STAFF NEWS & ANALYSIS Showing 4701 - of
Now Cometh the Eurozone 'Recession' …
May 11, 2012
If the Eurozone is not to be condensed and held, then by God, let loose the hounds of Hell. That would seem to be the next step in the European Union saga. There was, of course, never any real need for such a union. From what we can tell both World Wars One and ...
The Euro Is Finished? And What Comes Next? …
May 11, 2012
The power elite that we cover as part of our brief to understand the Way the World Really Works focuses apparently on the goal of world government. It follows many paths to get there. One path it follows is of ever-increasing centralization. The power elite has ...
Desperate Argentina Now Seen Begging for Oil Investment
May 10, 2012
Are Argentina's top officials having second thoughts about their expropriation of Spain's Argentine oil-producer? It would seem that way from the above news report via Merco Press. If the move was as wildly destructive as people think it may have been, then thi ...
Italian Voters Reject Austerity, Too
May 10, 2012
The powers-that-be run the world's mainstream media and they are now spending a great deal of time reporting on the end of austerity in the EU. Greece, Italy, Spain and even France have now rejected the concept that higher taxes, government trimming and a lower ...
US Car Sales Are Up – Is the Recession Really Over?
May 10, 2012
So sales of American cars are going up. That's great. But we still end up feeling like there's a great big promotion going on. It's what we call a dominant social theme aimed, perhaps, at reelecting Barack Obama who seems to be the chose candidate of Western po ...
Biggest Question: Will Germany Adjust or Will Euro Die?
May 09, 2012
Our favorite mainstream economic reporter, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, is out with a good analysis of the current, brewing dissolution of the euro and the EU (see above). It touches on a point that we want to make much more forcefully: What happens to the euro and ...
Catch These Corporate Bribers and Put Them in Jail
May 09, 2012
There is a manufactured "surface" conversation in this world and then there is reality. The reality is that a secretive power elite has taken over the West, seeks to rule the world and uses mercantilism to achieve its objectives. Mercantilism is the usage of go ...
Directed History of Coming Depression Grinds On
May 09, 2012
We've been banging on about a worldwide slump for years now, ever since it occurred to us that once Europe and the US "went out" in 2008, from an economic standpoint, the BRICs were all that was left. And the BRICs are more like the proverbial straw hut these d ...
Resilience and Success
May 09, 2012
A happy, successful life does more than make you feel good. It also serves to strengthen you, and to open your mind to options and opportunities that you would otherwise not see. In difficult times, this can make the difference between living in fear and flouri ...
Ron Paul: Energizer Bunny of US Politics for Good Reason
May 08, 2012
Ron Paul, libertarian-conservative candidate for US president just won't quit. In fact, he keeps grabbing delegates and is threatening to deprive putative GOP nominee Mitt Romney of a first-round nomination. Now he is holding a hearing today on the US Federal R ...
Face of US$ 100 Billion … Facebook Specialty Is Pilfering Client Data, While Instagram Is a Craft Package?
May 08, 2012
We've been clear about our disbelief regarding Facebook and its US$ 90 billion valuation, which is apparently about to go up to US$ 100 billion or so based on the company's acquisition of Instagram, a photo-fiddling utility. You can see an article here: "Facebo ...
UN Claims Sub-Saharan Africa Faces Dramatic Crisis as New Nation State Is Formed
May 08, 2012
The power elite is supporting a new nation in sub-Saharan Africa. Actually, the French and European Union are said to be against the new country that will basically take the place of parts of Mali and surrounding countries – aimed at Libya and the Arab world ...
Enduring Commitments Abroad
May 08, 2012
Last week President Obama made a surprise pre-dawn trip to Afghanistan to mark the one year anniversary of the killing of Osama bin Laden and to sign a document further extending the US presence in that country. The president said, "We're building an enduring p ...
Is RBC the New Business Cycle?
May 07, 2012
Megan McArdle is out with an interesting rumination about the business cycle. It's not merely a theoretical examination, however. Who is she? From The Atlantic: "Megan McArdle is a senior editor for The Atlantic who writes about business and economics. She has ...
EU Bust as Internet Reformation Rolls On …
May 07, 2012
Here at the Daily Bell one of the things we are (modestly) known for is our perspective that the Internet and the information it distributes would have a huge impact on Western government and the one-world global elite conspiracy, which thrived under the cover ...
The Face of Egalitarianism
May 07, 2012
A few weeks ago they ran the famous Oxford v. Cambridge rowing race on the Thames but a fanatical egalitarian, Mr. Trenton Oldfield from Australia, ruined it for everyone by jumping in the river and blocking the race in the name of resisting the elitism of rowi ...
Mish Shedlock on the Rise of Money Metals, the Fall of the West … and Why Credit Matters
May 06, 2012
The Daily Bell is pleased to present this exclusive interview with Mish Shedlock. Introduction: Mike "Mish" Shedlock blogs at Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis, for which he has won awards from the New York Times, Time Magazine, Bloomberg, CNBC and Strategi ...
'Civilized People Don't Buy Gold'
May 05, 2012
"Civilized people don't buy gold," Munger told CNBC yesterday in an exclusive "sit down" interview. It wasn't some off-the-cuff remark, either, as he went on to remind us that "gold is only useful if you're a Jewish family in Vienna in 1939" and "sewing it" int ...
Selective Doubt at the Milken Money Conference
May 04, 2012
Michael Milken was a Wall Street legend in the 1980s when he made junk bonds into a form of popular financing. He was the black knight on a white horse, teaching Wall Street and Main Street moguls that the market itself would revalue their portfolios efficientl ...
Bank of England Draws Lessons From the Idiocy of the 2000s
May 04, 2012
So the wheel keeps on turning, even after it has delinked from the axle. Monopoly-fiat central banking is not so arcane as it used to be: It's price fixing and it doesn't work. Mervyn King can "draw all the lessons" he wants from the unrolling crisis but it rea ...
The Volcker Rule Advances
May 04, 2012
Here it comes. Another elite dominant social theme designed to support the idea that wise regulation can make a big and positive difference in the world. This is surely a promotion – as regulation can make things worse but rarely better. Regulation is a price ...
Rich Bashing Is Unjust and Vicious
May 04, 2012
The casual manner in which President Obama proposes that various progressive tax measures be implemented against the so-called rich – ones who earn more than two million a year – is indicative of just how deep-seated and widespread is the prejudice against ...
The Physical Case for Happiness
May 04, 2012
We are all familiar with the basic guidelines for good health: exercise, eat right - more fruits and veggies, less red meat, more fish, fewer calories, more fiber, less sugar, don't smoke, don't abuse alcohol or drugs. If people would follow these guidelines an ...
The Obama Recovery Persists At Least Until After the Election … and Then Watch Out!
May 02, 2012
Just in time for Barack Obama's re-election, as we've pointed out previously, the entire American economy is taking a tremendous uptick. We know this is so because we read about it in the mainstream media. It actually appears to us to be part of a larger elite ...
Now Bolivia Seizes Oil – Open Season on Western Assets or Something Even More?
May 02, 2012
Historical events tend to move in cycles. This is because the world seems to be in the grip of a kind of directed global convulsion leading to greater world government. We seem to be going through a radical "ism" phase again where the powers-that-be are trying ...
Almost Psychic … Andreessen Most Clairvoyant Person Since Pythia, or Not?
May 02, 2012
Marc Lowell Andreessen has always been at the forefront of the "technology revolution" and has made a lot of money by doing so. Now he is really excited about small phone-'Net technology and of course social networking. Has Andreessen lost his edge? Or is he as ...
The Velocity of Money Is Coming, Along With Big Price Inflation?
May 01, 2012
Axel Merk of Merk Funds is out with another good analysis of the tremendous monetary inflation now inherent in the Western dollar reserve system and its eventual impact. We have always argued ... wait. Sooner or later there will be tremendous price inflation. D ...
Britain Slows in Slump
May 01, 2012
Only 100 years ago there were very few central banks in the world. Today there are perhaps 150 of them, many reporting to the main Bank for International Settlements in Switzerland. Why is this so? What has made monopoly-fiat central banking such a successful c ...
The Caro Come Down …
May 01, 2012
Robert Allan Caro once wrote a brilliant book about Robert Moses, who is a seminal planning figure in modern America life. The book Caro wrote about Moses is justifiably celebrated. In it – and Caro writes exhaustively long books – Caro shows clearly how an ...
Building the Private Warfare State
May 01, 2012
What we call the Internet Reformation has given us a good perspective on how the West's military-intel-industrial complex foments conflicts and then monetizes them. We've watched the efflorescence of the "long war" in Africa and the Middle East – supposedly s ...
The Costs of War
May 01, 2012
This month Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric K. Shinseki announced the addition of some 1,900 mental health nurses, psychiatrists, psychologists and social workers to its existing workforce of 20,590 mental health staff in attempt to get a handle on the epidemic ...
Austerity Staggers, Germany Blows Up?
April 30, 2012
Here's another winning analysis from UK Telegraph columnist Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, in our view. As spectacularly wrong as he was about Spain avoiding a collapse (and we called him on it then, months ago) so we think he's correct about the demise of austerity ...
India Falters? Global Depression On Tap?
April 30, 2012
There is a big argument in the Western world, and especially in the US and Britain over the issue of public versus private monopoly-fiat (central banking) money. In this article excerpted above we can see that one of the top countries where the central bank is ...
Canada Introduces Plastic Cash – Say, How About Trying a Little Gold and Silver?
April 30, 2012
Used to be that money was at least in part gold and silver, circulating as gold and silver or as bank notes that represented gold and silver. At the height of the free-banking monetary experiment in the US, both before and after the Civil War, money circulated ...
Let Mitt Romney Be Romney and the US Shall Be a Better Place
April 30, 2012
An argument could be made that US President Barack Obama is typical of the kinds of rulers that the modern power elite is trying to install around the world. Bloodless, calculating, shrewd and cautious (in an unctuous and ruthless way), Obama is the kind of lea ...
Fox TV versus The New York Times
April 30, 2012
My team of media researchers is on vacation just now, so I have to do this by myself, based on my non-scientific study of the journalistic lay of the land. What I have concluded from years of observation is that Fox TV news is widely scoffed at by erudite folks ...
Charles Johnson on his Many Publications, Libertarian Feminism and Anarchic Individualism
April 29, 2012
The Daily Bell is pleased to present this exclusive interview with Charles W. Johnson. Introduction: Charles Johnson is a web developer, a prolific left-libertarian writer and book author, a student of philosophy and sometime teacher of logic. He was born in S ...
If Attacks on Libertarianism Get Problem Wrong, Can the Solution Be Correct?
April 28, 2012
The alternative media shop Truthout has posted an article intended to "stimulate a healthy dialogue about whether there is a conservative political tradition that can actually work with progressives." The article focuses on today's American conservatism, which ...
Spain's Collapse Is No Little Thing
April 27, 2012
Is Spain beginning to collapse and, perhaps, the EU with it? For well over a thousand years, Spain has been at the epicenter of Europe and its fate has provided a bellwether for Europe's larger situation. And whither Europe goes, so goes the West. The S&P downg ...
Chile Worries About Potential Argentine Military Provocations
April 27, 2012
The southern half of South America is bracing for an Argentine devaluation. People are readying for the worst. Last time it happened was more than ten years ago, around the turn of the century. It wasn't pretty then and it won't be pretty now. It could cause si ...
The Banality of Tyranny
April 27, 2012
German-Jewish (and eventually naturalized American) philosopher Hannah Arendt (1906-1975) outraged the Left with her definitive account of modern tyranny, The Origins of Totalitarianism. Written in 1951 when Stalin was still ruling the Soviet Union and worshipp ...
Taxpayers, Don't Let Them Fail! Spanish Banking on Brink …
April 26, 2012
Once again the cry goes up to preserve the banking sector. Is this necessary? In a free-market economy such failing institutions would shut down of their own accord. But that's not the way it works in the modern world. This is too bad because propping up such e ...
Transformational President Romney – Not!
April 26, 2012
Romney is not going to be a transformational president. Let's make that clear right away. But this squib of an article that has received wide play on the Internet makes that case anyway. One would have to be almost willfully ignorant to make such a statement, ...
VIDEO: A Rainbow for Obama
April 26, 2012
So ... this photo is all the over 'Net – the rainbow at the wingtip of Air Force One. We've had trouble all along with this Obama-as-messiah thing, and believe it to be a kind of meme. That is a dominant social theme of the elite, a theme having to do with th ...
The Economic Tyranny of the Interstate Commerce Clause
April 26, 2012
Here is an instructive comment from Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg during the recent oral arguments presented about Obamacare: "People who don't participate in this market are making it much more expensive for the people who do; that is, they will ge ...
Is the Euro Slowly Dying?
April 25, 2012
Quietly, the euro may be dying. Or at least the top men in various countries may be taking steps to create room for its removal. We can see from the above excerpt that various nations' monies are now being invested locally rather than abroad. This is a signific ...
Is the Tea Party Waning?
April 25, 2012
This article from the Economist – a full-fledged mainstream mouthpiece – predicts, hopefully, the demise of the Tea Party movement in the US. But those who run the Economist and hope for world government should be careful of what they wish for. The Tea Part ...
The Trap Is Sprung … Obama as East-West Savior?
April 24, 2012
What we have here is what we've long anticipated, the end of one war and the beginning of a resurgent Barack Obama who may act as a peacemaker between East and West. This analysis is speculative in the extreme and even "conspiratorial." But it is borne of watch ...
Crime Is Up Worldwide, UN Intends to Provide a Solution
April 24, 2012
This is one of the oldest and hoariest of elite memes. It is the idea that only government can protect individuals from crime. It is an elite meme because elites have always warred against the middle class – and thus has throughout history created environment ...
CISPA is the New SOPA
April 24, 2012
Earlier this year, strong public opposition led by several prominent websites forced congressional leaders to cancel votes on two bills known in Washington as "SOPA" and "PIPA." Both of these bills threatened search engines and websites with possible shutdowns ...
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