Economists overwhelmingly reject Brexit in boost for Cameron … Poll shows 88% of 600 experts fear long-term fall in GDP if UK leaves single market, and 82% are alarmed over impact on household income. -Guardian
Once again, economists remind us that that their profession is at least a questionable one.
Presumably healthy economies are based in private competition not public regulation. Economic progress is made via individual human action.
One person has a product or service and competes against another. And one company against another.
There is room for more than one product or service as consumers have different priorities.
And thus an “economy” is built.
But for some reason, British economists seem to believe that the authoritarian mess that is the European Union is necessary for prosperity.
Relatively few economists have publicly come out saying that leaving the EU would be good for British growth, and only a handful have signed up in support of the pro-Brexit group Economists for Britain.
Most studies of the impact on Britain’s economy of a decision to quit the EU show the uncertainty will hit growth in the short term and the loss of access to the EU’s single market will damage growth for decades to come.
The poll was administered by Ipsos MORI, and received responses from more than 600 economists.
These economists believed in great numbers that leaving the EU would damage the British economy for years to come. Some 61% believe unemployment would expand.
Economists from top institutions such as the Royal Economic Society and the Society of Business Economists replied voluntarily.
The article also tells that 37 “faith leaders” have just written a letter to the Observer newspaper claiming Brexit damages both peace and prosperity.
It’s not clear from the article why leaving the EU would damage peace and prosperity.
The article makes a clearer case for what economists are worried about: “Loss of access to the single market” (67%) and “increased uncertainty leading to reduced investment” (66%).
Presumably economists (and faith leaders?) see their professions somehow enhanced by the EU and diminished by Brexit.
But these views still don’t make much sense.
There are currently reports that the EU is pushing hard for the federalization of Europe via a new tax ID number and also via plans for a pan-European army.
A national insurance number will allow Brussels to identify European (and British) taxpayers and would be a further step toward the institution of an aggressive European tax.
Additionally, new legislation will ban sovereign states from reducing corporate taxation to below 15 percent.
Neither plans for a European army nor the new tax ID number are apparently getting much coverage in Britain.
It really doesn’t matter though. Brussels have proven several times over that the EU’s goal is a United States of Europe.
Surely the economists involved in the survey understand the level of corruption currently infecting the EU.
Those affiliated with the EU receive enormous compensation for useless activities. Regulatory advantages are routinely sold to the highest bidder.
And surely they understand that the decision-making bodies have been purposefully divorced from Parliament. The entire setup of the EU is aimed at producing a mega-state responsible only to a handful of bureaucrats.
How on earth British economists, let alone “faith leaders” can endorse the EU is difficult to imagine.
If Britain stays in the EU, within a decade the country – as it has existed for perhaps a thousand years – will be disassembled.
These economists and faith leaders are content to support the end of Britain.
Faith will not be diminished and industry will not leave if Brexit occurs. But the country will not survive as a historical entity if it remains within Europe.
Conclusion: These two groups are willfully presiding over the end of Britain.