STAFF NEWS & ANALYSIS Showing 3701 - 3750 of 7120
Defund the BBC?
March 02, 2015
Once one understands how much of the information band British media promotions occupy, it is difficult to watch the BBC for any length of time. Watch the Beeb for a day and be educated about how to believe and what to say. The Beeb is a prime exponent of domina ...
Cannabis Legalization: From Trickle to Torrent
March 02, 2015
We were among the first alternative media websites to announce the so-called war on drugs was ending and High Alert acted soon after that to pursue elements of what could reasonably be expected to coalesce into the "cannabis industry." At the same time, or near ...
Monsanto Laments Dwindling Faith in Science
February 28, 2015
We've noticed an uptick in this meme over time. In various feedbacks, we've noted commentators being questioned regarding their educational background. For instance, someone may make a comment on the 'Net regarding the lack of believability of global warming. A ...
Bloomberg: China's Property Problem?
February 28, 2015
China's property problems have turned from a demand-side issue to a supply-side one. A few years ago, as we and others in the alternative media have pointed out at length, Chinese construction was booming even though demand was lacking. This is partially how Ch ...
Bloomberg: The Fed Is a Good Deal More Responsible Than Congress
February 27, 2015
We've been covering central banking closely this past week because of the controversy over Rand Paul's Audit the Fed legislation. This article posted at Bloomberg is yet another in a series of articles that takes a pro-Fed position. Bloomberg has been steadily ...
Is Chaos a Goal in Ukraine?
February 27, 2015
The pressure on Putin and Russia keeps rising. But one needs to ask whether the end-game from a Western point of view is realistic or another gambit likely to fail. The West has been successful in removing Muammar Gaddafi of Libya and Hosni Mubarak of Egypt, bu ...
Bank of England Bitcoin Revolution – Who Benefits?
February 26, 2015
We don't see how central banks can issue bitcoin-style cryptocurrencies without compromising most or all of the features that make it attractive. Bitcoin is neither issued nor backed by one central authority, as modern fiat is. Bitcoin is anonymous in an era wh ...
Blundering Down Socialist Road Toward Health Care Dysfunction
February 26, 2015
Every couple of months we read something surprising about the British National Health Care System. Call it the BBC of health care – and that's no compliment. Canada's socialist system pays private doctors to perform medicine. In Britain, everyone seems to be ...
Has Public Sentiment Turned Against Central Banking?
February 25, 2015
Bloomberg seems to be uncomfortable with Rand Paul's Audit the Fed bill. This editorial repeats many of the points of a previous one, published earlier this month. We analyzed that editorial, "Bashing Central Banks – Does Rand Paul Know What He's Talking Abou ...
The Obvious Yet Surprising Challenge that Organic Offers Big Ag
February 25, 2015
We've struggled with the exact nature of the organic meme because it is a shifting target. As "organic" becomes more popular, regulatory authorities continue to expand definitions of what it is and who is able to utilize the word for what purposes. As these reg ...
In Considering a Washington DC Embassy, Is California Looking in the Wrong Direction?
February 24, 2015
California's officials are mulling this idea ... and Florida has already done it. "Florida has had a similar office in a 124-year-old Victorian home on Capitol Hill since 1973," the article informs us. The move is treated merely as another news item to report o ...
Shock Poll: Many Germans Want a Revolution?
February 24, 2015
In the other article in this issue, we pointed out that in the US, feelings of alienation toward the country and its federal government were a good deal more prevalent than ordinarily discussed. A Reuters analysis of a poll on the issue discovered almost a quar ...
Even If Current Talks Are Successful, Grave Greek Problems Remain
February 23, 2015
As expected, Greece's strong words have not been matched by action. The top men of Greece spoke boldly, but when we examined their pedigrees, they matched up with those on the other side of the table. The negotiations were thus never those of Greeks versus Germ ...
Big Tobacco Will Bring Big Profits to Cannabis Entrepreneurs Positioned Now
February 23, 2015
For the most part, the alternative media has led the way when it comes to defining the parameters of the cannabis industry and its potential profits. As decriminalization and legalization have evolved, however, we've seen more articles like this one posted at B ...
Argentina – and Cristina – Sink into Crisis
February 21, 2015
In this article, the BBC does what it often does, which is provide a "balanced" narrative regarding semi-authoritarian rulers and their bad behavior. This article pays little attention to Kirchner's truly outrageous behavior and instead "profiles" her in a fair ...
Does New Canadian Terrorism Bill Have Public Support?
February 21, 2015
This new Canadian bill is that the bill is exceptionally popular in Canada we learn from Canada's Globe and Mail. It calls for "tough new measures" that will further compromise Canadians' natural right to privacy, while giving the government invasive new powers ...
Holder's Last Stand: A Final Push to Catch Wall Street Crooks
February 20, 2015
Predatory lending is a big meme these days. During the sub-prime postmortems it was brought up a lot. Apparently, if someone offers you money and you take it, you may have participated in a crime. You're not at fault, of course. It's the fellow who gave you the ...
Attacking Payday Predators Misses the Point
February 20, 2015
In the other article in this issue, we've discussed Eric Holder's final attempt to bring accountability to Wall Street's bankers. What Holder claims he wants to accomplish on Wall Street – to clean it up – the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau wants to d ...
GAO and The Goldilocks Option: Audit the Fed but Don't Make It Sweat
February 19, 2015
Just in time to join this larger debate comes the reasonable GAO alternative: Let's make the Fed more accountable but not TOO accountable. Call this the Goldilocks option. We did some research and found a version of Goldilocks and the Three Bears that took the ...
Does the Russian Bear Smell Gold?
February 19, 2015
This Mises article about Russia potentially returning to a "gold standard" was written earlier this month. We've also speculated on this idea, and the article pulls together a number of current events from a Russian standpoint. The article talks about a remonet ...
Regulate the Regulators – Or Reduce Them?
February 18, 2015
This is one of those articles that in our humble opinion starts with a false premise, one that is enunciated at the very bottom of the article: In any event, financial regulators shouldn't be afraid of cost-benefit analysis. If it's done well, it serves the cau ...
Destructive Centralization of Global Security
February 18, 2015
This anti-extremism summit is likely laying the groundwork for further repression of US freedoms. It is using the fear of "terrorism" to do so. The legal remedies created as a result will eventually be aimed at domestic critics of US fedgov's increasingly repre ...
jumping in field with balloons
Sub-Prime Redux? … Happy Days!
February 17, 2015
The ingredients are being assembled for another Greater Recession. Methodically, they are placed in the pot. And eventually the pot will be stirred ... and the result will not be pretty. Central banks are printing money as never before. The BIS guides them and ...
Yemen: A Chaotic Country Worth Watching Closely
February 17, 2015
There are no nation-states, only cultures. Yemen is a good example of this. Western forces are trying to put back together a "nation" that never worked in the first place. And the reason given is (basically) Western security. But we would argue along with Ron P ...
Are Central Banks Benefiting Debtor Nations Via Monetary Strategies – or Are They Merely Fixing Prices?
February 16, 2015
Here is yet another article arguing that making money worth less increases prosperity. Black is white, up is down, etc. We truly live in an age where most of the world's received wisdom is at least questionable. And it is not hard to tell why. There are conside ...
Instead of Worrying About Funding DHS, Why Don't Republicans Consider a Long-Term Shutdown?
February 16, 2015
Republicans are worried about getting blamed for a Department of Homeland Security shutdown. The idea, as always, is that government needs to function effectively. If it doesn't then somebody is at risk of losing his job. And that's usually – according to com ...
Fed Under Attack Again – This Time From One of Its Own
February 13, 2015
The comments being made by Richard Fisher are probably a result of a recent Fed scandal involving the New York Fed and Goldman Sachs. Carmen Segarra worked at the Federal Reserve in New York and started secretly recording conversations in 2012 involving Goldman ...
Understand Free-Market Economics to Understand Your World
February 13, 2015
Here is Bloomberg yet again postulating that business cycles are not predictable and that – by default – central bank money printing has nothing to do with it. Of course, one of the big breakthroughs of the 20th century was, in our view, the discovery by Lu ...
Greece Offers New Bailout Plan as Latest Grexit Drama Commences
February 12, 2015
We begin to see a pattern here. As always, we are led to believe the crisis is unavoidable and the horror is about to descend. And then at the last minute, or even after the last minute, the bureaucrats somehow manage to resolve their differences. Some governme ...
A Neo-European Marshall Plan for Europe Is Not a Good Idea
February 12, 2015
This article proposes that the US ought to get involved in European affairs as it has "twice before" in the past century. When the article talks about "involvement," what is considered necessary is apparently a large sum of US cash that will allow Greece in par ...
Bashing Central Banks – Does Rand Paul Know What He's Talking About?
February 11, 2015
This Bloomberg editorial begins with an elaborate apology regarding a mis-statement that Rand Paul referred to US$57 trillion in Fed assets in a recent speech when he actually said US$57 billion. But the article doesn't back down any further regarding Rand Paul ...
Mainstream Media Hops on the Cannabis Express
February 11, 2015
Even now, many look on entrepreneurs in the cannabis space with mild derision. The industry has boomed so soon and multiplied into such a variety of opportunities that most people cannot foresee just how far or fast a cannabis venture can travel. Forbes, on the ...
As TPP Sails Forth, It Drags the West Into Uncharted Waters
February 10, 2015
There are two free trade pacts being negotiated currently, one in the "Pacific" and the other in the "Atlantic." The Pacific one seems to get most of the attention and there is good news for those who want the treaty cancelled or radically reconfigured. The goo ...
Internet Raises 'Organic'?
February 10, 2015
This is partially one of those "backlash" editorials, designed to take a countervailing position in order to stimulate our sense of inquiry. That's what we read editorials for, editors like to believe. In a sense, it harkens back to 20th century memes having to ...
Central Bank Easing Expands – And It's No Coincidence
February 09, 2015
We've been writing about this race to the bottom for months now. From our point of view, it seems like a kind of directed history. First, central bankers announce the specter of deflation and then they gradually take steps to combat it. They also announce that ...
Dragnet Closing in on US Citizens and Their Assets
February 09, 2015
This article from Martin Armstrong is a timely reminder that cross-border protections are getting stronger not weaker. We've estimated in the past that within two years time it will be significantly more difficult to get funds in and out of the US. Armstrong ha ...
Despite Controlling Factors, Greek Negotiations Remain Fraught
February 06, 2015
Is this a dance between the EU and Greece, designed to yield tension, headlines and ultimately resolution? Or is it a legitimate unraveling of the EU's program? Once again, the world waits and watches while powerful government officials bargain over national an ...
Bloomberg: Europe Will Continue to Totter
February 06, 2015
In the other article in this issue, we've analyzed the dialectic now taking hold between Greece and the EU. We pointed out that the EU may be trying to control negotiations as best it can but that these negotiations are disruptive nonetheless and presumably the ...
S&P Lawsuit Settlement Doesn't Address Real Issue of Asset Inflation
February 05, 2015
The suit is settled and presumably it's back to business as normal for S&P. The ratings agency stood accused of providing too-rosy ratings in order to gain clients. Of course, S&P was not the only agency to provide ratings that looked overly optimistic after th ...
Colorado's Windfall Could Help Speed Cannabis Legalization
February 05, 2015
Not long ago, cannabis was generally illegal and you could go to jail for a long time by smoking it. But now with legalization and decriminalization taking place in the US and elsewhere, cannabis is being touted as a government money spinner. In the case of Col ...
Blame Corporations for Income Inequality?
February 04, 2015
The US economy is making a comeback but not for individuals. This article in Al Jazeera, a quasi-mainstream publication, provides us with these insights. The article is written by David Cay Johnston, an award-winning investigative reporter who recently produced ...
Greece – Back From the Brink?
February 04, 2015
We recently pointed out in an article – "Grexit: The Footsteps Grow Louder ... Could the EU Blow Apart?" – that Germans might be very unhappy with a rescheduling of Greek debt. But that looks like what is happening. The proximate mechanism is a proposal by ...
When It Comes to the Bull Market, Keep Your Eye on the Money Printing, Not the Regulation
February 03, 2015
This article is in line with what we've forecast in the past regarding regulation and asset expansions. When markets crash, it is easy to create regulations to "address" the perceived problem. In fact, legislators often don't know or understand the problem, but ...
Normalization of a Meme: How Rand and Jeb Create a Dialectic Necessary for Cannabis's Legalization
February 03, 2015
Despite both a US and global movement toward legalizing cannabis, or at least decriminalizing medical cannabis, there hasn't been a lot of personalized political conversation. Yet it is often such anecdotal conversations that help create a dialectic to begin wi ...
Grexit: The Footsteps Grow Louder … Could the EU Blow Apart?
February 02, 2015
There are no easy answers here now that the Greek Syriza government has been elected and made it clear (at least so far) that it will not continue down the road that Greece is supposedly – lawfully – bound to travel. A previous administration signed on to a ...
McCain Disparages Anti-War Protestors, Pushback Is Significant
February 02, 2015
The recent verbal confrontation between McCain and members (in particular) of the activist group Code Pink illustrates how the Internet works. We are reminded again why isolation and ridicule of target groups is often counter-productive in the 21st century. McC ...
The Economist's Departure Is Bloomberg's Gain?
January 30, 2015
One way to look at this move is to see it as a benefit for both publications. That's because there is not a lot of difference between Bloomberg and The Economist when it comes to editorial direction. Bloomberg is in a sense relentlessly authoritarian and so is ...
Indian Tribes Advance Into Cannabis Cultivation, Though Gaming Model May Not Apply
January 30, 2015
Indian tribes are taking swift steps to involve themselves in cannabis cultivation and marketing. This takes place following regulatory and business advances that have made the Native American entrée increasingly feasible. The Daily Bell previously reported on ...
Misdirection and Misinformation Plague EU Analyses – From the Top Down
January 29, 2015
Here is a good example of how top financial execs try to make sure "no crisis goes to waste." In the recent past, especially, we've been explaining how the EU's foundering – along with the euro – was actually part of a larger, hush-hush strategic plan. Carn ...
Is It Peak Food Yet? Yale Seems to Predict Worldwide Starvation
January 29, 2015
So now there is peak food. From the standpoint of farming and food production, peak food is probably good news. Prices will go up; demand will rise. It will surely become a self-fulfilling prophecy. But is it true? We tend to think at a fundamental level peak f ...
Showing 3701 - 3750 of 7120 – Newest on Top
