EDITORIAL Showing 4951 - of
Failed Fed Policies Prolong the Agony
January 31, 2012
The Federal Reserve's interest rate price-setting board, the FOMC, met last week. They will continue to set the federal funds rate at well below 1%, and plan to keep it low until the end of 2014. That's a year and a half longer than they planned when they met j ...
Review: 'The Poison Plum'
January 31, 2012
While I enjoyed Jesse Ventura's article about Plum Island, "Government's Island of Horror," published over the weekend on LRC, I know from a close friend that Jesse only covered part of the treachery and conspiracy that is the Plum Island cover-up regarding Lym ...
A Gold Standard Is Good?
January 30, 2012
Energetic social credit entrepreneur Anthony Migchels is back with a spirited bashing of a "gold standard." His article appears – as have others by him – on Henry Makow's "conspiratorial website" and is focused on a few main points that have in part been ma ...
The Lowdown on Obama-economics
January 30, 2012
Economic fairness is impossible: an oxymoron. Since economic activities are inherently varied and often competitive and since one size doesn't fit all and not everyone can win in a competition, no such thing as fairness is possible unless it simply means no one ...
Larken Rose on Taxes, Freedom and Life After Prison
January 29, 2012
The Daily Bell is pleased to publish this interview with Larken Rose. Daily Bell: Are you in agreement with Ron Paul that the Federal Reserve needs to be abolished? Larken Rose: The Fed is a crime syndicate that needs to be ended. Now, the chance of getting it ...
More Phony Good News About the US Economy
January 27, 2012
It is really incredible to watch this meme flourish. We believe that the economic "good news" about the US economy is aimed primarily at furthering the hopes of President Barack Obama for a second term. We have written about this several times before as well. P ...
UN Tackles Mental Disorders: Supervise World Sanity Via 'People's Charter for Mental Health'?
January 26, 2012
So now the United Nations is to take up the issue of mental health on the way to creating a "People's Charter for Mental Health." But to us, this isn't a necessary antidote to another case of universal human suffering. It's merely the latest example of a fear-b ...
Megaupload's Planned Music Locker – Example of Private Justice?
January 26, 2012
Whoops. Turns out that Megaupload was planning to launch its own music service to compete with Hollywood's music monopoly – and that may have been the reason for the recent raid that shut down one of the largest websites in the world. This news has percolated ...
Breaking Up the Western World
January 25, 2012
The Telegraph's Boris Johnson has written an interesting article on the potential break-up of Britain, comparing it to the unexpected Costa Concordia cruise ship disaster. In a sense this article by Johnson is part of a larger power elite dominant social theme, ...
NHL Hockey Star Endorses Ron Paul?
January 25, 2012
Hockey is a game I know – rather well, actually. As a young person I excelled at the sport and even left home when I was 14 to live and play in a city that offered better coaching and a brighter road to the NHL. Yes, like many other young people growing up in ...
TSA and a Free Country: Are they Compatible?
January 25, 2012
Why does the TSA annoy so many of us? Not having the resources to do a survey, I resort here to what might be called educated speculation. I suspect it is because free men and women consider it invasive for government agents to order them around - pat them down ...
Stocks Are Poisonously Cheap?
January 24, 2012
OK, stocks are cheaper than they've been in 20 years. But cheaper than what? This is actually a kind of power elite dominant social theme, in our view. We used to believe in the myth of the ever-abundant stock market but not anymore. Nonetheless, equity drummer ...
Soros Threatens Blood on the Streets?
January 24, 2012
The Daily Beast is out with an article that ticks many of the boxes of dominant social themes of the elite. As we have often explained, the power elite works via fear-based promotions that frighten the middle classes into giving up power and wealth to globalist ...
Stop Internet Censorship
January 24, 2012
Although Congress was back in session for scarcely more than a day last week, private citizens across the country managed to cause an uproar felt across Capitol Hill. The uproar took the form of hundreds of thousands of phone calls to both Senators and Represen ...
US Rebounds? Prosperity Around the Corner?
January 23, 2012
A chicken in every pot? Every now and then our favorite mainstream journo, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, runs off the tracks. Evans-Pritchard makes the case that Britain is not recovering from the 2008 financial crisis but that the US is on the way up. Say what? As ...
BBC's Biased Coverage of Capitalism
January 23, 2012
On the BBC website an interview was featured recently with the famous orthodox Marxist, Eric Hobsbawm, who promptly denounced capitalism as if he had established definitively its inferiority as a political economic system. Is the BBC such an irresponsible news ...
Gerald Celente on Trend Forecasting and the Crisis of Western Civilization
January 22, 2012
The Daily Bell is pleased to publish this interview with Gerald Celente. Daily Bell: Give us some trends feedback, please. In other words, put them into economic and sociopolitical context for our readers. First one, the West – where are we headed? Gerald Cel ...
Yes, The War for the Internet Has Begun
January 21, 2012
By now, people who use the Internet seriously, and even plenty who don't, are aware of the arrest of six-foot-seven, 300-pound Kim Dotcom, an outsize figure in the business of facilitating Internet downloads. The problem with his company, Megauploads, according ...
Accepting Human Nature
January 21, 2012
One of the basic truths of human psychological growth is this: If you want to change something about your life, you must first acknowledge and accept what's true about your life right now. The same principle applies to the improvement of human relationships and ...
More Economist Magazine Elite Promotions
January 20, 2012
Say, we've caught the Economist magazine with its pants down, metaphorically speaking anyway! Way back in July, we wrote about Ian Bremmer and how his book, The End of the Free Market, constituted another power elite dominant social theme. It was obvious then, ...
China Failing, as Predicted?
January 19, 2012
After writing many articles in the past few years – long before it was fashionable even among alternative news services – explaining that the ChiComs were on the proverbial thin ice with their huge 1.4 billion population, we find this weird article explaini ...
BBC Admits Anglosphere Destabilized Libya
January 19, 2012
And thus the Brits crow ... again. Or to put it more precisely, the Anglosphere power elite that is apparently behind much of this weary world's destruction and bloodshed. Why do they "allow" the release of this article on a functionary media of their own contr ...
Another Failure for the Elites as the EU Sinks?
January 18, 2012
One of our favorite mainstream journos, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, writes in his Telegraph blog page that the current EU monetary union is bankrupting Europe. Good for him. More and more evidently, it's true. The question is, then, why insist on it? The facts are ...
Real Reason for Murdoch's PhoneGate … Press Regulation?
January 18, 2012
We have made to us what seems obvious – a commitment to analyzing direct history – and now many things are coming into focus. It now seems to us that this puffed-British phone-hacking scandal is nothing more than an effort by the powers-that-be to put into ...
Premature Obituaries
January 18, 2012
It is open season for wild monetary prognostications. More premature obituaries on the dollar have been posted on the Internet. For example, see Jim Willie's "The US Dollar Paper Tiger" (Gold-Eagle, January 11) with epitaphs like "the US dollar rising to the ce ...
Real Reason for Lehman Bros. Collapse? Another Insane International Tribunal …
January 17, 2012
"They" are at it again. Supposedly the Dutch government had the bright idea to create a global "financial tribunal." But who gets up in the morning and decides that what the world needs is a better way to resolve disputes about derivatives and other artificial ...
MLK's Public Philosophy of Freedom
January 17, 2012
As I flew home across the country from NYC on January 16th, the holiday this year in honor of the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., I had the opportunity to watch several programs on television devoted to his legacy. I was especially struck by the fact t ...
Beijing and London – One World After All!
January 16, 2012
Free-Market Analysis: Suddenly, having pushed Europe away, the City is eagerly embracing China, as we can see from the New York Times article excerpt above. Do you believe this, dear reader? We don't. To us it seems like one more step on the "long march" toward ...
Greeks Run to the IMF: Why the Germans Are Not in Charge of the EU
January 16, 2012
Here, again, we see that the top elites are doing as they see fit and anyone who continues to maintain that there is some sort of schism between Europe, London and Washington is likely exaggerating what's taking place. The IMF is a creature of the Anglosphere a ...
Pat Buchanan on Ron Paul, the Internet and Ethnic Politics in the 21st Century
January 15, 2012
The Daily Bell is pleased to publish this interview with Patrick Buchanan. Daily Bell: What do you feel is government's role in society? Pat Buchanan: Government's role in society is to keep the peace and protect the inherent rights of the people, especially th ...
Truth About Middle East is Spreading
January 14, 2012
Zero Hedge has published an article, "Are The Middle East Wars Really About Forcing the World Into Dollars and Private Central Banking?" that mentions my theory that Muammar Gaddafi was overthrown because he wanted to set up a private gold-currency in Africa. Y ...
Protect Yourself from the Greatest 'Wealth Transfer' of All Time
January 14, 2012
In these, the early weeks of the New Year, the crystal ball game is in full swing. I'll refrain from going down that path today. First of all, to some degree, we already discussed our outlook for the New Year when we presented our BFI's Big Picture Scenarios fo ...
Illustrated: The Incompetence of the Fed
January 13, 2012
Wow, what an article. At a time when many in the alternative media were shouting out loud about an impending financial crisis, many of the top men at the US Federal Reserve could only make jokes about desperate discounts being given out by house-builders that f ...
SEC Fiddles While the Financial Industry Burns?
January 13, 2012
Why shouldn't US brokers be able to post encomiums on the Internet? From the point of view of those who run the US Securities and Exchange Commission, brokers that place praise or - heaven help them - self-praise on "social networking" sites are placing the con ...
What Recovery?
January 12, 2012
We have learned that the US recession is over and that the only reason Europe is in trouble is because Southern European countries like Greece won't rein in their spendthrift ways. But as an alternative new site, we have never subscribed to the idea that what h ...
Compassion Cannot Be Forced
January 12, 2012
The great moral argument of the left is that the government policies they advocate create a fairer and more compassionate world. Everything they advocate flows from the overt assumption that if you want a fair and compassionate society, their policies of forced ...
Post Admits Austerity 'Killing' Greece
January 11, 2012
The almost genocidal nature of modern "austerity" as interpreted by the current crop of European one-world technocrats has come in for some mild criticism in the pages of the Washington Post. Surprise! It must be really bad in Greece for this august, mainstream ...
Era of High Farce: China Establishes 'Investor Protection Bureau'
January 11, 2012
Oh, boy. Here's what we call an elite dominant social theme – that the West and the East are not only converging economically but also in terms of regulatory competence and concern for the welfare of the individual consumer/investor. Why is it an elite theme ...
The Farce of Government 'Growth'
January 10, 2012
Thank goodness Germany's Angela Merkel and France's Nicolas Sarkozy have agreed to save the Western world by creating more jobs. Unemployment is anathema to them and now they have vowed to provide people in Europe with the work they need. They also want Greece ...
Destroying YouTube
January 10, 2012
We wish we could be more positive about this well written and insightful article in The New Yorker. But it reminds us everything we have come to dislike about corporate America. The US is the biggest empire in the world, probably ever, and its power elite is de ...
The Ultimate Consumer Protection
January 10, 2012
This week, partisan games in Washington reached a fevered pitch as Congress acted to prevent recess appointments, yet the administration made them anyway. Congress has been gaveling into session for less than a minute every three days for the express purpose of ...
New Yorker's Scientific Illiteracy in Attacking Ron Paul
January 09, 2012
Late last week, in a blog called "Notes on arts and entertainment from the staff of The New Yorker," this august and once-witty magazine launched an astonishing attack on libertarian candidate and US Congressman Ron Paul, casting him as a scientific ignoramus. ...
Conrad Black – Destroying the US Justice Meme
January 09, 2012
Conrad Black, the former Canadian publisher of numerous prestigious mainstream newspapers, was apparently unjustly imprisoned for corporate corruption and as a result he has discovered the injustice of the current Western industrial-penitentiary complex. He's w ...
The Elite's Military Problem
January 06, 2012
The Obama administration has announced a new page in a decade of war. But is this really the case? We would argue that this downsizing is noteworthy because it acknowledges that the pretense of using "citizen armies" to realize the New World Order is actually d ...
Foundering of the Indian Infrastructure
January 06, 2012
We learn from this Economist article that the situation in India is even worse than has been portrayed. Like China and Brazil, the enormous floods of money created by central banking have been applied inefficiently and without much attention to the actual neces ...
Ayn Rand & Murray Rothbard: Diverse Champions of Liberty
January 06, 2012
No one should attempt to treat Ayn Rand and Murray N. Rothbard as uncomplicated and rather similar defenders of the free society, although they have more in common than many believe. As just one example, neither was a hawk when it comes to deploying military p ...
Dialectic of a Universal Transaction Tax
January 05, 2012
The powers-that-be are pushing a transaction tax once again. For those who want to rule the world, a transaction tax is ideal. Everyone from the largest to the smallest would likely be under an affirmative obligation to keep some sort of log of trades and trans ...
Austrian Economics, Religion and Devils
January 05, 2012
In his latest attack on Austrian economics money entrepreneur Anthony Migchels seems to make the case that Austrian economics may be part of a Zionist plot to impose one-world government. Now, we have pointed out that Anthony Migchels, like "greenbacker" Ellen ...
Dealing with Life
January 05, 2012
Life's been pretty tough for most of humankind's existence. War, torture and genocide were much more common to primitive man than even during the severe bloodlettings of the twentieth century. (See Steven Pinker's War Before Civilization and his latest book, Th ...
Silliness at the Fed: 'Love Us, Love Our Transparency'
January 04, 2012
The Federal Reserve is at it again. This increasingly despised institution's leaders seem to believe that by making the Fed's unconstitutional behavior more "transparent" – clearer – they will somehow make it more palatable as well. This article by Bloomber ...
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