Now Cometh the Eurozone 'Recession' …
By Joe Jarvis - May 11, 2012

EU predicts 0.3 per cent eurozone economic contraction in 2012, says bloc in 'mild recession' … The European Union estimates that the economy of the 17 countries that use the euro is in recession in the wake of a debt crisis that has prompted savage spending cuts and a jump in unemployment to record highs. The European Commission, the executive arm of the EU, forecasts that the eurozone economy will contract by 0.3 per cent in 2012 and grow by 1 per cent next year. Its prediction for 2012 is far weaker than the one it gave last November, when it predicted growth of 0.5 per cent. A year ago it was predicting growth of 1.8 per cent. Friday's forecasts provide clear evidence of the impact of Europe's debt crisis on the eurozone economy over the past year as governments have struggled to introduce deficit-reduction measures and business and consumer confidence has taken a dive. Olli Rehn, the EU's monetary affairs chief, said the recession is likely to be "mild" and "short-lived."AP

Dominant Social Theme: The euro is done but we shall stagger on …

Free-Market Analysis: If the Eurozone is not to be condensed and held, then by God, let loose the hounds of Hell. That would seem to be the next step in the European Union saga.

There was, of course, never any real need for such a union. From what we can tell both World Wars One and Two were at least partially concocted under phony pretences to help usher in world government.

We've taken to calling this sort of thing "directed history."

It's a very controversial perspective, of course, but it's one we don't apologize for. What we call the Internet Reformation has provided an in-depth perspective about how the top power elites intend to create their apparent goal, which is world government.

The idea that the world needs more "centralization" is actually a very dangerous one. The world needs less government, not more. It needs less financial manipulation, less war, less bureaucracy.

It needs more freedom and individual action. But the top elites that run the world's central banks have a different idea. They want to build world government and are constantly trying to centralize large globalist entities.

They use dominant social themes to frighten middle classes into giving up power and control to the internationalist facilities they've created.

But as these facilities begin to founder and fail, the elites turn to their toolbox for tried-and-true mechanisms of control of the broadest and plainest type: chaos, war and authoritarianism.

When it comes to the EU itself, we'd predict that those in charge of the monetary aspects of the EU will continue a kind of "takedown."

We've pretty much stopped believing the crisis was a surprise to those at the very top. They want such a crisis and – as it has not yet resulted in a collective surrender to their will – things will likely have to get much worse before they get better.

We're on record along with others about what may well happen.

We don't think the US is anywhere near a recovery and neither is the EU. There's a big anti-fiat business cycle going on at the moment. It's a gold and silver cycle, and it's nowhere near completed.

We believe (and have written) the next big problem will have to do with an Argentine devaluation that will take out most of South America.

As the Americas slide toward economic difficulties, the BRICs themselves shall weaken as well. Brazil, India, China and Russia shall be the last to go. When they are gone, however, the world will be in a general depression.

Out of this depression, chaos (and ultimately war?). The elites may try to build a new era of global governance.

Of course, we're not so sure this strategy is a winning one in the Internet era where people are increasingly angry about the larger manipulations of their lives and times – and apt not to tolerate it so easily.

We're not so sure therefore that increased globalism is a given, at least not as a successful outcome.

As for individuals worried about what may happen in the near future, those solutions seem obvious …

Keep close to your family and friends.

Create an environment where you have access to food and water (outside of metropolitan areas and supermarkets).

Buy some gold and silver.

Buy a gun.

Try to ensure an independent energy supply and potable water.

These are simple enough goals, but hopefully they will ease your mind. They can put you back in control when you begin to feel the world is spinning away.

Take moderate precautions – and then go live your life! You can still invest in promising companies, can still take vacations, can still do all you've been doing.

After Thoughts

Just don't disregard the larger picture. That's important to.
