Oceans Acidifying Fastest in 300 Million Years … Oceans absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, changing their pH and endangering marine life … The Earth's oceans may be acidifying faster than at any point during the last 300 million years due to industrial emissions, endangering marine life from oysters and reefs to sea- going salmon, researchers said. The scientists found surging levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere forced down the pH of the ocean by 0.1 unit in the last century, 10 times faster than the closest historical comparison from 56 million years ago, New York's Columbia University, which led the research, said yesterday in a statement. The seas absorb CO2 from the atmosphere, forming carbonic acid. The lower the pH level in the seas, the more acidic they are. – Bloomberg
Dominant Social Theme: The disasters emanating from global warming never end. It is the single worst thing that human beings have done. What a bunch of monkeys we are! Now government will definitely have to step in and make things to right. Say, hasn't the World Bank made a play to take over the oceans recently?
Free-Market Analysis: Sometimes elite dominant social themes are very easy to spot. A plus B equals C. It seems like only yesterday (actually about a week ago) that the World Bank announced it wanted to take over the world's oceans.
And now, here comes Bloomberg with a scientific study that buttresses the contention of World Bank honchos that the oceans need saving and only a global effort can combat the challenge properly.
We're the only publication (that we know of) exclusively dedicated to covering the memes of the Anglosphere power elite – the Jewish, Catholic/Vatican, religious, corporate and military elites that are trying to create one-world government.
As we try to point out regularly, these dominant social themes are intended to frighten Western middle classes into giving up power and wealth to globalist solutions. This just-released elite-theme is a PERFECT (textbook) example of how process works – at least theoretically anyway.
Of course, we can't PROVE this is How the World Works under the domination of psychopathic elites, but we certainly can detect patterns with almost ritualistic consistency.
Additionally, we believe such facilities as Tavistock (and many think tanks besides) were set up to perpetuate these promotions. That's part of the way the "open conspiracy" works.
In this case, we have at least a trifecta of promotional participants involved in what is evidently and obviously an attempt to further consolidate world power under a body (the World Bank) directly managed by the conspiracy.
In this case, the World Bank itself struck first, announcing that the "challenges" of oceanic pollution demanded no less than a global effort. Here's an extract from an article on the World Bank announcement that was posted at Yahoo this past Friday.
The World Bank on Friday said the world's oceans were at risk and called for a coalition of governments, NGOs and other groups to protect them, aiming to raise $1.5 billion in five years. "The world's oceans are in danger," from over-fishing, marine degradation and loss of habitat, World Bank president Robert Zoellick said. "Send out the S-O-S: We need to Save Our Seas."
About 85 percent of ocean fisheries are fully exploited, over-exploited or depleted, including most of the stocks of the top 10 species, he told the World Oceans Summit in Singapore. "The facts don't lie and the statistics are we are not doing enough, we are not accomplishing enough and the oceans continue to get sick and die," he said.
Zoellick said there were already "considerable resources devoted" to restoring the planet's oceans, but a huge, coordinated global effort was needed. He proposed several targets for the Global Partnership for Oceans to achieve in the next 10 years, including rebuilding at least half of the world's fish stocks.
Etc. Etc. … OK, the "hook" has been laid – in reverse order this time. Usually the PROBLEM precedes the solution, but in this case global warming is such a ubiquitous (though questionable) elite meme that those organizing these promotions are apparently more casual about them at this point.
We called this promotion a "trifecta" because we can see the next two facilities at work. First comes the "scientific study" – no doubt bought and paid for by the elites that control both the Western university system, apparently, and the scholarly journals that are attached to it – and then comes the announcement in Bloomberg.
Bloomberg, like any other mainstream media effort, is surely beholden to the elites that tolerate it and even encourage some of its manifestations. The Bloomberg article (see excerpt above) goes on about "ocean acidification" and does its best to link this horrible prospect with the disappearance of those foods that most people like to look at and eat:
Past instances of ocean acidification have been linked with mass extinctions of marine creatures so the current one could also threaten important species, according to Baerbel Hoenisch, the paleoceanographer at Columbia who was lead author of the paper that appeared in the journal Science. "If industrial carbon emissions continue at the current pace, we may lose organisms we care about — coral reefs, oysters, salmon," Hoenisch said.
Amazingly, this article seems to parallel other doomsday proclamations we analyzed recently that ALSO appeared in the journal Science. These other articles even used a similar geological timeframe! You can see the article in question here: "The Mayan 'Decline' and Small Horses … More Climate Change Propaganda?" And here's the citation in THIS article:
The UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has said ocean pH may fall another 0.3 units this century, according to Columbia. The closest change to the current pace occurred during the so-called Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum about 56 million years ago, when a doubling of the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide may have pushed pH levels down by 0.45 units over 20,000 years, according to the researchers. Then, fossil records indicate as many as half of all species of seabed-dwelling single-celled creatures called benthic foraminifers went extinct, suggesting species higher up the food chain may also have died out, they said.
Fifty-six million years! The same time frame quoted in the previous article we analyzed on how global warming was going to turn people into hobbits. And in the same journal as well. Those editors at Science are surely busy bees.
Of course, pattern-spotting is addictive. And a similar timeframe utilized in disparate studies in no doubt coincidence, having to do with the timeline of various epochs. But within a larger context, this type of stuff … what we're presenting here … fits right in with what we've been analyzing for the past few years (ten years, actually).
What's interesting is the almost perfunctory way these days that they're placing these promotions (if that's what's they're doing). The World Bank announces its intention to rule the waves and six days later Bloomberg is posting an article from another "scientific" journal explaining the latest oceanic crisis. One, two, three … boom!
The Bloomberg article, by the way, doesn't mention the World Bank per se. Instead, it cites the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which a few years ago confessed its "scientific" contributions had been gathered by rewriting alarmist newspaper articles and passing them off as research.
The way all this is being handled these days only feeds our conviction that the powers-that-be are not trying so hard to hide their actions anymore. They've moved onto the next tool in their increasingly barren bag, which is "intimidation." They don't mind (or perhaps they're resigned to the idea) that people "get it," when it comes to these promotions.
But we're not so sure that it's possible to intimidate billions of people into accepting world government. That seems like a big task. In the meantime, we'll keep observing these sorts of patterns, which we have speculated are less and less effective thanks to the Internet.
The more things change …