STAFF NEWS & ANALYSIS Showing 4901 - of
US Fed as Credit Card and Consumer Watch Dog! …
February 22, 2012
A close friend of ours just received a promo advertising a "Marriot Rewards Cards." She was surprised to find, upon reading the "terms and conditions," a note suggesting a visit to a US Federal Reserve website that would educate her about credit cards generall ...
Obamacare and Involuntary Servitude
February 22, 2012
However much one learns to squirm out of one's inconsistencies, logic usually bites one in the butt. Of course, strictly speaking logic is the formal system that's supposed to guide our reasoning process and on its own doesn't serve much more than that vital, i ...
Elites Blow Up Greece on Purpose?
February 21, 2012
Germany continues to push the Greeks to the brink. For a publication such as ours that tries to analyze elite dominant social themes, the maneuvering is interesting indeed, though the cost is one of blood, tears, agony and death. Which is why when commenting on ...
How the Hell Does the Dow Break 13,000?
February 21, 2012
In a number of articles now, we dealt with the idea that the economic statistics were being manipulated in the US to try to ensure Barack Obama's re-election. How does something like that happen? Well, you have to assume that there is a powerful elite that dire ...
Overspending on National Security Threatens National Security
February 21, 2012
The administration recently released its 2013 budget proposal, and conservatives are correctly alarmed that it calls for unprecedented spending and continued annual deficits exceeding $1 trillion. But the same conservatives complain that the budget does not dev ...
EU's Prodi Admits Leaders Knew Euro Would Cause Ruin but Hoped Political Union Would Follow
February 20, 2012
This is an insightful article but as we can see from this excerpt (above), the leaders of the EU knew quite well that putting the euro in place without commensurate political and military power was bound to cause problems. This is only common sense. Those runni ...
Political Correctness Watch: ESPN Editor Fired Over 'Chink in Armor'
February 20, 2012
What in the world is going on? The last we looked, the US was directly or indirectly involved in about six shooting wars, threatening a regional (world) war with Iran and the nation's president has recently asserted that the US has a right to kidnap and torture ...
Down With the Presidency
February 20, 2012
The modern institution of the presidency is the primary political evil Americans face, and the cause of nearly all our woes. It squanders the national wealth and starts unjust wars against foreign peoples that have never done us any harm. It wrecks our families ...
Why Not Pessimism?
February 20, 2012
By most accounts there is little good news about any progress toward a freer society; quite the contrary. Around the globe, of course, there are some regions that are making small moves away from tyranny but even in those few, human freedom doesn't appear to be ...
Marilyn MacGruder Barnewall on the Problems of Central Bank 'Debt Capitalism' and the Promise of US-Style State Banking
February 19, 2012
The Daily Bell is pleased to present this interview with Marilyn MacGruder Barnewall. Daily Bell: Tell us more about your background and how you got into this field. Marilyn MacGruder Barnewall: I became a banker quite by accident in 1972. I worked at Denver's ...
Will Chinese and Western Elites Bring Down the World?
February 18, 2012
As this is apparently "Henry Makow Saturday" (see other article, this issue), I'm going to take the opportunity to comment on an article carried on the Makow website some five days ago entitled "Colonial Elite Rules China for the Illuminati." Written by St. Joh ...
The Anti-Freedom Movement States Its (Worst) Case? … Austrians Vs. the Illuminati
February 18, 2012
Social credit entrepreneur Anthony Migchels has authored a screed at entitled "Proof Libertarianism is an Illuminati Ploy." He also thanks a fellow who has often provided controversial feedback here at the Daily Bell, "Memehunter." We don't doubt ...
Central Banks 'Good', Ron Paul 'Bad'?
February 17, 2012
Recently, the National Review Online responded to libertarian Congressman Ron Paul's criticism of central banking. Why anyone would want to defend central banks is beyond us, but Ponnuru, a leading young conservative thinker has taken on the task. The US is the ...
BBC: Let's Kill the Internet and Start Over
February 17, 2012
It is clear to us by now that the Anglosphere power elite is increasingly desperate to shut down the Internet any way it can. This article posted at the BBC is a good example of the elite's pursuit of a sub dominant social theme within the context of this aim. ...
A Small Pleasure of Book Production
February 17, 2012
One of my books is a collection of prominent essays by mostly contemporary libertarian political-economic thinkers. Its title, The Libertarian Reader (1982), was so well chosen that years later someone quite prominent, David Boaz of the Cato Institute, also use ...
Gold Standard Good? … or Another Power Elite Meme?
February 16, 2012
The American Spectator, an often truculent, right-wing publication that sees American enemies everywhere in the world, is out with an article on an impending return of a gold standard. (See excerpt above.) The article focuses on gold-standard prescriptions of " ...
Eisenhower and the Aliens
February 16, 2012
We have long pointed out that one of the elite's dominant social themes is the idea that aliens are involved with Earth, as an Internet search on "Daily Bell" and "alien invasion" shows. This fear-based promotion is helpful to the Anglosphere power elite becaus ...
IMF's Disastrous Neo-Keynesianism Is 'Groovy Idea,' Says TNR
February 15, 2012
The socialist John Maynard Keynes is once again having an impact on world finance, according to The New Republic, a leftist "thought" magazine. The New Republic is yet another mouthpiece for the Anglosphere power elite, like the Economist, New Yorker and Weekly ...
As Predicted, CIA-Sponsored Muslim Bros. Becomes Enemy
February 15, 2012
In a series of groundbreaking articles (beep, beep, alert: self-promotion ahead!) we established in numerous articles over the past year that the Anglosphere power elite was using the State Department and the US military to overthrow secular Middle Eastern and ...
Willful Happiness
February 15, 2012
"The best way to use your willpower is to stop screwing up!" – Roy Baumeister Willpower, the capacity to regulate your own behavior, is one of the changeable elements of personality. There are other qualities, like optimism, gratitude and positive emotions, a ...
Now EU Kicking Spain Out of EU?
February 14, 2012
Yesterday we asked whether the European Union's attack on Greece was intended to drive that country out of the EU or merely assert dominance. Today we ask the same question about Spain. (See article excerpt above.) We decided when it came to Greece that it was ...
Krugman Promotes False 'Conservative' Meme
February 14, 2012
Columnist Paul Krugman of the New York Times is out with another one of these strange articles on "conservatism." While this article seems to be critical of conservatism, Krugman (a socialist New York Times columnist) actually revels in conservatism. Not only t ...
The Latest Obamacare Overreach
February 14, 2012
Many religious conservatives understandably are upset with the latest Obamacare mandate, which will require religious employers (including Catholic employers) to provide birth control to workers receiving healthcare benefits. This mandate includes certain birth ...
Is Greece a Sacrifice or the Shape of Things to Come?
February 13, 2012
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard makes good points in this article on Germany's attack on Greece, but to us it's a kind of dominant social theme. The idea is to blame Germany's leaders for intolerable austerity, and Chancelor Angela Merkel in particular. But from our po ...
Does the UN Plan Full-Spectrum Domination?
February 13, 2012
The New American has posted an article focusing on the renewed United Nation's "green" push. We covered this at the beginning of February in an article entitled, "Now UN Plans to Guide Nations' 'Best Practices' Around the World." You can see it here: Now UN Pla ...
How to Win This One in November
February 13, 2012
Seeing that it looks like Mitt Romney may well win the Republican nomination – though it's too early to be sure about that – it has been a concern of freedom loving Americans whether the nod given to human individual liberty by the Tea Party back in 2010 wi ...
The Personal Is the Economic
February 13, 2012
Feminist Carol Hanisch is famous for opposing the Miss America contest in the 1960s. She is also the person who in 1968 coined the phrase "the personal is the political." Her essay on the topic denounced the idea that women's liberation can come about through i ...
Switzerland Under Siege – Why Privacy Still Exists and Still Matters
February 13, 2012
The long-established and noble rule of Law, one of the greatest products of the character and tradition of British history, has suffered a deadly blow. Blackmail has become respectable. ~ Robert G. Menzies. Switzerland and its banks have been in the news a lot ...
Dr. Yaron Brook on Ayn Rand, Capitalism and the War on Terror
February 12, 2012
The Daily Bell is pleased to present this interview with Dr. Yaron Brook. Daily Bell: Let's ask some financial questions. Why did you move to the US to study business and finance? You started an investment consulting business called BH Equity Research, located ...
The World the Elites Remade?
February 11, 2012
Robert Kagan has published an article in the Wall Street Journal entitled "Why the World Needs America." Kagan is a senior fellow in foreign policy at the Brookings Institution and the article is adapted from The World America Made, published by Alfred A. Knopf ...
Mr. Goldberg Apologizes for His Mises/Phone Booth Crack?
February 10, 2012
Many years ago, conservative pundit Jonah Goldberg lost his temper and wrote that Lew Rockwell (of and and his libertarian colleagues could fit into a "phone booth." Not so fast. Today, those who have a lively interest in Austrian fre ...
The Hopelessness of Insider Trading Prosecutions
February 10, 2012
Insider trading is important to prosecute, we are told, because it makes the markets less "fair." Someone with access to information that someone else doesn't have is taking advantage of those people and somehow making a profit at their expense. This "law" has ...
Elite Media Downplays Austrian Economics by Building Up MMT
February 09, 2012
Another day, another attempt by the mainstream media to marginalize Austrian economics. We're using the Economist article (excerpted above) as an example but in our view this is a powerful elite dominant social theme. How does the article marginalize Austrian e ...
Dollar: Going, Going …
February 09, 2012
The dollar has been the world reserve currency since 1944 and the Keynesian Fabian socialist economic palaver in New Hampshire's White Mountains. They all should have paid more attention to the deviant Lord Keynes. The situation is now gradually getting despera ...
Atlantic Misleads With 'Short History of Money'?
February 08, 2012
Here's how we figure this article "went down" ... "Hi, David, you're a contributing editor at Wired, a former Fulbright journalism fellow and a winner of the 2011 Oregon Arts Commission individual artists fellowship. You're a real bright guy and we're intereste ...
Ideas That (We are Told) are Too Urgent for Science
February 08, 2012
It's a familiar and effective marketing technique: You make an offer and then you add, "Hurry. Spaces are limited, so sign up now!" or "These models won't last, so act fast!" Of course, in most cases, spaces aren't really all that limited, and whether or not yo ...
Truth About Afghan War Failure Is More False Flag?
February 07, 2012
This is a weird article. Apparently, Davis, the author (see excerpt above) has claimed it will cost him his career. But we have a hard time believing that the US military did not in some sense know the article was coming and that there is more to this "whistleb ...
Trust Us; We're the Government
February 07, 2012
While much has been made recently of the President's unconstitutional appointment of Richard Cordray to be director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), lost in the hubbub has been any discussion of the unconstitutionality of, or the need for, th ...
Economist on India Central Banking: Financial Illiteracy on Display
February 06, 2012
Central banks should be free. That's the dominant social theme the Economist magazine is pounding home today in this article. Too bad the Economist's entire premise is a mistaken one. And that would surely come as a surprise to some ... though not to many who r ...
Goodbye, OC Register
February 06, 2012
Since the Fall of 1966 (if memory serves me right) I have been a columnist at what was then The Santa Ana but is now the Orange County Register. I cannot count how many columns I produced, nearly all of them concerned with demonstrating the superiority of the f ...
David Icke on Terrorism, 'Totalitarian Tiptoe' and the Coming Post-Industrial Technocracy
February 05, 2012
The Daily Bell is pleased to publish this interview with David Icke. Daily Bell: What do you have to say about the NDAA? David Icke: These are expressions of what I call the totalitarian tiptoe. It is where you introduce the totalitarian state, not all in one g ...
Elite Campaign to Re-Elect Obama in Full Swing?
February 04, 2012
From the Washington Post, we learn that "January job gains have economists rethinking outlooks." Oh, really? Last I looked, the bear leg of the larger business cycle was still in full effect. Nothing's changed in other words, since 2001 – or more pertinently ...
HSBC Laundering Billions?
February 03, 2012
Jerome Corsi better hire pretty good security. In Georgia, a lawsuit that Corsi has helped promote seems close to knocking US President Barack Obama off the ballot due to questions about his parents and whether he is US "natural born" – and thus eligible to b ...
Anonymous Attacks Intel
February 03, 2012
Anonymous has struck out at American intel, as the above AP story excerpt seems to confirm. Is this a trend or merely some sort of false flag – and what's the import? We think it reinforces our perception that the Internet is a process, not an episode. And th ...
How US Fascism Comes Out on Top Via 'Too-Big-to-Fail'?
February 02, 2012
Is this how fascism comes to America? It would seem a steady drip, drip, drip of frenetic government activism is concretizing the fascist state the way lime solidifies cement. Even in the 1980s under the Reagan administration, the media mythos of the US emphasi ...
Western Elites Caught 'Red-Handed' in Iran?
February 02, 2012
Wow, an important article by Samam Mohammadi based on other equally important articles that Mohammadi cites. He basically lays out a case, as we have in the past, that Iran is a phony US enemy and that the Iranian Revolution was actually Western-inspired. There ...
Obama Carefully Crafts Health Care Failure
February 01, 2012
Ezekiel J. Emanuel and Jeffrey B. Liebman – both of whom have Obama administration ties, apparently – have written a massively economically illiterate article on health care that was recently posted to the New York Times Op-Ed. The main point of the article ...
Now UN Plans to Guide Nations' 'Best Practices' Around the World
February 01, 2012
On its surface, this latest UN over-reach doesn't sound so alarming. The UN is simply stating via a press release announcing a Thai partnership that as part of its "next" five-year plan (shades of the USSR), its bureaucrats will reach agreements with countries ...
Bedrock of a Free Society
February 01, 2012
Living with integrity is a bedrock skill for living well that requires the use of reason and is always an ongoing work in progress. It is also the primary quality of character necessary for a free society. The best definition of reason that I've ever come acros ...
Facebook IPO Is US Intel Operation?
January 31, 2012
No, we don't believe the hype. It's directed history, perhaps, not reality. Zuckerberg is in his later twenties. Did you ever meet anyone who'd built a US$100 billion company in a single decade, much less at a time when most young men and women are still decidi ...
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