Showing 6651 - 11 of 11
June 19, 2012
It's all over the news: Egypt's Muslims continue to make progress toward controlling government from an electoral standpoint and Israel has started making noises of considerable concern. Meanwhile in Tunisia, Prime Minister Hamadi JebaliJebali's moderate Islami ...
June 19, 2012
Last week I joined several of my colleagues in sending a letter to President Obama requesting clarification of his criteria for the lethal use of drones overseas. Administration officials assure us that a "high degree of confidence" is required that the person ...
June 19, 2012
"The Euro Titanic has now hit the iceberg and sadly there simply aren't enough lifeboats." – Nigel Farage, United Kingdom Independence Party Another Greek election and an uncertain outcome will likely continue the corrupt status quo in Greece. The Greek polit ...
June 18, 2012
The SEC couldn't regulate a paper bag. It was set up in the 1930s by global elites to give the appearance of a Wall Street cop without providing the reality. It's part of Washington's larger dysfunction and is only notable because of its brief, which is to appr ...
June 18, 2012
This is a very interesting article that has been posted around the web but caught our attention because it frankly makes the case that both Georgism and Social Credit – now making a timid comeback – are facilities of Fabianism. The Fabian Society believed t ...
June 18, 2012
In the wake of Governor Scott Walker's survival of a recall vote, initiated by friends of Wisconsin's public service unions, let's explore again just why such unions are perverse. Bona fide labor unions work within a free-market system where firms compete for c ...
June 17, 2012
The Daily Bell is pleased to present another exclusive interview with Mark Skousen. Introduction: Mark Skousen is the producer of FreedomFest, which will be held in Las Vegas from July 11th through 14th. Dr. Skousen has had a diverse career. He has taught at C ...
June 16, 2012
UN-Water Survey Examines Water Law Reform ... Twenty years ago this June world leaders gathered in Rio de Janeiro for an Earth Summit to develop an action plan for sustainable development. They discussed a wide variety of topics including climate change, altern ...
June 15, 2012
The Internet has surely helped focus the mind on the insanity of central banking. Now, when we read articles like this, we can translate them immediately. Mervyn King claims that banks need the aid of the British central bank that he runs and he is prepared to ...
June 15, 2012
There is surely a power elite that is trying to drive the world into depression. We would tend to believe it is succeeding. This latest squawk from Goldman Sachs is testimony to that. We know the elites intend to drive the world into depression because the syst ...
June 14, 2012
Is the Euro-crisis finally coming to an end? Just yesterday, we pointed to the intractability of the larger European position regarding any EU "bailout." But we have also previously covered Ambrose Evans-Pritchard's reporting on the so-called sinking fund that ...
June 14, 2012
This is another one of those Economist articles that reads better if you don't read it more than once. It points up once more the issues we've discussed regarding insider trading, its hopelessness as a legal doctrine and the general unfairness of prosecuting th ...
June 14, 2012
It is not a waste of time to revisit the topic of business bashing, especially in light of President Obama's current attacks on wealth creation. He says he prefers job creation, as if the latter were possible without the former. (Well, in a tyrannical system it ...
June 13, 2012
Over at the Telegraph, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard has done us the favor once again of providing reports that show clearly the intractabilty of the Euro-crisis. He points out that while the Eurocrats in Brussels can come up with plan after plan, the Germans must fu ...
June 13, 2012
The New York Daily News is out with an article critical of boxer Floyd Mayweather for wanting to serve his three-month jail sentence at home. Mayweather was convicted for hitting the mother of two of his children, Josie Harris, in front of them. He could have r ...
June 13, 2012
Rand Paul, in defense of his endorsement of Mitt Romney said on DailyPaul Radio that he was making a political judgment that would help him work with others in Congress. He pointed out his father had made similar endorsements. Politics is the art of compromise, ...
June 13, 2012
Have you spent more time worrying over the last few years? I know I have. There is plenty to worry about, what with fascism growing, the economy shrinking, the world becoming more dangerous and the media and education establishments in full-on propaganda mode f ...
June 12, 2012
Mavrodi ended up in prison, but when he came out, he started a series of "legal" Ponzi Schemes. They were legal because he admitted to them up front. People invested in them at their own risk. And when they collapsed, people couldn't claim they'd been tricked. ...
June 12, 2012
We've written two articles about Rand Paul's misguided endorsement of GOP potential presidential candidate Mitt Romney. In the first article, we discussed the inevitability of what we call the Internet Reformation – and its ongoing expansion. In the second ar ...
June 12, 2012
Last week the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) issued its annual long-term budget outlook report, and the 2012 numbers are not promising. In fact, the CBO estimates that federal debt will rise to 70% of GDP by the end of the year - the highest percentage since ...
June 11, 2012
This article in The Fiscal Times is a bit strange because it doesn't seem to come to a conclusion about upcoming automatic cuts by Congress. We will, though. The Fiscal Times is a project of billionaire Pete Peterson, a Wall Street mogul who is surely a scion o ...
June 11, 2012
Greenbackerism's devotion to the myth of Abraham Lincoln as a benevolent and wise individual who stood up to Money Power has been extensively debunked by such free-market historians as Thomas DiLorenzo. He's written several persuasive books on the subject and b ...
June 11, 2012
"When you're president, as opposed to the head of a private equity firm, your job is not simply to maximize profits," said president Obama recently. He added, "Your job is to figure out how everybody in the country has a fair shot. Your job is to think about th ...
June 10, 2012
The Daily Bell is pleased to present this exclusive interview with Robert Oulds. Introduction: Mr. Oulds is the Director of the London-based Bruges Group, and an international political analyst who has made a specialty of analyzing and opposing the European Un ...
June 09, 2012
Rand Paul keeps making news – bombshell after bombshell. Just yesterday, CNN recently ran an article quoting Rand Paul as saying "it would be a great honor to be considered as a vice president for the Republican Party. I think that would be something that any ...
June 08, 2012
The big news in Europe is not the implosion of the euro but the steadily advancing financial market tax. This is a tax on financial transactions and it will constitute the biggest single intrusion into private affairs since, well ... the income tax. We learn fr ...
June 08, 2012
Rand Paul endorsing Mitt Romney is a bit strange. We question the necessity and we are interested in the reasoning. On the surface, to us it doesn't make much sense. But on a deeper level it illustrates the differences of vision between father and son. This art ...
June 08, 2012
It is surprising to see what we call directed history at work. From Tunisia to Egypt and then Libya and now Syria, Western powers are manufacturing pretexts for wars and toppling governments. Syria is the next to go but probably not the last. They are working t ...
June 08, 2012
The current economic crisis that has engulfed the United States and much of the rest of the world over the last few years, has seen a dramatic revival in the economic ideas and policy prescriptions of the most famous British economist of the 20th century, John ...
June 07, 2012
Or are they? Europe is failing, China just cut interest rates and US markets moved up hard on a hope and a prayer. The hopeful prayer was that Ben Bernanke would cut interest rates – or that he intends to. Why this would cause the Dow to climb some 300 points ...
June 07, 2012
What is a public market? It's whatever (mostly US) regulators say that it is. But now, for the first time in about 75 years, public markets are undergoing an evolution. The evolution, it would seem, is spelled "JOBS Act." Recently, Daily Bell Chief Editor Antho ...
June 07, 2012
As The New York Times would put it, when in 1996 "President Bill Clinton delivered on his pledge to 'end welfare as we know it'...he signed into law a bill forcing recipients to work and imposing a five-year limit on cash assistance." Back then this supposedly ...
June 06, 2012
So a new group will do what Wall Street won't – bring sanity to finance! Or will it ... Imagine, however, that a group was formed to provide oversight to the risks undertaken by, say, the auto industry – or ... cruise lines. Wouldn't this be seen as overrea ...
June 06, 2012
The Olympics leave a trail of bankruptcy and destruction wherever they go. From Greece to China to Spain and beyond, the mothballed infrastructure, ruinous costs and misdirected man-hours resonate ruinously for decades. It is surely an elite dominant social the ...
June 06, 2012
If you are a writer and you want to write boring passages that are meaningless to your readers, the best way to go about this is to write in the passive voice: sentences with no clear actor, actions with ambiguous authors. "The car ran off the road." "The food ...
June 05, 2012
The Earth is falling and the Eurozone is wobbling. Brussels is worried, Germany is intransigent and Washington is "concerned." The proximate cause of these worried brows is a dysfunctional continent-wide union that had no reason to exist, no popular mandate to ...
June 05, 2012
Like some sort of bad joke or living nightmare the European Union rolls along. It really does resemble a Zombie apocalypse, though unfortunately it is not a Hollywood production but an ever-expanding political engorgement. One would think that having bankrupted ...
June 05, 2012
Hoo boy! Whom can you trust anymore? For decades, we've been hearing about the promise of solar power and now it turns out that solar cells may be terrible for the environment. Bottom line according to this new book Green Illusions: Hexafluoroethane has a globa ...
June 05, 2012
War drums are beating again in Washington. This time Syria is in the crosshairs after a massacre there last week left more than 100 dead. As might be expected from an administration with an announced policy of "regime change" in Syria, the reaction was to blame ...
June 05, 2012
We're getting a bit tired of perhaps the greatest mainstream journo, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard. He was great in predicting the possible death of the European Union or at least the euro. But he's undergone a considerable evolution in the past few months. It starte ...
June 05, 2012
Here we go. Main Street needs a culling but not Wall Street. Or should we be referring to London's City, that infamous patch of ground in London that like Washington DC and the Vatican is its own tiny patch of rules and laws that have nothing to do with its sur ...
June 04, 2012
Reuters does us the service of providing a view of the bigger picture when it comes to the European Union: The choice is between more of the same – and a LOT more of the same. You would think that a political process that has bankrupted half of Europe, inflam ...
June 04, 2012
So now one big reason for Google mapping becomes clear: to create an electronic grid that would allow for the use of robotic drivers. Why are we not surprised? And what's wrong with robot drivers, anyway? Seems to be an advance that is intended to provide more ...
June 04, 2012
On a recent trip to Seattle, which I visit on and off quite a lot, I found the place to have just the kind of feel I have experienced in Stockholm and Oslo and in cities, big and small, throughout Austria and Switzerland. The main places in the city are very cl ...
June 03, 2012
The editors of The Daily Bell are pleased to present another interview with well-known libertarian philosopher Tibor R. Machan (left). Introduction: Tibor Machan is currently Professor Emeritus, Department of Philosophy, Auburn University, Alabama, and holds th ...
June 02, 2012
New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is at it again. Not content with attacking cigarette smokers and "transfats," he's now making it impossible for people to order large-size sugary sodas. If people want to drink lots of sugary soda, they'll have to purchase ...
June 01, 2012
Bruce Springsteen is probably one of the most successful musicians in the world. He is also one of the most ambitious. But his ambition, as displayed in this Reuters article above, provokes a bottom-line question: Is he dumb or playing dumb? We Googled "Springs ...
June 01, 2012
So now we learn from the Register, an IT publication, that numeracy raises skepticism about global warming. This apparently came as a shock to those who organized the study. As global warming is a kind of hoax, this should NOT have been surprising. But charming ...
May 31, 2012
The intrepid and charming Ellen Brown has scored again with the one-year-old Public Banking Institute that filmed 12-year-old Victoria Grant speaking about the benefits of public banking. The video of the beguiling young woman has gone "viral" with well over a ...
May 31, 2012
US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has made the point (see above) that the conflict in Syria could lead to civil war. But, in fact, the "conflict" is likely American-made and has all the hallmarks of a previous venture in Libya that saw the end of Muammar Ga ...