STAFF NEWS & ANALYSIS Showing 701 - 6 of 6
Scientists Just Engineered a COVID Strain With an 80% Kill Rate…
October 18, 2022
October 18, 2022. When criticized, the high priests of The Science© at Boston University tried to convince the public this wasn’t what is it obviously was — gain of function research. ...
BOMBSHELL: Pfizer, Fauci, Biden Lied About Vaxx Transmission Data (Nuremberg II Now)
October 17, 2022
October 17, 2022. Pfizer bypassed basic testing protocols that every other vaccine in history has undergone, then manipulated the public with existential terror into taking its product based on false claims of stopping transmission with no evidence whatsoever. ...
Great Locations For High Quality, Inexpensive Medical Care
October 17, 2022
October 17, 2022. If you are willing to look outside of your home country’s borders, you’ll find a thriving medical tourism industry around the world. ...
Countries With No Property Tax Where Foreigners Can Own Real Estate
October 13, 2022
October 13, 2022. The government truly owns your land. You are just a renter, paying property taxes of 2% or more in some locations on the property’s value. Every single year. ...
America’s Death Squads: When Police Become Judge, Jury and Executioner
October 11, 2022
October 11, 2022. Traffic stops aren’t just dangerous. They can be downright deadly. ...
Dark Brandon’s Darkest Dementia Moment Ever and the Institutionalization of State Lies
October 11, 2022
October 11, 2022. Dark Brandon experiences a ton of dark moments, but none, perhaps, darker than his recent beckoning to a dead Congresswoman's spirit on national television. ...
Diverse Fat Activist Gets Paid to Lie to Children About Nutrition for Corporate Profit
October 08, 2022
October 8, 2022. The LA Public School District (LAUSD), purportedly for the sake of promoting children’s welfare, published a “food neutrality” propaganda video in which it claimed the “diet culture” is “oppressive.” ...
What will the collapse look like? Could it Be a Good Thing?
October 07, 2022
October 7, 2022. What if all the worst things about society collapse, and what's left is actually pretty great? We have the power to make that happen. ...
Italy’s Based New ‘Far-Right’ PM Draws the Line: ‘Why Is the Family the Enemy?’
October 06, 2022
October 6, 2022. This is humans vs. the machine, as Meloni has hit on it in her own religious and culturally conservative way. ...
15.7 trillion new reasons to be concerned about the national debt
October 04, 2022
October 4, 2022. This is a real crisis brewing. And the people in charge are deliberately ignoring it. ...
The people who engineered record inflation want to control cryptocurrency
October 04, 2022
October 4, 2022. Holding paper money is ultimately a vote in favor of central bankers, an expression of confidence that they know what they’re doing. ...
#BodyPositivity Propaganda Roundup: ‘Fat Pride’ Academic Dies at 42, Fitness Is Now ‘Right-Wing’
October 04, 2022
October 4, 2022. Documenting the meatiest, juiciest cuts of "fat acceptance" propaganda from corporate and social media. ...
The Four Stages to Create a Self-Sufficient Free Community
September 30, 2022
September 30, 2022. I want to create a free community that can one day declare sovereignty. But to do that, I know I need to start small, and build in stages. ...
POLLING: Americans Give No-Confidence Vote to Rigged Two-Party System
September 29, 2022
September 29, 2022. Eventually the chickens will come home to roost. ...
Podcast: The Controlled Demolition of the Nation-State
September 29, 2022
September 29, 2022. David Forsyth (of Freedom Adventure Podcast) and I discuss the controlled demolition of the nation-state in favor of global technocracy. ...
When disaster came, I bet on Elon Musk over my local government
September 29, 2022
September 29, 2022. You’re in charge of you. Not the government. And there are mountains of resources and solutions at our fingertips to solve the problems that they create. ...
The Rise of Public Health and ‘Green’ Police: Securitization Theory
September 28, 2022
September 28, 2022. Policing has come a long way since the days of good ole boy Barney Fife. ...
The best way Americans can legally reduce taxes… without moving
September 28, 2022
September 28, 2022. This powerful tax reduction strategy that does not require a change of location: tax advantaged retirement accounts. ...
The Unspoken Strife of Conspiracy Realists: You Are Not Alone
September 22, 2022
September 22, 2022. We must humanely appeal to their emotions, in order to break through the mass psychosis. ...
The Men Behind the Curtain: Biden’s Impotence, the Mar-a-Lago Fiasco, and the Silent Technocratic Coup Coup
September 22, 2022
September 22, 2022. The will of the American people, or even of their theoretically "democratically" elected leader, factor into state decision-making approximately 0%. ...
Masters of Deceit: The Government’s Propaganda of Fear, Mind Control & Brain Warfare
September 22, 2022
September 22, 2022. As the Declaration of Independence states, we are endowed by our Creator with certain inalienable rights—to life, liberty, property and the pursuit of happiness—that no government can take away from us. ...
Libertarians v. Conservatives on Marital Rights
September 21, 2022
September 21, 2022. For libertarians, the question of morality of different marital arrangements simply does not arise. That is because this philosophy is limited to support of just law, nothing else. ...
2023 GOP ‘Takeover Plan’: More Empty Platitudes and Insincere Promises
September 21, 2022
September 21, 2022. The GOP gaslights its own voters as a cynical electioneering tactic to garner support, never intending to follow through on any campaign promises that don't directly benefit its donor owners. ...
How to earn 9.62% during stagflation
September 21, 2022
September 21, 2022. Investors have long believed in the infallibility of central bankers– that these unelected bureaucrats, these ‘experts’, can flawlessly manage their economies and financial markets to perfection. This fantasy is quickly unraveling. ...
Boots on the ground from “Bitcoin Beach” in El Salvador
September 19, 2022
September 19, 2022. The transition period is going to take a LONG, LONG time. And we wouldn’t be doing our job for you if we didn’t point out the major risks and hiccups. ...
Lessons From Martha’s Vineyard: Hit the Elites Where They Live
September 19, 2022
September 19, 2022. "We don't have the resources to house them," lamented the Martha's Vineyard homeless shelter coordinator. ...
How to Acquire Some of the Best Passports in the World
September 15, 2022
September 15, 2022. If you are really thinking globally, a second passport (or even third, fourth, etc.) means that you have another option— another country, or multiple countries, where you can live, work, invest, do business, and bring your family. ...
White House ‘Nutrition Advisor’ Claims Lucky Charms Are Healthier Than Chicken
September 15, 2022
September 15, 2022. Whole egg fried in butter should be discouraged. Frosted Mini-Wheats are "To be encouraged." Trust the science. ...
Normalising Brain-chips: The New ‘Trans’
September 15, 2022
September 15, 2022. Legacy media, directly funded by governments to promote and shape narratives, attempts to seed previously unthinkable ideas within the public consciousness. ...
I finished my residency process: what a great experience
September 14, 2022
September 14, 2022. Now, in case I ever need to leave my home country, I now have a place to go where (a) I actually like, and (b) I’m legally entitled to live. ...
Curioser and Curioser: Quasi-British Lady Kicks the Bucket, Ignites American Culture War From the Grave
September 14, 2022
September 14, 2022. As misguided as defense of the British crown may be from American conservatives, though, it's also understandable. ...
Abandoning Civilization and Embracing the Tyler Durden Aesthetic in the Caucasus
September 14, 2022
September 14, 2022. Supposing anyone wanted back home in the continental US were so inclined to send a care package my way here in the crevices of the Caucus Mountains, they couldn't. ...
LGBTQ© Groomer Roundup: One-Fifth of Gen Z Now ‘Queer,’ Entire 2nd Grade Class Spontaneously Changes Pronouns
September 09, 2022
September 9, 2022. In reality, "groomer" is too mild/euphemistic to describe these ideological fanatics. "Super predator" might be more suitable to convey the extreme nature of the child endangerment threat they pose. ...
The Rise of the Barbarian Kingdoms
September 09, 2022
September 9, 2022. In today’s podcast, we do a deep dive on this ‘Barbarian Kingdom’ thesis, the Four Forces of decline, the implications for the US dollar, and ways to think about your Plan B. ...
First Came 9/11. Then COVID-19. What’s the Next Crisis to Lockdown the Nation?
September 07, 2022
September 7, 2022. What the next crisis will be is anyone’s guess, but you can be sure that there will be a next crisis. ...
The Battle For Your Soul: Dehumanisation and Transhumanism
September 07, 2022
September 7, 2022. I believe that the battle for our souls eternal is very real. ...
A member of Team Sovereign Man shares his own Plan B
September 06, 2022
September 6, 2022. Focus on the important things in life, instead of being in a constant state of anxiety about what might go wrong in one particular location. ...
World Economic Forum Futurist: ‘We Just Don’t Need the Vast Majority of the Population’
September 06, 2022
September 6, 2022. Klaus Schwab's eugenicist lieutenant, Yuval Noah Harari – the Himmler to his Hitler – said the quiet part out loud in a recent TED interview. ...
This new Renaissance can fuel human prosperity for decades to come
September 02, 2022
September 2, 2022. Momentum is really starting to build for a new energy renaissance driven by nuclear power. And this is a major trend you ought to be aware of. ...
Fauci Resigns: GOP Must Keep Pressure On, Pursue Nuremberg II Prosecutions
September 01, 2022
September 1, 2022. The corporate left is losing a bona fide hero. ...
Intersecting Globalist Agendas: Censorship
September 01, 2022
September 1, 2022. The latest drive to weed out and tar the conspiracy realists with the old familiar sting, the conspiracy theorist brush of doom, is being propagated by the Unesco #ThinkBeforeSharing infographic. ...
The Corporate Media Respects the Science©, Wages Jihad Against Natural Medicine
August 29, 2022
August 29, 2022. Blessed be the pharma priests. ...
Some clear thinking about Stagflation
August 29, 2022
August 29, 2022. Let’s not mince words: stagflation is here. Let’s also not overreact: the world is not coming to an end. And, like all things, there are both risks and rewards that will arise. ...
Red Pill: Absolute Power (Not Money) Is the Corporate State’s Passion
August 26, 2022
August 26, 2022. Money alone can't provide the power they seek. The most it can do is foster the material technological capabilities to fund the seizure of a total monopoly on earthly power. ...
How to use technology, and not be used by it
August 26, 2022
August 26, 2022. Nearly every popular app that Big Tech uses to harvest our personal data is available in a free, open-source version. ...
How to Break Free From Global Technocracy (Rule by “Experts”)
August 25, 2022
August 25, 2022. Get better the same way you got sick: incrementally. ...
5 Reforms That Would Save the US Empire from Decline
August 24, 2022
August 24, 2022. How the US government COULD restructure to remain powerful... but won't. ...
Intersecting Globalist Agendas: CBDCs
August 23, 2022
August 23, 2022. Imagine being locked out of your digital wallet for not being a good citizen, for eating too unhealthily, for criticising the government online, for running a red light, or for not taking the latest experimental gene therapy… ...
Another Conspiracy Theory Vindicated: MSNBC Tells Peasants ‘You’ll Miss the Deep State When It’s Gone’
August 23, 2022
August 23, 2022. Will we miss the technocrats if and when we successfully flush them down the historical toilet like MSNBC seems to believe? Or will we dance on their graves? ...
Corporate Media to Peasants: ‘Be a Climate Hero, Kill Yourself’
August 23, 2022
August 23, 2022. The corporate press, as aggregated here, is a half-step away from headlines like "Kill Yourself, Smother Your Children With a Pillow, and Pull the Plug on Grandma's Oxygen Tank." ...
Showing 701 - 6 of 6 – Newest on Top
