STAFF NEWS & ANALYSIS Showing 4801 - of
Gold Collapse … the Bubble Is Pricked?
April 05, 2012
It really gets repetitious after a while. When the stock market falls, pundits don't immediately shout, "The bubble is over!" No, there are anxious meetings and grave headlines. We are to assume that if stocks fall something is wrong with the larger economy. B ...
2500 Troops … Elites Expanding Phony Wars to Australia and China
April 05, 2012
Free-Market Analysis: So America is expanding its empire to Australia. Actually, it's not really "America." From what we can tell, there is a power elite that runs the West and wants to create world government. Because of the Internet, the plans of these shadow ...
How Not to Treat Ideas
April 05, 2012
The philosophical school I consider most sensible sees ideas as the means by which human beings gain understanding of reality. Ideas are what help us navigate reality so we can live successfully, which is why so much effort has been spent on developing, critici ...
Straight From Oz: Real Reason Elites Intend to Legalize Some Drugs?
April 04, 2012
Last week we thought we detected a trend: The top elites via politicians and the mainstream media in the US were embarked on creating some sort of dominant social theme aimed at legalizing some drugs. At the time we didn't understand why this promotion would be ...
Advisors Still Can't – and Won't – Recommend Gold and Silver
April 04, 2012
One of the hallmarks of a controlled press is its regular departure from reality. The US press and the Western press generally have been departing from reality for most of the past 100 years and longer. But in the past ten years the controlled investment press ...
Sleep Like a Hobbit: Calming a Mistaken Anxiety
April 04, 2012
Hobbits, as you know, are the adorable and heroic creatures of J.R.R. Tolkien's books, and "The Lord of the Rings" movie trilogy. When it comes to sleep, we may be more like hobbits than even Tolkien imagined. Getting a good night's sleep is one of the fundamen ...
Western Elites Encourage Dollar Death With Uruguayan/Iran Deal?
April 03, 2012
So now Uruguay is standing up to the US – a country that could turn Uruguay into a smoldering hole in the Earth. Of course, Uruguay trades with Cuba so perhaps this is merely an extension of business as usual. But it is not just Uruguay. It is Brazil, as well ...
80% of Financial Advisors Not Recommending Facebook
April 03, 2012
Now, this is a strange and noteworthy occurrence (see excerpt above). American financial advisors are not big boosters of the upcoming Facebook IPO. Of course, we understand that. We've written an article pointing out that Facebook seems to us a kind of managed ...
US Internet Criminalization Now Pursued at State Level – Conn. Attacked
April 03, 2012
These bills are all about the criminalizing of the Internet. Now that SOPA has been pushed back on the federal front, the action is turning to the states. The idea, in our view, is to whittle away at the Internet bit by bit. Create precedent at the state level ...
The Supreme Court and Obamacare
April 03, 2012
Last week the Supreme Court heard arguments concerning the constitutionality of the Obamacare law, focusing on the mandate requiring every American to buy health insurance or pay fines enforced by the IRS. Hopefully the Court will strike down this abomination, ...
The World Bank Is Hopeless and Changing Leaders Won't Help
April 02, 2012
The World Bank is a part of a kind of "tag team" with the International Monetary Fund. The World Bank lends money to dictators and sundry thugs and then when these unsavory individuals abscond, the IMF is hauled in to make the people pay. The process enriches W ...
Bin Laden Death Movie Mired in Controversy
April 02, 2012
Every time we think we are finished with the death of Osama bin Laden, we are thrust down the rabbit hole again. Surely we are not the only publication to question the death of Osama bin Laden, writing that he died long before May 1, 2011. We wrote about it her ...
Ayn Rand's Case for Human Liberty
April 02, 2012
Although most libertarians and classical liberals are champions of human (individual) liberty, the reasons they give vary. Some are utilitarians and hold, along with John Stuart Mill, that when free, men and women are most likely to advance the cause of the gre ...
Brett Veinotte on Horrors of State-Run Schools and Schooling
April 01, 2012
The Daily Bell is pleased to present this exclusive interview with Brett Veinotte. Introduction: Brett Veinotte has worked in private education for the last 10 years, in a variety of activities. As host of the School Sucks Podcast, every week Brett shares his d ...
Afghan al-Qaeda 'Plotting' Another 9/11?
March 31, 2012
The UK Telegraph is reporting that "Al-Qaeda fighters have returned to Afghanistan and will use the country as a base to launch September 11-style attacks on Western cities." This gem has been launched – like a lead balloon – by the American ambassador to K ...
Pot Calls Kettle Black! Dallas Fed Claims Banks Too Big
March 30, 2012
The excerpt above is taken from a column that "monitors" financial markets in order to hold "companies, executives and government officials accountable for their actions." OK. It's a well-written column, but it misses a main point, in our humble view. The Feder ...
Every Day a New Elitist Fairy Tale – Now 'Earth Hour'
March 30, 2012
Every time we turn around we are assaulted with another meme of elite propaganda. They are mostly fear-based, promoting scarcity themes. Today, we are being beaten upside our collective pointy (elvish) heads with "Earth Hour." We call these dishonest fairy tale ...
Disputing Positive Rights
March 30, 2012
An influential idea in contemporary political philosophy is positive rights (or liberty). It has been advanced by political thinkers on both the Right and the Left. In contrast to the theory of basic natural rights that John Locke developed, in terms of which e ...
Central Banks Won't Produce Natural Interest
March 29, 2012
Here comes Andrew Lilico, an economist with Europe Economics, and a member of the Shadow Monetary Policy Committee, according to the UK Telegraph (see article above). The gibberish contained in the above excerpt is only magnified throughout the article. It is r ...
Assange and Anonymous As Elite Helpers?
March 29, 2012
Julian Assange wants to run for public office in Australia, his home country, and Anonymous wants to destroy the Internet, temporarily anyway. We are not surprised. The Internet is like the Gutenberg Press before it. During the era of the Gutenberg Press, the s ...
Genuine Military Defense, Anyone?
March 29, 2012
As much as one may object to Iran's government's efforts to build atomic weapons, the American government isn't supposed to be some kind of meta-police that embarks upon restraining such governments! Certainly spending American taxpayers' funds on conducting mi ...
Have Elites Decided to Legalize Some US Drugs?
March 28, 2012
What's going on here? The US has jailed tens of millions in the past decade over drug infractions. But now we seem to be seeing some re-thinking. We usually speculate such campaigns are part of larger elite dominant social themes intended to manipulate public o ...
Pentagon Has No Records of Osama's Death … CIA and Admin Stonewall Requests …
March 28, 2012
As responsible members of the alternative media, we've gone on record often as pointing out that Osama bin Laden died five to ten years ago. We were very suspicious of the well-timed murder of Osama by a group of Navy Seals. Our main article on the subject, whi ...
The Progressive Mistake
March 28, 2012
"A year from now, ten? They'll swing back to the belief that they can make people... better. And I do not hold to that. So no more runnin'. I aim to misbehave." – Captain Malcolm "Mal" Reynolds, in "Serenity" The Progressive Movement is based on a mistaken vi ...
Elites Crush PIGS – Old Game Plan Made Anew?
March 27, 2012
Did you hear that about half of Europe is in recession or headed that way? We can see from the above excerpt that Spain is certainly headed that way. Greece, Portugal and Ireland are also in various forms of economic collapse. Call it recession, depression or s ...
Stockholm Syndrome: Wall Street Execs Flog Themselves Hard
March 27, 2012
When the bought-and-paid-for mainstream media starts analyzing non-existent aggregations like "Wall Street" (see above) you can almost be sure a dominant social theme is in the works. In fact, this IS the meme the power elite is flogging relentlessly right now: ...
A Fistful of Euros
March 27, 2012
This week, my congressional committee will hold a hearing to examine how the Federal Reserve bails out European banks, propping up spendthrift European governments in the process. Unfortunately, this bailout comes at the expense of American citizens, in the for ...
UN Warns Against 'Land Grabbing'
March 26, 2012
On the surface it sound reasonable, that the UN would sound the warning on private land purchases, given they are occurring in the poorest of countries and can deprive farmers of land to grow food. This is called "land grabbing." But nothing the UN does is aime ...
Lawrence Summers Discovers a New Meme: Contingency
March 26, 2012
Lawrence?Summers, one of the most important and famous economists in the United States, has written an article about something called contingent commitments. Like most strange and mysterious phrases, this one is aimed at the usual culprit: central banking. Ther ...
The Tenacity of the Nihilists
March 26, 2012
In the book Reading Obama (Princeton, 2010), James T. Kloppenberg makes a case for how the kind of approach President Obama takes to public policy is now widely preferred, to put it paradoxically, on principle at the most prestigious universities. Obama's rejec ...
The FATCA Partner Framework – Automatic Information Exchange is Firmly Planted
March 26, 2012
"A great wave of oppressive tyranny isn´t going to strike, but rather a slow seepage of oppressive laws and regulations from within will sink the American dream of liberty." ~ George Baumler (Libertarian, Blogger 'Baumler's Rant') Across the world, but particu ...
Ernest Hancock on Libertarianism and 'Living Free in an Unfree World'
March 25, 2012
The Daily Bell is pleased to present this exclusive interview with Ernest Hancock. Introduction: Ernest Hancock has been extremely active in the Libertarian Party and a candidate for both the US House of Representatives and the Senate. He is the author of numer ...
UN Strikes Back at 'Net With ITU Agency?
March 24, 2012
The Empire is most definitely striking back. Between the huge and secretive data center being built in Utah to intercept and analyze the world's communications, Barack Obama's newly signed executive order that allows him "emergency" powers and the near-passage ...
There are No Magic Shortcuts to Genuine Human Love and Caring
March 24, 2012
When I was a boy, I was very impressed by an old 1936 movie based on an H.G. Wells short story called "The Man Who Could Work Miracles." I am about to spoil the movie for you. George McWhirter Fotheringay is given the power to perform miracles. He stumbles abou ...
SEC Hopes to Trim Computer Investing?
March 23, 2012
As predicted in these modest pages, the US Securities and Exchange Commission is now taking aim at computers and trading. The proximate cause of the probe is the so-called Flash Crash in May 2010, when stocks fell hard and rose rapidly without an identifiable c ...
Central Bankers Gather in Fearful DC Huddle
March 23, 2012
It is all falling down about their heads and now they are meeting in Washington DC, fearfully, to try to decide what to do next. Nothing the money printers have done has stemmed the growing, global depression. But they have to do something. The system itself se ...
Bernanke's Banking Misdirection
March 22, 2012
This is surely a dominant social theme – that banks can be seen as healthy due to so-called stress tests. The whole idea is that the paper money reserves held by banks must be adequate to surmount any larger financial downturn. Of course, the exercise is kind ...
The Psychopathology of 'Tim Tebow Time'
March 22, 2012
In a previous article about Tim Tebow we wrote pointed out that sportswriters are the worst of the mainstream breed, almost like lemmings. But since we wrote that article in October 2011, things have gotten much, much worse, mostly because the fascination with ...
Prudence versus Greed
March 22, 2012
Most people mean by greed an "excessive or rapacious desire, especially for wealth or possessions." As to prudence, it is the quality of being cautious with regard to practical matters and especially in regard for one's own economic interests, being careful in ...
The Insanity of Carbon Capture
March 21, 2012
Imagine that someone proposed to freeze oxygen and store it below ground in a semi-solid form. Imagine that this was supposed to be turned into an industry. Imagine that people pursued oxygen with butterfly nets, so that you had plenty of "capturers" running ar ...
Bernanke Fights Back Against a Gold Standard
March 21, 2012
Ben Bernanke has come out forcefully against what may be seen as a burgeoning support for a monetary gold standard in the financial community and among the alternative media. This is newsworthy, because it begins to show what the power elite REALLY thinks about ...
Central Banking Was Responsible for 2008 Meltdown – Nothing Else
March 20, 2012
Following the 2008 global economic crash on an almost day-to-day basis, as we have, we've regularly made the argument that it was caused by central banking monetary inflation and that its result is bound to be the eventual demise of the dollar reserve system. W ...
Libertarian Truths and the Big Lie of Peak Oil … Now Confirmed?
March 20, 2012
There is no doubt the elite dialectic is shifting. Used to be that the mainstream media faithfully reported the meme that world was running out of oil, and this was later refined into the Peak Oil meme. Now, thanks to the Internet, the powers-that-be are hastil ...
Demolishing Due Process
March 20, 2012
It is ironic but perhaps sadly appropriate that Attorney General Eric Holder would choose a law school, Northwestern University, to deliver a speech earlier this month in which he demolished what was left of the rule of law in America. In what history likely wi ...
Hush-Hush Congressional Research Report: The Myth of Social Mobility … Not
March 19, 2012
Here's a big myth: US social mobility is fungible and anyone can grow rich. Now a report from the Congressional Research Service has found that income inequality in the US is extreme and growing worse. Also, that where you're born, socially speaking, is where y ...
Schwarzenegger's Horrible UN-Backed Sustainia Project
March 19, 2012
Arnold Schwarzenegger wants to rule the world. First, he was the world's best bodybuilder and then the biggest movie star. After that he was the governator of the Biggest Show on Earth (California) and now he has signed on to be the award presenter for the star ...
A Prominent Pair of False Alternatives
March 19, 2012
Jon Gertner, author of the forthcoming The Idea Factory: Bell Labs and the Great Age of American Innovation,* writes for The New York Times (in an excerpt from his book), about innovation in America. I spotted the piece and immediately suspected there was a hid ...
Stephan Kinsella on the Logic of Libertarianism and Why Intellectual Property Doesn't Exist
March 18, 2012
The Daily Bell is pleased to present this exclusive interview with Stephan Kinsella. Introduction: Stephan Kinsella is a libertarian scholar and attorney in Houston. The Executive Editor of Libertarian Papers and Director of the Center for the Study of Innovati ...
March 17, 2012
We track dominant social themes here at The Daily Bell, and the spectacular implosion of the "Stop Kony 2012" campaign is a further example of how these memes are disintegrating under the pressure of what we call the Internet Reformation. We commented on this i ...
NYT – India's State-Run Banks Founder
March 16, 2012
One of the big elite promotions in the past five years or so has been, in our view, an outpouring of prose celebrating the efficacy of state-run banks and "public" central banks. In this New York Times article, we see that India's state-run banks are having a g ...
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