STAFF NEWS & ANALYSIS Showing 4651 - of
Rockefellers and Rothschilds Unite
May 30, 2012
This is not a joke, though if it were April 1 or if it had appeared somewhere other than the Financial Times we might have been most skeptical. It is actually a most disturbing announcement. It seems to indicate to us that what we call dominant social them ...
Capital Controls Have No Place in a Free Society
May 30, 2012
The characteristic mark of a tyrannical regime is that it eventually finds it necessary to erect walls to keep people from leaving. This is why we should be troubled by the "Ex-PATRIOT Act," an egregiously offensive bill recently introduced in the Senate. Follo ...
Psychiatry's Hammer
May 30, 2012
You know the adage: When the only tool you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. Psychiatry has one big hammer, psychiatric medications, with which to address a nail: psychological disorders. Without a public that believes in and accepts the use of th ...
Fascism of Vietnam's 'Modern' Finance Is Just Like the West's …
May 29, 2012
We at the Daily Bell are old enough to remember the rigid Marxism espoused by Vietnam and the fear espoused by America's top politicos that it would eventually be visited on the West. If we don't stop them there, politicians intoned, we'll have to stop them her ...
Italian 'Anarchists' Target Olympics – Do We Believe It?
May 29, 2012
Who believes in the 21st century that an independent group of shadowy "anarchists" has "targeted" the Olympics? Hollywood, get us rewind! The elites keep recycling the same strategies over and over again, as if they haven't been amply exposed. This latest gambi ...
Economist Mag: Cook the European Union Slowly Via This Phony Crisis
May 28, 2012
Europe is discovering federalism. As we've long argued on these pages now, the "crisis" of Europe stands revealed increasingly as a phony one, a ginned-up ongoing emergency that is designed to provoke maximum centralization. The crisis began as one that saw Sou ...
Child Porn Seen on Kim Dotcom's Servers
May 28, 2012
Is the power elite prosecuting Kim Dotcom getting increasingly desperate? Now the child pornography smear is being rolled out. It was predictable enough. The powers-that-be are struggling with what we call the Internet Reformation. And just as they did after th ...
Bilderberg Reporting Hits Matt Drudge, Reaches Millions
May 28, 2012
The Drudge Report, which can reach tens of millions of viewers in a single day, has posted an article from RT about the mysterious and secretive Bilderberger group (see above). Ten years ago, knowledge of the Bilderbergers was restricted to a tiny group of "con ...
Krugman's Apologetic for Government Regulation
May 28, 2012
Paul Krugman, not unpredictably, once again (in The New York Times, Monday, May 14, 2012) went to bat to hit a home run for government regulation of, well, everyone (except the members of his own profession, namely, eggheads). His piece is titled "Why We Regula ...
Mike Sparks on 'Why James Bond Is Real'
May 27, 2012
The Daily Bell is pleased to present this exclusive interview with Mike Sparks. Introduction: Mike Sparks is a former Infantry NCO and 1LT officer; he is the Director of the 1st Tactical Studies Group (Airborne), a non-profit think-tank and action group for mil ...
As Commandos Raid Tampa, US State Dept Demands Power to Declare War?
May 26, 2012
It happened again at the recent Tampa-based conference, "Building the Global SOF Partnership" ... The US military staged a mock drill in violation of 130+ years of the Posse Comitatus Act that bars domestic forces from active use on US soil. It wasn't just the ...
Can Regulators Do the Job of Markets?
May 25, 2012
The Wall Street Journal has an interesting post today on the struggle of regulators to obtain tools that will allow them to analyze the risks that the market faces. Is there really a tool or tools (and resources) that will allow regulators to anticipate market ...
100 Million Americans Out of Work – This is a Recovery?
May 25, 2012
There are 300 million people in America including 230 million-plus adults, according to US Census figures. This article, above, informs us that only 130 million Americans have jobs as traditionally defined in the 20th and 21st century. The statistics actually c ...
Supreme Court Is OK with US$ 675,000 Copyright Fine for 30 Songs
May 25, 2012
So now Joel Tenenbaum owes US$ 675,000 for downloading 30 songs. One can argue that those who believe they are wronged by Tenenbaum ought to pursue him and others. But let them do it with their own resources. This is a fundamental prerogative of private justice ...
Adversity and Excellence
May 25, 2012
Nobody wants adversity. It is, after all, adverse – antagonistic to what you want. But adversity is also often what makes us who we are, in the best sense. My first year playing water polo at UC Santa Barbara was one of those times for me. I thought for some ...
Super Rompuy to the Rescue?
May 24, 2012
The EU is like a vast, slow motion car wreck. It's hard to keep your eyes off it. While the outcome is by no means certain, we continually note the yelps for one solution ... to cement the union by making it "closer." This is a code word for buttressing the cur ...
The Big Issue Facing the US Is Bain Capital
May 24, 2012
There are many problems the US is facing. It likely is not a stable country anymore. It is facing in aggregate a debt of some US$ 200 trillion. This is unpayable. Still, the US staggers on, becoming less free every day. There are probably 100 separate federal i ...
Business Versus Business
May 24, 2012
One of Karl Marx's less notable mistakes was his belief that people in the world of business would promote their self-interest. If by self-interest we include, as I believe we ought to, the most rational social-political principles in support of a sound human i ...
Now Greece Goes? Bad Decade for Elite Memes
May 23, 2012
The top elites that apparently want to run the world are not having a very good year, or even a very good decade. What we call the Internet Reformation has taken its toll ... in a big way. We try to keep track of this unacknowledged war because it is the CRUX I ...
National Geographic: We Need More Carbon Capture!
May 23, 2012
Imagine sucking an invisible gas from the sky and storing it underground at great expense. Sounds insane? Welcome to "carbon capture." With a straight face (in aggregate) National Geographic's editors have just come out with an article alternately expressing su ...
Choosing the Golden Rule
May 23, 2012
There are several qualities that define our humanity. Today I want to talk about two of them: our capacity for conscious empathy and our ability to consciously redirect our emotional impulses. You have a choice of whether and how you will use these. Empathy is ...
Facebook Fiasco
May 22, 2012
Facebook's stock price is down something like 20 percent from the IPO price and the damage control is being done two ways. First, the downward spiral is being treated as business-as-usual. Second, it's being treated as part of a larger upward ascension. We don' ...
The Financial Transactions Tax Rolls On
May 22, 2012
Another disastrous tax may be on the way, delivered to long-suffering Europeans by their Brussels representatives. Tomorrow, apparently, the European Parliament shall vote on a Financial Transaction Tax (FTA). Oh, no! We've written about this horrible tax befor ...
Printer Plans for Greek Drachma
May 22, 2012
Here's an interesting article, one telling us that one of the world's largest private printers of currency is ready to print Greek drachmas. Anyone who follows the financial news is well aware that Greeks may soon be forced to re-adopt the drachma and give up t ...
On Indefinite Detention: The Tyranny Continues
May 22, 2012
The bad news from last week's passage of the 2013 National Defense Authorization Act is that Americans can still be arrested on US soil and detained indefinitely without trial. Some of my colleagues would like us to believe that they fixed last year's infamous ...
Internet Reformation Is EU Reality?
May 21, 2012
Someone in the mainstream press has finally written the evident and obvious truth about the Eurozone: Angela Merkel does not have it in her power simply to declare a new pan-European empire. For this clear – clarion-like – truth, we thank Janet Daley. As pa ...
Unfolding Authoritarianism and the Afghan Setback
May 21, 2012
For years now, we've tracked the expanding authoritarianism of the West – and in the process been subject to various labels. But lately, we have to think that our worldview doesn't look so very extreme. (Cold comfort, that.) Just in the US (never mind Europe) ...
Revisiting the Responsibility of Business Managers
May 21, 2012
People buy stocks, shares in a firm, mainly so as to delegate to the officers the job of securing for them economic prosperity. What else did all the folks who purchased the IPOs of Facebook want? (There is, of course, much more to living a successful human lif ...
Robin Koerner on Blue Republicans and Why Ron Paul Remains the Hope for the US's Future
May 20, 2012
The Daily Bell is pleased to present this exclusive interview with Robin Koerner. Introduction: Robin Koerner is an influential political journalist who coined the term "Blue Republican." He also runs, a volunteer force some 400 strong that ...
If the Euro Ends, So Will the World as We Know It?
May 19, 2012
Robert Chote, the head of the Office of Budget Responsibility for the British Tory regime, claims the "British economy may never quite recover from a severe Euro collapse." According to a UK Telegraph article, "Britain's economy may suffer 'permanent' damage an ...
Facebook IPO Is Bubble Redux?
May 18, 2012
Frankly, we've been surprised by the lack of articles doubting Facebook's US$ 100 billion valuation. This article in the Washington Times, written yesterday, is about the closest we could come, recently, in the mainstream media. We've been frank about our perce ...
The Greek Default Was a Scam All Along?
May 18, 2012
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, with some of the best sources in the world, has buried his lead once again. Just look at the excerpt from his latest article, above. The headline is that there will be a global rally. We figure this is a pretty good speculation. He was ...
A Leftist Shall Save Them … Not
May 17, 2012
Karl Marx had a simple answer for life's problems: Give it to the government, and once the government and once the government "owned all" it would whither away and the "people" would come into power via perfection of (his) punditry. What's most funny about this ...
US To Tax Everyone, Everywhere, All the Time?
May 17, 2012
You would think with all the economic chaos swirling about that those who make the laws and levy taxes would be somewhat apologetic. Not Senator Chuck Schumer, though. He wants to make it illegal for a US citizen to take advantage of the tax laws of other count ...
Another Victory for World Justice
May 17, 2012
In a long-ago article, "World Justice Meme Emerges," we reported on Charles Taylor and the devious way he had ended up on trial. This power elite, apparently, that wants to run the world has seemingly been struggling to erect a world court. As usual, the strate ...
A Potpourri of Issues, Minor and Not So Much
May 17, 2012
Justice Kennedy's observation that the mandate changes the relationship between government and the individual is doubtful since there really are quite a lot of actions that citizens are forced to take, like it or not. Jury duty, for one; sending one's kids to s ...
Merkel Admits the Entire EU Is Nothing But a Large Promotion
May 16, 2012
German Chancellor Angela Merkel has just made an astounding statement. In a press conference with new president Francoise Hollande, she said, "People who have a common currency will never fight a war against each other." For a person at the heights of power to ...
Time Magazine: Fed is Responsible for the JPMorgan Blow Up …
May 16, 2012
Another limited hangout from a mainstream publication. In this case, Time magazine. This is how the game works. One never calls for the end of central banking – only for central bankers to DO BETTER. And here we go again. Time magazine (business) is out with ...
Greece: Dump the EU Now For An Economic Recovery!
May 16, 2012
"Attempts to form a government in Greece collapsed on Tuesday, jolting financial markets at the prospect leftists opposed to the terms of an EU bailout could sweep to victory in a June election and nudge the euro zone crisis into a dangerous new phase." – CNB ...
Mastering Happiness is Mastering Life
May 16, 2012
I study, speak about and write about happiness. I do this all the time. It's my life's work. I coach people to help them to live a happier life and I teach groups of people how to do the same. But this is not, objectively, a happy time. We are weaker as a count ...
Oh, the Horror! Greek Gov Collapses
May 15, 2012
So the Greek government has collapsed ... again. Reuters (above) makes it sound like a national tragedy. But maybe we are missing something here. Didn't the Greek government cause the current problems? Excuse us if we're wrong but isn't the problem well known? ...
Is Ron Paul Dead Yet, Dorothy? Drop a House on Him …
May 15, 2012
Has libertarian Congressman Ron Paul really dropped out of the GOP race? Is it really the end? Seems hard to think so. But the media will have its day. There's no way not to say, "I won't compete," and thus for a goodly time the bought-and-paid for mainstream m ...
The Fed: Mend It or End It?
May 15, 2012
Last week I held a hearing to examine the various proposals that have been put forth both to mend and to end the Fed. The purpose was to spur a vigorous and long-lasting discussion about the Fed's problems, hopefully leading to concrete actions to rein in the F ...
Drop the Cash From Helicopters!
May 14, 2012
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard has gotten to the heart of the matter in a recent article on monetary contraction (see above). He rightly points out that less money is circulating but then comes quickly to a Keynesian conclusion that more money will provide the antidot ...
Thank Goodness for Regulation
May 14, 2012
Paul Krugman is out with another weary defense of massive financial regulation. The US Leviathan is in the process of strip-searching seniors and infants at airports for reasons it cannot aggregately define, but Krugman is still a true believer. Actually, of co ...
JPMorgan Has Lost US$ 2 Billion, Now It's Time for the Volcker Rule
May 14, 2012
Even the 'Net alternative media seems attracted by this "rule" that the former Federal Reserve Chairman is flogging. But we can't help recall that virtually all his life Volcker has been a right-hand man to the Rockefeller dynasty. There's some irony here, yes? ...
Revisiting a Confusion About Basic Rights
May 14, 2012
In his book Basic Rights (Princeton, 1970), Henry Shue argued that there is no valid distinction between negative and positive rights; his argument has recently resurfaced among so-called left-libertarians (otherwise also known as bleeding heart libertarians), ...
Thomas H. Naylor on Leviathan, Secession and Vermont's Small Nation Dream
May 13, 2012
The Daily Bell is pleased to present this exclusive interview with Thomas H. Naylor. Introduction: Thomas H. Naylor, Professor Emeritus of Economics at Duke University, is a writer and a political activist who has taught at Middlebury College and the University ...
Treasuries and Derivatives Blow Up? So Where Do You Go …
May 12, 2012
Here's some interesting news along the lines of "man bites dog." According to a recent Reuters article, US financial advisors are actually growing leery of US Treasury bonds. This is almost unheard of and one could certainly make a case that it is a sign of mos ...
S&P's 'Wall of Debt' Warning is Phony as They Come
May 11, 2012
As the power elite that wants to run the world grows more crazed and desperate, their bought-and-paid-for financial facilities and media mouthpieces become crazier, too. That's because the credit system itself is an artificial system, built out of central banki ...
Showing 4651 - of – Newest on Top
