Showing 2751 - 2800 of 7139
June 05, 2017
Theresa May is now calling for stricter regulations regarding the internet, in the wake of the most recent terrorist attack. She wants to force internet providers and websites to remove any loosely defined "extremist" or "radicalizing" content, and she wants to ...
June 04, 2017
Licensing is when the government takes a right from you, and sells it back. This California man failed to purchase his rights back from the state. ...
June 02, 2017
After a nerve-racking, jam-packed five-hour bus ride on a careening mountain road in the Nepalese countryside, I was seriously doubting my life choices. ...
June 01, 2017
It is time to use entrepreneurship to create better governance. By creating a “startup society”, (an experimental government in a small geographic area) governance has the ability to experiment when traditional government cannot. ...
May 30, 2017
Oops, Facebook says, it was totally just a little mistake that they supported a murderous government over activists wishing to draw attention to horrible human rights abuses. ...
May 28, 2017
Spain however, doesn't even want the people of Catalonia to talk about or think about secession. The former President of Catalonia defied the Spanish government when he held a referendum to form a new country of Catalonia. 35% of eligible voters turned out in t ...
May 26, 2017
Why is the world's 6th richest man lecturing the public on the wealth gap, and floating ideas like the government spreading OUR wealth around while hoarding his own? ...
May 24, 2017
These are all examples of communities experimenting with governance that will provide options for those of us who seek economic freedom, and freedom from centralized banks, and the oppression that comes with them. ...
May 23, 2017
Turns out, actually being a genuinely good person is the easiest way to have influence over others, and get them to like you--weird, I know. ...
May 22, 2017
ISIS wants to poison our water supply, but the joke's on them! The U.S. government already beat them to the punch. ...
May 21, 2017
Why did "private" prison stocks soar the day after Trump got elected?
It is almost like people in the industry knew something that the public didn't. The former Attorney General Yates said that private prisons would be phased out. So before any cabinet membe ...
May 20, 2017
Everything is a conspiracy, the elite globalists control us all, they will win, and resistance is futile.
Well, in that case, what's the point of even fighting it? In fact, if all is so hopeless, why even bother pointing out how hopeless it is? ...
May 18, 2017
Technology is allowing anyone to be economically independent, and its rapid growth is paving the way for unprecedented access to freedom and wealth.
Democratizing technology means the masses now have access to what only the rich and powerful once controlled. ...
May 16, 2017
Just reverse the situation and anyone can see that the right to discriminate is necessary. What if the Westboro Baptist Church went into a gay t-shirt maker's business and demanded 100 shirts that say "God hates fags." Should they be forced to comply, or are th ...
May 14, 2017
Innocent until proven guilty may be a thing of the past if an investigation itself is punishment. ...
May 13, 2017
If a political organization requires the right person in power in order to not be corrupt, then it is a bad organization. It is dangerous, and should not exist because it is impossible to find angels to put into those positions of power. ...
May 11, 2017
For this reason the President is always a controversial choice, always an infuriating but fascinating character. His job is not to wield power but to draw attention away from it. ...
May 10, 2017
180 years ago today, everyone panicked. On May 10, 1837, New York banks finally realized that the easy money they were lending was unsustainable, and demanded payment in "specie," or hard money like gold and silver coin. They had previously been accepting paper ...
May 09, 2017
Governments have failed in their expressed purpose, so why bother preserving that failure? After all, people will voluntarily come together when they need mutual assistance, which is supposedly the entire point of government anyway. ...
May 05, 2017
Whether directly or indirectly, the CIA and U.S. government were certainly involved in creating ISIS.
So when something pops up from the media saying what ISIS is doing, what they are really saying is what the highest levels of U.S. intelligence want you to ...
May 03, 2017
An Oregon man is suing Portland for violating his freedom of speech after he was fined $500 for calculating how long yellow lights stay yellow. ...
May 02, 2017
If you stay inside the United States you will remain free, safe, and prosperous. If you even so much as step foot outside of the United States, you will probably be murdered, if not taken. At least that is what the State Department would have you believe. ...
May 01, 2017
Did you know that in addition to ice cream, Ben and Jerry's serves up delicious propaganda? Nom, Nom, Nom. Mmmm. I feel informed. ...
April 30, 2017
Say what you will about Bitcoin--whether it is a real currency, a government conspiracy, or a Ponzi scheme--but for one Venezuelan it was a very real ticket out of a crumbling socialist country. ...
April 28, 2017
If the need to stop the practice of female genital mutilation seems so obvious to you, why shouldn't young boys be afforded the same protection? ...
April 25, 2017
There is an old saying that one should never talk about politics or religion. I think that is just a way to make sure people don't talk about anything productive or eye opening.
And I think it is basically the same attitude that makes the New York Times tell ...
April 24, 2017
The federal ban on cannabis is one of those policies which make living in Americ feel like the dark ages. It wastes tax dollars with enforcement, and it tramples states' rights to make their own laws.
Worst of all though, it threatens legal businesses in sta ...
April 21, 2017
Can you imagine being stuck in an insane asylum, when you aren't really crazy?
That is sometimes what society feels like, living life in this government controlled nut house. ...
April 20, 2017
If you lived in North Korea, you might think your government had attacked a U.S. aircraft carrier which was approaching the country. You would probably think North Korea had the capabilities to hold their own against the U.S. including "super mighty" preemptive ...
April 19, 2017
You know what a good use of law enforcement resources is? Detaining old women for attempting to sell moon rocks and space shuttle pieces. ...
April 16, 2017
ROME- Inciting riots, making terrorist threats, destruction of property, treason, and impersonating a King are just some of the charges this man faced last week.
When the regional authorities of the Sanhedrin finally had enough of his sedition, agents of Rom ...
April 15, 2017
The CIA should be thanking Wikileaks for revealing vulnerabilities in their department. If you run the supposedly best, most expansive and powerful spying agency in the world, shouldn't you be able to stop leaks revealing your secret hacking tools? ...
April 13, 2017
It's no secret that the U.S. unleashes all sorts of death and destruction in their foreign policy. But it is all for the greater good... so they claim.
Actually consider for a moment the obscure possibility that the U.S. foreign policy of drones, weapons sup ...
April 12, 2017
Facebook is not exactly the champion of user privacy, but at least in one case, the company did go to bat for its users. Facebook took New York law enforcement to court over secret warrants that allowed authorities to collect user data. ...
April 11, 2017
I just read an article from what the mainstream considers a reputable source of news, the New York Times. The article talked all about monetary policy and didn't say a thing about the real world.
Because the Federal Reserve is not operating in the real world ...
April 10, 2017
The government isn't quite ready to force microchip injections on citizens. But if you want to do it on your own, it just makes tracking you and your data that much easier! ...
April 09, 2017
25 years ago, Somalia’s central government collapsed under the communist leader Siad Barre. The world watched as the country was plunged into widespread discord. Famine, hyperinflation, civil war, political violence, terrorism, and piracy are just a few of th ...
April 08, 2017
Evidence suggests a false flag chemical weapons attack on the Syrian people was initiated by Syrian rebels with the help of the United States in order to justify Thursday night's U.S. Military attack on a Syrian base. ...
April 07, 2017
The government's solution to every problem they create is to just pass more draconian rules on top of the immense pile of crap they have already dumped on Americans.
The Drug Enforcement Agency will publish a new rule on Monday banning synthetic marijuana, s ...
April 05, 2017
Uber is psychologically manipulating their drivers in order to exploit them. I know this because a New York Times article told me so. The article is titled, How Uber Uses Psychological Tricks to Push Its Drivers’ Buttons, and starts, "The secretive ride-haili ...
April 04, 2017
The FBI is super sketchy. Questions abound over their role in various assassinations. The case of Martin Luther King Jr. is no exception.
Today is the 49th anniversary of the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr., a man who stood for peace and encouraged e ...
April 03, 2017
Imagine you just had to defend your fiance from two masked men attempting to kidnap your her. That experience would be harrowing alone, but imagine if you were then immediately kidnapped by the people who are sworn to protect you.
Police arrested Jeremiah Mo ...
March 31, 2017
Now, the war of prices is a seasoned game of strategy which brings suppliers into the mix. Both Walmart and Amazon reportedly hound product supply companies to lower their prices in order to better compete. ...
March 30, 2017
If you are flying a jet, and approaching a thunderstorm, is it better to go through the thunderstorm, or to fly above it, safely out of range? The thunderstorm exists, and is dangerous; you cannot change that. But what you can change is how you interact with th ...
March 29, 2017
The case for strict government regulation is built on some faulty beliefs about humanity and behavior. It assumes that people in business are at their core unconcerned about other people and are motivated solely by profit. It assumes in contrast, that those peo ...
March 27, 2017
Even more concerning is that the security exercises increasing target "home grown terrorists" and "right wing extremists."
For instance, a bill passed the House of Representatives last Friday "To require an exercise related to terrorist and foreign fighter t ...
March 26, 2017
Robots are going to take all our jobs, and it doesn't matter. We should actually be thrilled about the prospects of automation, because it means freeing up economic resources, including in my opinion the most valuable resource, time.
One analysis says as man ...
March 25, 2017
Ban all the things, and when we all live in padded prison cells, we will be safe from terrorists!
That is the plan. Because access to information is really the problem, according to the British government. As soon as people don't have access to extremist mat ...
March 22, 2017
What is the point of law? Is it to settle disputes that arise between two individuals; the way common law was born? Or perhaps law is meant to spur debate on the use of the oxford comma, like a high stakes schoolhouse lesson on grammar. ...
March 21, 2017
Imagine men in bleach white bio suits with medical masks show up at your door. You are suspected of carrying a communicable disease. You will now be arrested and held without due process, indefinitely.
The government could do this any day.
They have the ...