the arrest of Kim Dotcom, the more disturbing the story becomes. Now it turns out he may have been beaten up by the police, even though he didn't resist arrest. And that was before he spent a month in jail. Let's try to summarize what hap ...
Decision Points
August 08, 2012
Psychology has always had an air of mystery to it. From its root word psyche, meaning soul, and drawn from the Greek myth of psyche and cupid, to Anton Mesmer's introduction of hypnosis (then called "Mesmerism") and Freud's mysterious unconscious, practitioners ...
Fed Bankrupting Consumers While Enriching Wall Street as a Matter of Policy?
August 07, 2012
Here is a question that needs answering: Why is the Fed giving away money freely to big professional investors that hold massive amounts of government bonds ("quantitative easing) while starving small businesspeople and investors of loans? In this article, we'l ...
End of the Global Warming Debate as We Know It?
August 07, 2012
John Christy may just have ended the climate change/global warming argument as we know it. Christy recently provided devastating testimony (see article excerpt above) to a Senate Environment & Public Works Committee hearing entitled "Update on the Latest Climat ...
Moving Toward War in Syria
August 07, 2012
Last week the House passed yet another bill placing sanctions on Iran and Syria, bringing us closer to another war in the Middle East. We are told that ever harsher sanctions finally will force the targeted nations to bend to our will. Yet the ineffectiveness o ...
Sound Money, Monetary Freedom and the State
August 07, 2012
(The following testimony was delivered before the House of Representatives Subcommittee on Domestic Monetary Policy and Technology, chaired by Congressman Ron Paul (R-Texas), on "Sound Money: Parallel Currencies and the Roadmap to Monetary Freedom," in Washingt ...
Friday's Jobs Report: More Lies From our Big Brother
August 07, 2012
In his report on the Bureau of Labor Statistics' latest jobs and unemployment report, statistician John Williams ( writes: "The July employment and unemployment numbers published today, August 3rd, were worthless and likely misleading. . . . Sus ...
Baby Boomers Bamboozled: Social Security Fades Into a Dreamtime Haze
August 06, 2012
Social Security is gradually fading away for most Baby Boomers. What the '60s generation in both Europe and America doesn't understand is that government isn't here to help them. Modern regulatory democracy is supposed to give way to global governance. That's o ...
We Apologize to Mac Breedlove
August 06, 2012
Dear Daily Bell, Though I am only 17, I am a regular reader of your site. While you guys are not as smart as you think you are, I have on occasion learned stuff from ya'll. In fact, I reckon' you fellas are as handy as hip pockets on a hog, as we say down here ...
Acceptable Selfishness?
August 06, 2012
A big debate among business ethics professionals – teachers, consultants, etc. – concerns who should be the beneficiary of business management, share (or stock) holders or so called stakeholders. Ordinarily, it is the former who are owed service from manage ...
Ranting Andy on 'Gold as Money' and What to Do Now to Protect Yourself Before It's Too Late
August 05, 2012
The Daily Bell is pleased to present this exclusive interview with Andy Hoffman. Introduction: Andrew ("Andy") Hoffman, CFA joined Miles Franklin as marketing director in October 2011. For a decade, he was a US-based buy-side and sell-side analyst, most notably ...
What Is the Status of the Real Unemployment Debate?
August 04, 2012
Brad Plumer recently posted an article at the Washington Post's Wonkblog entitled "July jobs report: Why the unemployment rate just won't budge." Plumer was responding to a report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics that the US economy added a disappointing 163 ...
Austrian Business Cycle Analysis Explains the Misery of the World
August 03, 2012
Another weary article on the need for central bank money printing. This one is served up in the Guardian from J. Bradford DeLong, a former deputy assistant secretary of the US Treasury. He is also apparently a professor of Economics at the University of Califor ...
Now Let Us Celebrate Tally Sticks … or Not
August 03, 2012
Since King Henry I took power around this time about a millennium ago, we thought we'd take the opportunity to revisit some basic truths regarding money. It was Bill Still via Money Masters and then Ellen Brown in her famous book Web of Debt who (most recently) ...
A Very Brief Note on Minarchism and Monopoly
August 03, 2012
For a while an inordinately long essay has been posted all over disputing my views on government. The author is Nicholas Dykes. I wish to inject just one short comment in support of my position. One charge made against it is that it advocates coercive monopoly, ...
In Praise of Gentle Deflation Against Greenbackers and Other Paper Promoters
August 02, 2012
Ben Bernanke has gazed out over what Bob Casey calls the Greater Depression and ... decided to do nothing at all. "Good!" we say. The only action Bernanke could take that we would favor would be dissolution of the facility over which he presides. But that is no ...
Failure of Facebook … and We Are Not Surprised
August 02, 2012
We are in our "told you so" mode these past few weeks so we might as well add one more. As reporters on the dominant social themes of the elite, we never believed in the whole social network nonsense. We wrote several articles about the impending Facebook fiasc ...
Why Are there Theories?
August 02, 2012
Over the years, especially since the Internet became prominent and widely used, my own ideas have received a lot of challenges. Some of these come from people with different positions on this or that but quite a few actually come from people who find advancing ...
The Neoconservative War Criminals in Our Midst
August 02, 2012
The State Department has an office that hunts German war criminals. Bureaucracies being what they are, the office will exist into next century when any surviving German prison guards will be 200 years old. From time to time the State Department claims to have f ...
Bill Gross Sees Gloom and Doom, But There's Something He's Not Saying
August 01, 2012
Wow. Sounds like a historical kind of statement until you realize it is Bill Gross who is responsible for marketing all sorts of bond funds for giant PIMCO, including funds that purchase inflation-adjusted instruments like TIPS. Gross is just talking up his boo ...
The Creepy Pursuit of Kim Dotcom by Corporate America and Why It Matters
August 01, 2012
This article posted over at the RT website has a lot of truth to it, much that is unpalatable to those who still believe in the egalitarianism of the US marketplace. It used to be that those who came to America were eager to discover a country where anyone coul ...
We've Been Aiming at the Wrong Adversary
August 01, 2012
We often think of Karl Marx or the progressive movement as the main source of our political troubles; but the more fundamental source of America's political conflicts goes back to a time before America's founding, finding its most powerful expression during the ...
'Two Faces of Evans' as Euro Trembles in Spain
July 31, 2012
We have the movie "Two Faces of Eve" and now a journalist gives us the "Two Faces of Evans." Why bother to comment? Well, the polarity seems to us to illustrate more powerfully than anything we can do ourselves how horrible it is to try to honestly cover the fi ...
Yet Another Study Predicting a 'Worldwide Glut of Oil'
July 31, 2012
There are many opportunities for us to say "told you so," as the 2000s wind on. We've been "on the money" about gold and silver going up, about the establishment of an Islamic crescent arc in the Middle East and generally about the elite's phony scarcity memes ...
Audit the Fed Moves Forward!
July 31, 2012
Last week the House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed my legislation calling for a full and effective audit of the Federal Reserve. Well over 300 of my Congressional colleagues supported the bill, each casting a landmark vote that marks the culmination o ...
The Euro Was a Terrible Idea: Let Us Salvage It and Make It Worse
July 30, 2012
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard is growing grimmer and grimmer. Only Mario Draghi's ECB can avert global calamity before the year is out, he writes in this remarkably gloomy article. It may be one of the strongest articles ever penned about the EU's apparently impendin ...
Modern Banks and Banking Are Terrible!
July 30, 2012
Sandy Weill is sending shivers up the legs of those who are partial to financial regulation. In asserting he was wrong and that Glass-Steagall was a prudent regulation, he has now assumed the role of a Wall Streeter who understands that when it comes to the sec ...
Troubles of Public Resources
July 30, 2012
Some insist that street vendors around the country should be banned. Why? Because the majority of those doing business adjacent to the street want them to be. The issue has come up in most major cities, including New York, NY, and Santa Ana, CA. We are talking ...
Auditing the Fed Is a Sideshow: Who Audits the Auditors?
July 28, 2012
An audit of the Federal Reserve would be nice but really it wouldn't change anything. In fact, it would likely prove a kind of sideshow from reality, which is that monopoly central banking should simply be abolished. And that probably won't happen until people ...
ECB Will Now Print Money Directly … But Why?
July 27, 2012
The market has rejected the euro and the EU. Now Draghi proposes to reject the market. In a groundbreaking reversal, he has indicated he will print currency to buy euro-zone sovereign debt. Mario Draghi, president of the European Central Bank (ECB), will do "wh ...
Half a Hit: Free Markets Need Competition Via Regulation
July 27, 2012
This article from the Telegraph proposes a way to fix capitalism based on the idea that free-market thinking has traveled too far, too fast. The article written by Telegraph maven Jeremy Warner focuses on the appropriate amount of regulation that is necessary f ...
Ron Paul Statement: Financial Services Committee Hearing
July 27, 2012
Before the United States House of Representatives, Committee on Financial Services, Hearing on the Annual Report of the Financial Stability Oversight Council, July 25, 2012 Mr. Chairman, I welcome this hearing to receive the report of the Financial Stability Ov ...
Her Majesty's Tax Collector Tells Children to Snitch
July 26, 2012
According to the Daily Telegraph, the British tax collection agency is going into the teaching business by offering educational modules for use in classes. This is not surprising given where Britain is heading ... back into recession, which is really depression ...
Expansion of Directed History: Now UN General Assembly to Act on Syrian Overthrow
July 26, 2012
So Russia and China have blocked the power elite from taking down Syria through the United Nations Security Council. Now those at the top orchestrating this thing will go through the General Assembly. And who is going to the General Assembly? Why, Saudi Arabia ...
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