EDITORIAL Showing 1451 - of
Tunisia's Free Trade Revolt
March 03, 2011
In many circles it is a prominent mantra that property rights are not human rights. The rights to private property and to trade it are treated by many political thinkers and jurists as far from binding on us. So, for example, the US Supreme Court ruled in 2005 ...
Mervyn King Caught Spreading a Meme
March 02, 2011
We've often tried to point out that a fundamental dominant social theme of the power elite is that the private sector is at fault for mercantilism's ruin. The intergenerational, familial power elite located in the City of London uses mercantilism to generate it ...
2008 Crash Caused by Financial Terrorism?
March 02, 2011
While Britain's central banker Mervyn King blames the private sector, financial analyst Kevin Freeman has penned a White Paper (excerpt above) that blames foreign enemies for the 2008 financial crisis. This is a fairly brilliant fear-based promotion in our view ...
Multiple Universes Anyone?
March 02, 2011
An issue that has puzzled many philosophers and cosmologists is whether there is just one universe or might there be many. On first inspection the puzzle appears to be bogus. After all, by "universe" is meant "everything that is." Other terms used for this are ...
Is the West Winning?
March 01, 2011
The Telegraph's Jeremy Warner has written an article (see excerpt above) that puts the troubles of the West into a pan-global perspective. In a fairly wide-ranging story, he examines numerous current events both economic and political and determines that they a ...
Protests Are a Force of Nature
March 01, 2011
The reasons for these revolutions had to do with "bread and butter issues [rather] than politics." Declining economies mean that unemployment rises, taxes are raised and services cut. Therefore, these revolutions are not being driven by freedom issues but by si ...
Congress Must Reject the Welfare/Warfare State
March 01, 2011
During the past few weeks, Congress has been locked in a battle to pass a continuing resolution to fund government operations through September. Both supporters and opponents of the bill, HR 1, claim it is a serious attempt to reduce federal spending. However, ...
The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters*
March 01, 2011
In basic reasoning courses one learns that certain ways of thinking are fallacious, others are sound. Sadly, most students don't actually remember much of what they learn here because these courses are taught too early in their college years, just at the time t ...
Morgan Opens Gold Window
March 01, 2011
Earlier this month, J.P. Morgan made an important announcement that received scant coverage in the media: the bank would now accept gold as collateral for loans. The move appears to have been well-timed, for in the ensuing weeks, the price of gold and silver cl ...
Greeks Won't Pay, No Matter What
February 28, 2011
It has long been our contention - stated many times - that the tribes of Europe would not take kindly to the "austerity" measures that have been imposed on Europe, especially the PIGS - Europe's Southern countries. We've made the argument that the tribes of Eur ...
What Friends of Freedom Can Learn from the Socialists – To Win Freedom!
February 28, 2011
On March 14, 1883, a German philosopher living in exile in London passed away. When he was buried three days later in a modest grave where his wife had been laid to rest two years earlier, fewer than ten people were present, half of them family members. His clo ...
Yet More Signals of Afghan War's End
February 28, 2011
In trying to understand the fear-based promotions of the Anglo-American elite, one has to be alert for "messaging." In this article, we'll examine how the messages regarding the Afghan war are changing and what it means within the context of current Middle East ...
Reflections on Capitalism – Part III
February 28, 2011
Why are they not celebrating the nobility of the entrepreneurial spirit and the power of the liberated mind to accomplish "miracles?" Why are they not championing such life-serving virtues as independence, productive ambition, competence, self-responsibility, s ...
John Perkins on His Best-Selling Book 'Confessions of an Economic Hit Man' and the Unsustainability of Modern Capitalism
February 27, 2011
The Daily Bell is pleased to present an exclusive interview with John Perkins. As Chief Economist at a major international consulting firm, John Perkins advised the World Bank, United Nations, IMF, U.S. Treasury Department, Fortune 500 corporations, and countri ...
Reflections on Capitalism – Part II
February 26, 2011
The first thing I would say about her is that she operates consciously. And the next thing I would say is that she stands outside traditional moral categories: She is an exponent of rational or enlightened self-interest - a possibility that is not even acknowle ...
Democrats Against Democracy?
February 26, 2011
Am I alone in finding the Wisconsin Democrats who have been AWOL anything but democratic? Sure, they weren't doing anything illegal like soldiers who go absent without leave. But that's a legalism that makes little difference here. What counts is that these D ...
Fundamentalist Islam Next for Libya?
February 25, 2011
Is the West setting up Islamic enemies in the Middle East? We've written articles about it, and we can see in this article excerpted above that Col. Moammar Gadhafi's rhetoric may mimic the West's strategies. There is no evidence that bin Laden is alive, yet Ga ...
Unraveling of Pakistan Scam?
February 25, 2011
There is evermore controversy swirling around the US diplomat who shot and killed three Pakistani men and remains in a Pakistan jail. ZeroHedge.com has an article posted about it entitled "CIA Agent Caught Red-Handed Aiding Pakistani Terrorism?" The cut-line re ...
Reflections on Capitalism – Part I
February 25, 2011
A few years ago, I received a telephone call from a young female Ph.D candidate in psychology. She learned that I would be lecturing at a conference in S. Carolina, which she would be attending, and she wanted to meet me there - to discuss my becoming a consult ...
Sink- or Swim-Time for the EU
February 24, 2011
We've written recently about Ambrose Evans-Pritchard's change of heart regarding Spain, an important change given that he is perhaps the most prominent Euroskeptic writing for a major news daily in Britain or Europe. A week ago, Evans-Pritchard decided that Spa ...
Privatize the US to Avoid Default?
February 24, 2011
It sounds so simple. The US is facing terrible debts but has many assets. Sell them off and win the best of both worlds. Additional funding and a renewed surge of market capitalism could save the day. That's the thesis of this article in Newsweek (excerpted abo ...
Washington's War & Middle East Policy Racket
February 24, 2011
US Marine Corp Major General Smedley Butler accurately described in his book, "War Is A Racket" how the American military is often forced to make war far more for Wall Street and big corporation profits than the false reasons usually provided for the conflict. ...
Where are the Baby-Boomer Nest Eggs?
February 23, 2011
Can one "invest" one's way to prosperity? Some people are very good at stock picking and others can use Austrian business cycle analysis to generally figure out what side of the market to be on during its great turnings (gold and silver would seem to be appropr ...
UN Switch From Fear to Greed to Promote New Green Tax
February 23, 2011
When the Anglo-America power elite launches a dominant social theme, not much can derail it. The global warming scam has been exposed over and over again. The UN itself was guilty of publishing grossly misleading figures and the leading global warming researche ...
Are Public Unions Unjust?
February 23, 2011
Bona fide Labor unions work within a free market system where firms compete for customers who are normally able to switch from sellers of wares and services if they want to. Public works are noncompetitive, however. Workers who belong to public unions conduct t ...
Clinton, Bush Encourage Civil Discourse
February 22, 2011
Can national civility calm political rancor? This question is asked in a Christian Science Monitor article, based on the news (see above) about the new National Civility Institute. The Institute is the brainchild of Fred DuVal, a friend of Congresswoman Gabriel ...
More and More, Elite Supports Islamic 'Enemy'
February 22, 2011
In a previous article, written many weeks ago, we asked if the West was actively setting up Islamic enemies in the Middle East. We were not sure at the time. As with many dominant social themes of the elite, it wasn't clear right away. But the wonderful thing a ...
Central Economic Planning at its Worst
February 22, 2011
Last week, the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission (FCIC) presented its results to the Financial Services Committee. As with most other politically-appointed commissions, the results of the FCIC's investigation were easy to predict. Established by the same cong ...
See Bernanke's Disaster In Prices and Rates
February 21, 2011
Yesterday, in a regular Sunday-interview "after thought," we made the case that measuring the money supply was an exercise in futility. Today we analyze a recent Forbes article that explains why this is so. The power elite wants to confuse the issue in our opin ...
US Opens Afghan Talks, Mulls 80,000 More Afghan-Trained Forces
February 21, 2011
For us, the unraveling Afghan war effort is a huge story, even though it not being covered like one in the mainstream press. There are far more mainstream media articles about the latest single from Lady Gaga than there are about the war effort. But it is a ver ...
Jay Taylor on Inflation Vs. Deflation, the Possibility of a Gold Standard and Why the West Is Failing
February 20, 2011
The Daily Bell is pleased to present an exclusive interview with Jay Taylor. Jay is the editor of J Taylor's Gold, Energy & Technology Stocks newsletter. Throughout his career Mr. Taylor worked as first a commercial and then as an investment banker. Most recent ...
Cameron's Compassionate Conservatism Strikes Out
February 18, 2011
Is Tory Prime Minister David Cameron a kind of British "George Bush Lite?" To begin with, he has made a career out of abhorring the EU, but he is no more likely to orchestrate a departure from the EU than previous PMs (see article excerpt above). The history of ...
Can a Garden Be Copyrighted?
February 18, 2011
We thought we would return for another look at copyright since it is such a controversial subject and received a good deal of feedback yesterday. The article we want to comment on is certainly controversial as well. We can see from the above excerpt that the co ...
Krugman and Bias
February 18, 2011
In a recent column Princeton economist a regular New York Times columnist Paul Krugman claims that the economics profession - including the editors of scholarly journals and the staff at econ departments - is fraught with bias. This is a serious charge, impugni ...
Bloomberg's Incredible Column
February 17, 2011
We just noticed Caroline Baum because of a current column, "Fat Lady Wanted as Guide to Fed Rate Setters" and her reference to Austrian free-market economics. It is an amazing column because it does succinctly what most, if not all, mainstream columns will not: ...
Let the RIAA Enforce Copyright With Its Own Funds
February 17, 2011
The RIAA is at it again. After litigating against teenagers, college students and single moms, the Recording Industry Association along with the IIPA (see article excerpt above) is building its case methodically for ever-tighter control over the Internet. The a ...
Silver and Opium
February 17, 2011
The opium wars do not belong to the glorious episodes of Western history. Rather, they were instances of shameful behavior the West still has not lived down. Mercantilist governments resented the perpetual drain of silver from West to East in payment for Orient ...
Where Multiculturalism is OK
February 17, 2011
It is reported that France's, England's and Germany's leaders have issued an announcement claiming that multiculturalism is a failure. But are they right? Or perhaps it is more likely that implementing multiculturalism the way it has been tried in these and man ...
Hopeful Signs for EU and Euro?
February 16, 2011
The biggest euro-skeptic in the mainstream press has recanted (or decanted?). Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, author of the article from which the above excerpt is taken, has decided the euro is going to remain solvent after all. Perhaps, he says, too much Rioja has g ...
WikiLeaks Spawns More Backlash
February 16, 2011
WikiLeaks continues to be the gift that keeps on giving. We've analyzed WikiLeaks from the point of view of a power elite gambit and the pieces of the puzzle continue to fit together. Not only that, but the WikiLeaks sub dominant social theme was assembled rela ...
Holding One's Nose for Principles
February 16, 2011
One of the difficulties with standing on principle is that often one is defending them when they are practiced by bad people. Or when bad conduct is involved. In both kinds of cases one may have no sympathy at all for the specific but still finds it important t ...
Will Color Revolutions Remove Central Banks?
February 15, 2011
In watching various color revolutions now and in the 1990s in Eastern Europe, it has occurred to us that they are specifically designed to keep money power in place. Hosni Mubarak has been removed from power along with some of his cronies, but the STRUCTURE of ...
Afghan War Draws in China and Russia
February 15, 2011
According to MEMRI, a high-profile Middle Eastern think-tank, China's involvement as a Pakistan ally is ongoing and becoming a good deal more obvious and pervasive. In the past year, Pakistan has sought the stationing of 11,000 Chinese troops at Gilgit-Baltista ...
Deception at the Fed
February 15, 2011
For the past three decades, the Federal Reserve has been given a dual mandate: keeping prices stable and maximizing employment. This policy relies not only on the fatal conceit of believing in the wisdom of supposed experts, but also on numerical chicanery. Rat ...
The Two Faces of Ben Bernanke
February 15, 2011
Based on his recent public comments, Fed Chairman Bernanke seems determined to give the U.S. dollar the reputation of Egypt's Hosni Mubarak: an unwanted relic of the past that everyone agrees must go, but stubbornly clings to a privileged position. The dollar i ...
Elites Set Orwellian War Against China And Islam?
February 14, 2011
Iraq is the forgotten war. Even amidst the chaos swirling around developing countries throughout the world, the Western mainstream media for the most part ignores Iraq. And perhaps one day – sooner rather than later – it will have its own re-revolution (see ...
Do Mandela's Elders Violate Human Rights?
February 14, 2011
The Elders pack a mainstream-media punch. They've already received a good deal of mainstream media coverage. We queried "Elders, global leaders" and received nearly 500,000 cites on Google. TheElders.org website explains that the group is composed of eminent gl ...
Occultist Jordan Maxwell on the Foundations of Western Religion and Society, and Why Nothing Is as It Seems
February 13, 2011
The Daily Bell is pleased to present an exclusive interview with Jordan Maxwell. Maxwell is a preeminent researcher and independent scholar in the field of occult / religious philosophy. His interest in these subjects began as far back as 1959. He served for th ...
IMF Calls for SDR-Denominated Bonds
February 11, 2011
Like a broken record, (does the cliché date us?) Dominique Strauss-Kahn campaigns around the world for a new currency. The latest wrinkle: SDR-denominated bonds. Bundle together a number of bankrupt national currencies and securitize them and you might indee ...
Middle East Revolutions Force West to Knees?
February 11, 2011
This is an interesting article (excerpted above) that Professor Mark LeVine has written for the Middle Eastern news service Al Jazeera. His point is that the civil unrest sweeping across Europe is an increasingly uncomfortable event for Western powers-that-be. ...
Showing 1451 - of – Newest on Top
