Originally published via Armageddon Prose:
The Karens who run the House GOP — who know far more about the criminality in D.C. than they let on publicly for many reasons, most especially because they are implicated in a lot of it — have penned what amounts to yet another irate letter to the manager complaining about the service around here.
Via The Defender (emphasis added):
“The U.S. Department of State-funded [sic] domestic and international fact-checking entities that censored American independent media outlets and social media users who questioned the Biden administration’s COVID-19 and other policies, according to a congressional report…
The report focused on the State Department’s Global Engagement Center (GEC)*, which promoted and funded “tech start-ups and other small businesses in the disinformation detection space … with domestic censorship capabilities.”
The “fact-checking” firms named in the report include the International Fact-Checking Network — owned by the Poynter Institute — and NewsGuard.
The International Fact-Checking Network, established in 2015, has received funding from another State Department-affiliated group, the National Endowment for Democracy — and from Google, the Open Society Foundations and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.”
*You don’t have to be a crack political scientist to suss out something nefarious about the Department of State — tasked with running foreign policy — censoring American citizens domestically in collusion with Bill Gates and George Soros’ “foundations” and the Great Satan itself, Google.
Granted, Congress lacks law enforcement capacity, and there is some argument that documenting all of these crimes serve the purpose of future prosecutions — if they ever happen, that is.
But, overall, until meaningful consequences are meted out, these are pointless exercises in political theater.
Related: Hillary Clinton Demands ‘Criminal Penalties’ for Americans to Deter ‘Misinformation’
Via the Congressional report (emphasis added):
“The Federal government has fueled a censorship ecosystem impacting not only individuals’ First Amendment rights, but the ability of certain small businesses to compete online.
The Federal government has funded, developed, and promoted entities that aim to demonetize news and information outlets because of their lawful speech, impacting domestic businesses’ operations, reputation, customer reach, and revenue.
The Global Engagement Center (GEC), an interagency body housed within the U.S. Department of State (State), circumvented its strict international mandate by funding, developing, then promoting tech start-ups and other small businesses in the disinformation detection space to private sector entities with domestic censorship capabilities.
The National Endowment for Democracy (NED), a private non-profit funded almost entirely by Congressional appropriations, violated its international restrictions by collaborating with fact-checking entities in assessing domestic press businesses’ admission to a credibility organization.”
The War of Terror chickens come home to roost!
Who would have believed that all the State Department villainy enacted in the PATRIOT Act wake of 9/11 would come back to haunt the red-blooded Americans who enthusiastically signed away their birthrights for the sake of, allegedly, avenging the greatest terror attack in history (perpetrated by the government)?
In fact, some did foresee this and warned about it to deaf ears.
All of that Bush-era Constitution-torching was destined to blow back on the American citizenry — which wiser men like Ron Paul foreshadowed over two decades ago, to a cacophony of derision by the GOP of old and the nascent Third Way Democrats.
Ben Bartee is an independent Bangkok-based American journalist with opposable thumbs.
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