Exclusive Interviews Showing 4151 - of
Pat Buchanan on His Latest Book, the Failure of Romney and What the GOP Has to Do Next
December 02, 2012
The Daily Bell is pleased to present this exclusive interview with Patrick Buchanan. Here's a brief snippet. Daily Bell: Did you vote for the GOP's Romney for president? Pat Buchanan: Yes, I did vote for Governor Romney and Paul Ryan and did so enthusiastically ...
What's the REAL Story About the Flu Vaccine?
December 01, 2012
We analyze memes here at The Daily Bell, the dominant social themes an evident and obvious power elite purvey to ensure that society keeps progressing toward what seems to be a goal of world government. A good example of a subdominant social theme is this artic ...
Fiscal Cliff Austerity: Just Another Meme Designed to Steal What is Yours
December 01, 2012
"Since a politician never believes what he says, he is quite surprised to be taken at his word." – Charles De Gaulle In my home country, the United States, we are watching the German and EU austerity demands destroy economies, social structures and entire nat ...
Machiavelli and State Power
December 01, 2012
As libertarianism has acquired a higher profile in American life over the past several years, the attacks on and caricatures of libertarians have grown almost as rapidly. Libertarians, we read, are antisocial, and prefer isolation over interaction with others. ...
Seeking SEC Transparency
November 30, 2012
At Reuters, Kate Long has decided that Sallie Krawcheck is not suitable to head the Securities and Exchange Commission. Long points out that she has worked in regulation for many years and has a good idea of what is necessary for a top official to exhibit in te ...
Free-Market Thinking Advances in Britain
November 30, 2012
Despite the naysayers, free-market thinking continues to advance. In the US conservative libertarian congressman Ron Paul literally had the nomination removed from his grasp by GOP dirty tricks. And now in Britain, we see UKIP making great strides. What is UKIP ...
Don't Let Your Dreams Be a Clothes Tree
November 30, 2012
Have you ever tried to start an exercise program on your own? The world is full of home exercise equipment displayed as modern art forms like Duchamp's famous and ridiculous "sculpture," Fountain, which is just a urinal turned in a different orientation. Today ...
India Fights the Criminalization of Shared Property
November 29, 2012
Patent is not copyright but increasingly the two are being treated in much the same way these days. Both terms are expressions for law enforcement efforts to control what we can call "shared property." The problem, especially in the modern era, is that shared p ...
Mind Control and Mass Murders … the Truth Will Out?
November 29, 2012
James Holmes has made an impact in the mainstream news today with a story that he was "programmed" by a therapist to commit mass murder at the Aurora, Colorado cinema. As believers in directed history, we are not much surprised by these accusations, only that t ...
It's All About Choices, Stupid
November 29, 2012
There is a phony conflict afoot that statists are fond of bringing up when they try to discredit the free society. It is about the individual versus the community. Champions of human liberty are often mis-characterized as denying the significance of human commu ...
All the Fear-Based Memes in One Place
November 28, 2012
This is an absolutely incredible speech by Paul Hellyer, former minister of Canadian National Defense, published at Global Research, a website that has provided numerous courageous articles in the past. But, as we have also pointed out, Global Research skews le ...
Big Oil, a Tale of Two Paradigms
November 28, 2012
Tony Cartalucci is one of the most courageous and talented alternative journos around but as long as we are analyzing Global Research articles (see other article, this issue), let's take a look at this one, as well. (An aside: Like Mr. Cartalucci, the editors o ...
Catalonia Votes For Independence, Press Lies As Usual
November 28, 2012
"Secession is a deeply American principle. This country was born through secession." ~ Ron Paul On Sunday, pro-independence voters in Catalonia captured almost two-thirds of the regional parliament. While the establishment press attempts to hide the secession v ...
The Curious Case of the Georgia Guidestones and Ms. Carney
November 27, 2012
The wife of the head of the Bank of England, one of the most important posts in banking circles, sounds like an out and out Luddite. This is most imporant information because it provides us with yet another insight into the belief systems of banking elites. Her ...
The Meme of Republican Moderation
November 27, 2012
This is a weary theme but one worth returning to, thanks to an editorial posted reently at Reuters.com. (Reuters, truly the gift that keeps on giving.) Reuters is actually a meme machine, as it is a predominant wire service that sends its articles out around th ...
How to End the Tragedy in Gaza
November 27, 2012
As of late Friday the ceasefire in Gaza seems to be holding, if tentatively. While we should be pleased that this round of fighting appears temporarily on hold, we must realize that without changes in US foreign policy it is only a matter of time before the kil ...
Kaletsky: The Resiliance of Pure Fiat
November 26, 2012
Reuters columnist Anatole Kaletsky has a decidely optimistic perspective when it comes to the current financial malaise afflicting countries around the world. He is a fan of Ben Bernanke's apparently and has been given a platform by Reuters to propose some non- ...
Copyright Bombshell: New Study Finds Megaupload's File-Sharing Supported Box Office
November 26, 2012
It is common knowledge that if one copies intellectual property, one is stealing. Only crazy libertarians and crackpot anarchocapitalists would ever adopt a belief that helping oneself to intellectual property was not a criminal offense. But now it looks like s ...
The Osama bin Laden Myth
November 26, 2012
The interview below with Osama bin Laden was conducted by the Karachi, Pakistan, daily newspaper, Ummat, and published on September 28, 2001, 17 days after the alleged, but unsubstantiated, al Qaeda attack of September 11, 2001, on the World Trade Center twin t ...
Capitalism, Socialism and Human Dignity
November 26, 2012
Capitalism means human individual freedom, especially in the sphere of striving to become prosperous. To defend the system is a challenge because of its ties to individualism, even ethical egoism. For centuries the ethical and moral guidelines people have been ...
Steve Forbes on the Future of the GOP, Obama's Next Four Years and the Advent of a Gold Standard
November 25, 2012
The Daily Bell is pleased to present this exclusive interview with Steve Forbes. Here's a brief snippet: Daily Bell: Are you worried about a fiscal cliff disaster? Steve Forbes: I think they will avoid a formal fiscal cliff but the question is how bad of a pric ...
No Surprise: Britain's PM Continues His Support of the EU
November 24, 2012
British Prime Minister David Cameron is standing up for Britain against Brussels, or that is what we're led to believe. But actually, it is to a large degree simply more posturing and confirms what we've argued for years: At the top, Britsh consensus is in fact ...
How Government 'Works'
November 24, 2012
In the case of Egypt, people listened and obeyed — at least, as much as they did — because Pharaoh was, in theory, a god. In the case of Rome — with the exception of Caligula's claims — and the Mongol empires, the theory was similarly simple, though dif ...
Europe's Fine Line of Deep Debt
November 23, 2012
One of our favorite reporters, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, has written about the tenuous situation in which Germany's Angela Merkel finds herself. This article tends to support our larger analysis of Europe and the elites' "directed history" regarding the crisis n ...
Secession's Warning This Time
November 23, 2012
Recently, a Daily Bell editorial pointed out that a dominant social theme seemed to brewing as regarded the power elite and US secessionaist tendencies. You can see the editorial here: Secession's Violent Subtext The editorial quoted a Keene Sentinel article en ...
The Thanksgiving Breakfast Beer Surprise
November 23, 2012
Thanksgiving Day, 2012 - The collapse of the West seems surely upon us as we look at the mess made by the banks and politicians to our economy along with open borders and exporting jobs, but is it? I arrived at one of the London airports this morning from Europ ...
Rat Brain
November 23, 2012
Some years back, some scientists were experimenting with rats and electrodes. They thought they were going to administer a shock to a particular rat and watch how it behaved in relation to the punishment. But something funny happened. The rat seemed to like the ...
Is Bigger Banking Better?
November 22, 2012
So now the truth comes out. Perhaps "big" banks did not evolve out of marketplace necessity after all. Perhaps they are part of what we call directed history. We're led to believe that big banks are part of a larger evolution of commerce. But if there is one th ...
Osama Bin Laden Is Really, Really Dead
November 22, 2012
We have written numerous stories about the "death" of Osama bin Laden because it seems to represent everything that is wrong or at least inconsistent as regards the US's military-industrial complex. We have noted in the past that the power elite that wants to b ...
Another Effort to Void Our Basic Rights
November 22, 2012
In this short essay I address an argument concerning welfare rights made against the late Robert Nozick by Adrian Bardon a while back. Bardon brings up an issue that's central concerning the nature of basic individual rights that the American founders proposed ...
A Trio of Outrages: How a Country Dies
November 21, 2012
Several articles of note seem to sum up the US these days. The first is the one excerpted above about vote stealing by the Obama administration. We're on record as stating that we simply don't believe Obama won the election. That doesn't mean we're pro-Romney, ...
Let Us Remember the Apocalyptic Rhetoric of Peak Oilers
November 21, 2012
This is an interesting article because it brings up a point about Peak Oil that we hadn't fully been aware of. We knew generally that those presenting the idea that the world was running out of oil were fairly apocalyptic but they were, nonetheless, often moder ...
Euro Crisis: Major Implications For Investors
November 21, 2012
The euro crisis has begun to feel like an everlasting steeplechase with high hedges and water obstacles blocking the path to economic resurgence on the Continent. Each time a hurdle has been cleared another problem emerges to potentially block the track. The la ...
The Rule of the Downside
November 21, 2012
Energy is a good thing. But it is as obedient to the law of Declining Marginal Utility as everything else. The point is obvious, but I'll prove it anyway. The real question on the table in this section is this: does it also obey the Rule of The Downside? Do you ...
Gold Goes Up?
November 20, 2012
Since 2001, we've held that the Western world – the world, really – is in a precious metals bull market. Just like the bull market of the 1970s, this will end in a tremendous blow-off that will leave some speculators very wealthy. Business cycles in the mod ...
Difference Between Propaganda and Reality
November 20, 2012
First it was called "global warming" and now "climate change." But no matter what it is called, it is still a power elite dominant social theme. The idea is that humans are responsible for a great upswelling of heat and humidity around the world. The world may ...
Secession: Are We Free To Go?
November 20, 2012
Is all the recent talk of secession mere sour grapes over the election, or perhaps something deeper? Currently there are active petitions in support of secession for all 50 states, with Texas taking the lead in number of signatures. Texas has well over the numb ...
Puppet State America
November 20, 2012
The United States government and its subject peoples think of the US as "the world's only superpower." But how is a country a superpower when its entire government and a majority of the subjects, especially those members of evangelical churches, grovel at the f ...
What's Never Grappled With …
November 19, 2012
Janet Daley, a moderately conservative columnist for the UK Telegraph, has written a powerful article on the way Western governments are trending. There is only one thing wrong with the article, a fundamental flaw, in our view. But first, let's review the artic ...
Supersize the Committee to Prevent Fiscal Cliff Suicide
November 19, 2012
In suggesting a "Super-Duper" congressional committee, Jeff Wrase is once again reinforcing the meme that congressional compromises are necessary to the functioning of the Republic. We would argue that in this Internet era – what we call the Internet Reformat ...
PBS and NPR, America's Pravda and Izvestia
November 19, 2012
It is a feature of American culture that's most upsetting, though hardly anyone makes much of it at all. Indeed, I know several avid defenders of the free society who make regular and eager appearances on National Public Radio and I have to confess that I mysel ...
David Goldman on Wall Street, the Middle East and the 'Judeo-Christian Perspective'
November 18, 2012
The Daily Bell is pleased to present this exclusive interview with David P. Goldman. Daily Bell: What do you think of fiat-oriented central banking? Should we return to a gold standard of some kind? David P. Goldman: Robert Mundell, in my opinion the great econ ...
Secession's Violent Subtext
November 17, 2012
"Post-election secession talk misses the point," writes the Nashua Telegraph in a guest editorial from The Keene Sentinel. It pulls together a lot of secessionist strands from around the United States. The Telegraph's coverage of this movement is both condescen ...
Central Banking and 'The Edgy Optimist'
November 16, 2012
So Reuters is starting a new column with Zachary Karabell, the president of River Twice Research and River Twice Capital. He is also author of How China and America Became One Economy and Why the World's Prosperity Depends on It. This is surely a power elite do ...
Real Reason for Classified Documents
November 16, 2012
While it is a bit difficult to figure out exactly where Washington's latest scandal begins and ends, the seriousness of what is occurring has been exacerbated by accusations that one of the central figures had "classified material" on a home computer. The neces ...
Lloyd Blankfein: Let's All Compromise to Support the Status Quo
November 15, 2012
Here comes Lloyd Blankfein to try to make amends for his ridiculous statement not so long ago that bankers "do God's work." He's head of Goldman Sachs, perhaps the most powerful mercantilist banking firm in the world. The operative term is "mercantilist." Goldm ...
US Military-Industrial Media Supports the Greater Good
November 15, 2012
The modern US military, certainly post-World War II, has been in the media/propaganda business at home and abroad – but blunt statements about its presentations are hard to come by. It's not something talked about a lot. We've noticed that military involvemen ...
Farewell to Congress
November 15, 2012
This may well be the last time I speak on the House Floor. At the end of the year I'll leave Congress after 23 years in office over a 36-year period. My goals in 1976 were the same as they are today: promote peace and prosperity by a strict adherence to the pri ...
American Statism
November 15, 2012
William H. Gass is one of the cheerleaders of American statism and he has done his fair share of work in support of the near total state (having done stints at the White House, if memory serves me right). His latest efforts are in the November 2012 issue of Har ...
Union Strikes Are Likely More EU False Flags …
November 14, 2012
We've written a number of articles recently about what we consider to be the EU's directed history. It is obvious to anyone who studies these issues in this Internet era (where lots of REAL information is available) that the EU was set up to fail via the euro. ...
Showing 4151 - of – Newest on Top
