STAFF NEWS & ANALYSIS Showing 701 - of
The Whiskey Rebellion: How Brand New America Tore Up The Bill of Rights
November 13, 2017
223 years ago today, "The Dreadful Night" occurred in Western Pennsylvania, after an uprising called The Whiskey Rebellion. ...
uncle sam shakes down the taxpayer
Three Kinds of Theft
November 11, 2017
Taxation is theft. But I’ve seen some people defend taxes with typical arguments like, "It’s not theft because you get something for your money." Perhaps the confusion lies in the fact that not all thieves act the same. There are at least three different t ...
blurry state house
You Won’t Believe The Nerve of These Three Government Officials
November 10, 2017
The problem with government is it elevates people to positions of power over their fellow citizens. And all too often, these people take advantage of their status. ...
Thousands of Americans renounced their citizenship. Again
November 09, 2017
The primary driver behind this is taxes, plain and simple. ...
Victim Blame: Media Suggests Rand Paul Deserved To Be Attacked
November 08, 2017
And if the nonchalant attitude of the media wasn't enough, GQ published a piece called Rand Paul Sounds Like the Worst Guy to Have as a Neighbor. That's it. Blame the victim. Rand Paul deserved to be attacked because he is an annoying neighbor. ...
Here’s How to Deal With Overpopulation
November 07, 2017
Anytime someone in an elite or powerful position starts saying the population is too high we should get worried. You can bet it isn't their friends and family that they are talking about overpopulating the Earth. ...
How Insurance Companies Could Easily Replace Government
November 06, 2017
Chubb provides extra protection to the homes they insure in certain zip codes that are prone to wildfires. They get private firefighters on the scene before the building catches. This means instead of being left with a pile of ashes and a check to go about the ...
Journal Claims Boys’ Advantage in Physics Comes Down to Peeing
November 04, 2017
Now we know that boys' natural advantage in physics comes from peeing. A scholarly article has detailed the theory. The authors suggest that boys gain a practical knowledge of the physics of projectile arcs by having the natural opportunity to manipulate arcs o ...
Education Today: A Prerequisite for Self-Destruction
November 03, 2017
When they are finally released to the world, the majority, sadly, are released like conditioned Pavlovian dogs who are trained to respond to popular political ideas, social fads, and more, on cue, exactly as they were instructed by their teachers and other infl ...
Tea Party Lawsuits Over IRS Targeting Settled for Peanuts
November 02, 2017
The Department of Justice has settled a class-action lawsuit brought by Tea Party groups from across the country. The government has admitted that what happened was a violation of rights. ...
Whitefish Scandal Shows Government Takes Advantage When Needed Most
November 01, 2017
Just when people need the government most, is when you will find politicians at their sleaziest. ...
What Kentucky’s Retirement Rush Says About The Future of State Pensions
October 31, 2017
Just because a Ponzi scheme is run by a government doesn't mean it won't collapse. ...
the scale of law
Prostitution, Free Speech, and a Veteran Memorial: 3 Interesting Court Cases
October 30, 2017
Some people have too much time on their hands and are just looking for things to be offended about. ...
Why You Need to Stop Writing Articles That Tell Me To Stop Doing Things
October 29, 2017
There's no reason to go out of your way to be offensive, but there is also no reason to worry about normal behavior being interpreted as offensive. ...
How the Blockchain Can Free You From The Banking Industry
October 27, 2017
In principle, cryptocurrencies are the best way for people to take back their freedom to act in their own best interests, without relying on manipulative banks. ...
The Origin of Discontent
October 26, 2017
Many of the schemes to break down societal order, first tested and perfected in inner-city schools, have spread throughout the public school system, and into our great universities. This has left many parents bewildered and searching for an explanation. ...
What Freedom and Successful Relationships Have in Common
October 25, 2017
You deserve to get as much as you give in any relationship. ...
A Communist Utopia (Funded By Capitalism)
October 23, 2017
Twin Oaks is an "intentional community" in Virginia. It is one of the oldest successful communes in America because it's not really a commune. ...
blurry state house
This Is How Tyranny Rises and Freedom Falls: The Experiment in Freedom Is Failing
October 22, 2017
We’re being subjected to the oldest con game in the books, the magician’s sleight of hand that keeps you focused on the shell game in front of you while your wallet is being picked clean by ruffians in your midst. ...
3 Stories That Show Big Brother is Alive and Well
October 21, 2017
The United Kingdom actually proposed jailing anyone who even views extremist content online for up to 15 years! ...
Bring Out The Gimp: Everybody Loves Hitler
October 18, 2017
Hitler is a one-size-fits-all kinda guy. He's always on time, never complains and works for free. The perfect Government stooge. ...
Does Individual Sovereignty Pre-empt Abusive Government?
October 17, 2017
Once you accept that you are not sovereign, it is just a matter of maneuvering for governments to do whatever they want. ...
Media: Islamic Faith Prevents Sexual Assault
October 16, 2017
The propaganda machine is firing on all cylinders. Harvey Weinstein must have pissed someone off to be sacrificed by the elite. Perhaps it was a religious sacrifice of sorts. One arm of the propaganda machine is pushing the idea that adherence to the Islamic re ...
How “Seasteading” Might Just Solve All the World’s Problems (Book Review)
October 15, 2017
The biggest takeaway is how remarkably unimaginative world leaders currently are. Quirk's book presents countless technologies and businesses which are solving the world's biggest problems. ...
Survey Find Americans’ Views on Free Speech is a Whole Bunch of Crazy
October 14, 2017
The biggest thing this survey proves is that Orwellian double-speak is working. ...
Power Corrupts: A Culture of Compliance Breeds Despots and Predators
October 12, 2017
However, it takes a culture of entitlement and a nation of compliant, willfully ignorant, politically divided citizens to provide the foundations of tyranny. ...
Media Says You’re to Blame for Shootings Unless You Report Odd Behavior
October 11, 2017
If someone seems angry and disgruntled now, imagine how they will feel after you report them as a suspected terrorist. ...
old tv with static
Hollywood’s War on Humanity
October 10, 2017
Overpopulation isn't the problem. The boring, unimaginative little monsters that rule over us are. And their disdain for the average person is crystal clear.  ...
How Trump Keeps the Government on Your Mind
October 09, 2017
Trump was a genius move to make everyone pay attention on a daily basis. His unwavering presence represents the government's intrusion into your daily life. Not physically, but mentally. ...
Warning: Legal Racket Robs Elderly of Property and Rights
October 08, 2017
Corruption and racketeering invoke images of the mafia, drugs, violence, and connected judges or politicians. But sometimes organized crime covers more mundane businesses than nightclubs and casinos. ...
How Trolls Use Patent Law to Make an Easy Buck
October 06, 2017
Patent trolls are businesses which own patents for the sole purpose of litigation. They don't make their money from producing whatever the patent secures. They make their money suing companies for patent infringement. ...
Everything You Need to Know About the Catalan Independence Referendum
October 05, 2017
The response of the Spanish government is perplexing. They basically strengthened the resolve of the Catalans to remove themselves from an aggressive and violent subjugator. The Spanish government's response was reminiscent of military dictator Francisco Franco ...
Is it Wrong to Question the Official Story When Tragedy Strikes?
October 04, 2017
The media says, "Jump." And the public responds in unison, "How high?" ...
Honest Philanthropy in a Place You Might Not Expect
October 03, 2017
Fortunately in India charity is not regulated, at least not yet. The profound experience I had at the Sikh temple was watching 100,000 people eat for free through volunteer labor and donations. ...
“We Can’t Wait for Government.” Pop Star Daddy Yankee Saves Puerto Rican Food Bank and Delivers Aid
October 02, 2017
Puerto Rican native and pop star Daddy Yankee delivered what FEMA, and the government of Puerto Rico could not. ...
freedom in two years
Studies Confirm, Free People are Happier
September 30, 2017
If you don't feel free, chances are you don't feel happy either. ...
How Everything is Racist, And You’re a Terrible Person
September 29, 2017
I mean it's so obvious that Dr. Suess was a racist. He clearly thought star-bellied Sneetches were better than plain-bellied Sneetches. They were so privileged walking around with those stars on their bellies. And then, when the plain-bellied Sneetches started ...
Canada Investigates “Climate Change Deniers”
September 28, 2017
Canada spent 14 months investigating a source of “climate change denial research”. The investigation was discontinued only because of limited resources of the Competition Bureau. Yes, Canada has a Competition Bureau. ...
Who Cares? Headline Debates are Wasting Your Time
September 27, 2017
Time is the most precious of human resources, and morbidly limited. The media is robbing you, they are stealing your time. But unlike the actions of football players and Presidents, you can control your own time. Spend it wisely. ...
Advice from the trader who made $1+ billion in 1929…
September 26, 2017
Does it make sense to stand in front of the train? Or is it better to, as Isaac Newton did, leap aboard for some final thrills? We prefer neither. ...
integrated earth
Forget Taxes: What if Estonia Made More Money Selling Services?
September 25, 2017
$60 Billion plus is the U.S. dollar equivalent to how much Bitcoin is currently in circulation. That amount of money would keep the Estonian government running at current expenditures for almost 60 years. ...
Serendipia Nest: From Boarding House to Border-less Nation
September 24, 2017
The idea is to create a decentralized digital startup society, where we will have physical spaces that serve as innovation hubs... It is a borderless digital society, where the only physical expression of it will be the houses. ...
Public School Accuses 5 Year Old of Making Terrorist Threats
September 21, 2017
It's no wonder kids pretend the way they do with the violent focus of the media. You probably couldn't insulate your kid from bombs and bloodshed if you tried. I wouldn't be surprised if they discussed it in the kindergarten class. ...
There’s always a market in crisis… you just have to look!
September 19, 2017
“You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that is it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.” Rahm Emanuel, an American politician, was talking about politics when he said this. But he may as well have said i ...
Are We Witnessing the Death Spiral of Cable Television?
September 18, 2017
Since 2013, pay tv subscriptions have been declining, losing more customers than they gain. Over one million people per year are fleeing from paying for cable TV from companies like Verizon, Time Warner, and Comcast. ...
How The Wall Street Journal Turns the Truth On its Head
September 17, 2017
And the award for most misleading headline goes to the Wall Street Journal. ...
“If you were a drug dealer, a murderer. . .” open an account at JP Morgan
September 16, 2017
Dimon also stated that Bitcoin is primarily appealing for criminals– “if you were a drug dealer, a murderer, stuff like that. . .” ...
How Sex Traffickers Are Fighting for Your Rights
September 15, 2017
If you support free speech, you support sex trafficking. At least that's what politicians hope the public will think. ...
Stop Trying to Help People, For Their Sake!
September 14, 2017
True, plenty of people do not really know what is best for them. And that is all the more reason to suspect they don't know what is best for others... If they can't always make decisions that benefit them, why would we expect they can make decisions with a net ...
Do You Trust What JP Morgan CEO Says About Bitcoin?
September 13, 2017
JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon commented that he thinks Bitcoin is a fraud, and that "it will eventually be closed." ...
Showing 701 - of – Newest on Top
