Cannabis / Marijuana Showing 3851 - 3900 of 6776
Uruguay Looks to Canada for Its Weed?
March 21, 2014
We've focused our analysis of the emerging marijuana meme on the inevitability of decriminalization and even legalization around the world. We've gotten some pushback (from feedbackers) as well; the argument is that what has happened so far is merely a disconne ...
The US Is Recovering but Britain Isn't? Don't Believe It
March 20, 2014
This story is interesting for two reasons: It speaks the truth about Britain's non-existent recovery and it lies about the US one. First, Britain: Indeed, the "recovery" that Britain is supposed to be having doesn't seem to be materializing. This is not surpris ...
Latest Climate Change Wrinkle: Skyscrapers Out of Wood
March 20, 2014
It's hard to believe this meme is taking off, but apparently it is. Just as with electric cars, there is no single person – not one – who woke up in the morning determined to live in a skyscraper made of wood. But nonetheless, the power elite that is behind ...
With New Study, BOE Tries to Revive Occupy Wall Street
March 19, 2014
There are two main props to the authoritarian force of modern capitalism, so far as we can tell. One is monopoly central banking and the other is corporate personhood. Both of these are enforced by law, which means if you somehow try to undermine either of thes ...
Bloomberg Editorial Supports Manmade Climate Change; Greenpeace Co-Founder Doesn't
March 19, 2014
Should we be concerned that US individuals don't care about global warming/climate change? Bloomberg thinks so. This ill-written editorial attempts to figure out why Republicans in particular discount manmade climate change. It is almost laughable to read an ed ...
Rating Agencies' Big Secret
March 18, 2014
This article goes against the common wisdom regarding rating agencies. In fact, this article concludes that ratings agencies' main purpose, from the point of view of the big banks that use them, is to justify decisions to invest in risky, high-yielding product. ...
China Defaults: Long-Term Fog?
March 18, 2014
For years we've been aware of the tendency of many in the investment world to fool themselves about China. But not anymore. More and more articles are being written that recognize what's actually occurring in this great country – which must amount inevitably ...
As Predicted, Ukraine Crisis Used to Argue for a Centralized Europe
March 17, 2014
One of the memes emerging from the Ukraine "crisis" is that the West is weak and the East is strong. Barack Obama is effeminate and Vladimir Putin is a bare-chested "he-man." We personally don't find Obama effeminate. He's scholarly, even studious in demeanor, ...
Gold Versus Bitcoin: An Unnecessary Argument
March 17, 2014
This article is an overt statement of a subterranean argument about gold. It encapsulates arguments regarding bitcoin versus gold that only add to the confusion. Bitcoin proponents often seem driven by a barely concealed contempt for gold – and even hatred. Y ...
Ukraine: Authorities Win, Citizens Lose
March 14, 2014
The Great Game continues. We are supposed to be mesmerized, and to forget the problems of society and how the system contributes to them. Instead, we are reminded of how Leviathan protects us and keeps us safe. As tensions rise, attention turns to "armed forces ...
Easing of US Penalties for Drug Users Advances the Marijuana Meme?
March 14, 2014
We are searching for reasons why US fedgov officials would suddenly want to create a "fairer justice system." All we can come up with is that so many other things are going badly at a high level, "reforming" the system – or at least talking about it – can g ...
Are Business Cycles Driven by City Bonuses? Really?
March 13, 2014
We have addressed this issue before, because it is a primary dominant social theme. But it needs occasional refreshing. In fact, it cannot be stressed too much that it is central banking that creates bubbles and then ruinous disinflations. Alan Greenspan and Be ...
'A Change Is Gonna Come'
March 13, 2014
This is a good article that leaves out a very important point. It's good because it does try to explain UKIP's attraction in Britain. It is less good, in our view, because it does not mention the part that the Internet has played in the rise of freedom movement ...
Suit Against Gold Fixing Could Further Undermine Dollar Confidence
March 12, 2014
And so it begins. Regulators are looking into gold fixing in London. They haven't turned it into a formal investigation but they might. Deutsche Bank has resigned from the London gold-fix committee. Others are thinking about it. The Rothschilds resigned long ag ...
On the Cutting Edge of Marijuana Policy Sea Change
March 12, 2014
This is one of a number of articles recently written to try to explain why marijuana is becoming either decriminalized or legalized. These articles will continue to be written, though they are not convincing. It is as if quantity can make up for quality. But in ...
Nuclear Drama of Directed History?
March 11, 2014
One of the biggest dominant social themes of the power elite has to do with endowing lines on a map with personhood. That is, when a crisis needs to be whipped up, reporting immediately begins to refer to such nonexistent entities as nation-states. It's "Russia ...
Gun Law Chaos: Failing Connecticut Blows Up
March 11, 2014
Connecticut politicos have finally hit the proverbial wall. Following the Sandy Hook shootings of toddlers, Connecticut passed a radical gun-registration law. Here's how describes it: Legislation enacted after the December 2012 shooting at Sandy Hook Ele ...
Economic Dysfunction! What, Oh, What Should We Do?
March 10, 2014
We refer you, dear reader, to yet another article (excerpted above) professing puzzlement as to how some Americans can be rich while so many remain poor. A proportion of US citizens are wealthy. Many are not. Household income is rising yet employment is not. So ...
Kerry's Climate Change Priority Signals a Revitalized Warmist Meme?
March 10, 2014
We've been writing about climate change a lot because we think the strategy behind this meme has morphed. We see a new wrinkle. Of course, globalists want to promote climate change as a way of controlling carbon dioxide in the air – and thus controlling indus ...
Did Deregulation Cause the Great Recession … Or Monopoly Central Banking?
March 07, 2014
Whoops! Harlan Green is a good writer and sophisticated thinker, but his grounding is seemingly Keynesian; thus, this article, which appeared recently in the Huffington Post, drills down to unearth a rich vein of neo-socialist claptrap. Who is Mr. Green? "Harla ...
Cracking the Climate Change Code: OZ DOD Admits to Weather Manipulation?
March 07, 2014
We can't prove that globalist elites are manipulating the weather to justify international governance with an authoritarian caste. But it makes a lot of sense. We've already presented this view here: Climate Change and HAARP – A Working Relationship? Recall, ...
Qatar vs. Saudi Arabia: Next War?
March 06, 2014
Is Qatar the next hot spot? We know the West has been whipping up trouble throughout Northern Africa and the Middle East. And it's an open secret that the Anglosphere in particular has made trouble in Ukraine. But now it looks like the same thing may be happeni ...
Illegal Marijuana? The Dialectic Doesn't Fool Us Anymore
March 06, 2014
You might think from the way the Obama administration is treating certain individuals involved with marijuana that he intends to fight against legalization as hard as possible. You might think, therefore, that what seems to be a promising groundswell of support ...
Secession – Logical Outgrowth of a Modern Reformation
March 05, 2014
We have often written that the Internet Reformation is a process not an episode and indeed, most of our analysis is based on the inevitability of its effects. So we are not surprised by the secession movement in the US, which we have referred to previously. It ...
Out-of-Ideas Obama – and the Budget Ramifications Are Profound
March 05, 2014
Well ... it's politics as usual in Washington DC. President Barack Obama, embroiled in an international confrontation, has a new budget to pump up that seemingly promises something for everyone. In fact, this is how a broken system works. US fedgov frankly recy ...
As Europe Trembles, US Emerges as 'Safe Haven'?
March 04, 2014
Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. One could certainly say Merkel is out of touch with German reality, but she – and the German media – don't see it that way. The citizens of Angela Merkel's country are quite worried about being part of the euro a ...
Tim Cook at Apple: Massive Sell Signal?
March 04, 2014
Tim Cook has decided that if you believe in global warming you should buy Apple. If not, don't. This is certainly some sort of nadir for Corporate America, which has seen plenty of down moments. Thomas Jefferson warned against corporations and the US founding f ...
Washington Post: Military Maneuvering is Putin's Fault
March 03, 2014
Is President Barack Obama weak? That's what a spate of articles has implied recently regarding Russia's apparent invasion of Crimea-Ukraine. The uprising in West Ukraine has resulted in the ousting of Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych. He has fled to East U ...
Freedom Is the Best Monetary Shaper of All
March 03, 2014
Robert Shiller wrote this article, and it caught our eye because it is so complex. Soon, you begin to feel like you're in the middle of a giant math exam. He's parsing this and deconstructing that. Before you know it he's juggling three – count 'em, three – ...
FT's Shocking Gold-Manipulation Glitch
February 28, 2014
This is yet more evidence that the current system is breaking down. An article goes up on the website of a major newspaper and then is removed without explanation. Combating the Internet Reformation means dying by a thousand cuts. Any one cut doesn't matter muc ...
Directed History of the Marijuana Meme
February 28, 2014
Two things we believe about the sudden marijuana legalization meme: It is no accident, and it is going to happen in a powerful and efficient manner. There will be glitches, of course, but this movement is just like so many others that alternative media observer ...
Rand Paul Drives Libertarian Politics Toward the Top
February 27, 2014
Readers of these pages will not be surprised by this article in the National Journal, which is reflective of the way libertarianism has grown in the past decade. The National Journal, in whose pages this article appeared, is part of a larger publishing company ...
US Points the Finger of Corruption Elsewhere as a Strategic Distraction
February 27, 2014
We've been reporting on the Swiss banking saga for years now and have always been irritated by the hypocrisy and power politics surrounding it. The US government has likely spent tens if not hundreds of millions attacking Swiss private banking because Swiss ban ...
Bitcoin – Did We Tell You So?
February 26, 2014
Mt. Gox, the bitcoin exchange, is gone and bitcoin closed under US$500 today, which is nowhere near its high. More importantly, many questions have arisen ... and the answers as we are seeing are not necessarily positive. We don't take any great pleasure in wha ...
The Internet Reformation Versus Snowden's Revelations
February 26, 2014
We've been writing about the creeping (galloping) authoritarianism of Western governments for years now. But we've tried to be careful because of the import of what's taking place. It's not easy to overstate it, but at the same time, one can easily be branded a ...
Markets Climbing a Wall of Worry – or Manipulation?
February 25, 2014
What can we say about a stock market like this? We do understand why the market keeps moving up, though most people probably don't. Of course, the large stock market players probably do understand. They're well aware of the various mechanisms that have been put ...
Smugness of the Climate Changers
February 25, 2014
We focused yesterday on the sudden reoccurrence of the singularly obnoxious Al Gore and his rejuvenated climate change pitch in the face of so much seeming weather turbulence. This Bloomberg article, excerpted above, following on the heels of Gore's drumming is ...
Advancing the NAU – We Told You So
February 24, 2014
Well, color us paranoid (regularly). We don't find the above discussion of the advantages of a "closer" North American Union to be coincidental in any manner, shape or form. Now, from our perspective, the true reasons for NAFTA and CAFTA become clearer. Those w ...
Climate Change and HAARP – A Working Relationship?
February 24, 2014
Al Gore is back at it again. One of the best-known climate doomsters is apparently on the hustings once again, and for various reasons that we will mention in this analysis, his reappearance is disturbing, indeed. At a time when the charlatans behind global war ...
Elite Free Trade: Smell the Panic
February 21, 2014
The power elite does not take kindly to political interference with one of its most sacred causes – so-called free trade. We say "so-called" because the kind of free trade being practiced by nation-states these days is anything but "free." Each modern free-tr ...
Decriminalization to Legalization – It's Happening Fast
February 21, 2014
We've been predicting that the movement to decriminalize marijuana would eventually end up at legalization but we never expected things would move this fast. On the other hand, we believe this entire movement to be a kind of dominant social theme. For one reaso ...
Marijuana: The Game Is Afoot and Smart Players Will Win
February 20, 2014
Our point regarding the first steps toward global marijuana legislation is that it has already been decided. The legalization of marijuana has quickly escalated to the level of a full-fledged dominant social theme. In other words, for various reasons, the power ...
Entrepreneurial Analysis and the Economist's Limited Frame of Reference
February 20, 2014
The Economist magazine has decided that Henrekson and Sanandaji (see above) have the right idea when it comes to entrepreneurs: Bigger is better. The Economist being a manifestation of globalism could surely be expected to take this view. But it is misguided no ...
US Leftward Shift? Don't Believe It
February 19, 2014
How can someone present an analysis showing that the US is shifting "left"? There is the matter of the "tea party" movement that, in this Internet era, has shoved many voters toward libertarianism. And then there is the widespread dissatisfaction with Barack Ob ...
NAU Conclave Advances the Cause of Authoritarianism
February 19, 2014
We just mentioned Keystone yesterday within the context of the controversial North American Union, and here it is again in the news. In fact, this article is full of hints about the NAU that is so staunchly denied by the officials of the US, Canada and Mexico. ...
Sly McConnell Supports the NAU?
February 18, 2014
Mitch McConnell, the mild-mannered Senate minority leader, posted the above editorial at Reuters to memorialize the incompetence of the Obama administration in announcing to the world that a US$800 billion "stimulus package" would create the jobs the US needed ...
Warmist Gambit Continues
February 18, 2014
One has to give globalists credit for continuing to promote the global warming meme. After 17 years without a temperature uptick, after a series of exposés that show the warmist position was manufactured by a handful of supporters with a chokehold on journal p ...
Drink From the Punch Bowl, Ms. Yellen – It Will Sour Soon Enough
February 17, 2014
Here is an article posted at Reuters that informs us that the economy is doing so well that "the world can finally see evidence that the extraordinary monetary and fiscal policies of the post-crisis period are starting to work as intended." When one is exposed ...
Gold Surge: What Took So long?
February 17, 2014
We have asked why, when Indian and Chinese consumers queue regularly to buy gold bullion with seeming desperation, the Western press – and the investment community – continually degrades the value of gold and the necessity of holding it. Manipulation seemed ...
How Long Will Bernanke's Reputation Survive?
February 14, 2014
This is a somewhat shocking article appearing at Bloomberg in that it is not a hagiography of former Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke but a fairly clear-eyed criticism. Because this intermediary business cycle has not yet come to a thudding halt, there is ...
Showing 3851 - 3900 of 6776 – Newest on Top
