Exclusive Interviews
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March 24, 2017
When he ran as an opposition candidate for parliament in 2011, Christian Malanga, President of the United Congolese Party, was arrested just days before the election, and held prisoner for almost two weeks. Why?
"Because I was preaching what was right, rule ...
September 04, 2016
Interview with Shawn Perger, metals marketing analyst and marketing representative for Chinchillas Silver and parent Golden Arrow. ...
June 13, 2016
Joseph Grosso is Executive Chairman, CEO & President of a leading junior mining firm in Argentina, Golden Arrow Resources. He has successfully formed strategic alliances and negotiated with mining industry majors such as Barrick, Teck, Newmont, Viceroy (no ...
April 17, 2016
Christian Newman is a co-host of Newborn Libertarian Podcast, occasional blogger at LewRockwell.com, and likes to re-read the Candlemaker’s Petition for giggles. Follow him on Twitter @AnCapnCrunch. The Daily Bell: We wanted to speak to you because of yo ...
April 03, 2016
Introduction: Anthony Wile is an active investor, business strategist and consultant, financial markets commentator, publisher and author. Having lived and worked in several leading financial centers around the world, he has established an international networ ...
March 27, 2016
Eric Peters started out writing about cars for mainstream media outlets such as The Washington Times, Detroit News and Free Press, Investors Business Daily, The American Spectator, National Review, The Chicago Tribune and Wall Street Journal. At some point, i ...
March 13, 2016
James Jaeger is an award-winning filmmaker who co-founded Matrix Entertainment which has partnered with Bill Van Alen, of Cornerstone Entertainment, Constitutional attorney, Edwin Vieira, Jr., and independent producer, Richard B. Iott, to  produce a series of ...
March 06, 2016
John W. Whitehead is an attorney and author who has written, debated and practiced widely in the area of constitutional law and human rights. In 1982, he established The Rutherford Institute, a nonprofit civil liberties and human rights organization whose inter ...
February 28, 2016
Bill Anderson is a professor of economics at Frostburg State University in Frostburg, Maryland. His Ph.D. in economics is from Auburn University, and he serves as an associate scholar with the Mises Institute. He has published numerous articles and papers on ec ...
February 15, 2016
Introduction: Simon Black is an international investor, entrepreneur, permanent traveler and self-described free man. He publishes a free daily e-letter at SovereignMan.com. Off the top of his head, Simon can cite the price of beachfront property in Croatia, wh ...
February 14, 2016
Introduction: Andrew ("Andy") Hoffman, CFA joined Miles Franklin, one of America's oldest, largest bullion dealers, in October 2011 and serves as Marketing Director. For a decade, he was a US-based buy-side and sell-side analyst, most notably as a ...
February 07, 2016
Introduction: Thomas D. Conrad, Ph.D. is a hedge fund manager and president of Financial Management Corporation. He received his Masters Degree in Accounting, Statistics, and Financial Management from The University of Maryland in 1961 and his Ph.D. in Business ...
January 31, 2016
Introduction: Professor Antal E. Fekete is an author, mathematician, monetary scientist and educator. Born in Budapest, Hungary in 1932, he graduated from the Eötvös Loránd University of Budapest in mathematics in 1955. He immigrated to Ca ...
January 24, 2016
Introduction: Dr. Marc Faber was born in Zurich, Switzerland. He went to school in Geneva and Zurich and finished high school with the Matura. He studied Economics at the University of Zurich and, at the age of 24, obtained a Ph.D. in Economics magna cum laude. ...
January 17, 2016
I believe based on my research of social and financial upheaval over the past two centuries that barter networks are the natural inclination of cultures in crisis. Fiat monetary systems and casino-style equities and trade systems cannot be counted upon for more ...
January 10, 2016
I'd say I've become even more suspicious about the military as a whole since then. I noticed that the military was literally throwing lives away in Iraq and look how the wounded were being treated at Walter Reed, for example. Did you know that around 20 veteran ...
December 20, 2015
The fed owns and runs the government, not the other way around. We should know that from what happened to John Kennedy who shortly after issuing Executive Order 11110 was murdered. F. William Engdahl, whom I frequently have on my radio show, has provided powerf ...
December 13, 2015
Suffice it to say that if the dollar crashed, it would be total chaos. What would the Globalists do? Well, they would probably try to invoke "emergency powers." MIDNIGHT RIDE goes into the legality of "emergency power" acts as well as the various types of marti ...
December 06, 2015
We're in a position where what should be positive is actually going to look to many like a negative. For instance, we are well into the political season now in the US and there are differences between the two parties' platforms. Of course, we know that when pol ...
November 29, 2015
I have long maintained – based on empirical proof – that "the dollar's" level is not only not correlated to "gold," but shouldn't even logically have a connection. In fact, two years ago I said the dollar index would surge as the global economy collapsed †...
November 22, 2015
Most people survive most catastrophes, including most of the great ones. Most of the people who were affected in fact survived Genghis Khan's invasion, the Black Plague, the fall of Constantinople, the Thirty Years War, the 1918 influenza pandemic and the purge ...
November 15, 2015
In 2016 we expect the UNGASS to issue a harm reduction recommendation where illicit drug consumption and possession would not be criminal acts that could lead to a prison sentence. This is a sane policy position. Prison sentences for illicit drug users are clea ...
November 08, 2015
If the Liberal Party follows through as promised, it means the end of cannabis prohibition, which has two major implications: (a) the end of thousands of criminal records for cannabis possession – long understood to be more harmful than the use of cannabis it ...
November 01, 2015
China is the canary in the global economy's mineshaft and when you look at China and see the growth that it's had, for example, their debt level just as they were joining the World Trade Organization in 2001/2000 it was about $2 trillion. Now we're talking almo ...
October 25, 2015
It is extremely difficult to find gold that is economic to develop. Why would you want to mine it at a price that does not reflect that scarcity? Gold is a store of wealth, the best there is, because of that scarcity. Cash you can get anywhere, you can even pri ...
October 18, 2015
I think it is clear that this experiment here in Colorado has been an overwhelming success for all stakeholders. Teenage cannabis use is down, prescription pill overdoses are down, crime is down, some have suggested that fatal car crashes are down (although muc ...
October 11, 2015
The world has been slowly moving away from the idea and practice of direct government central planning after the disasters and corruption experienced and observed in Soviet-style socialist regimes in the twentieth century. But one legacy of the central planning ...
May 24, 2015
I would say specifically as it relates to my research on the fiscal expenditures for bailouts that right now there is a great deal of strong rhetoric and toughness demonstrated regarding not bailing out institutions that approach failure at some unspecified poi ...
May 17, 2015
Obviously, drug cases have had a huge impact on me because they are victimless crimes and they oftentimes carry mandatory minimum sentences along with them. Sometimes they're ridiculously long, outrageously immoral mandatory minimum sentences. I think it is an ...
April 26, 2015
In a nutshell, people think the financial crisis is in our past. It is not. It is in our future. That was the overture to the opera, the beginning. This thing is far from over. It is the people who didn't understand that crisis that are the ones who think we ha ...
April 19, 2015
Nobody wants to run on a slogan of 'Vote for me and I will make you take that bad-tasting medicine that will eventually work.' So people want to pretend, 'Yes, just vote for me and I will cut taxes, eliminate waste, fraud and abuse, and the economy is going to ...
April 05, 2015
I wrote an article for Mises Daily where I pointed out that marijuana legalization in Colorado (and elsewhere) is basically the people nullifying federal and international law. There was a subtle dare in the article to President Obama to use federal resources t ...
March 29, 2015
The long-term trends are not hopeful in the context of traditional modern investing. As we've discussed, there's too much monetary and political influence in the world, too many technocrats trying to tell you what to do. And too much mob rule as well, where you ...
March 22, 2015
Anthony Wile: Is Ukraine going to divide into two separate entities? Daniel McAdams: That is not for us to decide. In principle, secession is a commendable pursuit. Our country was founded on secession. The Founders decided that they no longer wanted to be gove ...
March 15, 2015
I think everywhere in the world, not just in Europe but also in the US, voters are increasingly skeptical about whether a "democratic" government is actually looking after their own interest or looking after the people's interest. I think increasingly people re ...
March 08, 2015
Yes, authoritarians and other sociopaths seek one thing above all else – control. Some are satisfied with just dominating the local PTA, but others want to dominate the world. It is just a matter of degree, but these people exist. And they will do whatever th ...
March 01, 2015
Anthony Wile: What are taxes? Jules: Taxes are like an extra tip that goes to the government. So like when you go to a restaurant, half of that money goes to the government and the dinner bill is higher because you have to pay the government. Anthony Wile: Did ...
February 22, 2015
Our mission's expanded because the central problems with the government – surveillance, swat team raids, innocent citizens getting shot – all those things have expanded. Most of those issues, when the Rutherford Institute was founded some 30 years ago, didn ...
February 15, 2015
I see the main issue as the continued expansion of the welfare and warfare state. The national debt is now $16.8 trillion and it was about $8.5 trillion when I made FIAT EMPIRE in 2006. It looks like the bankers are winning. I thus think the only way this debt ...
February 08, 2015
I think we just need a little more time for things to gain momentum on the federal level. The National Cannabis Industry Association (NCIA) and the Marijuana Industry Group (MIG) both bring an incredible amount of credibility and organization to this effort. Wi ...
February 01, 2015
The biggest issue facing the Western world today is "counterfeit money." Central bankers are doing exactly what mafia dons are thrown in jail for doing, namely creating counterfeit money. They create money out of nothing, which then is multiplied many times ove ...
January 25, 2015
Economic policy determines the wealth and poverty of nations … The fundamental cause of a nation's economic fate is not to be found in geography, or resource abundance, but in the ideas and institutions that define that system. Private property, freedom of tr ...
January 18, 2015
We have this issue now with patent law where we have a number of entities out there that aren't making any products, don't want to make a product but what they want to do is acquire dated patents, older patents, and then come up with a legal claim that some oth ...
January 11, 2015
Gold coins are the most marketable instruments known to man. Its holder can trade on the best terms possible. Gold bills are the second most marketable instruments. Demand for them is virtually unlimited. Banks overflowing with gold coins scramble to expel them ...
January 04, 2015
Like everything else in the process of social change, it doesn't happen overnight. Consider, for example, the environmental movement. When we were kids, just getting people to stop throwing garbage out of the car window was considered a great environmental vict ...
December 28, 2014
They're selling the Trans-Pacific Partnership and its European sister, the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, as though they're trade deals and they're not. It's a multinational takeover. There are plenty of trade deals in place, and it's estimated ...
December 21, 2014
In my sophomore year of college, I came up with the basic outline of what needed to be done: a curriculum tied to Western civilization and Austrian School economics. That was in 1960. In the late 1960s, I was a teaching assistant in the Western Civ program of t ...
December 14, 2014
I'm still extremely optimistic about agriculture, more so than many sectors of the world economy. … If you want to invest in agriculture, the best thing you should do is become a farmer. Buy yourself some land and become a farmer if you'd be any good at it †...
December 07, 2014
Remember, all markets are now manipulated on a 24/7 basis. It is the only way TPTB have been able to maintain their fiat Ponzi scheme this long, by "painting" markets like stocks and precious metals to tell the story they want told. Of course, not all markets â ...
November 30, 2014
I think that in my experiences living outside the USA for a decade, I came to see life as a need to find peace within ourselves. Taking an allegiance to a country, a group of political leaders, is inherently contrary to that. I have seen many write that one's i ...