STAFF NEWS & ANALYSIS Showing 301 - of
Will RFK Jr. Running Independent Force a Democrat and Republican Course-Correct on COVID Overreach in Universities?
October 15, 2023
Vis a vis COVID lockdowns/forced-masking/forced-vaxxing, RFK Jr. offers an alternative vision. ...
To Hell With Horse-Race Politics: I Hope RFK Jr. ‘Steals’ Votes From All the Corrupt SOBs
October 09, 2023
Give ‘em hell, Bobby! ...
Fringe Biology: Kitty Litter vs. Traffic Safety
October 07, 2023
Stuff’s weird. ...
Corrupt Republicans’ Knives Out For Matt Gaetz After He Exposes Their Grift
October 06, 2023
¡Que rico! ...
Report: FBI Now Explicitly Coming For Trump Supporters
October 05, 2023
This is anarcho-tyranny in practice. ...
Emerging Science: The True Precipitating Cause of Alzheimer’s May Be Much Simpler Than Previously Believed
October 04, 2023
The implications are profound. ...
Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s Obscene Fortune Ought to Be Returned to the American Taxpayers She Stole It From
October 03, 2023
“Nobody ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American public.” ...
Democrat Congressman Does an Attack on Sacred Democracy™, Pulls Fire Alarm to Obstruct Congressional Proceedings
October 02, 2023
The big knock on the “insurrectionists” of January 6th is that they did something called “obstruction of an official proceeding." ...
Modern art is the resentful destruction of beauty
October 01, 2023
The kind of person who would produce “Piss Christ” is afflicted with a pathological hatred for life itself ...
Breaking News: RFK Jr. Flees Democrat Plantation, Set to Run as Independent
September 29, 2023
If you’re one to offer a prayer in times of need, consider one for RFK Jr. ...
I Am Officially the Most Demonetized Writer at PJ Media
September 28, 2023
I received a message recently from my editor. ...
‘Trust the Experts’: 1,600 Scientists Sign Declaration Denouncing Climate Change Hoax
September 28, 2023
“Trust the experts,” we the peasants are exhorted by the governing authorities in all matters at all times. ...
X/Twitter Flame War: Reality-Based Gynecologist Hero vs. LGBTQ+++™ Trans Activists
September 26, 2023
Not today, Satan. ...
Surprise, Surprise Right In Your Eyes: Migrants Responsible For 69% of Violent Crime in France
September 25, 2023
Per this data, Africans in France are 16.25 times more likely to commit violent crime than they would be if their rates of violent crime were proportional to their share of the population. ...
American Public Exceeds Expectations as Obesity Rates Accelerate
September 24, 2023
“Nothing exceeds like excess,” as Michelle Pfeifer’s cokehead character in Scarface once observed. ...
Indicted Latinx Sen. Menendez Pulls a Juicy Smollett, Blames Prosecution on Racism!
September 23, 2023
Color yourself shocked. ...
David Foster Wallace on the Devouring Double-Headed Snake of Consumerism/Individualism
September 23, 2023
Comedian Bill Hicks dispensed some life advice for marketers and advertisers back in the day that I can’t necessarily disagree with ...
A Modest Proposal: Alternative Congressional Dress Codes
September 21, 2023
Pundits across the political spectrum are outraged – outraged! – that gigantic human slob John Fetterman is slobbing up the Senate with his hoodie and gym shorts wardrobe. ...
The Unabomber vs. liberal psychology
September 20, 2023
Here he is taking a magnifying glass and a razor-sharp scalpel to leftist psychology. ...
Russell Brand Demonetized By YouTube Following Anonymous Rape Allegations
September 19, 2023
One might have supposed that, after #MeToo rape hoax after rape hoax, that we might have moved on as a civilization from seriously countenancing anonymous rape allegations. ...
Like a Virgin, Touched For the Very First Time: My Inaugural Media Matters Smear
September 19, 2023
Started from the bottom, now I'm here! ...
Death Star Operational: The Deep State Pivot to Combatting ‘Domestic Terror’ Is Complete
September 18, 2023
The War of Terror chickens have come home to roost, as it were. ...
The Ugly Truth Behind RINOs Denouncing Trump For Clout
September 16, 2023
They are marketed as "brave" "truth-tellers" sacrificing their good standing in a party given over to White Supremacist™ fascists and "conspiracy theorists" ...
Report: CIA Bribed Analysts to Conceal Lab Leak Truth
September 15, 2023
All parties involved in the development of COVID-19 and the subsequent coverup need to be indicted. ...
Nonviolent InfoWars Journalist Sentenced to DC Gulag
September 14, 2023
It's open season on dissidents and journalists and, most especially, dissident journalists. ...
Cornel West’s No-Good, Disaster Campaign Is DOA
September 13, 2023
To say that I ever had high hopes for Cornel West's third-party run would be an exaggeration. ...
Puerto Vallarta, Mexico in Full Color
September 12, 2023
PV’s got a pretty cool marina. ...
In order to save the whales, we must kill the whales
September 11, 2023
That's how The Science™ works, boys and girls. Respect it, or be made to answer to the Department of Homeland Security, bigot. ...
Swamp Goon Mike Pence Decries ‘Populism’
September 10, 2023
Michael Pence is exactly the brand of Republican ditz who is physically incapable of delivering a single speech on his own two feet without resurrecting Ronald Reagan's corpse. ...
Vogue Tosses Karine Jean-Pierre’s Diverse Salad
September 09, 2023
Her total incompetence, of course, didn't stop Vogue from going full-service on her taint. ...
COVID Destroyed Punk Rock’s Anti-Authoritarian Legacy
September 08, 2023
"Has our music been castrated?" ...
Democrats Pay TikTok Influencer $200k, Hope He’ll Lure Zoomers Into Party Van
September 07, 2023
The Democrat Party is bleeding support from the two factions it needs more than any other to succeed in 2024. ...
‘Miracle’ Weight Loss Drug Manufacturers About to Get Sued Into Oblivion?
September 06, 2023
"But muh pharma. How else am I supposed to lose weight?" ...
COVID Warlord Fauci Jibber-Jabbers Incoherently About Forced-Masking on CNN
September 04, 2023
"It puts the mask on its skin or else it gets locked down again." ...
The Real, No-Lie #1 Secret the Medical Industry Doesn’t Want You to Know – and It’s Free
September 02, 2023
There is no shortage of smutty clickbait smut out there with titles like "The #1 Secret the Medical Industry Doesn't Want You to Know." ...
Bernie Sanders: The Saddest Sellout Cuck in All of Human History
September 01, 2023
This is just really sad to watch. ...
Interview: On Long-Term Fasting, the Sorry State of GOP Cucks, and Red Meat Allergies
August 31, 2023
I joined TNT Radio host Hrvoje Moric a couple of nights ago for a wide-ranging discussion on a variety of topics. ...
Update: Judge in RFK Jr. vs. YouTube Lawsuit Claims YouTube ‘Not a State Actor’
August 30, 2023
Originally published via Armageddon Prose: “Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power.” ― Benito Mussolini As I reported previously at Armageddon Prose, RFK Jr. recently went to leg ...
Brutal EU Censorship Regime Takes Hold, ‘Free Speech’ Advocate Elon Musk Folds, YouTube Adopts WHO ‘Misinformation’ Policy
August 29, 2023
Nation-states under EU jurisdiction can no longer be rationally said to be "free," to the extent that they ever truly were to begin with. ...
Germany: Afghan Migrant Does a Diversity™, Rapes Drunk Teenager on Subway Platform ‘For Hours’
August 28, 2023
As we all know, Diversity™ in the West is Our Greatest Strength™, Our Values™, and Who We Are™ all at the same time – a Holy Trifecta is lovingness and liberalness. ...
The Unabomber Predicted the Rise of WEF-Style Technocracy in the Mid-90s
August 27, 2023
While sifting through Kaczynski's manifesto on other business, I stumbled upon this passage. ...
Pharma Tool Vivek Ramaswamy Had Big Plans For Your Private Medical Information
August 25, 2023
Call me a purist, or naïve, or a domestic terrorist, or whatever pejorative, but I have no sympathy for any individual who collaborates with the NIH. ...
The GOP Debate Was a Tedious S**tshow
August 24, 2023
All I want to hear from a candidate is that he is going to #draintheswamp, with specifics on what hell he's going to unleash on the corporate state. ...
Inside the Mexico vs. US Trade War Over Glyphosate and GM Corn
August 23, 2023
In the event Mexico does not submit, we can expect shyster lawyers working on behalf of the US federal government and/or Bayer AG to go to work. ...
The Physical Decay of War Pig Victoria Nuland Is Truly Shocking
August 22, 2023
People eventually get the face they deserve, so the maxim goes. ...
Social Justice™ Activist Demands ‘Equitable and Accountable AI’, Claims Technology Is Racist
August 21, 2023
"Everything is sexist. Everything is racist. Everything is homophobic. And you have to point it all out.” ...
Vivek Ramaswamy Follows Tucker Carlson Across the 9/11 Rubicon
August 19, 2023
9/11 "conspiracy theories" have long been considered a third rail in American politics. ...
Are COVID-19 Vaccines Causing the Surge in Red Meat Allergies?
August 18, 2023
The CDC has offered no rationale for why AGS would suddenly be exploding among the US population. But perhaps this might shed some light on the matter. ...
BOMBSHELL: Pfizer Gave Australian Employees COVID Shots From Separate Batch Than Used For General Population
August 17, 2023
There is no apparent legitimate reason for Pfizer to give its employees shots from a separate batch. ...
RFK Jr. Goes to Legal War With Google
August 16, 2023
2024 presidential candidate RFK Jr. has launched a lawsuit against Google for working to censor him in a capacity as a "state actor." ...
Showing 301 - of – Newest on Top
