STAFF NEWS & ANALYSIS Showing 501 - 8 of 8
Anderson Cooper Shames Cornel West For Wanting to End War, Defends Iraq Invasion
July 24, 2023
The military-industrial complex reigns supreme, despite the otherwise liberal rhetoric of the corporate state media. ...
Rosie O’Donnell Smears RFK Jr.: ‘I Think He’s a Danger in Many Ways’
July 23, 2023
Politics, to this class of people, is merely a diversion of the same kind that a game of polo might provide. ...
What Is It to Be an Alien? Expats Discuss
July 21, 2023
I recently joined TNT Radio host Hrvoje Moric to discuss my recent memoir about expatdom and existentialism and civilizational anxieties. ...
Future Headline: Prince Harry’s Feature Film on Hunter Biden Nominated for Emmy
July 21, 2023
The Struggle of Privilege chronicles the tumultuous life of Hunter Biden in a gripping tale of adversity, survival, and the power of resilience. ...
Muh White Supremacy™: Epstein-Friendly Dem. Rep. Accuses RFK Jr. of Racism!
July 20, 2023
And she did it all – as she reminded everyone repeatedly at today's censorship hearing – for something called Democracy™! ...
The Armageddon Prose Merch Store Is Live!
July 19, 2023
I even made Armageddon Prose lumbar support pillows. ...
UNREAL Propaganda: CNN Says McDonald’s Will Save World From ‘Climate Change’
July 18, 2023
The real question is: did McDonald's pay for this spot directly or just through a massive ad buy with CNN? ...
Here’s why “Plan A” really stinks
July 18, 2023
This is what I call “Plan A”, i.e. do nothing. Hope for the best. ...
WATCH: ‘Libertarian’ Reason Magazine Goes Full Pfizer-Shill, Smears RFK Jr.
July 17, 2023
How very libertarian of them. ...
Hitler Had a Dog Named Blondi (and Moral Ambiguity)
July 16, 2023
Blondi, fittingly, was a German Shepherd. What else could she be in the Third Reich? ...
WATCH: John Bolton Appears on CNN, Laments ‘Random People’ Trump Talked to During Presidency
July 15, 2023
Bolton's a bit of a two-trick pony ...
Future Headline: White House Prepares to Block Out the Sun
July 14, 2023
“I need you to just trust the science." ...
Hollywood Predictive Programming: White Supremacy and Bioterrorism
July 14, 2023
Having recently watched two new films released in 2023, it was striking how propagandised the storylines were, filled with subtle and outright nods to the narrative du jour of the week. Storylines crafted to capture the imaginations of viewers, preying upon the ...
Surprise, Surprise, Right in Your Eyes: ‘Miracle’ Weight Loss Drug Not So Miraculous
July 13, 2023
"Unrelated thyroid issue?" ...
Notes From Exile: an Expat Memoir
July 13, 2023
God is dead, as Nietzsche declared two hundred years ago – an assessment that means a lot more than an ostensible statement of fact. ...
Dark Age 2.0: The Coming Collapse of Civilization
July 13, 2023
In this paper we will examine the environmental and related socio-political factors, the horsewomen of the apocalypse, that that now threatens to bring about a collapse of civilization.   ...
Doctors stand defiant
Black doctors and affirmative action
July 12, 2023
Do not the people responsible for reducing the average skills of physicians realize that someday they, or their children or grandchildren, will seek help from these less well prepared doctors? ...
Are empirical generalizations really bias?
July 12, 2023
It is not bias, to be eradicated, to be aware of empirical generalizations. ...
Why 100+ million deranged Americans are dumb enough to trust Mark Zuckerberg
July 11, 2023
In joining Threads, millions of people just made a statement that they’re not interested in open discussion. ...
Public Health™ Propaganda Roundup: WHO Declares Global Censorship War on ‘Infodemic’
July 11, 2023
Exposing the lies and abuses of the pharma-funded Public Health™ technocracy. ...
Balance of Power Theory: Common Threads Between Gun Control, ‘Misinformation,’ and Denuclearization
July 10, 2023
The unavoidable effect of censorship, denuclearization, or gun control is to monopolize the means of force and information dissemination in the state, to be weaponized against a defanged, defenseless population as necessary to maintain its power. ...
Did Globalization Drive Far-Right Electoral Success in European States From 1990-2020?
July 08, 2023
It was once popularly believed that, following the catastrophic damage wrought by WWII, the decades-long Cold War, and finally the breakup of the Soviet Union in 1991, that the West had reached the "end of history." ...
WHO’s Biomedical Colonialism: Who’s Going to Stop It? (+My First OAN Interview)
July 07, 2023
Full-scale revolt is the answer. ...
Social Justice™ Activist Thinks Waking Up Early Is White Supremacy™
July 06, 2023
Because logic. Because Tolerance. Because Diversity. Because Our Values. ...
Is Challenging the Government’s Building 7 Narrative Going Mainstream?
July 05, 2023
Disputing the strictly enforced false consensus surrounding the events of 9/11 has long been a third rail in American politics. ...
Burning Paris Belies the ‘Diversity Is Our Greatest Strength’ Neoliberal Mantra
July 04, 2023
The Brandon entity enthusiastically rehearses its canned line that "diversity is our greatest strength" ad nauseam. ...
Irish Social Justice™ Hag Invokes ‘Safety’ to Justify Censorship
July 03, 2023
You will be made to understand that suppression of free expression by self-appointed arbiters of morality -- the birthright of anyone born in the West post-Enlightenment -- is loving, and liberal. ...
RFK Jr. Exposes the Sordid, Seedy History of Monsanto’s Roundup
July 02, 2023
If Satan were a corporation, he'd be Monsanto. ...
Histrionic Human Rights Campaign Declares ‘State of Emergency’ For Transgenders
July 01, 2023
It's basically a Holocaust of transgenders in flyover country, to hear them tell it. ...
Future Headline: California to Require Mandatory Drag Instruction in K-12 Schools
June 30, 2023
Our satirical take of where the world is going if it remains on its current path. ...
Is Anarchy the Ideal? Pt. II
June 30, 2023
A tree should be judged ideally by its fruits. ...
Is Anarchy the Ideal?
June 29, 2023
The balancing of interests that I have begun to question is whether the merits of some form of state power, for the reasons explored here, outweigh the risks of abuse of power and undue influence. ...
Climate Change Propaganda Roundup: Bankers Announce Plans to Confiscate Private Property For Climate Change
June 29, 2023
Surveying the economy-shattering "climate change" lies for social control, as relayed by our self-appointed technocratic overlords. ...
Foraging Wild Food on a Tropical Caribbean Island!
June 28, 2023
Five coastal Caribbean wild foods within walking distance from where I live. ...
Why we could easily see $5,000+ gold
June 28, 2023
One solution to a trade deficit is for a central bank to exchange its excess currency for gold. ...
Told Ya: ‘Patriot Front’ Fed Op Confirmed?
June 28, 2023
Originally published via Armageddon Prose: I speculated (with high confidence) — based on a cornucopia of circumstantial evidence — a few weeks back at Armageddon Prose that the so-called “Patriot Front” was almost certainly a fed oper ...
AI Techno-Hell Roundup: On WEF AI-Generated Bibles and the Chinese Police State
June 28, 2023
Reverence for anything transcendent aside from technology is unwelcome competition. ...
Deep State Groomers Recruit Mentally Handicapped Teenager to Become a Jihadist
June 27, 2023
Who among us doesn't feel safer from the ravages of terrorism? ...
COVID Propaganda Roundup: ‘Self-Assembling Nanoparticles’ Developed For New Vaccines, EU Activates Vaccine Passport Regime
June 27, 2023
The latest updates on the “new normal” – chronicling the lies, distortions, and abuses by the ruling class. ...
Being a crackhead is now an acceptable excuse to commit tax fraud in America
June 26, 2023
The rest of the world has already started wondering– can we really trust these people to be the sole, undisputed global leader? ...
Future Headline: “Boost Your Social Credit Score for Smooth Summer Travel”
June 26, 2023
Let’s face it: if your social credit score is below 70, chances are you’re part of the problem in this country. ...
WATCH: Oakland Reverend of Color™ (ROC) Demands $200 MILLION Per Black Californian in Reparations
June 25, 2023
Whitey owes the great-great-great-grandchildren of slaves $200 MILLION EACH to write the historic wrongs. ...
DHS Totally Not Plotting a False Flag, Insists White Supremacists™ Are Coming For the Power Grid
June 24, 2023
White Supremacists: is there anything they aren't capable of? ...
Why the LGBTQ+++™ Social Engineers Desecrate Western Cultural Artifacts
June 24, 2023
The social engineers are particularly keen to infiltrate and desecrate foundational, often sacred, institutions and structures that epitomize Western culture. ...
Dr. Peter Hotez vs Decency
June 23, 2023
Dr. Peter Hotez -- the authoritarian, portly puppet of the pharmaceutical industry -- doesn't just assault basic human decency with his horrendous appearance ...
LGBTQ+++™ Neo-Colonialism Propaganda Roundup: Uganda and Hungary Hold the Line
June 23, 2023
In their lust for global domination, they ravage innocents with their LGBTQ+++™ ideologies and destroy local cultures one by one. ...
Biden’s Rape Accuser Flees to Russia, Says She Fears For Life
June 22, 2023
Tara Reade, who in 2020 publicly accused the Brandon entity of raping her in 1993, has fled to Russia, claiming that she fears for her life in the United States. ...
Feds Mysteriously Drop Charges Against Indian ‘White Supremacist’, Media Goes Silent
June 21, 2023
The whole spectacle was a farcical re-enactment of the '93 World Trade Center bombing or the Oklahoma City bombing, minus the bombs, which were swapped for a single Nazi flag.   ...
The Sons of Liberty Flag
America has less than a decade to turn itself around
June 20, 2023
June 20, 2023. Again, technically this IS possible. But time is running out. ...
The most important companies in the world are absurdly cheap
June 20, 2023
June 20, 2023. This is more proof that rational people are really starting to push back. ...
Showing 501 - 8 of 8 – Newest on Top
