STAFF NEWS & ANALYSIS Showing 1301 - of
More Questions: Lunar Rover Seems to Have Been a Willys Jeep
June 01, 2016
Moon Landing Hoax | “Moon Buggy” LRV is a Willys Jeep – Lift the Veil ...
An Efficient President is the Last Thing the US Needs
May 31, 2016
What the President Does … By  Jonathan Bernstein  Turns out maybe Donald Trump doesn’t want to be president after all. Oh, he wants to run for president. Almost certainly wants to win. Probably wants to be inaugurated. But doing the actual job? That’s s ...
Don’t be Fooled by Elizabeth Warren’s Argument for Taxation
May 31, 2016
Elizabeth Warren Is Good at Her Job … Elizabeth Warren has a rare talent for distilling political messages. In 2011, as she was running for the Senate seat that she won the next year, the former Harvard law professor delivered the kind of concise, pointed rat ...
Thanks to Yellen, Gold Will Bounce Back
May 30, 2016
Speculative traders abandon gold in latest week  …  Gold prices fell Monday, moving in the opposite direction of the U.S. dollar, which soared after comments by Federal Reserve Chairwoman Janet Yellen last week indicated an interest-rate hike could come thi ...
Anti-Trump Letter Reveals As Much About Writers as the Candidate They Despise
May 30, 2016
Over 450 Writers, Including Stephen King And Michael Chabon, Sign Petition Against Trump … Pulitzer and National Book Critics Circle winners call out Trump’s “nativism and bigotry.”   -Huffington Post ...
Anti-Brexit Shocker: Economists and Faith Leaders Plot Britain’s Downfall
May 30, 2016
Economists overwhelmingly reject Brexit in boost for Cameron  … Poll shows 88% of 600 experts fear long-term fall in GDP if UK leaves single market, and 82% are alarmed over impact on household income. -Guardian ...
New Poll Shows Only 4% of Americans Trust Congress
May 30, 2016
Ap-Norc Poll Finds Bare Confidence In Government, Elections … Few Americans have much confidence in the U.S. political system, the government in general, or in either political party. Most say they’re interested in the 2016 presidential election, but th ...
EU Becomes Increasingly Orwellian in Preparation for Possible Brexit
May 28, 2016
A European army is exactly what the EU and UK needs Whether or not Donald Trump wins the US presidency, American sentiment is for the Europeans to do much more to help themselves  …  Under Nato Euope’s defences remain incomplete and necessitate US inv ...
As Billionaires Predict Worldwide Defaults, Would You Rather Hold Bonds or Gold
May 27, 2016
Gold on Track for Eighth Losing Session U.S. GDP data revision seen bolstering case for interest-rate increase … Gold prices edged lower Friday, on pace for an eighth straight losing session, amid mounting evidence of improving economic growth in the U.S. tha ...
Driverless Cars and Tiny Houses: The Latest Manipulated Technology Trends
May 27, 2016
After almost a century of making cars and selling them in more or less the same way, automakers (and others) are getting the sense that the business of automotive transportation might be about to change radically. Here’s Toyota executive Shigeki Tomoyama on t ...
Yahoo, Facebook Exposed: Propaganda More Difficult in Era of Internet
May 27, 2016
Katie Couric Regrets ‘Poor Decision’ to Insert Pause in Gun Documentary Interview  … Katie Couric is upset that an eight-second pause inserted into an interview she did with gun rights activists in the documentary “Under the Gun” has drawn criticism. ...
Leaked TISA Docs Reveal Secret ‘Global Constitution’
May 26, 2016
WikiLeaks releases latest documents from TISA negotiations … The classified annex to the draft “core text” of the Trade in Services Agreement is part of what is being secretly negotiated by the U.S., EU and 22 countries.  The website WikiLeaks re ...
When They Start Praising the Fed, You Know We’re Headed for Disaster
May 26, 2016
The Fed’s Amazing Self-Fulfilling Forecast … The Federal Reserve’s track record of economic forecasting is a lot better than many observers recognize. It might also offer some insight into the central bank’s approach to managing the recovery.  -Blo ...
NASA and Nuclear Activities: More Scrutiny Needed
May 25, 2016
Russia has no plans to deliver US astronauts to ISS after 2018 — US wants ISS program extended through to 2024 —  Russia has no intention of concluding more contracts for delivering US astronauts to the International Space Station after 2018, the deputy ch ...
IRS Malfeasance Gives a Glimpse of Larger Government Corruption
May 25, 2016
No One Hates the IRS More Than House Republicans … Pity John Koskinen, who agreed to take one of the worst jobs in America and is now being punished for it.  In 2013, President Barack Obama asked Koskinen to take over at the Internal Revenue Service amid bud ...
Internet Reformation: The Awakening Progresses Undeterred by Current Elections
May 24, 2016
The Awakening Will Continue Regardless of This Year’s Election … Every four years the public gets all riled up over the outcome of the presidential election, projecting all their expectations and visions for a better tomorrow on to a candidate in the hopes ...
Four New Schools of Economic Thought: None Question the Fed
May 24, 2016
Four Ways to Think About the Economy … I see four different schools of thought about how the economies of the U.S. and much of the developed world should be managed. The challenge for the Federal Reserve and other central bankers is that it’s hard to kn ...
New Law Incarcerates Restaurant Owner For Customer Allergy
May 24, 2016
Curry house owner jailed for six years after customer dies from nut allergy … Paul Wilson’s parents Margaret and Keith said he loved curry but was always clear with staff about his allergy, asking for his meals not to contain any peanuts … Businesses ...
Obama: High Seriousness at Hiroshima, but Questions Too
May 24, 2016
Obama is visiting Japan to meet with world economic leaders this week, and he plans to stop at Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park and deliver remarks about war and nuclear proliferation. The visit, preceded by similar visits by  U.S. Ambassador Caroline Kennedy and ...
Critical Hit to Clinton Campaign as Media Dives Into Corporate Ties
May 23, 2016
How corporate America bought Hillary Clinton for $21M … Hillary Clinton has amassed a huge fortune through shady speaking engagements given to some of the most powerful corporations in the world. – NY Post ...
Rearranging Titanic Deck Chairs: Economist, Candidates, Endorse Cosmetic Central Bank Changes
May 23, 2016
The right kind of reform  … America’s next president should modernise the Federal Reserve system … Perhaps it was inevitable in the aftermath of the worst financial crisis in almost a century, but America is boiling over with schemes to remake the Federa ...
Gold Stocks Decline as Fed Bluffs That We’re Headed in the Right Direction
May 23, 2016
Conditions for a rate increase by the Federal Reserve are “on the verge of broadly being met,” Eric Rosengren, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, told the Financial Times … According to an article on Sunday, Rosengren told the FT he ...
New Normal: Live in a Tiny House and Don’t Ask Why
May 23, 2016
Get cozy in Montana with this decked out 245 square-foot tiny home …  What this rustic and quaint tiny home lacks in square footage, it makes up for in décor and location.  Set in extremely rural land alongside Skalkaho Creek in Hamilton, Montana, this 245 ...
Defending the Indefensible: Economist Mag Praises Central Bank ‘Growth’
May 20, 2016
Free exchange Murder most foul  When periods of economic growth come to an end, old age is rarely to blame … In June America’s economic expansion will be seven years old. That is practically geriatric: only three previous ones lasted longer. The record boo ...
Mainstream Media Continues to Tear Hillary to Pieces
May 20, 2016
The three biggest mistakes Hillary Clinton is making right now … Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton has been on a bit of a losing streak lately. She did pull out a technical victory in the Kentucky primary on Tuesday, but she lost the Oregon ...
Supreme Court Decision Celebrated by Lovers of Big Government
May 19, 2016
The Government Just Got More Powerful. (And That’s a Good Thing.) … Here’s the most important legal principle that you’ve probably never heard of: If a regulation issued by a government agency turns out to be ambiguous, the agency, not the court ...
gold bar sitting on dollars
Gold: Glittering Choice Whether Interest Rates Go Up or Down
May 19, 2016
The Federal Reserve may be eying its next rate hike as soon as this summer. Evidence of a possible June rate hike came Wednesday when minutes from the Fed’s April meeting gave a more upbeat assessment of the U.S. economy. “Most participants judged t ...
Is the Real Brexit Plan to Create a Closer European Union Without Britain?
May 19, 2016
Germany Is Very, Very Tired … The overriding worry is that a vicious cycle has begun: As Germany gets ever more frustrated with Europe’s inability to change, it gets ever less likely to lead, so the change it wants becomes ever less likely to happen. If Bri ...
Zika and Superbugs: Is There Real Cause for Alarm?
May 19, 2016
Zika virus could spread to Europe in coming months, says WHO …  The Zika virus is expected to spread in Europe within the next few months, the World Health Organisation has said, although it has classified the risk of an outbreak at low to moderate … WHO E ...
Why People Don’t Believe in Science
May 18, 2016
In November the magazine published an issue devoted to climate change. Susan Goldberg, editor since 2015, says that afterward she received a congratulatory note from [Rupert] Murdoch, saying he’d “gathered his family around” to read through the important ...
The Pentagon Is Trying (but Failing) to Blame Putin for ISIS
May 18, 2016
Vladimir Putin’s America-Friendly Propaganda About Fighting Terror Just Suffered A Big Blow Putin tries to present himself as the best bet against ISIS. In reality, he’s helped it thrive.  – Huffington Post ...
What They’re Not Telling You About Homeland Security
May 18, 2016
Here’s Why the TSA Is So Terrible … Dozens of people were stranded overnight when the long security lines caused people to miss their flights.  Nor is this an anomaly. The problem is occurring all around the country at busy airports.  – Bloomberg Vi ...
Death Threats to FEC Bureaucrat Show How the Internet is Changing Regard for Authority
May 18, 2016
First Came the Drudge Link. Then the Death Threats. Ann Ravel was a relatively unknown government official, until her words got featured on the Drudge Report. Soon, the trolls were screaming at her to drop dead. – Center for Public Integrity ...
Propaganda Helps Push More Toward TSA Tracking Program
May 17, 2016
Five questions about extremely long airport security lines Scott Mayerowitz … Already faced with lines that snake through terminals out to the curb, fliers are bracing for long waits at security in the busy months of July and August. Some major airports are c ...
Gun Control Aims to Disarm the People, Not Save Lives
May 17, 2016
It’s impossible, in this day and age, to pick up a stranger’s password-protected mobile phone and send a text. It’s easy to steal anyone’s gun and fire away … So President Barack Obama wants the government to assist in the development ...
Billionaires Buy Gold as Stagflation Triggers Demand
May 17, 2016
Billionaire Soros Cuts U.S. Stocks by 37%, Buys Gold … George Soros cut his firm’s investments in U.S. stocks by more than a third in the first quarter and bought a $264 million stake in the world’s biggest bullion producer Barrick Gold Corp. -Bloomberg ...
Dump Hillary? Clinton Slammed Yet Again By Mainstream Media
May 16, 2016
This is one weak nominee: Hillary Clinton’s problem isn’t Bernie Sanders. It’s Hillary Clinton … -Salon ...
How Merkel’s Germany Helped Build the Nationalism She Now Warns Against
May 16, 2016
Merkel warns of return to nationalism unless EU protects borders  … German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Thursday urged European leaders to protect EU borders or risk a “return to nationalism” as the continent battles its worst migration crisis sin ...
World War III? Pentagon Sends Troops to Libya  
May 16, 2016
U.S. military upping anti-ISIS activity in Libya …  The Pentagon is slightly expanding its efforts to counter ISIS activity in Libya, sending in small teams of troops to try to establish relationships with groups that may be able to form a new nationwide gov ...
China No Enemy of the West as Recent Regulatory and Diplomatic Moves Show
May 16, 2016
China asks Britain for advice on creating financial super-regulator … China has asked Britain for advice on plans to create a financial super-regulator, as it looks to improve financial oversight following last year’s stock market crash, sources with kn ...
As Predicted, Trump’s harsh Rhetoric Reignites Mexican-American Embrace
May 14, 2016
Mexico fights back against ‘The Clown’ …  Mexican officials are pursuing a counteroffensive to Trump’s incendiary rhetoric, reaching out to U.S. business leaders, looking at ways to better use social media, and even encouraging qualified Me ...
Homeland Security Creates Travel Havoc to Force People Into Precheck Programs
May 14, 2016
Patience Urged as Airport Security Lines  … Travelers across the country have endured lengthy security lines, some snaking up and down escalators, or through food courts, and into terminal lobbies. At some airports, lines during peak hours have topped 90 min ...
Signs from Mainstream Media that Clinton’s Campaign Might be Over
May 13, 2016
Trump’s ‘Crooked Hillary’ label may stick … Donald Trump dispatched his Republican rivals by branding each one with an insulting but memorable nickname … As the general election campaign nears, Trump has settled on a label for the likely D ...
Canada Attacks Anti-Vacciners, But Campaign Is Too Little, Too Late
May 13, 2016
Ontario parents who object to vaccines could be forced to take a class in science of immunization … Parents in Ontario seeking a non-medical exemption to public-school immunization laws will soon have to take a course in the subject first.  – National Post ...
Western Authorities Protest Over Lack of Respect for Global Justice
May 13, 2016
Western envoys in Uganda walk out of Museveni swearing-in 12 May 2016  … The swearing-in ceremony was the fifth since President Museveni took power in 1986 Western delegations attending the inauguration of Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni have walked out of ...
As Predicted, Brazil and its Olympics Embroiled in CIA Fallout
May 13, 2016
The Coup Plot That Seeks to Oust Brazil’s President  … Russia Blames ‘Foreign Interference’ for Brazil Coup  …  CIA has an extensive record of carrying out covert operations around the globe aimed at destabilizing governments that refus ...
The One Thing Trump Needs to Accept in Order to Win the Presidency
May 12, 2016
Republicans Pray Trump Will ‘Evolve’ on Foreign Policy … Donald Trump may eventually find some common ground with Congress on economics, but there’s less hope for unity between the Republicans and their presumptive presidential nominee when it c ...
When Central Banks are Forced to do What They Hate…
May 12, 2016
Central banks are loading up on gold … This has been a great year for gold.  The precious metal is up 19%, and recently crossed $1,300 per ounce for the first time in 15 months before pulling back into the $1,265 area. – Yahoo, Business Insider ...
IMF: A Corrupt Cop Policing Corruption
May 12, 2016
Global corruption costs trillions in bribes, lost growth …  Public sector corruption siphons $1.5 trillion to $2 trillion annually from the global economy in bribes and costs far more in stunted economic growth, lost tax revenues and sustained poverty, the I ...
Beware of the Chaos of Helicopter Money
May 11, 2016
Indian central bank governor says helicopter money no panacea … Indian Central Bank Governor Raghuram Rajan said on Tuesday that he had doubts “helicopter money”, or free cash given directly to citizens to stimulate growth, would be successful if ...
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