Cannabis / Marijuana Showing 201 - 250 of 391
Morgan Fox: How the Midterms Helped Turn the Tide Toward Legalization
November 23, 2014
Voters in Alaska and Oregon voted to make marijuana legal for adults and regulated like alcohol, and the cities of South Portland, Maine and the District of Columbia made possession of small amounts of marijuana legal for adults. A medical marijuana initiative ...
Stephen Halbrook: Defending Freedom Against Gun Confiscation
November 16, 2014
Halbrook: Restrictions in the US on the human right to arms and defense began during the epoch of chattel slavery. That was abolished. Prohibition of alcohol generated organized crime, which in turn generated efforts for gun restrictions, but World War II made ...
John Goodman: The Destruction of US Healthcare and How to Fight Back
November 09, 2014
I got into healthcare by accident. It's a sleepy field. The best economists are not in healthcare; they're in monetary policy or growth economics. It was a field that desperately needed radical revision, and most of what I've done in health economics has been a ...
Marin Katusa: Startling Rise of 'The Colder War'
November 02, 2014
First off, to be successful in resource speculation, you need to see everything through the eyes of a contrarian: Yes, junior resource stocks are out of flavor... so they're very cheap. It's not easy to buy low and sell high, but we are currently in a period wh ...
Tibor Machan: No 'Continued Militarism' in the West
October 26, 2014
As someone who grew up under a communist regime, with no free press, no public debate of foreign affairs, with schools that were indoctrination camps and a nearly tyrannical bunch of rulers who seemed to believe that their destiny was to guide the workers of th ...
Dr. Raphael Mechoulam: The Promise of Cannabis
October 19, 2014
Mostly this research is being conducted with animals – very little on humans. There are very few clinical trials. It is promising in neuropathic pain, inflammations, anxiety, schizophrenia (with CBD) and many others (see Pacher and Kunos, above). When CBD bec ...
Bill Bonner: His New Book, 'Hormegeddon' and Other Insights
October 12, 2014
Here's my guess... Some time in the next few months the authorities get a wake-up call. They are tapering off QE. This reduces the amount of excess liquidity driving up stocks. It is bound to increase volatility, too. It wouldn't be too much of a surprise to se ...
James Jaeger: Upcoming Documentaries, Including Tesla and 'Free Energy'
October 05, 2014
Consider this: Since most of the news that the worldwide news organizations pass is the negative news, most of us hardly hear about the positive news out there. Thus, I posit that there is more positive news out there than negative news and the reason there is ...
Wendy McElroy: Aftermath of the GGC Firestorm
September 28, 2014
The Daily Bell was the first media outlet to break the story, and it took courage to do so. The GGC debacle needed to be exposed. Potential investors and purchasers needed to be warned so that they did not walk into the same angst as my husband and me. When we ...
Andy Hoffman: This Dollar Ponzi Scheme Will Collapse
September 21, 2014
Andy Hoffman: Janet Yellen is so dangerous because she is a career Keynesian puppet, with not a shred of success on her resume or even the slightest inclination to try anything other than enhanced money printing. Of course, it's not her fault that she inherited ...
Ron Holland: For Freedom's Sake, No More 'Mr. Nice Guy'
September 14, 2014
Speaking for the US, it will be too late when the next real or contrived major terrorist attack on the US takes place. A couple of days after this happens, the United States and your ability to leave, or have funds wired into or outside the country unless you a ...
Peter Schiff: How the Media Deceived Me
September 07, 2014
So they tried to present me in a sinister light by taking a lot of things out of context and they actually had to piece that segment together kind of like Frankenstein made his monster, because they actually would show them asking questions and then the answers ...
Dr. Grinspoon's Kind War: Interview With a Renegade Marijuana Proponent
August 31, 2014
When I first started to look at marijuana I went into the library, and this was in 1967, because many of my friends in Cambridge were using it and I would say to them, "You mustn't do that. That's harmful. You really shouldn't smoke that." I was an arrogant you ...
Judge Jim Gray on Drug Prohibition, Marijuana Legalization and LEAP
August 24, 2014
I saw that we were leading the world in the incarceration of our people, both by sheer numbers as well as per capita, ruining people's lives and I decided the so-called remedy is worse than the disease – namely, of course, the drugs can be dangerous but they' ...
Jay Taylor on the Unwinding of Western Economies and the Next Golden Bull
August 17, 2014
What we have had is a massive inflation of what I call "debt money" because actually, debt is the raw material from which fiat money is manufactured. You can see from this Debt/GDP chart that there has been a very modest reversal of total debt (public and priva ...
Lawrence Reed on the Progress of FEE, the Importance of Personal Responsibility and Free-Market Thinking
August 10, 2014
What are the "lofty standards of liberty"? Lawrence Reed: I'll list some of the big ones here but this is by no means a complete roster: Respect for the lives, property, choices and contracts of your fellow citizens. A healthy recognition that as much as you th ...
Marc Faber on Commodity Cycles, Monopoly Central Banking and the Wealth Redistribution Craze
August 03, 2014
Economically, there is not much that pleases me because I think we are in an economy that is on steroids – in other words, the money printing – and the money printing goes essentially to wealthy people. Of course, they spend and as a result of the asset bub ...
Jorge Cervantes on the Failing War on Drugs, the Progress of Cannabis and the Benefits of Natural Cultivation
July 27, 2014
Mexican President Vicente Fox Quesada wrote the Foreword to my new book, The Cannabis Encyclopedia, that will be released in December of 2014. I was fortunate to meet President Fox in San Francisco last year, 2013, at a press conference in San Francisco, CA. I ...
Stephan Kinsella on Libertarian Legal Theory, Self-Ownership and Drug Laws
July 20, 2014
Was there any justifiable reason to incarcerate [drug users] in the first place? Stephan Kinsella: Well, finally, an easy one! Of course not. Drug laws are completely evil. I believe some day we will look back on this like we look back on the days of chattel sl ...
Roberto Escobar on Colombia's Cocaine History, Pablo Escobar and the Failed War on Drugs
July 13, 2014
Escobar: I think the world will change its policies, first with marijuana and then with cocaine. The important thing then will be to invest in education for the children so they know that it's harmful, same as alcohol. The problem is that right now there is ver ...
Gerald Celente on Marijuana Legalization, OccupyPeace and the Solution to Government Gangsterism
July 06, 2014
When are Americans going to see through the charade? Right now they don't have the courage, dignity or self-respect to do so. They don't want to admit they've been conned by their con-manders in chief. They don't want to believe they bought the lies of hope and ...
Former CIA Spy Robert Steele Wants to Strangle Leviathan With 'Open Source' Governance
June 29, 2014
We do not need the military-industrial complex that President Dwight Eisenhower warned us about. I trace the problem back to Toynbee's observation that "The American Republic will endure, until politicians realize they can bribe the people with their own money. ...
Ron Paul on the Evolution of Freedom in the 21st Century
June 22, 2014
I think the most important thing is education, spreading the message, which is where we're having success, and getting people to understand free-market economics – why it's good and why it's beneficial to the largest number of people and the reason we had a l ...
Paul Armentano on Individual Liberty, NORML and Marijuana Legalization vs. Decriminalization
June 08, 2014
I believe that it is an inappropriate use of state power to infringe upon the liberties of an individual simply based upon what he or she puts in their body. And nowhere do I believe this infringement upon the individual's liberty is more egregious than in situ ...
Ron Holland on the US Imperium, Coming Dollar Difficulties and the Advantages of Investing Abroad
May 25, 2014
I'm on the beach in the Caribbean today as I respond to the interview questions so for me, personally, like the Zac Brown Band sings in their hit song, "Toes", "I got my toes in the water, *ss in the sand not a worry in the world, a cold beer in my hand. Life i ...
Wendy McElroy on the New Normal, Victimless Crimes and Shifting Marijuana Laws
May 18, 2014
There is now a new normal and it is far worse than it used to be. Life itself has changed. Daily life is far more difficult and grim than it used to be, 20 years ago. There are so many ways in which life or the new daily norm has become more difficult. Consider ...
Rob Kampia on Marijuana Legalization: An Idea Whose Time Has Come
May 11, 2014
We have legislation advancing on all fronts. We are supporting a 2014 initiative to regulate marijuana like alcohol in Alaska, and we are just getting rolling with our 2016 initiative to regulate marijuana like alcohol in Nevada. "We also plan to support simila ...
NORML Canada's Craig Jones on Cannabis – History, Legalization, Regulation and the Public Health Model
May 04, 2014
Does prohibition ever work? Craig Jones: Sure! It works for organized crime and organized repression and the ancillary industries that support these: guns, banking, security services, prisons, lawyers, etc. It grows their budgets, power and political influence. ...
James Turk on Rising Gold, the Sinking Dollar and His New Book, 'The Money Bubble'
April 27, 2014
The overriding recommendation is to own things rather than promises. Own tangible assets like farmland, timberland, oil wells, buildings used productively and, of course, precious metals instead of financial assets like bank accounts and bonds. Avoid those asse ...
Terry Coxon on US Dysfunction and the International Trust Solution
April 20, 2014
An International Trust assures your freedom to invest anywhere, no matter what investment restrictions the US might adopt. Currency controls in the US? They can't touch your International Trust – it's not in the US. Limitations on capital leaving the country? ...
Pat and Linda Gorman on Their Upcoming Wealth Protection Conference, Top Guests and Wealth Trends
April 13, 2014
Governments fear gold in the hands of citizens because when the people own and hold gold it takes away the ability of the government to reallocate wealth from those who produce to the banksters and powers that be. There will surely be some more downs and ups be ...
Doug Casey on the Continuing Debasement of Money, Language and Banking in the Modern Age
April 06, 2014
Market risk is huge today, but political risk is even bigger. One indication of that was, when the banks in Cyprus went bust some months ago, the government essentially confiscated everybody's account above 100,000 euros, in what they called a "bail-in." You co ...
Antal Fekete's Neo-Misesian Revisionism and Why He Believes It Is Necessary
March 30, 2014
The doctrinaire policy-makers in America are unlikely to do what must be done. But any jurisdiction (say Switzerland, the United Kingdom, France, or China) may open its mint to the free and unlimited coinage of gold (and silver). We must understand that the gol ...
Bill Murphy on Money Manipulation and the Future of Gold
March 23, 2014
The Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee (GATA) was formed in January 1999 by my colleague Chris Powell and myself to expose and oppose the manipulation and suppression of the price of gold. Initially we thought that the manipulation of the gold market was undertak ...
Andy Hoffman on the Golden Bull, Failing Fiat and the Foundering of the Central Bank Economy
March 16, 2014
Andy Hoffman: "Whirlybird Janet," as she is already being referred to, will ultimately put "Helicopter Ben" to shame, by the time she's through. Frankly, who knows if the Fed will even survive the inflationary carnage of her four-year term? In 2013, TPTB used a ...
George Burdeau on the Magna Carta, Subsistence Culture and the Future of Western Civilization
March 09, 2014
George Burdeau: The Magna Carta and then the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution were in some sense part of a formal decentralization of power. But when you look around today, you can clearly see it's not enough. Western governments are extraord ...
Mark Thornton on Prohibition, Marijuana and the Loss of Elite Control
March 02, 2014
Prohibition is the major cause of crime. There are the crimes associated with buying and selling prohibited products like heroin and services like prostitution. Then there are crimes and violence associated with prohibition like those related to street gangs an ...
Fred Sheehan on the Futility of Wall Street, the Coming Derivatives Disaster and the Craziness of Keynes
February 23, 2014
I am inclined to believe the only formal economics taught in the past 80 years in the U.S. of any use were the "home economics" courses taught to high school girls many moons ago. I did not receive such training, but the Austrian economists are the only school ...
Richard Ebeling on Austrian Economics, Economic Freedom and the Trends of the Future
February 16, 2014
There can be little doubt that Friedrich A. Hayek was one of the most profound and important economists of the 20th century. In my humble opinion, I consider Mises and Hayek to be the two greatest economists of our time. Whether as a monetary and business cycle ...
Jeffrey Tang on the Asian Markets and the Coming Deflation in China
February 09, 2014
Jeffrey Tang: China is heading for major restructuring. The twin engines of growth, export and construction, have both hit the wall. When major internal events happen, it will be so overwhelming that no external events will be able to distract attention. The ec ...
Imran Hussain on Frontier-Market Investing and the UAE Tax-Free Zone
February 02, 2014
Emerging markets can involve public markets. But there are other ways of investing in these markets including private placements and private investing generally. These are fringe investments with the capacity for significant rewards but also large risks. ... Ch ...
Nigel Farage on Britain's Political Demise and the Continued Rise of UKIP
January 27, 2014
Daily Bell: David Cameron has been dismissive of UKIP. Is he right to be or wrong? Nigel Farage: He may be being dismissive but he is doing his best to copy us! Even our energy policy, in support of fracking, has now been aped by the Conservative Party. From Sy ...
Tibor Machan on Morality, Ethics, Ayn Rand and More
January 26, 2014
Tibor Machan: Ethical behavior or conduct is whatever accords with principles that people ought to follow, identified within the most sensible, rational school of morality or ethics. So, for instance, being honest or prudent, or generous or courageous would all ...
Sheldon Richman on Almost Everything – From a Libertarian Standpoint
January 19, 2014
I think Obamacare is doing exactly what we free-market advocates predicted, that there were bound to be numerous problems. I think the website rollout problems are actually the least of the problems because they are potentially fixable. You can fix a website. W ...
Redmond Weissenberger on the New Mises Institute and the Failure of Canadian Corporatism
January 12, 2014
As far as I am concerned, "Austrian free-market thinking" is simply common sense – it takes years of indoctrination to believe that you can get something for nothing. When I happened upon the teachings of the Austrian School I came to the understanding that I ...
Seth Daniels on Austrian Economics, Central Bank Disasters and the Coming Housing Bottom
January 05, 2014
I provide analytical and research services to the fund, and my partners at Spartan in Canada manage the fund. Based on Austrian business cycle theory, we think that fallout from a Canadian credit and housing correction could have far-reaching negative repercuss ...
Jesse Heaslip, Bitcoin Entrepreneur: How a Government Partnership Will Build a Bright Future
December 29, 2013
For the most part, bitcoin is not anonymous to begin with. That's kind of a myth. In the past, there has been research into tracking micro transactions and you can pretty much figure out the user if you track enough of them. There will always be dark wallets an ...
Doug Bell on the Decline of the Green Revolution and the Future of Farming
December 22, 2013
There are generally three basic farming methods: green, organic and no-till. The green farming revolution lasted from the 1940s until today, but gradually it has become less effective, producing diminishing returns as the various chemicals and pesticides have m ...
G. Edward Griffin on Globalism, Collectivism and 'Right Principles'
December 15, 2013
There are so many issues, so many fires raging, that we're kind of like a fire brigade. We've only got a limited amount of water and we have to decide which fires we are going to throw the water on. We're running around and somebody says, "This fire over here i ...
Top Hedge Fund Manager Tom Conrad on Global Equity Trends and Blown-Up Markets
December 08, 2013
Thomas D. Conrad: The petrodollar was viable only because Saudi Arabia was the dominant oil producer and could insist that other countries pay for oil only in US dollars. Lately, the BRIC countries – Brazil, Russia, India and especially China – have made st ...
Showing 201 - 250 of 391 – Newest on Top
