STAFF NEWS & ANALYSIS Showing 2501 - 2550 of 7043
Police State: Thousands of Americans’ Electronics Illegally Searched at Border
January 08, 2018
Over 30,000 people had their electronic devices searched without probable cause or a warrant by Customs and Border Protection in 2017. This is a 50% increase from 2016. ...
How to Recognize the Echo Chamber and Revive Civil Public Discourse
January 07, 2018
Reducing "the other" to a caricature or Disney villain is bound to grow the schism. ...
If You Work Remotely, Move to One of These States
January 06, 2018
Moving is one of the easiest ways to slash your tax bill. ...
truth defintiion
Did German Court Just Break “Hate Speech” Law in Transgender Snub?
January 05, 2018
Authoritarians hate well-defined words. They want words to mean whatever they want them to mean at a given time. Later, perhaps they will mean something else when they say the word. "Hate Speech" and "Offensive Speech" is in the eye of the beholder. ...
Victim Blame: Let the People Go Their Separate Ways
January 04, 2018
The United States was founded on secession. It didn't have to be violent, but it was. Whose fault was that? Was it the United States' fault for insisting on more local governance? Or was it England's fault for ignoring the consent of the governed? ...
Exposed: Corrupt Bureau of Land Management Tried to Railroad Cliven Bundy
January 03, 2018
The third trial of Cliven Bundy has ended in a mistrial. The prosecution failed to turn over documents that would have helped the defense. ...
How the Lack of Consent has Made Us All Victims
January 02, 2018
What do you think, could 2018 be the year that consent is required for all human interaction? Or will we keep addressing symptoms--like sexual assault--while ignoring the underlying problem? ...
6 Places You Can Spend Your Bitcoin Fortune
December 31, 2017
Contrary to popular belief, you can, in fact, spend your Bitcoin. Here are ten places to make it rain with your newfound crypto wealth. ...
truth defintiion
Is That Real Fake News or Real News Called Fake?
December 30, 2017
The "fake news" phenomenon makes free speech more important than ever. It makes open discussion and freedom of expression paramount to getting to the bottom of the truth. ...
happy kid plays superhero
Six Best Ways to Raise Freedom-Loving Kids
December 29, 2017
As freedom-loving parents, we’re going to have to do some things differently than most of society. ...
Headlines Like These are Why Trump Isn’t Worried…
December 27, 2017
What does desperation look like? This: ...
Millionaire Heiress Crusades Against Freedom to Spend Your Own Money
December 26, 2017
What Disney should actually be infuriated about, what she should “hope I’m making you angry” about, is that the ruling elite gets to make decisions about how her money is spent. ...
How to Start Creating a Home Business Today
December 23, 2017
The benefits are obvious. Make more money. Determine your own schedule. Be rewarded for your hard work. Join the ranks of successful business owners worldwide. ...
The Long and the Short of Parenting
December 22, 2017
It is impossible for every single interaction with a child to be replete with purpose. But keeping the long-term goals for their child in mind can help parents do better in the short term. ...
Why Governments Treat You Like a Number, Not an Individual
December 21, 2017
Governments hate anything that empowers individuals. This is because it makes governing harder. And this holds true regardless of whether you view government as overall good, or generally evil. ...
3 Recent Free Speech Wins in Court: Free Tweets, Owning Words, and Offensive Trademarks
December 19, 2017
Do Trump's tweets make you feel sad? Are you a public figure who has felt the wrath of Trump's twitter account? Has the President's use of 140 characters negatively impacted your career or personal life? ...
How to Act Compassionately Towards Transgender People: Do Not Encourage a Delusion
December 18, 2017
I'm not allowed to say what I am about to say, according to the mainstream media. They claim the only reason I would make this argument is that I am full of hate. The truth is, I don't want to see the media dupe people with a mental health condition into making ...
The Big Con: The Truth Behind Net Neutrality and Why the Sky Is Not Falling
December 16, 2017
December 14th marked the end of the internet. At least, that is what the media, social networks... and lobbyists would have you believe. ...
Why Parents Owe Their Kids for the “Crime” of Creating Them
December 15, 2017
It’s easy to laugh at this concept of an infant having his rights violated by being created and snuggled by his parents. But just because most people think of something as a good thing doesn’t mean it should be forced on you. Life is often good and joyful. ...
What are Rights? Do Rights Even Exist?
December 14, 2017
Self-ownership is a concept required in order to avoid the most atrocious human rights abuses, like slavery, murder, and rape. Without this view of rights, all manner of evil can be justified in the name of providing for others. ...
How Government Agents Troll Online to Divide and Confuse
December 13, 2017
The real story of online deception isn't about the Russians. Sure, the Russians certainly have their own programs to disrupt and steer online discourse. But how quickly the public has forgotten about the U.S. government's own internet troll program. ...
technology in your hand
How Amazon and Google Smart Speaker Competition Reveals The Future of Government
December 11, 2017
Private governance is the culmination of the American dream of independence. For most of history government have been rulers and dictators. We now have the chance to have a government that truly serves. ...
Epic Media Failure, but they blame Trump for calling them out
December 10, 2017
If anything good comes from Trump's Presidency, it will be widespread distrust of media and government. ...
Drain the Swamp, or Spread the Swamp? Lawmakers Pitch Relocating Agency Headquarters
December 09, 2017
The U.S. government plans to spew occupying forces far and wide within the United States. Or... The U.S. government will distribute the income of the bureaucratic class across distressed regions of the country. Are they spreading the wealth, or spreading ...
John Lennon Was Right: The Government Is Run by Maniacs for Maniacal Means
December 08, 2017
“Produce your own dream. If you want to save Peru, go save Peru. It’s quite possible to do anything, but not to put it on the leaders….You have to do it yourself.” ...
Warning: Trump’s Federal Reserve Pick Hates Gold and Cash
December 07, 2017
Goodfriend says banks should be able to charge people money to store their money. But then why would anyone keep their money in a bank? They wouldn't unless the cash negative interest rate was even higher. ...
Asteroid Worth So Much Money… that it will sink the economy?
December 06, 2017
Don't you hate when so much extra wealth is added to society, that the economy tanks? Wait, what? ...
New York City Processed a Fake Property Deed. THIS Innovative Country Won’t Have that Problem.
December 05, 2017
Blockchain legitimacy has nothing to do with the myth of magical government action. And that is why its future is bright. ...
How Government Created the Myth of Adolescence and the Terrible Consequences
December 03, 2017
Why are teens so angsty and rebellious? Because they are biologically adults, being treated like children. ...
Where the Government Fear-Porn Propaganda Industry is Headed
December 02, 2017
The first step, create a monster. The second step, use that monster to scare people into giving you power. ...
blurry state house
Sexual Assault Storm Tells us Something Else About Power
November 30, 2017
Let's talk about power. The way I see it, there are basically two types of power, political and economic. You can wield power through the government, or through your giant bank account. ...
The Problem Isn’t Robots, The Problem is Attitude
November 29, 2017
The government plan creates no new wealth. They simply redistribute existing wealth through a basic income. This is an opportunity for humanity to use 30% of their productive time in exciting new endeavors. If we let the government have their way, they will des ...
How to Leave the 9-5 Job Behind for the Modern Economy
November 28, 2017
You can't ignore the facts. That traditional model of employment so many Americans sought in the past, is giving way to something new. ...
Anarchy: How a Region of Somalia Just Solidified Its Independence
November 26, 2017
Somaliland was an isolated separatist region of a war-torn vacuum of power. Now, they are positioned to become the next Dubai. ...
100 billion reasons to have non-reportable assets
November 25, 2017
Estimates vary for the amount of money the government will bring in through this theft; the lowest amount I’ve seen is $100 billion (again, an enormous sum in Saudi Arabia). The Wall Street Journal reported that the Saudi government is targeting as much ...
Macy’s Parade Security Used to Promote Surveillance and Police State
November 24, 2017
The Police Cheif bragged that every inch of the city was covered by at least one security camera. He chuckled that there is not a corner you could find to escape being filmed. ...
How Communism Almost Prevented The First Thanksgiving
November 23, 2017
When settlers first arrived at Plymouth, their first attempts to survive were disastrous. ...
the scale of law
Why Rule of Law is the Most Important Product
November 22, 2017
Industries are routinely upset by new technologies. Rule of law is a product in need of innovation. The way to govern a society needs some experimentation to improve it. ...
The Real Reason the Media Pushes “Sexual Liberation”
November 20, 2017
Individual freedom terrifies those in power. But it is an innate desire that cannot be suppressed. Therefore the media attempts to replace the drive for personal liberation with sexual liberation. ...
What National Review Gets Wrong About the Opioid Crisis and the War on Drugs
November 18, 2017
The situation, then, will truly be out of control. The Cartel presence in the U.S. will become massive, and ubiquitous, as black market heroin profits will soar, corrupting law enforcement, the political class, and everyone standing to cash in. The United Stat ...
Sex, Power, and Consent: How to Interpret the Media Frenzy Around Sexual Assault
November 17, 2017
The way the government treats the citizens is the exact same way sexual predators treat their victims. ...
Warning: One of These Monopolies is Going to Control You
November 16, 2017
Why are governments so interested in breaking up monopolies? To protect the biggest monopoly of all, the government. ...
America is Too Big, Like Going to a Restaurant with 20 Friends
November 15, 2017
It is a nightmare. And you don't have to do it. ...
The Whiskey Rebellion: How Brand New America Tore Up The Bill of Rights
November 13, 2017
223 years ago today, "The Dreadful Night" occurred in Western Pennsylvania, after an uprising called The Whiskey Rebellion. ...
blurry state house
You Won’t Believe The Nerve of These Three Government Officials
November 10, 2017
The problem with government is it elevates people to positions of power over their fellow citizens. And all too often, these people take advantage of their status. ...
Thousands of Americans renounced their citizenship. Again
November 09, 2017
The primary driver behind this is taxes, plain and simple. ...
Victim Blame: Media Suggests Rand Paul Deserved To Be Attacked
November 08, 2017
And if the nonchalant attitude of the media wasn't enough, GQ published a piece called Rand Paul Sounds Like the Worst Guy to Have as a Neighbor. That's it. Blame the victim. Rand Paul deserved to be attacked because he is an annoying neighbor. ...
Here’s How to Deal With Overpopulation
November 07, 2017
Anytime someone in an elite or powerful position starts saying the population is too high we should get worried. You can bet it isn't their friends and family that they are talking about overpopulating the Earth. ...
How Insurance Companies Could Easily Replace Government
November 06, 2017
Chubb provides extra protection to the homes they insure in certain zip codes that are prone to wildfires. They get private firefighters on the scene before the building catches. This means instead of being left with a pile of ashes and a check to go about the ...
Journal Claims Boys’ Advantage in Physics Comes Down to Peeing
November 04, 2017
Now we know that boys' natural advantage in physics comes from peeing. A scholarly article has detailed the theory. The authors suggest that boys gain a practical knowledge of the physics of projectile arcs by having the natural opportunity to manipulate arcs o ...
Showing 2501 - 2550 of 7043 – Newest on Top
