STAFF NEWS & ANALYSIS Showing 4851 - of
The World Is Running Out of Water … Again
March 16, 2012
Another day, another elite scarcity meme. Once you know how the elites are operating, it becomes almost ludicrously easy to spot the propaganda. We do it all the time ... as a kind of public service, though goodness knows there are plenty of others within the a ...
Is Goldman Resignation Part of an Elite Plot?
March 15, 2012
Hoo boy. Here's what we really need: New "Pecora Hearings." We have no doubt that's what all this fuss is about and why Goldman is being pilloried once again. It's a deliberate hit job of sorts. But it's so compelling – and people hate the system so much – ...
New Wall Street Hearings Redux: Now It's JP Morgan's Turn?
March 15, 2012
ZeroHedge is carrying an analysis (see excerpt above) of this weird open letter that has just been posted on the CFTC website. The ZeroHedge mavens castigate the letter writer for likely being a phony. In other words, the allegations may be correct – as they ...
Is Regulation Good for You?
March 15, 2012
This article posted over at is an interesting one. It is written by Dr. Mark Funkhouser, a former Kansas City mayor and auditor, who is the director of the Governing Institute. It focuses on the "big picture" of regulation, which is that while pri ...
Thanks for the Technology!
March 15, 2012
In 1972 I bought a Volvo P1800 off the Chevy used car lot in Santa Barbara, California. I owned that car for 20 years and am still sad to have had to sell it in 1992, after putting 250,000 miles on it and driving it back and forth over the USA about 17 times. I ...
The Virtue of Independent Thought and Action – In Your Investments, Too!
March 15, 2012
"For those who would joyously march in rank and file, they have already earned my contempt, for they were given a large brain by accident when a spinal cord would have sufficed." ~ Albert Einstein In order to keep up with what is going on in the world, and in o ...
Photo Signifying End of the European Union?
March 14, 2012
The UK Telegraph has posted a photo of Jean Claude Juncker, head of the group of 17 eurozone finance ministers, strangling his Spanish counterpart, Luis de Guindos. Sometimes photos are extraordinarily revealing. Does this one mark the end of the EU, or at leas ...
Does the Market Really Want 'Smart Meter Version 2.0'?
March 14, 2012
All right, here we go. Smart Meters aren't doing so well these days. But it turns out, like the soldiers hitting the beach on D-Day, there are troops in reserve. The "free market" rolls on, as we can see from this report in the UK Telegraph. Is all as it seems? ...
The Rare Earth Meme – Another Scarcity Hoax
March 13, 2012
Rare earth elements are not rare. You can count on it. Oil is not rare. Food is not rare. Water is not rare. These are all dominant social themes – scarcity memes – fear-based promotions of the power elite. The idea is always the same. Manufacture the perce ...
An Administration Gone Rogue
March 13, 2012
Have certain parts of the Constitution become irrelevant, as a former Republican leader once told me at a Foreign Affairs Committee hearing? At the time, I was told that demanding a congressional declaration of war before invading Iraq, as Article I Section 8 o ...
Elite Promotion Rolls On – Are BRICs the Hope of the World's Future?
March 12, 2012
The power elite and its controlled mainstream media continue to "talk up" the BRICS – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. This is a swelling dominant social theme and one that bears watching because the powers-that-be will do anything to continue t ...
Economist Mag: Japanese Disenchantment With Government Leads to Rise of … Corporatism
March 12, 2012
The Economist magazine, being what it is, is always astute and never accurate. Its writers, as we have pointed out many times, finally analyzed the inception of what we call the Internet Reformation and then promptly attributed it to social media. The idea of c ...
Having to Fund Immoral Policies
March 12, 2012
At the outset I am talking about what someone considers immoral, not what is objectively immoral. Nonetheless, millions are coerced by governments, backed by other millions, to work and pay for what they consider morally wrong. Is that right? Is it avoidable in ...
Wendy McElroy on Sex, Rape and Libertarian Feminism
March 11, 2012
The Daily Bell is pleased to present this exclusive interview with Wendy McElroy. Introduction: Wendy McElroy is a prolific book author, columnist, speaker and contributor to prestigious journals and magazines, often with an "alternative" slant. She made her re ...
Real Reason for Prosecutions of and Megaupload?
March 10, 2012
With the attacks on Internet websites Megaupload and Bodog we find what we call the Internet Reformation is providing us with a good look at the evolving face of Western-style civil and criminal justice. Kim Dotcom, the founder of Megaupload, a file-sharing fac ...
No Paul = No Vote in November
March 10, 2012
I would also say of Ron Paul – he doesn't need to win. In his view he is winning already. This is an ideological point he is making. But here's why it's electorally significant – a lot of people, I mean 41 percent in Virginia, only two people on the ballot, ...
Cost-Benefit Analysis – Another Questionable Meme
March 09, 2012
This is an interesting little article because it actually manages to compound the regulatory "problem" with yet another faux-facility: cost benefit analysis. The conflation of these two concepts – regulation and analysis – adds yet more confusion to a marke ...
Fed Saves the Day by Sterilizing Money
March 08, 2012
Another day, another power elite dominant social theme. The more we study monopoly-fiat central banking, the more shocking it becomes. Now we are hearing once more about monetary sterilization as a "tool" in the Fed's arsenal. What these reports (see above) rea ...
Egalitarian Fallacies Galore!
March 08, 2012
I assume that writers like me want to be read, not ignored. But, alas, there isn't much we can do about this except perhaps fine-tune our craft. Even that merely improves the odds. No one can make others read one's works. Thousands are simply left unread. (Do t ...
Stanford Conviction Re-Emphasizes Regulatory Questions
March 07, 2012
One of the areas that we've often commented on is the inability of regulatory democracy to work as advertised. Now (if reports are to be believed) it turns out that Allen Stanford was running a Ponzi scheme with about US$7 billion of customer assets. It also tu ...
Private Enterprise Is Deadly to Archeological Sites?
March 07, 2012
This is an elite meme we've been meaning to point out for some time. The Western world's power elite never sleeps when it comes to finding ways to reinforce the idea that government and non-profit efforts are good and private enterprise is bad. The idea is to e ...
Culture and Envy
March 07, 2012
We have a genuine problem. Envy, fear of envy and deflecting envy may be the most dangerous and difficult aspects of human nature for us to wrestle with as we seek to progress toward greater freedom. As formerly poor and unfree countries open up and allow the p ...
'Blind' Fed Owns More US Treasuries Than China – Ruining Fixed-Income Policy Gauge
March 06, 2012
Merk Funds' Axel Merk just issued a commentary in which he points out, astonishingly, that the Fed "now owns more U.S. government debt than China." The ramifications are immense. Merk has founded several currency funds during the decade and has been, from time ...
More Evidence Emerging that Balochistan is Afghan's New War Front
March 06, 2012
So Balochistan is next on the hit list? It wasn't enough to destabilize the Ivory Coast, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt and Syria – now Balochistan, too, must be converted into a raging inferno? This is the idea we're getting anyway. We DO believe that the US, the Sta ...
Fed Up with the Fed
March 06, 2012
While the Fed has recently released an unprecedented amount of information on its activities, there is still much that remains unknown. Predictably, every push towards transparency has been fought tooth and nail. It took disclosure requirements enacted within t ...
ECB Blows Up Europe? Creates 'Super-Immune' Elite Bonds … Throws Credit Market into Disarray
March 05, 2012
We have often written the goal of the Anglosphere power elite is to create a worldwide depression on the way to one-world government. They are seemingly well on their way to doing that using the power of monopoly central banking, which they seem to control. Thi ...
Next Neocon War? 'Free-Balochistan' to Split Pakistan in Two
March 05, 2012
Ever since the war to remove the Taliban/defend against Islamic terror/civilize Afghanistan/free Afghan women/create democracy in Afghanistan/remove drug agriculture from Afghanistan/support civil society among the Pashtuns/reason du jour/etc. began to turn aga ...
Democracy versus Liberty
March 05, 2012
Over the last several decades of American political life the idea of liberty has taken a back seat to that of democracy. Liberty involves human beings governing themselves, being sovereign citizens, while democracy is a method by which decisions are reached wit ...
Foster Gamble on 'Thrive' the Movie, Its Critics and What Can Be Done to Stop the Conspiracy
March 04, 2012
The Daily Bell is pleased to present this exclusive interview with Foster Gamble. Daily Bell: We were surprised by how good Thrive was, especially since we'd been critical of it previously. Why did you make such a high-budget production as opposed to, say, writ ...
As Predicted, Electric Cars Foundering: GM Shuts Down the Volt
March 03, 2012
So GM has halted Volt production and laid off 1,500 workers. Government Motors announced on Friday that it has temporarily suspended the production of GM Volts. Here's a report, courtesy of General Motors has temporarily suspended production of its ...
Clues Left in Obama 'Birth Forgery' on Purpose?
March 02, 2012
While we have always believed that President Barack Obama was controlled by the larger forces of the Anglosphere elite, the apparent forgery of his birth certificate raises even more questions. Now, it is possible that Obama, one of the most powerful men on the ...
Now Global Warming Turns Seas to Acid – World Bank Is Ready to Step In
March 02, 2012
Sometimes elite dominant social themes are very easy to spot. A plus B equals C. It seems like only yesterday (actually about a week ago) that the World Bank announced it wanted to take over the world's oceans. And now, here comes Bloomberg with a scientific st ...
Central Banks Now Operating as One Global Monopoly?
March 01, 2012
It is a much denied fact that what may be called a New World Order is continually being developed at the highest reaches of power. But what is less well known is the amount of coordination already developed between the facilities that provide the engine for glo ...
Faiths and Public Affairs
March 01, 2012
When we discuss political economy, resting one's case on faith places one's ideas on wobbly foundations. By "faith" is meant a mode of belief based on the will to accept or commit, often despite systematic evidence to the contrary, or on belief not based on sup ...
Delegitimizing Government Power
March 01, 2012
Al Gore excoriates us on how we need to restrict our wasteful lifestyles and limit our "carbon footprint" while flying around the world in private jets, using orders of magnitude more energy than any of us little people. Barrack Obama attacks the "fat cats" and ...
Internet Reformation Rolls On? … Now Ireland Vote Seen as Threat to EU
February 29, 2012
What the heck are the Irish up to now? Nobody else is going to have a referendum on the European Stability Treaty! It's the last best hope to keep the EU solvent and to knit it into one happy nation like the US. You know, the Germans said it was unconstitutiona ...
Get the Economics Right and Everyone Can Be Rich?
February 28, 2012
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard has much to recommend him – despite being a prominent mainstream journo. Almost alone among his peers he's been relentlessly hard-headed about the EU and even China. He's made good calls. His analyses are often thought provoking and ac ...
WikiLeaks 'Controlled Opposition' – Right Leaks at the Right Time?
February 28, 2012
From what we can tell, WikiLeaks released a few hundred pilfered emails recently and in return received about 2,000 separate write-ups in major publications. Gee, that's ten major write-ups for every email, perhaps. PR men are blushing with envy. They work week ...
Economy Squeezed As Debt Accelerates
February 28, 2012
Senator Jeff Sessions, ranking member of the Senate Budget Committee, has pointed out that our per capita government debt is already larger than Greece's. Per person, our government owes over $49,000 compared to $38,937 per Greek citizen. Our debt has just reac ...
Eminent Scholar: EU Will Survive, not Countries
February 27, 2012
Say what? The EU's "problem" is that the top Eurocrats are not kicking enough ass? The EU needs MORE governance? Heck, from what we know, the top EU honchos have yet to have their "empire" officially audited even once in the past decade or so. That's right ...
New Elite Meme? … Dialectical Parallels Between Jesus Christ of Nazareth and Genghis Khan of Mongolia
February 27, 2012
In the depths of the Internet, we have come across several articles explaining not only that Genghis Khan was the logical successor to Jesus Christ, but that the two may even have been funded by the same Money Power. One such article is entitled, "The Glorious ...
The Secret Media War of 2012
February 27, 2012
"See this room? Two-thirds of us laid off when Ron Paul is president." – A hot microphone picked up a reporter attacking Ron Paul recently before a Pentagon briefing began. We are currently in the middle of the long war of the Internet Reformation, altho ...
Why Freedom?
February 27, 2012
Freedom Revived: Few can deny that human beings care about liberty. There are, of course, different senses in which the term "liberty" is used. One sense of it means being without obstacles in life; another, to be able to develop fully with as little hindrance ...
Mark Tier on Effective Investing, Where the World Is Headed and Why Financial Literacy Helps
February 26, 2012
The Daily Bell is pleased to present this interview with Mark Tier.Daily Bell: What's your track record been like? Mark Tier: Actually, until I figured out what became The Winning Investment Habits of Warren Buffett & George Soros, lousy. Ironically, in the Wor ...
The Mayan 'Decline' and Small Horses … More Climate Change Propaganda?
February 25, 2012
Here we go again. Global warming is suddenly back in the news and I think I know why. But before I discuss that, let's take a look at the latest grim findings. Once more we're reading about the terrible toll that global warming can take. In this case, we're bei ...
In Europe and America … No Retirement! Just Sufferin'
February 24, 2012
This is historic stuff. The end of Dreamtime, folks. We keep hearing one of George Carlin's last video clips playing over and over in our pointy heads like a bad rock 'n roll song. His soft, angry voice recites all the ways the good people of the American middl ...
Happy New Year! Iran War to Start by March 20th?
February 24, 2012
Whoever Daisy Luther is, she (apparently a "she") has written a couple some good – libertarian-oriented – articles on what seems to be a fairly new blog (perhaps she's been around longer than we know). The one we've excerpted, above, clearly states the case ...
What If Democracy Is Bunk?
February 24, 2012
What if you are only allowed to vote because it doesn't make a difference? What if no matter how you vote, the elites get to have it their way? What if "one person, one vote" is just a fiction created by the government to induce your compliance? What if democra ...
No Retirement: Misled Baby Boomers May Die at the Office
February 23, 2012
There are 78 million boomers, and apparently they are not going to retire. Does anybody notice an irony in this? The dominant social theme of retirement has been one of the most pervasive of all elite memes. Never has any group of people been subject to more pr ...
The Conversation of Freedom Is Not Jewish
February 22, 2012
Memehunter and Anthony Migchels have again attacked libertarianism (and DB) over at But by introducing a historical perspective (Memehunter is the actual author), they're actually challenging the roots of a conversation that goes back millennia. ...
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